Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 96: The Time Is Nigh

Chapter 96: The Time Is Nigh

The way he smirked at me in that fateful encounter I had with him, and the way he looked in my direction often haunts me now in my dreams ever since that day I have seen his face

"I will ensure that you die at that moment."

Those were his last words before leaving the scene. I know it is really intended for the prince, and I am not even the real prince here in the first place.


I also have this impression that the statement he said that day is directly addressed to me as the one who is impersonating him.

Does he know already? Does everyone know that I am not the real prince? Do I have to continue with the lies of being one?

I don't know what to do anymore. At this point, I feel kinda lost with no one to guide me on what to do

"Ms. Lancaster!"

My eyes snapped open when I heard someone bellowing my name in irritation. And the moment my senses came back to me, it was then when I realized I am currently in our classroom where Mr. Wimshaw, our last-period class teacher, is now discussing the topic for the day. (Which I forgot exactly what it is now since my mind is flying somewhere.)

And for that, I hurriedly stood up from my seat.

"Would you mind stating once again the passage that your classmate read just now?" The teacher asked, his eyes sternly looking at me. He exactly knows that I was not paying attention to his class, that is a fact. Yet he still wants to test me right now.

"P-passage?" I said nervously, my mind going blank.

Ariella tried to help me in remembering it by writing the said passage on a piece of paper but I did not pay attention to it either.

Mr. Wimbshaw sighed and said, "Please pay attention to the class, Ms. Lancaster, and never let your mind wander into somewhere else. It's like you are physically present here but mentally absent. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Mr. Wimbshaw," I slowly nodded.

"You may now take your seat, Ms. Lancaster." the teacher said to which I willingly obliged.

For the rest of the class, I tried to pay attention to our teacher just like what he told me to do earlier. Yet I am too distracted and preoccupied to even listen to his discussion. And so I leave as it is until the time finally came where Mr. Wimbshaw dismisses the class and we can all go back to our houses.

At our training sessions, it was already agreed that I am now getting good with every aspect of being the perfect impostor except with my magic skills. And so it was then agreed by my three mentors that we will lessen the time of training for other minor fields and focus more on improving my magic skills, especially after what have we all encountered yesterday.

We will never know when the enemy will strike once again.

Yet it still bothers me about what really happened with the missing prince. Does the enemy really have to do with his missing case? Was he abducted? I don't think so, the prince is too good for that.

What could have driven the prince to move out of the castle and write that last entry in his diary- "I must hurry!"?

I wish I know the answers to all of my questions right now

"You are too distracted to have proper training with me right now," Alex pointed out, sighing in frustration. I jerked my head towards where he is currently standing right now in haste.

"Oh no, I-I'm sorry. I will try to focus," I said apologetically and tried again to execute the spell that he is asking me to do earlier.

"You have to take this seriously, now that the real enemy shows up and could strike you anytime," he said with full seriousness. I stopped what I was doing and looked at him as he proceeded with what he is about to say.

"I don't want you being hurt because of us, and so I wanted to prepare you as much as possible to prevent that from happening" This time, I was surprised when he also looked at me thus meeting my gaze.

"And maybe you are having seconds thoughts there of continuing this task that we have forced you to take upon your shoulders, but you don't have to worry about anything. We will deal with the enemyand we will keep you safe as possible as we can."

I was more surprised when he placed his right hand on my head with a halfhearted smile plastered on his face.

"No, I wasn't worried about that at all," I immediately chimed in. Clearly, there has been some misunderstanding here. "I'm not even having some second thoughts of my role that I am impersonating right now." 

The look on his face changed the moment he heard what I said just now. And for that, I kept going.

"I was worried about what had happened to the real prince at this point, and how could I deliver the role on his behalf? I know that the prince is worried for the safety of his people now that he is not here to protect them all. Therefore"

I paused for a moment and looked at Alex with all the determination that I could muster at the moment.

"I want to fulfill what I have said in my first speech when I faced the public for the very first time. I want to protect all the smiles of the people under the prince's rule as much as I can. In that way, when the real prince returns, he would have nothing to worry about," Then I ended my statement with a smile on my face.

"Are you sure? You're not scared of what might happen to you?" Alex asked, as if challenging me all of a sudden.

"No," I proudly grinned at him. "Because I know for a fact that you have my back at all times." 

By the time we practiced training, it was then when the good news came to us about the elderly man named Gary and the child we rescued from Citrus Town named Merryl were safely transferred here at the capital city of Gilead. The man was secured a permanent home here while the child was brought to a foster home where her needs would attend to regularly. 

That was a relief. At least I was able to hear some good news before this day ends.

When supper came, I was picked up by Lucas from my room and said that dinner was ready. I immediately left the prince's chamber and went with him towards the dining room. 

However, to my surprise, Alex was not there sitting in his usual chair which is across my place to where I was usually seated.

I wonder why is that so

"Where is Alex?" I curiously asked.

Lancelot only shrugged. "He said he has something important to deal with, yet he didn't tell us specifically what it is."

I can't help but worry about what I have heard from Lancelot just now. I hope he doesn't get himself into trouble this time



Despite the surroundings being cold at this time of the night, the troops under Alex's men are getting somewhat hyped up at the moment. It may be because this was the first mission they ever received so far after being in training for so long and only assigned to guard the streets of Citadel to secure every resident of it.

There has been a report spread forth concerning a hysterical woman using her magic to terrorize the residents of her home village of Siria in exchange for what she needs. By the time it reached the captain's ears, he did not have second thoughts of coming here with his men along with him.

"Squad two, go right. Squad three, go left. Squad one, go with me to the center. Send a signal whoever gets to the enemy first, understood?" The captain bellowed with all his might.

"Yes, sir!" All his people under him chorused.

They are currently focusing their energy on capturing that woman at the moment. Alex and the people he ordered to accompany him went forward in hopes that they could immediately spot the culprit behind attacking the poor village and killing some residents in the process.

And by the time they all came face to dace with the enemy after a few minute search with her, the woman with long, straight jet black hair, bloody red eyes, fair skin complex and tall height threw a menacing glance right at the captain's direction.

However, this woman is no ordinary wizard just like what he suspected because like the enemy he and his friends faced earlier this afternoon, this woman emanates the same black aura all around her.

Making her part of a group known to exist in the past, and yet are now forcing their way to once again exist in this world for the second time.

"Beware, all those who could hearken unto my voice right now" said the woman as soon as they spotted her location.

A sick grin appeared on her lips as she continued.

"The time is nigh for darkness to fall upon mankind. And when that time cones, there would be no other means to stop us from regrouping and ending all mankind when the right time comes."

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