Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

Both those defending the city and the civilians looked up in astonishment at the enormous mothership that continued to deploy soldiers without pause.

The streets were already covered with corpses, and the purple blood had formed small rivers.

Steve looked up at the sky as he leaned against a car, breathing heavily.

"Already tired?" Natasha asked, laughing, as she also sat in an abandoned car.

"At least this seems to be the final assault," Steve said, trying to be optimistic as he gazed at the massive mothership.

"I see you're having a good time here," Tony said, landing near Natasha and Steve. His armor was covered in scratches and cracks.

"You look like a mess," Natasha said, laughing as she looked at Tony.

Thor also landed, with some purple blood on his clothes but otherwise looked fine.

"And who are you?" Tony asked curiously, looking at the unknown woman.

"The Wasp," she simply said.

"Hm, well... welcome to the team," Tony said, nodding.

"Have you seen Banner?" Steve asked.

"Yes, I saw him smashing several of those things," Tony nodded.

"And what about Loki?" Natasha inquired.

"He should be unconscious in the tower," Thor said. Due to the intense battle, they hadn't been able to check on him.

"The next wave is coming, let's go," Steve said, rising to his feet, holding his shield in one hand and the alien spear in the other.


Contrary to what Thor believed, Loki wasn't unconscious. He was looking at a woman with red eyes while his hands were chained to his feet.

He didn't know what was happening. After being knocked out by Thor and Tony, he suddenly woke up in this place.

"May I know what I'm doing in this place?" Loki asked with his typical smile.

"You've been arrested," Maria said with a similar smile.

"A god cannot be arrested," Loki said as if he found Maria's words amusing.

"I agree, but I don't see any gods in this place," Maria said mockingly at Loki.

"I remember now why you seem familiar; you resemble that woman with blue hair," Loki said, looking at Maria.

"Oh yes, my daughter," Maria said, crossing her arms as they rode in a van.

"You're strong, but definitely not as strong as your daughter. That makes me wonder who her father is. What kind of being are you?" Loki asked with curiosity, although he already knew about Damian. He just wanted more information.

"We're vampires," Maria said, watching Loki's reaction to see if he had heard anything about it.

"Vampires?" Loki said to himself, confused. Growing up, his father had given them a talk about the races they shouldn't mess with, and this one definitely wasn't among them.

That means his father doesn't know either. Loki couldn't help but chuckle at the thought, of such powerful beings living right under his nose.

The van stopped, and Maria got Loki out before taking him to a special prison and releasing him.

"I wonder which organization you're from. I'm sure many will want to know where I am," Loki said, looking at Maria.

He sat quietly in his cell. He had already assumed that his army would be defeated. Only the daughter of the woman in front of him could completely tip the balance, not to mention the group that had come to fight against his army.

He expected resistance, but not to this extent. He could only say it was his fault for not conducting a thorough enough investigation.

"Indeed, my organization deals with people like you. Even if your brother comes, it won't be easy to get you out of here," Maria said, smiling.

"To be honest, I'd prefer my brother not to come for me. The last time I was in Asgard, I made quite a mess," Loki said, not caring if no one could find him.

"It seems your title of the god of mischief isn't entirely wrong," Maria said, mocking.

Loki's expression briefly turned annoyed before he simply ignored Maria.

Maria chuckled, finding out that the little god didn't like his title.

"Well, make yourself comfortable. I'll come back soon with a friend," Maria said, leaving the place and closing the door.

Behind Maria, Loki's seemingly friendly smile faded, leaving only a coldness and a terrible anger at losing completely.


After their brief meeting, Tony flew out while eliminating several extraterrestrials on the walls and ceiling.

When he reached the sky, he looked at the Leviathans who were still unloading soldiers.

"Jarvis, give me the big one," Tony said before starting to fly toward the sky.

High above, out of sight from everyone, there was a small red satellite. Suddenly, two parts detached and began to fly downward.

Tony accelerated before extending his hands, causing the two objects to attach to his hands.

With his new modules ready, Tony descended and approached a Leviathan before joining his arms, creating a large repulsor.

The repulsor emitted a sharp hum before a beam of energy shot out, piercing through the Leviathan. It roared in pain before crashing to the ground.

Tony looked at his creation with satisfaction. Each module had its own reactor so he wouldn't run dry immediately.

He observed the Leviathan and realized that despite it being dead, the soldiers inside began to emerge.

Tony quickly flew towards them, creating a weaker beam that moved through the Leviathan's exits, causing it to explode and effectively killing all the soldiers.

Looking at another Leviathan in the distance, Tony prepared to continue eliminating them.


Thor, who was dispatching soldiers, looked up at the sound and was surprised to see Tony easily taking down one of the Leviathans.

Thinking he shouldn't be outdone, he flew into the sky while concentrating. The clouds turned black as distant thunder rumbled.

Suddenly, Thor pointed his hammer towards the sky, his body acting like a lightning rod before he discharged the lightning through his hammer with even greater power.

Each lightning bolt's power wasn't as strong individually, but with so many, it easily took down several Leviathans, which exploded in the sky.

Thor looked in Tony's direction with a proud smile.

Looking down, he saw a group of soldiers harassing people in a building, so he landed among them, each struck by a lightning bolt as he swung his hammer.

Seeing another group in the distance, Thor threw his hammer and controlled it to land among the soldiers, releasing a wave of lightning that neutralized them all.

Extending his hand, Thor retrieved his hammer before going to eliminate more soldiers.


Clint pressed the button on his chest strap, causing his quiver to fall to the ground before swiftly picking up the next one.

Clint's precision and ability to anticipate his opponents' movements were incredible. Even when the aliens were dozens of meters away, his arrows always found their mark.

Clint couldn't help but think about how crazy the situation was, fighting aliens with a bow and arrows.

Suddenly, Clint heard strange noises, so he peered down.

Dozens of aliens were climbing the building, and below, he could see more getting ready to ascend.

Drawing his bow quickly, he started taking down the aliens.

Suddenly, Clint felt someone behind him, so he used the arrow he was about to shoot to stab backward, impaling an alien in the head.

Looking at another wall of the building, he found more aliens climbing.

"Damn it," Clint muttered, realizing he was surrounded.

With no other option, he kept shooting and doing his best, although the aliens gradually began to reach the top. It was then that he realized that on the other two sides of the building, there were also aliens climbing.

"Guys, I could use some help," Clint said through his communicator while dodging attacks and using his bow to neutralize aliens.

Clint hoped that Tony or Thor would come to his aid by flying in, but to his surprise, he heard a loud roar as Bruce landed forcefully on the roof.

Bruce immediately grabbed one of the aliens and used it as a weapon to strike the others.

Clint made a disgusted face at the state of the body after several blows.

More and more aliens were climbing, and soon they were completely surrounded.

Bruce swept his arm, sending several aliens flying. Clint took the opportunity to maneuver around Bruce, constantly changing positions, sometimes even jumping over his shoulders while shooting arrows and dodging shots.

Bruce grew angrier with each shot that felt like a little prick.

Fortunately, at that moment, Tony also arrived, and the three of them eliminated the aliens.

Bruce quickly grunted before jumping and searching for another group.

"How much is left?" Clint asked jokingly, breathing heavily.

"Less than when we started?" Tony joked before flying off to find more aliens.


Natasha, Steve, and Hope were fighting a group of aliens when a convoy of military vehicles approached them, firing at the aliens.

Once they had eliminated all of them, a soldier got out and saluted Steve.

"Sir, we were ordered to come and help, and we'll follow your lead," the soldier said.

"Good, prioritize the safety of civilians, patrol the perimeter, and see if any aliens escaped," Steve instructed, nodding at the soldier.

The soldier nodded before taking out his communicator and giving orders.

The military vehicles quickly split into pairs and began patrolling the area, occasionally hearing the turret shots from the back.

"I'm thirsty," Natasha said, resting next to Hope.

"Hm," Hope nodded, not wanting to talk too much. She was going to be scolded for helping, even if her father secretly agreed with her. If they found out, they would likely take away her suit.

"Don't you want anyone to know your identity?" Natasha asked, chuckling quietly at Hope's behavior.

Hope shook her head without saying anything.

"You're careful. From your voice, it's true that one can gather quite a bit. From what little I heard, and from your physique, I'd say you're between 25 and 28 years old. If we look at the direction you came from, it's easy to narrow down the number of suspects," Natasha joked, laughing lightly as she saw Hope stiffen a bit.

"Don't worry, I won't say anything, of course. We might work together in the future. Would you be interested?" Natasha asked, smiling at Hope.

Hope remained silent for a moment, isn't this what she's always wanted?

"What's the group called?" Hope asked after hesitating for a moment.

"The Avengers," Natasha said, laughing.

"There's Thor, the god of thunder, Bruce Banner or Hulk, Tony or Iron Man, Steve or Captain America, Clint or Hawkeye, and me, Natasha. They call me Black Widow, though I actually have a husband," Natasha joked at the end.

Natasha looked at the car before searching through the compartments. She finally found a notebook and a pencil, quickly wrote down her number, and then tore the paper, leaving only her number.

"If you're interested, you can call me," Natasha said, handing the paper to Hope.

Hope nodded as she put away the paper.

"Thor told me there's another group a couple of blocks ahead, let's go," Steve said, finishing the break.

"Let's go," Natasha said, nodding as she patted Hope's shoulder.


Frank was fighting a group of aliens.

He crouched slightly to dodge a shot before using the vibrating blade underneath his weapon to cut an alien in half.

He quickly took two steps to the side before continuing to shoot.

Looking at the interface of his suit in his helmet, he realized that he still had half of his energy left.

He had never seen his reserves so low. He had been fighting for quite some time, and a lot of energy was consumed shooting at the aliens in flying vehicles.

Frank leaned against a vehicle while taking a brief break and communicating with his men, wanting to know if everything was in order.

Unbeknownst to Frank, in a building several meters away, ten HYDRA soldiers were watching him.

"Is he the target?" the sub-commander of the operation asked.

"Yes, while the others kill aliens, we must capture him alive. If there's no other option, we'll kill him and take his body," the commander said, looking at Frank through binoculars.

"Sir, isn't it a bit suspicious that he's alone while the others go in pairs? Maybe we should reconsider," the sub-commander said, looking at Frank.

"Your duty is only to follow orders," the commander said indifferently.

"Attention, we will surround the target and execute a sequence of attacks. We will neutralize him instantly. He won't even know what hit him. If the worst comes to the worst, remember to shoot his joints," the commander said, looking at his men before they started advancing on Frank.


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