Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 119: First night on the island

Chapter 119: First night on the island

Snifff ... Snifff ... Snifff ... Snifff ...

Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!!

Smelling the students and the scraps of food made by the students, the sea beasts began to roar and carry towards the smell.

The creatures' appearances were revealed in the light of the moon.

Water Snakes, Giant Crabs, Electric Eels, Sea Bees, Giant Turtles, Steel Seals and many other types of sea creatures were roaming everywhere in Penghu.

On the main island, the largest island in Penghu, the place was a large forest after a few tens of meters from the sand on the beach, the several hundred students chose this place to be their camp, as it was the best possible place. They were already awake and prepared for the fight, their magic equipment was already being held and dressed.

Each of them had solemn looks on their faces as they looked down, they were on top of the trees waiting for the creatures to pass.

On the ground there were several bonfires with fish being roasted, this was to attract the creatures to the place.

Roar !!!!! Zzzzzzzz Pang !!!!

The sounds of roaring, crawling on the floor and heavy footprints were heard. The sounds grew louder and louder with each passing second.

(They arrived !!!!! These creatures are only rank 1 and 2. They shouldn't be difficult to defeat, but quantity is the biggest problem.) The students were able to see the shadows of the sea beasts.

Several hundred sea beasts surrounded the campfires and began to attack the roasted fish like hungry creatures.

Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!! Roar !!!!!

Some even started attacking each other for food, before eating the bodies of the defeated. The beasts began a slaughter among them.

The students were waiting for this moment, they knew that the creatures would attack each other because of the food. They just needed to wait for the right moment to attack.

(A little more ... The remaining creatures will be weaker) Each of them was eager to attack.

The creatures that won the battle ate the bodies of the defeated and were satisfied, they started to return to the sea while the others looked for a suitable place to sleep.

(Now !!!!) The students screamed internally after seeing this scene, this was the best time to attack.

Several hundred lights shone from the top of the trees, the magic equipment was activated and the spells cast. To killer quickly the sea beasts, students immediately used advanced spells, even if the sea beasts are ranked 1 and 2.

(We need to get this over with quickly before more sea beasts come together) The students screamed and attacked with all their might.

Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!! Boooom !!!!

Several dozen explosions echoed through the forest, the bodies of sea beasts exploded to pieces, some were even cooked by flames and thunder.

"Get ready for the next group of sea beasts" The students spoke, some students started cooking the meat of the sea beasts to attract them and kill again.

In just a few minutes, several hundred sea beasts appeared. The result was the same, the students who were hiding in the trees defeated everyone using all their strength.

However, a problem started to happen, fatigue and tiredness. The students started to get tired after several rounds of attack and the sea beasts do not seem to end. More and more sea beasts appeared as the previous ones were killed.

(Fuck It has no end) The students already had their teeth clenched while running through the forest, they already ran and spread themselves through the forest to have any chance of survival. But it was a pity that not everyone was lucky enough to escape alive.

"Ahhh!!!!!" One student screamed after having his legs torn off by a Water-Snake. He tried to run to one side but was ambushed by the snake during the run.

His body was crushed before being devoured, the snake disappeared in the middle of the forest. That was its special ability, camouflage. The snake mixed with the dark environment of the forest to ambush its prey.

"Ahhhh !!!!!" Another student went with me for a Giant Tortoise, his body was crushed by the tortoise's body.

"Ahhhhhhh !!!!!!!" A Water Bee pierced a student's chest.

Many cries of pain and agony can be heard echoing through the forest, these cries were from the students who were attacked by the sea beasts.

Some students started to group while others preferred to be alone. This type of scene was happening on all of the islands of Penghu, several dozen students have already been killed for letting their guard down due to tiredness when fleeing.

The first night at the Graduation Challenge was like an endless nightmare for these third-year high school students.

On the small island that Liu Yang's group was protecting. Bai Yan and Su Min split up, each went in a different direction. Because of the size of the island, the sea beasts quickly found the two at the top of the trees.

Each of them had to deal with at least several dozen sea beasts at the same time, and much more was coming. None of them were crazy to fight that amount alone, that was suicide.

So, Bai Yan and Su Min ran as if their lives depended on it. From time to time, they were attacking some sea beasts to use as food for the other sea beasts. This gave them time to run in a circle through the forest on the island.

The island was already surrounded, the sea beasts invaded in all directions.

(Shit !!!! It seems like there is no end to these creatures !!! I am very unlucky to have been placed on this small island where any step I encounter dozens of sea beasts) Bai Yan and Su Min cursed in their minds. They felt unlucky to be in such a small place, as it was easier for the sea beasts to find them.

With each passing moment, their situation became much poorer, as they were already running out of energy after attacking and running for several hours straight.

While everyone was running for their lives, Liu Yang was inside his tent sleeping as if nothing was happening.

Bai Yan and Su Min ran around the forest twice, both times, they realized that something strange was happening at Liu Yang's hut. The two stopped and went back to their huts from before.

When the sea beasts came close to the three huts, they left immediately. It seemed that the three were not even there. This discovery shocked them both.

(Could it be that Liu Yang was already prepared for this? Is that why he is sleeping as if nothing is happening???) The two were startled when they thought about it.

(Liu Yang, if you did something like that, at least let me know before. I had to run around this island for several hours in a row and almost died because of it) Each exclaimed in their minds. The two cursed Liu Yang for being so shameless that he didn't even warn them about what he had done, but soon after, they passed out and slept like it was the best night's sleep in the world. The two also thanked Liu Yang for his help.

The trio was one of the few groups of students who managed to get a great night's sleep. These students were the ones who had methods to avoid sea beasts.

The next day

Liu Yang opened his eyes slowly, before stretching his entire body. His night's sleep was very good.

"It looks like those two finally figured it out" Liu Yang laughed a little before getting up. Liu Yang covered the area with its magical wind energy that prevented it from being smelled by sea beasts. He covered the three huts with his magical energy.

Even though the three haven't known each other for a long time, Liu Yang helped them a little. Bai Yan and Su Min never tried anything against Liu Yang in school, that was a good reason for him to help them both a little.

"It's time to hunt for a good breakfast before enjoying the beach again." Liu Yang stretched before coming down from the tree. Closing his eyes and breathing calmly, Liu Yang found that there were still thousands of creatures around the island.

Bai Yan and Su Min defeated some while others were killed during the fight for food. But the number that was sleeping on the island was very large, numbering in the thousands.

"It looks like I'm going to have a big harvest." Liu Yang murmured.

"Master!!! I detected something very good on the island. It looks like it's inside one of the sea beasts !! " At that moment, the Little One spoke cheerfully in Liu Yang's mind. She managed to smell something very precious.

"Oh... Really?? Where's that sea beast ?? " Liu Yang was surprised by this situation. Anything sniffed by the Little One was something very valuable and precious.

"Master, turn right and go straight to a small river. The master will see a giant turtle sleeping, it has something very precious inside. It looks like the turtle ate the item "The Little One spoke mentally.

"Okay" Liu Yang replied before running at high speed. The power of the wind at his feet increases his running speed several times.

Running for less than a minute, Liu Yang found the river and the giant turtle. The size of the turtle was like a house.

"Master, you found the giant tortoise. Inside the stomach is the precious thing "Analyzing the place and seeing that there was nothing wrong, Liu Yang prepared to attack the turtle.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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