Prince and His Fool

Chapter 68: Hey Beautiful

Chapter 68: Hey Beautiful

Taking over with great difficulty he decided to take out the arrow but knew it would be extremely painfully for Wu Yange. To prevent him from biting his tongue, he planted his lips on Wu Yange and kissed him fervently while extracting the arrowhead with an invisible force. Wu Yange wanted to let out a groan but instantly swallowed it down as Rong Zian deepened the kiss. With the arrowhead finally out, Wu Yange could breathe but Rong Zian wasn't done with him because this part was going to a hundred times more excruciating than before.

Rong Zian drew energy from his surrounding forming a white globe filled with spiritual energy. His intention was to heal Wu Yange which was one of his attribute courtesy of Guang. When he got cut by the bowl the other day, the wound had already started drying up by the time Wu Yange showed up. Since he could heal himself, then he can heal Wu Yange.

Wu Yange was absolutely not ready for what came next, it was agonisingly painful like his limbs were being ripped apart. He desperately wanted to let out a deep, guttural roar to alleviate the pain but Rong Zian wouldn't let him, gruffly deepening the kiss while forcing the ball of energy into his body. Searing pain didn't stop up until all of the energy was forcibly absorbed by Wu Yange's body causing him to collapse in Rong Zian's arms as the wound closed effectively.

Satisfied, Rong Zian descended from the skies and placed Wu Yange on the ground for Ying Tie to watch over him. Wasting no time, he went after his first victim and that would be King Kepa.

The trolls directed their attention to him defending their king but with each step, Rong Zian took, the trolls were strangled by an unknown force instantly turning into stiff corpses. He lifted his hand and Li Wei suddenly appeared in his arm letting out a hissing sound as though aching for revenge. In all this Rong Zian was absorbing his other persona merging into one with an oppressive aura surrounding him.

Seeing the impending defeat, King Kepa drew power from the fragment sending ominous beams in Rong Zian's direction but the man instantly deflected them without even lifting a finger. Left with no choice, the King made a stupid decision, swallowing the fragment as he made his dying declaration, "You might kill me but you would have to go through my gross body just to find the fragment, HAHAHA! Imagining you rummage through my gastric juices to find it is highly satisfying!"

Rong Zian whispered something to Li Wei and the sword eagerly left his hand heading straight for King Kepa. The troll was slashed bit by bit by the ruthless sword but death could not come sooner as a sepulchral howl escaped his throat. The sword was executing death by a thousand cuts while an overbearing Rong Zian was patiently waiting for the sword to vent its anger. The king let a loud roar as he took his last breath in agonising pain.

With the task completed, Li Wei returned covered in the troll's blood feeling satisfied. Rong Zian snapped his fingers effectively ridding the sword of all that filthy blood. Now standing above the barely recognisable corpse of what was once a king, Rong Zian summoned the fragment buried deep in Kepa's fatty layers without laying a hand on the corpse. The fragment obediently emerged rotating above Rong Zian's palm.

"Come," he said in a gentle tone and the fragment absorbed itself into Rong Zian's chest. He suddenly vanished from troll territory stunning Ying Tie as he called after him. Wu Yange who had just regained consciousness stood up with great difficulty saying, "He's going after Wu Yinyou," coughing violently, "They will kill him if he collapses."

Using his last bit of strength, he leapt up into the air and went after Rong Zian. Ying Tie ran after them though he couldn't catch up he still followed.

Rong Zian reappeared in Wu Yinyou's army barrack surrounded by an overbearing killing intent startling the soldiers who were lazing around. The man didn't even pay them any heed as his target was not them but their leader. While walking through the camp, one brazen giant of man decided to start trouble blocking his path. "Hey beautiful, where do you think you-," he asked but didn't get to finish his sentence as he was sent flying into a tree instantly breaking his body in half.

Seeing this the soldiers finally reacted coming at him in clusters but they couldn't even grasp the stray strands on his head. The stench of death soon filled the air, with some corpses bleeding out every hole on their face while others were torn limb from limb. A few smart ones, ran away deciding their lives were more important. Wu Yinyou finally came out of her tent yelling, after hearing the commotion, "Who dares disturb my peace!"

She didn't have time to react before Rong Zian suddenly appeared before her but he seemed different, those eyes made her blood run cold. She was petrified unable to move as though her body didn't belong to her anymore. Rong Zian had a creepy smile on his face when he gripped her neck and whispered, "Now you know who you fucked with," before snapping her neck with ease.

Having accomplished the task, Rong Zian turned to walk out of the camp but because his godly power was too much for his body, he staggered as though drunk, his vision blurry. The few remaining brazen soldiers decided to take chances and capture him to hand him over to Wu Wqng. They would be rewarded for capturing Wu Yinyou's killer and so they approached with caution to apprehend him but were instantly vaporised by a wave of blue flames appearing out of thin air.

Wu Yange lunged forward and caught Rong Zian who was about to hit the ground. They were both weak and couldn't stay here so Wu Yange placed his arm around Rong Zian's waist and place Rong Zian's hand on his shoulder before leaping into the air creating distance between them and the barracks. Wu Yange didn't know how long they had been in the air but he was reaching his breaking point as his eyes became heavy. Hugging Rong Zian, they came thumbing down at lightning speed with Wu Yange below the unconscious Rong Zian, breaking his fall. Thus the two loves crashed into the forest with Rong Zian on top of Wu Yange both of them passed out.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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