Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 71: An Unexpected Meetup

Chapter 71: An Unexpected Meetup

It has reached my ears on Monday that my friends secured each of their last dances during the annual Foundation Day Ball. 

Well, to be honest, it has been everyone's favorite topic when I went back to school when Monday finally came. And here I am, listening to my friends' stories with a dreamy tone about their experiences during the night while we currently ate our snacks at the cafeteria.

"I can't believe it. I actually had the privilege to dance with my long-time crush, not to mention he is also my last partner before the night ends." Maggie narrated, heaving a dreamy sigh afterward. "Isn't that amazing?"

It was the moment when I chose to drink my lemonade while responding to her statement with an enthusiastic remark just to match her pace.

"That is amazing, indeed. I am so happy for you." 

And in that exact minute, both of them suddenly shifted their gazes right towards my direction with such curiosity-- or rather eccentric, I must say-- looks plastered on each of their faces.

"We have been narrating to you all the events that happened to us during the night. For heaven's sake, we also want to know what happened with yours!"

I almost spit the lemonade out of my mouth and into their faces the moment I heard that question coming out from Ariella's unusual mouth. But then, being the proper lady that I am trying to achieve, I managed to contain it inside my mouth but causing me to choke hard instead.

"Oh my goodness, are you alright Kris?" Maggie with a hint of concern in her tone. She hurriedly offered a glass of water in which I immediately accepted and consumed it in one gulp.

"That is quite refreshing," I turned my head to my friend who offered me the glass of water, and smiled. "Thank you for that, Maggie."

"You weren't aware of this Kris, but almost half of the school are talking about you and the prince's royal counselor being partners for the annual ball. We were so busy with our own romantic lives that we haven't noticed it, even once." Ariella still pushed through with what she wanted to ask me.

"So tell us, is it true? That you have secured a dance from the royal counselor?" Maggie chimed in with a thrilled tone in her voice.

I placed the glass back into the table, cocked my head to look at them until my eyes are equally leveled with theirs, before the answer was spewed out from my mouth.

"Yes, that is actually true. I have indeed secured a dance with the royal counselor but that is only out of pity since he almost tripped over me on my attempt to leave the party and find myself a refuge apart from the crowd." 

And as if in great thinking, my face turned into a quizzical look as my brows snapped together.

"Though I am not quite sure why people would create such a big fuss out of it, if the royal counselor has a clean and understandable reason why he wanted to dance with me in the first place."

Maggie waved her hand off while pressing her lips together. 

"You know people," she said. "They would always find ways to talk about almost anything under the sun just to entertain themselves."

"That, I have to agree with," Ariella stated. And the three of us giggled after that in perfect synchrony.

When the laughter died at once, Ariella still mentioned the same topic but in another way of understanding. 

"But whatever the reason of the royal counselor was, it could still be considered as your last dance." Her mouth then formed an "O" as she came to realize something absurd and almost impossible to happen.

"I believe I am currently looking at the future bride of the royal counselor, am I not?" she added with a bit of a tease.

Good heavens, I did not choose that moment to take a sip of my lemonade once again, or it would surely be a tragedy if it really happened.

"Certainly not." I almost rolled my eyes, trying to dismiss this very delicate and awkward topic as soon as possible. "What makes you think that a guy like him, who holds a great ranking in the society, would lay his eyes and interest on some girl such as myself. We are not living in some fantasy world, you know."

Deep down inside, I sighed. If the captain of the magic army doesn't have feelings for me in return, why will a royal counselor such as Lucas be interested in a commoner like me? That doesn't make any sense to me at all.

"Oh, come on. Let us have our own fantasies," Maggie teased. "I am pretty sure that the royal counselor and you would make such a lovely couple in the future."

This time, I definitely took this opportunity to roll my eyes at her remark, dismissing the topic immediately when we talked about Maggie's dreamy experience with her crush, and Ariella's on the spot partner at a dance, which is a stranger who asked her to dance at that night but she forgot to ask for his name later on.

Little did they know that it was not the royal counselor to whom my last dance partner was, but is actually the captain himself who treats me right now as if I am not even existing in the castle anymore.

There was a little magic exercise that Mr. Wimbshaw, our professor for our last subject which is magic chemistry, wherein we were asked to combine the elements around us plus the mana that is also surrounding each one of us to form an energy ball based on the element that was assigned to us.

The water element was what I got, in which I was so hard to execute with. But with a little faith in myself, and with the aid of Alex's sermons (which is in the form of discussions, with a little chastising here and then), I was able to overcome my anxiety right away and performed the magic well.

I was so proud of myself when I did, this time in just a short span of time. If ever Alex was also present at this time and saw me executing the spell well, I wonder would he also be proud of me? Would he somehow acknowledge my small achievement?

It is as if my brain answered that question for me when I pictured Alex's figure with his usual nonchalant face, telling me the word "No." in the most emotionless way that I could ever imagine.

Ah, that definitely wounds me.

Being absorbed too much into my thoughts, I hadn't realized that the bell had actually rung, making Mr. Wimbshaw ended his discussion immediately. All of my classmates that weren't called for today swing their fists in the air, exhaling sighs of relief when their names aren't called out.

I will make sure that you perform your spells by tomorrow." was Mr. Wimbshaw's last remark before he went out of the classroom, making my hopeful classmates'' shoulders slump rather dramatically.

My friends can't help but chuckle at their sagging expressions as we went out of the classroom.

We then wished each other goodbyes as soon as we reached the school gate. Making sure that they aren't looking in this way any longer, I started to turn around and took my steps towards the secret route. (which, I believe is really not a secret anymore after someone-- such as the class president himself-- discovered aside from myself)

I was just about to take my left turn upon reaching this specific alleyway that I need to take that would serve as my shortcut towards the rear portion of the castle, when something-- or rather someone-- caught my attention.

"Wait a minute. Is that Leo?"

I wonder if you still remember Leo? Well, in cases that you have forgotten, Leo was the child who mistook me as the prince in my girly form and forced me to come with him towards their hideout, only to find out he was residing with other five children and their sick foster mother who was so kind to adopt them all. That incident grieved my heart tremendously, knowing I am in no capacity yet to heal the kind-hearted woman. 

But bless her gentle soul. Wherever she may be right now.

And speaking of the child, I am now seeing him from a good distance that he was actually riding a horse going to somewhere that I do not have any idea about (and is also none of my concern.) looking ravishingly dazzling for his age. 

Unlike when I last saw him, Leo is now wearing a fine garment and tunic that I suspect is made of silk. He is not so skinny anymore, and looking so well-nourished at the moment.

He must have felt my presence looking at his direction, for he suddenly decided to turn around and immediately met my gaze. 

Realization instantly dawned upon his angelic and striking face, making him call out my name that is enough to draw much attention towards me.


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