Prince and His Fool

Chapter 64: Not A Good Person

Chapter 64: Not A Good Person

While the prince was subjected to the Zhao Family saga, Rong Zian was impatiently waiting for him. He had carefully picked out ylang ylang essential oil to add to the bathwater for reasons that could soil our pure ears if mentioned. He laid out some clothes while running around looking for rose petals. The man was even thinking of plucking all the roses in the garden, pluck them all out till the whole garden was bald.

He eventually calmed down after waiting for so long suddenly wishing he could have a drop of alcohol to boost his confidence. After such a long wait, the door finally opened but it wasn't who he expected. Wu Fan and Ying Tie rocked up out of nowhere taking over the room. Rong Zian tried to be rid of them but they didn't take a hint.

Wu Fan even misunderstood his signals, "Aiya little Rong Rong, I finally get to speak to you. Would you like to thank your benefactor who saved you," said Wu Fan touching Rong Zian's things.

Slightly annoyed Rong Zian dragged him away from the bed and made him sit at the table. "Rong Rong don't touch me like that, Wu Yange might misunderstand and burn me to ashes," said Wu Fan half-jokingly now sitting across Rong Zian.

"You aren't his benefactor, you saved him because you were terrified of that vicious ghost," said Ying Tie correcting him while arranging Wu Yange's book collection he had finished copying.

"Fine a ghost gave me the intel but if it hadn't and I knew were you where I still would have saved you. Who wouldn't want Rong Rong to owe them a favour," replied Wu Fan staring at Ying Tie.

Actually, Rong Zian wasn't upset with Wu Fan for ferrying his soul to his original universe because it opened up his eyes to something mind-blowing making him indebted to Wu Fan. "He is my benefactor and he did me a favour so l owe you two favours," replied Rong Zian patting Wu Fan's shoulder.

"Aish.will you stop flirting with me? Wu Yange can walk in any minute," said Wu Fan with an odd expression.

Rong Zian couldn't keep this conversation going, he had figured out Wu Yange liked him but how on earth did Wu Fan find out? He had to change the subject. "You seem like a good person but why do you do bad things and even partnered with Wqng of all people," curiously asked Rong Zian. He really wanted to know how Wu Fan turned out this way.

"Oi, that's an insult. I am not a good person neither am I sane. I did all those things because I genuinely enjoyed screwing with those arrogant rich bastards. It's a beneficial thing for both of us. I get to enjoy watching them pled for mercy and they get to enjoy an out of this world experience," he replied folding his arms. "As for Wu Wqng, I had no choice. That man is extremely terrifying, if I had refused him, I wouldn't have left Qinshu province alive."

"You shouldn't have been in Qinshu province in the first place," chimed in Ying Tie without even looking in their direction.

"Ying Tie please stop provoking me don't blame if I start pursuing you," said Wu Fan before leaning in closer to Rong Zian, "I say Rong Rong do you want to know how I started this job?"

Rong Zian nodded gesturing for him to continue, "The first person I ferried was Wu Yange and it was truly by accident because l didn't even know I had such a gift. The whole palace shunned me demanding I bring him back but I had absolutely no idea what I had done. When he woke up, my uncle aka the emperor kicked me and my mother out penniless. My mother beat me up blue and purple in public, disowned me as her son so she could go back to the palace. Starving to death, I figured out how my gift worked and ended up going after rich households especially the arrogant ones. You don't know how addictive the feeling of watching someone who is normally pompous and condescending suddenly gravel to save their heir. I say the servants had more of a blast than I did," he said with a satisfied smile as though reminiscing on his artwork.

"You still made a lot of money but you haven't stopped. Seriously you such a psychopath," said Ying Tie in an accusatory tone.

"Don't forget masochist as well. Your insults only make me want you more," replied Wu Fan with an ominous smile that sent chills down Ying Tie's spine.

Rong Zian was deeply saddened by what Wu Fan had been through, though he didn't live on the streets he was shunned by his whole family and couldn't help but relate with him. "Why don't you stop now?"

"Because there are a lot more arrogant bastards that I need to deal with unless if I get a new obsession," he said with a deadpan expression pointing at Ying Tie, "Tie would you like to be my new obsession?" he asked now facing the brawny man.

"You!.....Stay away from me," said a tongue-tied Ying Tie pointing at the frivolous psycho.

"How can I when you are that enticing," he replied walking over to him, "You have been at this since I came here, you even followed me everywhere today. Wouldn't your feeling get hurt if I don't reciprocate? Come on, my conquest for you would be my new obsession" now standing at arm's length.

Ying Tie was too flustered to think straight, the man was coming at him with no restraint, scaring the living daylight out of him. "That can only happen if you write off all your sins," he replied hoping it would deter the man and leave him alone.

But to his surprise Wu Fan became bubbly with excitement like a little child, "You can't go back on your word. Rong Rong, you heard him, right? You are my witness," said Wu Fan before suddenly pecking Ying Tie's cheek and running off yelling, "I will be right back!"

The two people left in the room were speechless, looking at each other with a 'what the hell just happened' expression. Who knew that 'I will be right back' meant you won't see me for almost an entire month.

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