Prince and His Fool

Chapter 69: Love Makes One Stupid

Chapter 69: Love Makes One Stupid

As darkness descended upon the whole of Hepeng and its citizens laid their heads down to rest, in Qinshu province eerie screams had just begun as the tortured souls wailed in pain. Among them was a man sitting in a filthy dungeon, his torn clothes covered in dry crusty blood. From the exposed part of his chest, one could see his skin had been cleanly ripped off by a serrated whip. His flawless skin had no healthy glow to it and his lips deep purple like a corpse but he was still alive.

Whatever the man had been through should have killed him but he was standing strong with his eyes closed shut as though meditating. His expression serene, unaffected by his surroundings a gloomy place that smelt of death. He heard a clicking sound from the cell door being unlocked, seemingly interrupted from his meditation, he spoke, "Would you stop disturbing me. Tell him I am busy."

"You don't have that privilege Wu Fan, his Lordship asked us to bring you to him if you're still alive," said the guard as his companions dragged Wu Fan to his feet, "Seeing you are still alive and kicking, I must take you to him."

Wu Fan was dragged all the way to the main hall of the palace and tossed at Wu Wqng's feet. Faced with one of the most terrifying men in Hepeng, Wu Fan gazed at him as though studying his appearance. The permanent scowl was present, the dark creepy aura was there but as he observed his outfit, Wu Wuqing's dirty yellow brocade boots grasped his attention and Wu Fan couldn't stop laughing. He figured villains didn't have a fashion sense and couldn't contain himself even though he was stuck in a life-threatening situation.

"HAHAHA! I didn't HAHAHAHA expect that the ruthless, genocidal maniac as an eye for such a hideous yellow colour! Whoo Wqng you have definitely made my stay here pleasant, next time please wear pink fluffy bo-," he burst out in unrestraint laughter before he was hauled by dark ghostly forces into the wall with a loud bang. Wu Fan no longer laughing, groaned in pain and sat up leaning against the wall coughing out blood,

Wu Wqng casually walked towards him and crouched down before him taking hold of Wu Fan's chin as he wiped away the blood at the corner of Wu Fan's mouth. "You no longer afraid of me Wu Fan? What can make a man this brave to come into my territory and do such a daring thing as attack me?"

A radiant expression crept up on Wu Fan's face as he replied, "What else can make a man stupid. I am not immune to it," his face hardened, he continued, "Love makes one stupid."

"Tsk, love you say. I heard you the first time but I didn't believe it. I thought Guang's bastard sent you. I guess you weren't not lying to me, "he said licking Wu Fan's blood off his thumb. He stood up and walked to his throne as though brooding before saying, "People like us don't give a damn about love. Your own mother disowned you for ferrying that human torch's soul so she could go back to her cushy life in the palace. Tell me, is that the love you are talking about?" This is to say Wu Yange's father and Wu Fan's father were brothers but Wu Fan's father had passed away before he was born thus they could throw out Wu Fan and his mother with no repercussions. This led to Wu Fan growing up on the street with no love from his family.

Wu Fan didn't respond, he just stared at him expressionlessly. "So that's why you tried to use your power on me and deliver me to Wu Yange?"

Suddenly Wu Fan laughed saying, "Don't forget delivering you with a red bow tied around your mouth. That would have been so freaking awesome,"

A crazed force lifted Wu Fan by the neck till he was ten feet above the ground but he didn't seem to be in pain as he closed his eyes, not struggling in the slightest. This was Wu Fan's golden finger. When faced with such torment, he would ferry his soul where ever he pleased but still preserve his body as long as his soul isn't in the body when a fatal blow is delivered.

One disadvantage was that he would feel all the pain from the torment in his body once his soul returned which was a bit much even for a masochist. One could ask why he couldn't just stay in another universe, it was because his body could only preserve itself for so long meaning he had to eventually return. This meant that the only way Wu Wqng would kill him is if he permitted him to.

Frustrated Wu Wqng slammed his body onto the ground leaving a huge dent on the floor. "Wake up you coward and face me!" roared Wu Wqng and was about slam his body onto the ground a second time, when a light knock interrupted him.

Extremely livid a ghost-like force opened the door and dragged the disrespectful subject in the hall by his hair. The man shrieked in pain as he was dropped at Wu Wqng's feet. His wolf-like beasts began to growl with drool sipping out from in between their sharp canines. He commanded them to have an early dinner when the man hurriedly said, "its Wu Yinyou my lord. She's been murdered."

For once Wu Wqng showed some emotion on his face seemingly confused on how to react. He sat back on his throne, his shoulders drooping with his fingertips pinching the skin in between his eyebrows. The man was silent for a good twenty minutes when Wu Fan finally arose from his slumber. Wu Wqng finally spoke, "Are you happy now? Your family killed my daughter the only useful child I had."

Wu Fan wasn't at all surprised, that psychopath had it coming, "It's a risky business, you can't guarantee safety in this line of work," said Wu Fan pouring himself a cup of wine from the table beside Wu Wqng's throne as though he owned the place.

"Bring to me five of my sons," ordered Wu Wqng while Wu Fan gulped down the last of the wine.

He wiped his mouth and said, "Well that was fun so I will be returning to my cell now. You must have a lot to deal with," turning to leave but Wu Wqng stopped him.

"You stay and watch, this is what I will do to you when you least expect it. Let's see if your so-called love can save you then," he said as his sons kowtowed before him, "My daughter is dead and she was the most useful out of all of you. Why are you useless brats still breathing when she dead? It's time for you to join her," he said immediately commanding his beasts to tear apart his sons.

The boys were so terrified as their limbs were ripped off their bodies, blood spraying everywhere. Wu Fan was horrified by the ruthless gorry scene, he had seen plenty of traumatising things before but this was way out of his league. Some blood splashed on his face when one of the victims' head was cleanly bitten off and that was Wu Fan's limit. he couldn't stay awake for this as he thought, 'Wu Wqng is a lunatic,' instantly ferrying himself to an alternate universe to avoid being a casualty.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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