Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 70: A Stroll In The Garden

Chapter 70: A Stroll In The Garden

Princess Marionette prohibited her entourage from following her further into the garden and instructed them firmly that they should stay in the lobby while they waited for her to come back. Despite the reluctance that her servants have felt, they did not dare to defy their master and indeed spent their time inside the castle.

As for me and the princess, we started setting our foot to the stone pathway leading towards the royal garden at the front porch of the castle. Gardeners are, by now, busy with watering these precious plants and flowers growing in here. Upon seeing us, they did not hesitate to bow down their heads and we immediately acknowledged that with a curtsy nod on our part and then walked past them.

Princess Marionette has the brightest smile plastered on her gorgeous, angelic face when her eyes saw her favorite flower-- which is roses. Red, to be exact. 

Back in the days when my three mentors were orienting me about the people that I should at least keep in mind, after that surprising incident when Princess Marionette made a spontaneous visit for the first time, I remembered Lancelot saying something about red roses being the princess' favorite flowers. 

As we speak, we have entered the part of the garden where roses of different colors were gathered and nurtured together, adding a vibrant color and enthusiastic mood to the whole garden. As I saw Princess Marionette sweetly smile when she saw where the red roses were placed, she pointed at it and spoke these words.

"These are my favorite flowers," she said as if she was expecting that I did not know about that fact. "My mother used to love them as well but before I have known and seen her, she passed away while giving birth to me."

Suddenly, I was put into a position wherein I am utterly confused if I should extend my condolences to her--but then that would be weird, knowing the prince must already know that fact-- or refrain from saying anything at all.

Sighing defeatedly in my head, I was obliged to choose the latter option.

"My father has said that to me once, and so maybe just maybe that might be the reason why I am so fond of red roses even if it has thorns." From the set of flowers placed in front of us, her eyes had simply shifted towards my gaze. I did everything that I can not to flinch with her stare.

"Oh my, why am I saying such things?" she smiled, a rather sheepish one. "I suppose I was able to tell you those facts about me somewhere between our third and fourth meeting in the past, am I right?"

Maybe I was wrong about this, but I do seem to notice the change of her tone on her last question or is it just because my mind is playing tricks on me at this hour?

I forced myself to smile. "Yes, my princess. You did mention to me about those things."

The princess was quite pleased with my answer that made me relieved instantly. 

Another few minutes had taken place, and all we talked about were concerning flowers and tending the gardens, and how it must have been hard to maintain this lovely garden of the castle. The princess said so herself that she also wants to venture into the art of gardening.

With all her splendid life that she is now enjoying, I couldn't imagine that this princess in front of me has a dream so simple that doesn't define her status in society at all. How remarkable could that be?

"I am very much certain that you would do really well in keeping a garden to its splendor." A genuine smile escaped the corners of my lips as I said those words. And I meant it, really.

An empty gazebo could now be seen just in just a few walking distance to which gave an on the spot idea to add things in this "date" that we are currently doing. And what would be more relaxing than to have an afternoon tea with your loved one in this fine weather?

"Would you like to have some tea? I will have the servant fetch it for the two of us." I offered a gesture that she returned with a delighted smile.

"That would be a lovely idea!" she said quite enthusiastically. "And oh, don't forget about croissants. You know I really like those, do you?"

I think those three gentlemen living with me inside the castle have much to discuss about the things that the princess likes and dislikes more than I could ever imagine. You know, for future references in case the original prince would take his time to disappear for much longer than we had hoped for.

"Of course. I shall ask the servants to also prepare croissants for you. Anything else, my princess? Before I will disappear for a split second as I teleport my way towards the castle to tell the servants of the matter."

"Hmmm" she seemed to be absorbed in her thoughts while rubbing her chin. A few seconds later, her face went bright once again, and beamed at me.

"I think that would be all."

Since there aren't any servants at the moment that is within our proximity, I was forced to teleport my way into the castle and order my servants (wow, that is very assuming of me to label them as my servants) to prepare us two cups of tea and croissants and serve it at the gazebo, to which they immediately obliged.

I took a quick, stolen glance to where Lancelot and Lucas are currently seated, which I saw them giving me a nod that indicates I am doing great with what I am doing right now, and went back to the gazebo.

"Ah, there you are." 

By the time I returned with haste, I already saw Princess Marionette seated at one of the chairs in the gazebo on the left. A circular, wooden table was placed at the center of the place while another wooden chair was placed at the right side. I also took this opportunity to be seated in front of me.

"Here I am, my princess," I responded, giving her a playful smirk as I took the chair to the right and settled down. 

"Ah, by the way, before I forget, it has come to my attention that you were assaulted during your visit at the Gilead Academy?" she suddenly opened it up-- the topic that is least of my concerns now (and I assume she happened to know about that through the newspapers that talks about the matter). 

I would very much like to move on with that unfateful event, for it sends sudden anxiety attacks inside me just merely thinking about it. But since she started to talk about it, then it should only be right that I respond to her question.

"Yes. Back at the opening ceremonies of the academy." I said, trying my best to act normal about it. "Alex said they are already doing everything that they can to investigate the matter for them to unmask the culprit behind the assault as soon as possible,'

"The moment I heard about that, I wanted to visit you as soon as possible to know of your situation, but my father wouldn't let me for my own protection as what he said, of course you know how protective my father is. And he must have forgotten that I am engaged to the very man that he is so concerned about." 

She let out a chuckle after that statement of hers, taking her pause for a moment, and then went back to what she was about to say.

"But then now that I have seen you, fully well and healthy in front of me, then I can now put my mind at ease." she ended that statement with yet another bright smile of hers, one of the reasons why the prince is in love with her is he?

I can't help but return the gesture for her sincerity. "Thank you for your concern. But really, you do not have to worry about a thing. I am the master wizard, after all."

"Ah, yes!" she waved one hand to her side while making a vibrant, throaty chuckle that is so musical to anyone's ears. "How could I have forgotten about that fact!"

It was also that moment when the castle servants decided to interrupt our casual discussion and placed the tea and a plate of freshly-baked croissants on top of the table. I thanked them for serving us which they replied with a curtsy nod before taking their leave.

"I thought they would never come." I retorted. "You must have been hungry with all that talk."

"Nonsense. I find our discussion quite " she paused for the second time, as if trying to find the right word to say. "... entertaining."

The two of us then refrained from talking for a while and chose that moment to enjoy our afternoon tea and some croissants.

Later that day, I have to escort the princess back to the castle and towards the carriage that must have been waiting for her and her servants for long. Before going back to her carriage, she spun around and faced me once again.

"It is my greatest pleasure to chat with you like that. It has been so long since we talked that long." she flashed her genuine smile once more.

I smiled back. "Likewise."

And just when I thought she would leave my presence and go back to her carriage, it surprised me to see her remain here for another few seconds. Don't tell me she will be asking for another kiss just like she did the last time she visited here?

"Is there anything else that I could help you with?"

"I suppose you have forgotten something," she uttered in a meaningful way, I must say, or is it just my imagination. "Something to give me, specifically."

I can't help but furrow my eyebrows. When she saw that, she quickly dropped the matter and smiled this time, the one that doesn't reach her eyes.

"Nevermind. I must go now." And she hastily went for her carriage and disappeared in front of me.

But I wonder what is it that she wanted from me earlier?

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