Prince and His Fool

Chapter 65: Wu Yange Berserk Mode

Chapter 65: Wu Yange Berserk Mode

While Rong Zian and Ying Tie were trying to make sense of Wu Fan's unstable behaviour, Li Wei, Wu Yange's sword suddenly unsheathed with a powerful blazing sapphire flame that could burn down the room if it stayed any longer. The sword was so agitated that it broke through the closed window burning the curtains as it escaped.

Seeing this, Ying Tie was extremely terrified and yelled at Rong Zian, "We have to go! Now!"

Rong Zian was confused as he followed Ying Tie out of the mansion. Ying Tie was right to panic, Houyan and Huore were hovering above the Zhao mansion in discord with extreme confusion as they breathed out flames haphazardly with no direction. Rong Zian was completely confused, he had seen Wu Yange's full power but it was never chaotic as this. Wu Yange was always in control of his dragons giving them orders and they would listen to his commands with no resistance.

The dragons were not in synch burning down the Zhao mansion like it was nothing. When they arrived, the Zhao family and servants were outside with burns on their bodies some serious, some minor while looking on in horror as their mansion was being reduced to ashes. "Zhao Huang!" yelled Ying Tie punching him and he didn't hold back either. The servants tried to pry him off Zhao Huang while the women screamed.

Rong Zian couldn't watch this anymore and walked in worried for Wu Yange. The man was in distress, his whole body covered in flames, Li Wei slashing down the pillars and twin dragons circulating around him while roaring out flames like beasts on a rampage. Rong Zian felt powerless but he couldn't stop himself drawing closer to Wu Yange. The dragons felt someone coming near their master but couldn't discern whether it was a threat or not so they fired at him in self-defence.

Feeling the impending threat, Rong Zian's power emerged with the other persona in charge and instantly subdued the dragons. The twin dragons paused their actions submissively clearing a path for him while Li Wei brought itself in front of Rong Zian to stop him. Soon enough the powerful sword was reduced to an ordinary pretty-looking sword suitable to be displayed in a museum.

With nothing stopping him, Rong Zian hugged Wu Yange with the flames blazing around the prince burning Rong Zian's skin but that didn't deter him. Wu Yange struggled for a second but that didn't last long as he collapsed on to Rong Zian, his dragons vanished into thin air. With Wu Yange no longer berserk, the family returned to what was left of their mansion some wailing as though it was a funeral though no one died.

Ying Tie was so furious he wanted to turn it into a funeral, Zhao Huang's funeral. The brawny man was so powerful that the servants couldn't hold him back, he only stopped beating him up when the dragons disappeared and the fiery inferno had stopped. "He already told you he doesn't drink but because of your own selfishness you disrespected him and made him go through such a painful experience!" yelled Ying Tie pointing at Zhao Huang who was quiet as a mouse.

"Yin-Ying Tie, Heeelppp me get him off, he's too heavy," struggled Rong Zian as he tried to lift the unconscious Wu Yange lying on top of him. Normally he would love for Wu Yange to top him but not under these circumstances, the man was like a boulder, unmovable.

"I have warned you, stay away from him otherwise he will do more than just burn your mansion down," said Ying Tie while pointing at Zhao Huang as he rushed over to lift Wu Yange. Ying Tie placed Wu Yange over his shoulder and walked out with Rong Zian following behind. It seemed no one knew how Wu Yange stopped his berserk mode and they weren't curious either as they rummaged through what was left.

One would think Zhao Huang would have learnt his lesson but now he wanted to get Wu Yange even more. He had never witness Wu Yange's full power before and now that he had, he wanted nothing more than a grandchild as powerful as that prince. 'I will get Zhao Lee married to him at any cost,' he thought vowing to get the empress involved. She owed him a great debt.


Wu Yange woke up just as the sun was upon the horizon with Rong Zian peacefully sleeping on his chest. The man eyelashes battered slightly as though dreaming but his breathing was even, his face calm as a lake with no vigilance. The prince was relieved to have woken up beside Rong Zian and grateful that he saved him from such a wretched experience. They were truly a match made from heaven.

He had truly underestimated the Zhao family but now he knew how desperate Zhao Huang was and had already anticipated his next move. The retired Prime Minister would most likely cash in his favour with the empress which meant Wu Yange had to come up with a plan to protect Rong Zian.

While he was glossing over his plan for their future, Rong Zian turned to change his sleeping posture, rolling out off his arms. The man now had his back facing Wu Yange, shivering a little as he had kicked off the quilt while throwing a fuss. Wu Yange smiled seeing this, Rong Zian was so cute making the lovesick prince love him even more.

He pulled the quilt to cover him when he unintentionally brushed up against Rong Zian's perked up ass that was just begging to be smacked. With itchy fingers, he shamelessly stroked the man's butt with a stupid grin on his face and lowered his head to kiss his sweet cheeks but was suddenly pushed away. "Yan Yan stop," whispered Rong Zian still asleep.

Wu Yange found it amusing and chuckled as he jumped out of the bed. His heart ached when the little rabbit called him Yan Yan and suddenly wanted to be called that every day only by him. The pleasant feeling of touching Rong Zian's butt made him want to do it again when he wakes up and thus started Wu Yange's new obsession with a certain someone's booty. The side effects of grabbing that man's ass were unconcealable, the prince's sleeping dragon had been provoked awake by his own actions and he couldn't wait to experiment with the little rabbit in the near future. Wu Yange left for a long cold bath otherwise he wouldn't be able to restrain himself if he stayed here.

Rong Zian was woken up by servants as per Wu Yange's instruction. Feeling lethargic and slowly dragged his feet like a snail preparing for the day. The bath did him some good but now he had to face the challenge of doing his hair. He knew how to do it but it was tedious making him miss his short tapered cut.

Just as he was fiddling with it, Wu Yange showed up and watched him getting frustrated. He guilty observed Rong Zian cursing out the disobedient strands and only intervened when the man began taking it out on a brush, banging it on the hard surface. Laughing, Wu Yange held the wrist that was about bang the brush again and whispered in his ear, "I will help you."

Rong Zian was startled for a second but blushing in the next. One would ask why he didn't ask the servants to help him but he had a bad experience with his servant from the Rong Mansion, she would get extremely handsy which weirded him out and so he practised but that didn't make the process any easier.

"How do you know how to do it?" asked Rong Zian with a doubtful expression on his face.

Wu Yange meticulous brush his stubborn strands with an intense gaze engrossed in what he was doing. "I have been doing it myself ever since I turned fifteen, I have had a lot of practice," he replied as he fixed the hairpin. Rong Zian smiled admiring his male god's handy work, the man was worth having around as he had a lot of perks.

Wu Yange bend down and kissed Rong Zian's warm cheek as though stealing a kiss while perversely sniffing his scent that always drove him insane. Surprised, Rong Zian touched where Wu Yange's lips had been with a wide-eyed expression. "Seriously, did you just do that," said Rong Zian blushing.

"What's wrong with me kissing your cheek, we have most certainly done more than that," said Wu Yange recalling the sensual kiss he shared with Rong Zian when he was in a trance.

"Oh you're right we have certainly done more," he said foolishly smiling but he suddenly remembered he only did such things in the alternate universe, what did Wu Yange mean by, 'done a lot more?'

"Wait a minute, when have we done more?" asked Rong Zian with a puzzled look on his face.

Wu Yange with a roguish grin, replied, "If you don't remember then I won't tell you," still fixing Rong Zian's hair.

'AHAHAHAH! Yan Yan is such a jerk, a cute jerk though,' screamed Rong Zian in his head. He didn't believe a word Wu Yange said and so admired Wu Yange's slender fingers reflecting off the mirror.

"Done, from now on I will do it for, under one condition," he said with a satisfied smile while massaging Rong Zian's shoulder. Though the massage was in passing, it felt so good as his muscles involuntarily relax.

"What condition," asked Rong Zian while thinking 'Fuck, I will even agree to kiss your feet right now as long as you keep massaging me.'

Lucky for him that wasn't the prince's condition. "Call me Yan Yan from now on, do we have a deal?" he said letting go of him.

Pouting with a sense of loss, Rong Zian replied, "Yan Yan can you continue with what you were doing before my shoulders hurt." Satisfied with his new name, Wu Yang carried on with a smirk on his face but he soon discovered Rong Zian's bad habit. The man would make moaning sounds that escalated as the massage went on.

This is him two seconds in, "Oh, oh right there," which was fine but he graduated to, "Ah.Ah, ah ah Yan Yan don't stop. Harder, hard- Ah, Oh perfect. Your hands are magic Yan Yan,"

Wu Yange couldn't take it anymore, his cheeks hot with an abnormally fast heartbeat, he abruptly exited the room. If the prince knew how to use the F-word, he would say, "Fuck it I am out." He had already had one cold bath and wasn't planning on having another one.

Rong Zian who had been ditched for no reason was left with a 'what the fuck expression' as he watched Wu Yange scuttle out the room without looking back. He noticed a couple of blushing maidens who had been guarding the door snickering averting his gaze. They had heard those obscene moans and has their imagination running wild.

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