Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

HYDRA soldiers slowly surrounded Frank as they kept watch. From their point of view, Frank was just resting, leaning against a vehicle, seemingly doing nothing.

The commander slowed his pace and made a gesture, signaling the others to keep advancing while encircling Frank behind the buildings.

Frank, who was listening to his men's report, suddenly frowned as he saw an alert on his interface.

Several yellow dots began to surround him. Yellow meant that it was uncertain whether they were friend or foe.

The extraterrestrials immediately classified them as red, detecting their life signs.

It seemed that these people were unknown to the interface's memory.

Frank continued to pretend he knew nothing while telling Laura and John to come as backup.

He was curious about the objective of these individuals.

Suddenly he was shot by several disks that clung to his joints and tried to incapacitate him, and the hidden soldiers started running toward him at high speeds. If he hadn't known in advance, they might have caught him off guard.

The mental creaked horribly as he reached down and grabbed the door of the car he was lying in and threw it at the person he thought was the leader.

The wind whistled as the door collided with the unfortunate soldier's head at high speed.

The soldier spun completely backwards before falling unconscious to the ground.

Frank raised his eyebrows slightly inside his helmet when he saw that his head didn't explode, he assumed he was dealing with enhanced humans.

Seeing that they weren't normal human, Frank decided to take it seriously. 

He couldn't let them surround him. Even with his armor, he was much stronger than them. If they managed to surround and restrain him with the help of some device, he could be captured, which seemed to be the soldiers' objective.

He quickly ran towards the soldier who came alongside the leader before engaging in hand-to-hand combat.

The soldier didn't dare to collide with him and merely dodged before firing several small devices that sent powerful electric shocks to his suit.

Frank completely ignored these attacks while chasing the guy who turned out to be quite agile.

His suit was nearly impervious to everything. There was no weakness to exploit. If you wanted to defeat him, you had to be much stronger.

Frank stepped forward before feinting and suddenly punching towards his face.

The soldier fell into the feint and, seeing that it was a trap, could only quickly raise an arm to block the blow.

Upon contact, a distinct cracking sound was heard before the man's arm dangled limply.

Grimacing in pain, he continued to retreat, luckily he had survived and his companions had managed to surround him.

Glancing to the side, he realized he had already been surrounded. So, he stopped pursuing the guy who now had a broken arm, trying to prevent him from being knocked out.

"Who are you?" Frank asked as he retrieved his weapon from his back.

The sub-commander, with a broken arm, knew that this mission had been a failure. It was best to retreat and prevent any of them from being captured.

The shots had been ineffective, or they might try to kill him. In the end, their technological gap was too high. They were sent to their deaths.

"Drop your weapons and get on your knees," Frank said, aiming his weapon at the guy with the broken arm. From his attitude, Frank could tell he was the leader.

"That's not the kind of thing you say when you're surrounded," the sub-commander said, smiling ironically behind his mask.

"I'll count to three," Frank said, putting his finger on the trigger.

The sub-commander made several secret signs that didn't escape Frank's notice, he just didn't know what they meant.

Quickly, they all moved. The sub-commander threw a grenade at Frank while zigzagging in the opposite direction of the other soldiers.

The other soldiers quickly took their commander before they started running while shooting at Frank, trying to regroup with the others and escape.

Frank just looked wordlessly before taking a shot at the solitary guy who ran.

The shot went through his abdomen, a non-lethal but incapacitating point before Frank ran after the other soldiers.

He took a great leap before landing in the midst of them and swung his arm, sending two of them flying against a wall.

He quickly ducked to avoid an attack before kicking the guy carrying the commander.

Frank almost danced among them as he eliminated them rapidly. It was easy since he didn't have to hold back. They wouldn't die like a normal human when hit by him.

After hitting them all, Laura and John arrived. Frank looked at them emotionlessly, feeling like they were just watching him instead of helping.

Laura curiously looked at the guys before crouching down and removing the helmets and masks they wore.

"Hm, wow," Laura said, seeing that the veins of the guy were very green.

"Let's take them back and have the scientist analyze them," Frank said as he called a ship.


Pepper was in Damian's room, watching the television with concern. Many TV stations in the area were risking their lives while showing the Avengers fighting.

Tony appeared many times, and even though his armor had many scratches and cracks, he was still fine. However, in a fight, you never know what might happen.

When the huge mothership appeared, Pepper couldn't help but exclaim in astonishment as she looked at Damian with a look that seemed to say, "Do something about it."

Carol smiled excitedly when she saw the mothership before enveloping herself in golden light and flying off.

Pepper looked in amazement at Carol, who flew away. Although she knew Carol had superpowers, she had never really seen her use them.

Carol quickly flew towards the massive mothership, shaped like a large 'X.' She looked like a small golden meteorite as she passed through the ship from side to side.

The ship had several small explosions but was still airborne.

"This never gets old," Carol murmured excitedly before floating in front of the ship. Her energy cape gradually dissipated until her face could be clearly seen.

Carol extended her hand before manipulating her cosmic energy, forming it into a sword. With an excited smile, she dispensed even more energy, causing the sword to grow until it was 10 meters long.

She had noticed that if she used her energy layer to a minimum, she would have more control over her energy to create something with the bracelets.

She quickly charged at the ship before starting to cut off its extremities. She felt that her sword was about to collapse at any moment due to her lack of control.

However, she didn't mind because she would just create another one.

Suddenly, Carol lost control of the sword, but instead of dissipating, it exploded, creating a great light in the sky before a powerful shockwave swept through the place, shattering many windows.

Carol was the closest, so she was the first to receive the explosion, sending her flying backward and crashing into a building.

Damian, who was at home watching television, couldn't help but touch his forehead as he tried to hold back his laughter.

Even Ana, who was also watching, giggled a little, it looked very funny to her.

Pepper looked at them confused, as only the ship had exploded and she was the one who got hit. In her opinion, it wasn't very funny.

Carol emerged from the building as if nothing had happened while looking at the falling ship. She quickly approached and held the larger pieces, causing them to descend slowly before letting them rest on the ground.

Carol soared through the air, scanning the area for any remaining aliens to eliminate. To her surprise, she only found lifeless extraterrestrial bodies. Judging by the expressions of the others, she assumed they had collapsed due to the destruction of the mothership.

She couldn't help but feel frustrated that it had all ended so quickly. She still wanted to test out many weapons and practice her control.

Tony, who had been engaged in combat, had noticed Carol for a while, but with the ongoing fight, he didn't approach her. When she destroyed the mothership and all the aliens fell like marionettes with cut strings, he finally went over to her.

"Well, it seems Damian doesn't need to turn on the lights at night," Tony quipped, floating at Carol's level.

"Do you want a beating?" Carol asked, looking threateningly at Tony. She was already irritated at what she considered embarrassing herself in front of the television, and now Tony was here to annoy her.

"Oh come on, don't be like that," Tony said, laughing and relishing in her annoyed expression.

"So, you're an Avenger? Aren't you a bit old for playing superheroes?" Carol asked, her tone mocking, though she didn't mention that she wasn't much different.

"Do we not call ourselves that because of your plane?" Tony retorted, not letting the teasing slide.

"How do you know that?" Carol asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Damian told me. That Fury... he can be quite sentimental," Tony said, laughing.

"Whatever," Carol said with an amused smile.

"Come, let me introduce you to the team," Tony said jokingly.

"Sure, because I don't know any of them," Carol replied sarcastically as she flew alongside Tony.


News broadcasts around the world were covering the events in New York. People in front of their televisions seemed frozen, watching.

Since the world had seen the extraterrestrials in flying vehicles, the Leviathans, and the mothership pass through the portal, the world had changed forever.

One of humanity's biggest questions had been answered.

They were not alone.

And to the disappointment of many, the extraterrestrials were not friendly.

Social media immediately exploded with comments about the event.

The superheroes who defended against the extraterrestrial attack also became very famous.

No one knew who leaked the name, but they quickly became known as the Avengers.

Clips of the Avengers were all over the internet, and with each new piece of information, their impression grew.


Carol landed next to Tony on the street where nearly all the Avengers were gathered.

Natasha was at the scene, chatting with Clint while laughing. He was very tired and dirty, and Natasha was teasing him about being old.

Meanwhile, Hope remained silent at the side. She wanted to be a part of the conversation, but she didn't want to reveal her identity.

Thor held the Scepter and talked with Steve; both were dirty and had traces of blood.

Bruce sat on the side with a shirt that was a bit too small. He didn't have much choice since he borrowed it from one of the abandoned vehicles.

Natasha, upon seeing Carol arrive, left Clint and went to greet her with a hug.

Steve also approached them along with Thor, wearing a serious expression.

"Guys, Thor went to check on Loki, but he wasn't there. For now, we need to close the portal and retrieve the Tesseract," Steve said with a serious expression.

"I'll get the Quinjet," Tony said before swiftly taking off.

"I'll go home," Carol said before quickly flying away. She was still a little embarrassed and just wanted to hide in Damian's arms.

She only hoped that no one had noticed anything strange and that it was just her embarrassment.

After Carol left, Tony landed the Quinjet, and everyone boarded before flying to Stark Tower.

The Tesseract continued to spin slowly, providing power to the portal.

Everyone disembarked before Thor approached Erik. When he picked up the Scepter, he found him unconscious. When he woke up, he had a clear mind and told him he would think of a way to close the portal.

"Thor, I know how to do it. We need to disrupt the energy, but normally this would be impossible due to the dense layer of energy surrounding it. However, the scepter has an energy signature very similar to the Tesseract. With the scepter, it should be possible to cut off the energy," Erik said, looking at the scepter in Thor's hand.

Everyone was relieved to find a way to close the portal. After all, if the army was already prepared, reinforcements were likely on their way, and they would continue the invasion until they learned how to close the portal.

Thor aimed the scepter at the cube before starting to push.

"Go through the energy coming out of the Tesseract. That will cause the portal to collapse," Erik instructed Thor.

Thor nodded as he continued to push the scepter until it covered the outgoing energy of the Tesseract, making it impossible for the energy to pass through and causing the portal to start closing.

There were cheers and jubilations as they watched the portal close. Almost everyone breathed a sigh of relief at seeing the portal sealed.

"Finally, it's over," Tony said, looking at the destruction of the city.

"Let's go inside," Tony said, taking the scepter.

Thor took the Tesseract and walked inside with the whole group.

"What will we do with this?" Natasha asked, referring to the Scepter and the Cube in a metal case they had left on one of the tables.

"I need the Tesseract; you can keep the Scepter," Thor said after thinking for a moment. The Tesseract was necessary to repair the Bifrost.

As for the scepter, it was a kind of compensation for the humans. After all, it was someone from Asgard who had caused all this. If Loki were taken along with both items, it would be too much.

"Alright," Tony said, nodding.

Tony served drinks to everyone as they sat and rested, engaging in small talk.

"It seems the Strike team will come to take the Scepter," Natasha said, looking at everyone.

No one cared, everyone just wanted to sit and rest, the hard fight and the tension made them exhausted.

At that moment, a huge fireball exploded dozens of meters in front of Stark Tower, making everyone stand up and go to look.

Natasha and Clint also looked, but they kept their attention on the Scepter and the Cube. This seemed like a distraction, and they didn't want to be robbed right in front of them.

Harry, who had been lurking all the while, was the one who created the fireball before advancing quickly and carefully toward the Scepter and the Cube while remaining invisible.

He quickly created two identical illusions before taking the Scepter and the Cube. At that moment, the elevator opened, taking him by surprise.

He ignored them as he approached one of the broken windows before leaping to the ground.

The second magic circle didn't actually allow him to fly; he could only levitate and fall slowly.

Due to his momentum and the fall time, he managed to reach the building next door before continuing to run and get as far away from Stark Tower as possible.

With the Avengers.

Seeing that everything was still in order and the Strike team had arrived, they decided to put aside the fireball, though Tony asked Jarvis to find out what had happened.

"We'll take care of the Scepter," the captain of the team said, approaching to take it while his partner prepared a case.

When he went to take it, his hand went through the Scepter, causing it to blur and disappear along with the Cube.


The atmosphere fell completely silent as everyone looked at each other.


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