Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 95: The Dark Age

Chapter 95: The Dark Age

Over a hundred years ago, the people of Gilead were subject to the tyrannical rule of a powerful wizard whose fury against mortals is so perplexing that he wishes to exterminate every single one of them. 

And this wizard's name is none other than Salazar, believed to be the most powerful among all other wizards born into the world. 

Under his rule, most mortals became his slaves, in fear of the plague he plans on spreading throughout the world in the event that they refused to obey his orders. Those who dared to defy him, mortals or wizards alike, would all die in the most excruciating manner.

Salazar has gathered the nations and combined them into one kingdom, and he does so with the dark magic he possesses, which is more potent than the combined magic of all the wizards combined. 

He brought fear to everyone's hearts and death to those who will stand in his way.

Yet being cunning that he is, Salazar's desire to annihilate every last living mortal on the planet did not cease to exist in his heart. Therefore, this plague has nonetheless been released to every enemy nation of his kingdom, and every mortal, wizard, and every other being that could not withstand its attacks all perished almost instantly.

The year when the plague spread to some parts of the world was referred to as the Dark Age, when Salazar continued with the plan of exterminating all those who stood in his way.

The Dark Ages lasted until the 13th century when the royal council was instituted in every nation with the purpose of bringing a collective force of all-powerful wizards to confront the common enemy. 

It was then spearheaded by Leon and Vanessa, Prince Arthur's great grandparents, and it was his great grandfather Leon who ended the dark age by killing the tyrannical leader himself.

At least, that's what I've learned of the history of Gilead from the archbishop himself during our conversation at the prince's office before we formally decided to help the old man who introduced himself as Gary.

Gary mentioned that the plague caused the destruction of his people, so does that also mean Salazar has now got loose and will take his revenge anytime soon?

In order to preserve our mana for potential fights encountered along the way, it was decided to climb aboard the castle's fastest carriage in order to reach the old man's town as quickly as possible. 

It took us approximately an hour and a half to arrive at the location, and when we did get here

"Bloody hell. Who would do something as horrible as this?" 

We were just at the entrance of the town when a horrible scenario happens to catch us in surprise. 

Concrete and bamboo houses have been on fire for some time now. Farmlands owned by their farmers have been ravaged by a large number of insects that are destroying their root crops. 

The dead bodies are piled everywhere, and the sign at the entrance to Citrus Town is almost unreadable due to bloodstains, as if someone did it on purpose.

We walked around more to look at the lifeless bodies up close. I was almost sick when I saw some of the corpses with their skin as white as snow and their eyes were covered in white... like the life had been sucked out of them.

What the hell happened in here?

"My people" We heard the old man started sniffing upon seeing his people's current state and bent down on his knees. I made sure that I was by his side and tapped one shoulder gently.

"The town chief was the one who secured my life and ordered me to get you to help us all. But we still ended up not saving anyone."

"Help me!" 

All heads turned in the direction where we think we heard the cry of a girl asking for help. I was relieved the moment that there was still a sign of life in this place after all.

"Not everyone," I said, smiling halfheartedly before dashing my way towards the location of the girl.

"Kri-- Prince Arthur! Don't come running by yourself! It's too dangerous!" I heard Alex screamed from behind me but I ignored it.

"Oh, come on!"

Then, they too started running towards the girl's location. I immediately noticed the girl running away from what looks like a swarm of bees flying towards her.

"Save me! Someone save me!" the girl cried for the second time.

I did not stop to pause and immediately dashed towards the girl while generating flames in both of my hands and launched one that flew toward the swarm of bees behind her.

But my attack was not over yet. I also summoned a large burst of flames and burned every last one of the insects until I was certain they had been totalled. Once the coast is clear, I went in the direction of the crying girl, who by now has stopped running already.

"Is everyone fine?" Lancelot asked the two of us.

"Yes, we are fine---"


Alex suddenly bellowed that made me instantly do as he said. The moment I ducked my head, he produced the same level of flames in his right hand and fired something from behind us. 

When it was done, I can't help but peek to know what it is, only to find out it was nothing but the same large insects that haunt down the girl from earlier.

"What are these things? And where do you think they came from?" I curiously asked when I took a good look at the dead insect up close. 

Earlier, I was almost sure it looked like a swarm of bees. But now as I look at it at this range, the insects which managed to attack the whole Citrus Town looked like wasps with two antennas in their heads, a pair of large, brown wings that enables it to fly at a fast speed and body structure that truly resembles more of a wasp rather than a bee. 

"These insects It cannot be" Lucas mumbled to himself that got me curious instantly.

"What? What is it?"

"Remember the plague that Lancelot mentioned to you at the castle?"

"Uhuh. What about it?"

"These are the kinds of insects that contribute to it" 

Lucas roamed around his eyes to scan the whole surroundings. 

"These are the type of insects who could literally suck the life out of a living thing in this world for its survival and are used by Salazar when he cast the plague around all nations. Only a dark wizard, aside from him, can be able to summon such insects to invade a whole town." 

A dark wizard, huh?

"Then that only indicates a dark wizard is present within the area, and we must stop him at all costs from causing more damage to Gilead." 

"Alex already began his search in tracking down this dark wizard as we speak," Lancelot announced. It was then when I realized Alex is nowhere to be found right now.

"Then I am going to help him" 

Lucas believed my idea to be too risky. "You are not yet ready to fight," Lucas immediately disagreed. "You are still inexperienced for situations such as this. We need you to remain by the victims' side while we investigate the whole area."

I looked at the man and the girl who also looked confused with the conversation we are having at this hour.

"No! As the prince, I'd like to help." I declared so as not to confuse the other two.

"Yes, let the prince help. After all, it's his responsibility, right?"

A voice as deep as that of anyone who has authority within themselves emerges from the distance from our place, sending shivers down my spine. When I lifted my head, I saw the face of the enemy... a tall man with hollow eyes, devoid of emotion. 

As he was floating above us, emitting a great deal of black aura all around him, he cocked his head towards us, and an evil smirk appeared on his beguiling face.

"Prince Arthur Spellman it was so nice to see you alive, and kicking, after I made sure to send my best assassins to end your life already." said the man that caused my forehead to crease.

He was responsible for the prince's missing case all this time? Yet, I couldn't ask him where did he bring the real prince if he is really the one who took him.


Alex appears out of nowhere and tries to attack the black wizard using his fire magic, but the opponent is so fast that he dodges the attack without any effort whatsoever.

"As much as I'd like to play with you, I have so many things to take care of"

Before making his exit though, the enemy threw one last glance at me as he said, "I will meet you again some other time prince Arthur, but the next time I shall see you..."

Alex came to his feet once more and lunged forward for the second time around. But just like the first attempt, the enemy was able to dodge it too easily.

"... I will ensure that you die at that moment." 

As soon as he said those words, he vanished without a trace.

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