Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 156

Chapter 156

Tony quickly donned his suit before flying towards his tower. When he was a couple of kilometers away, there was suddenly a large pillar of blue light that shot out from his tower, seeming to collide with nothing in the sky.

A round portal, hundreds of meters wide, opened before dozens of aliens on flying vehicles began to emerge.

Tony watched the scene with a bit of fear, unconsciously focusing his gaze in the direction of Damian's house.

His gaze finally filled with determination; as long as his family was safe, he could fight without reservation.

"Jarvis, activate the tower's defenses to the maximum," Tony said with seriousness.

Several platforms began to open on the sides of the tower, deploying various weapons that aimed towards the sky.

The entire city looked up in fear at the appeared portal and the unknown creatures emerging.

At that moment, a large number of projectiles and explosions rained down upon the invaders.

Stark Tower looked like a small, fully-armed fortress. Explosions were constant, as Jarvis repelled the invasion.

Seeing the situation momentarily under control, Tony quickly approached Loki and Erik.

When the portal opened, Loki laughed heartily, thinking that the day he would become king was near. However, his smile vanished when it seemed he had led his army into a trap.

Just as he planned to begin destroying the multiple weapons firing at his army, Tony appeared, flying in front of the two.

"How crazy do you have to be to fill your house with AI-guided weapons?" Loki said, looking at the shots against his army.

"I was drunk, and since I'd already started, I decided to finish it. Originally, I thought it would never be used," Tony said, laughing before suddenly attacking Loki with his repulsor, sending him flying and crashing against the wall.

Loki got up, coughing, while cursing Tony in his mind for showing no respect and attacking him while talking.

Looking at the site of the shot, a smoking hole was left in his armor.

He quickly raised his scepter and fired several energy beams that were easily dodged by Tony.

With Jarvis calculating the angle of the scepter, Tony knew where the attack would land before Loki.

Both engaged in a long-range battle while the tower continued firing at the portal.

The city was already in chaos, with many people trying to take cover.

At that moment, a large ship of tens of meters appeared in the sky.

"Disperse on the rooftops in pairs and eliminate anyone who comes out," Frank said before placing his rifle over his shoulder and jumping from the ship.

From the ground, the remaining people watched in astonishment as a bunch of green soldiers began to jump from the ship and land on the rooftops of buildings.

The Spartans used the small thruster on their backs to reach other buildings and slow their descent.

"They're soldiers from Madripoor," one of the policemen said, looking up at the sky.

"That's good, they came to help," another of the policemen said, sighing in relief.

"Stark's weapons won't last forever," the police chief said, looking at the sky with concern. He had already informed all the policemen in New York, and they were slowly forming a perimeter.

Although they didn't have high-caliber weapons, they would do what they could until the army arrived.


HYDRA held an emergency meeting once again, the five holographic figures appearing.

"Let's get to the point. Should we send soldiers to defend New York?" Pierce asked, seeing everyone present.

"How many soldiers do we have?" the red-haired man asked.

"We have 100 enhanced soldiers," one of the holographic figures said.

"Then let's send 50 to assist. Perhaps this is a good opportunity to step into the light and leave a good impression. Besides, we want the world for ourselves. If the defense fails and they establish a base, it will be bad for all of us," the red-haired man said.

"Yes, if we're always portrayed as villains, it's inevitable that we'll lose. Having a high moral ground is important in a war," Pierce nodded.

"Soldiers from Madripoor have also appeared," another holographic figure suddenly mentioned.

"Hm, I have a plan. Let's send soldiers to help, but secretly try to eliminate soldiers from Madripoor," one holographic figure suggested.

"That's too risky. If we killed one of their soldiers, we'd enter into a total war with Madripoor. Not to mention, you don't know if our soldiers are rivals to those from Madripoor," the red-haired man shook his head.

"I think it's a risky bet. Nevertheless, if we could get his body and bring the armor back, we might be able to learn their technology and create our own armors," another holographic figure proposed.

"Very well, then it's decided," one of the holographic figures said, seeing that no one objected. They needed to hurry, as the invasion was underway.


Hundreds of meters from Stark Tower, a man hid on a rooftop with binoculars.

"Damn, is this what you call a fight? It's clearly a war," Harry cursed. It was definitely not going to be an easy task.

Harry contemplated lying down and watching the fight. When everyone got tired and let their guard down, he would simply snatch things and make his escape.

He wasn't concerned about the alien invasion. With that monster on this planet, he doubted they'd succeed even if they won this battle.

"But Stark is really daring to fill his house with AI-controlled weapons. Hasn't he ever watched movies?" Harry mumbled as he observed the destruction caused by the tower's artillery.

Surely, after all of this, several men in black suits would pay him a visit.


"Damn," Clint said, watching the artillery fired by Stark Tower.

Tony was much faster than the Quinjet, so he arrived before them.

Seeing him fighting Loki and keeping the invasion at bay with the tower, they were speechless.

"This is just the beginning. Stark Tower can't keep firing indefinitely. Let's stay alert," Steve said, looking at the tower expressionlessly.

Thor nodded before opening the Quinjet's door and flying out to assist Tony.

With Thor engaging Loki in hand-to-hand combat and Tony providing support with his repulsors from the air, Loki was quickly subdued.

"Sir, the ammunition is running out," Jarvis said, as the shots were gradually decreasing until they finally stopped.

Like a broken dam, hundreds of extraterrestrials began pouring out, along with elongated space creatures covered in thick armor.

Seeing Loki unconscious on the ground, Thor and Tony looked at each other before launching themselves at the approaching army.

They had no choice but to leave Loki on the ground; they had nothing to restrain him with.

"Drop me on a building," Clint said, looking at Natasha.

"Hm, be careful," Natasha said casually before maneuvering the ship to the rooftop of a nearby building.

Clint released a suitcase full of arrows before leaping down.

"It's difficult for us to fight in the air," Steve frowned as he watched the extraterrestrials starting to disperse. There were too many for just Thor and Tony.

Bruce took a deep breath as he watched the shots, explosions, and destruction caused by the invasion.

"Open the door, I'll help," Bruce said seriously.

Natasha and Steve looked at Bruce for a second before turning to him.

"Are you sure?" Steve asked seriously.

"Yes, leave it to me," Bruce said, looking at them seriously.

"Alright," Steve nodded to Natasha.

"Fly over one of those things," Bruce pointed at the Leviathans.

Natasha nodded as she accelerated the ship and chased after one of the Leviathans while opening the Quinjet's door.

"Dr. Banner, good luck," Steve said with admiration as he watched Bruce about to jump. Unlike everyone else here, Bruce was just a scientist. Having the courage to do what he was about to do wasn't easy.

Bruce nodded before jumping from the ship towards the Leviathan. As he fell, his body grew larger and turned green.

Upon completing his transformation, he used the full weight of his fall to strike the Leviathan's head, causing it to groan in pain and start to fall.

Natasha and Bruce nodded as they saw him targeting the extraterrestrials and nothing else.

At that moment, shots rang out from the rooftops of several buildings, firing at the extraterrestrials in the flying vehicles.

Natasha lifted the ship slightly, allowing them to see who was firing.

''Aren't those Madripoor soldiers?'' Steve asked even though he knew the answer.

"They are, Damian probably sent them to help," Natasha said, looking down.

Steve looked at them with a bit of admiration. He had to admit, their armor looked great.

"Darn it, we should have brought artillery," John said alongside Laura as he fired at the Leviathan.

"Stop shooting at that thing and take out the flyers," Laura complained, annoyed as she fired constantly. Precision wasn't her strong suit, especially at such long distances with moving targets.

"Well, marksmanship isn't exactly my forte either," John muttered, firing. It was more enjoyable to shoot at a giant target.

The Spartans seemed to have formed a circle around the portal, making sure no extraterrestrials got out.

The multiple shots that came and went in the sky were a surreal spectacle.

More and more Leviathans were coming out, sending soldiers into the streets.

Seeing this, Natasha and Steve quickly landed and started fighting those they encountered.

Seeing that there were too many extraterrestrials on the ground, HYDRA's soldiers finally decided to join the fight in an area away from Natasha and Steve.

New York had turned into a battlefield as civilians ran to take cover.

"Descend," Frank said over his communicator after several minutes passed without more extraterrestrials coming out in the flying vehicles; he supposed there were no more.

Frank landed on top of one of the extraterrestrials, tearing its body apart as he shot at all those within his reach.

All the Spartans quickly jumped off the buildings, killing all the extraterrestrials they found while saving any civilians they came across.

Laura pounced like a wolf on a flock of sheep, using her energy blade to cut the extraterrestrials into pieces.

Her suit was splattered with purple blood as an excited smile played beneath her helmet.


A young woman who appeared to be around 28 years old looked out of the window, biting her lip, hesitating whether to do something.

She could see a red-haired woman and a man with a shield defending themselves against several extraterrestrials.

The woman did her best to cover the man's back, blocking shots with her suit.

Watching them do their utmost to protect people made her grit her teeth; her dream had always been to be like her parents, heroes.

She clenched her pendant tightly, sighing and thinking of the scolding she would get from her father.

She quickly opened it, causing a miniature suit to appear that resized to fit her.

In a couple of seconds, she put on the suit before opening the window and jumping.

As she flew through the air, her body shrank to the size of a small insect, and two wings emerged from her suit.

Her wings flapped at high speeds as she advanced towards the two fighting individuals.

While she moved towards them, she shot small rays from her hands that left imperceptible holes but immediately eliminated the extraterrestrials.

The woman soon arrived beside Natasha and Steve, helping them.

Both of them noticed the woman constantly changing size to fight, and though they didn't know who she was, they at least knew she was an ally.

After a while of fighting, they cleared out the extraterrestrials in that area.

Breathing heavily, Steve looked at the new addition to the group.

"And you are?" Steve asked, looking a bit tired.

"The Wasp," the woman said with a smile inside her helmet.

"Steve, Natasha," he introduced himself and Natasha.

"Let's go for another round," Natasha said, pointing to the distance where another Leviathan unloaded more extraterrestrials.

The Wasp shrank before flying alongside Natasha and Steve, who ran towards the extraterrestrials.


At home, Damian was watching the news while holding Carol around the waist. Carol was kicking, trying to free herself to go fight.

"Come on, let me go fight," said Carol, stopping her resistance and looking at Damian with a pitiful expression. Damian looked at Carol and smiled slightly while caressing her cheek. His girl was very cute. They were the only ones in the room. Ophelia and Ana were looking after the girls so they wouldn't see the television, although there was nothing grotesque, and they would probably come soon.

"I'll let you go, but wait a little longer. The hero always arrives at the last moment, right?" Damian joked.

"But if you intentionally arrive at the last moment, it just makes you a hypocrite," Carol complained.

"Don't worry, I promise I'll let you go," Damian said, laughing before taking a pair of silver bracelets out of his dimensional pocket.

Carol stayed still as she looked at the bracelets while looking at Damian. Damian took Carol's hands before slowly putting on the bracelets.

"I prepared this gift for you. It will allow you to manipulate your energy into something more than just covering yourself with it or shooting it," Damian said, smiling as he watched her examine the bracelets closely.

"I wouldn't have had to do this if you trained your energy instead of just focusing on hand-to-hand combat," Damian said, looking at Carol pretending to be disappointed.

"Manipulate it in what way?" Carol asked, uncertain.

"Try to create a sword," Damian said.

Carol looked with interest at the bracelets before releasing the cosmic energy in her body. Concentrating, she tried to direct the energy to the bracelets while attempting to create a sword.

Soon, a blurry sword without a hilt formed before collapsing.

"You're really bad at this," Damian said, looking at Carol in silence, causing her to look at him annoyed.

"I'll show you," Damian said as he hugged her from behind and gently took her forearm.

Carol understood what Damian wanted to do, so she began to release her cosmic energy, achieving her usual energy cloak.

Damian began to control Carol's energy so that it passed through the bracelets and formed a sword.

"Normally, you should have the ability to do this. The bracelets are just a tool to help you learn," Damian said, looking sternly at Carol. He really spoils everyone in his house.

Carol looked at the golden sword with excitement as she remembered the feeling.

"Now try it," Damian said, stopping the energy control, causing the sword to collapse.

Carol closed her eyes and concentrated intensely as her cosmic energy formed a trembling sword that seemed like it could collapse at any moment. Frowning, the sword finally condensed into a more stable form where Carol didn't have to be so careful.

Looking at the sword, Carol gave an excited smile before starting to swing it, causing sharp whistles.

"I really like it, thank you," Carol said, hugging Damian and repeatedly kissing his face.

"As long as it makes you happy," Damian said, laughing as he hugged her.

Suddenly, Damian looked at the TV and saw the Chitauri mothership crossing the portal accompanied by dozens of Leviathans.


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