Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 120: A part of one of the three lost magical equipment

Chapter 120: A part of one of the three lost magical equipment

The Giant Tortoise is a rank 2 sea beast, but its defenses were greater than a rank 3 sea beast because of its hard and powerful shell.

For Liu Yang, defeating the turtle was a piece of cake.

After checking that everything was fine and that nothing else could disturb his attack. Liu Yang waved his hand and a wind needle appeared.

Liu Yang waved his hand again and the needle went off like a projectile. The needle entered the hole in the head before it exploded.

Boooom !!!!!!

This was the Explosive Needle, the magic that Liu Yang created.

The turtle's body exploded inside, but the shell was still intact. Blood began to flow through the holes in the hull. The turtle died with just magic from Liu Yang.

"Master, you can go inside the shell and pick up the item" The Little One spoke inside Liu Yang's mind.

"Yes," Liu Yang created a strong wind and blew the turtle's flesh out.

Inside the shell, it was totally smelly because of the humidity and the turtle's entrails. Liu Yang used thunder to light the place while searching for the item.

"Master, the item is there !!!" Liu Yang looked around and saw a red glow.

Getting close to the glow, Liu Yang was startled and shocked by what he saw. A broken fork with a red glow. Liu Yang knew what that was.

(One of the three lost magical pieces of equipment of the God of the Elements !!!!!!) Liu Yang exclaimed in his mind. He never imagined he would find something like that on the second day of the Graduation Challenge.

(It looks like the fork is broken and the other half is missing. I wonder where the other piece of the fork is) Liu Yang thought, he was curious as to how the fork was broken and where the other piece was.

The instant Liu Yang touched the glow around the fork. Something surprising happened.

Crack !!!! Crack !!!! Crack !!!! Booom !!!

The light around the fork appeared to be a barrier, but when Liu Yang touched it, the barrier was broken like glass.

(Shit !!!!! The energy is leaking, if someone has the other piece, they should be able to locate that location !!!) Liu Yang felt the fork's energy leaking after the barrier was broken. He understood that soon, someone could appear on the island to pick up the fork.

(I need to be quick !!!) Liu Yang took on two new gloves and waved his hand, various pieces of meat from various types of sea beasts came together and formed a ball around the half fork. Liu Yang created a meatball with the fork in the center.

Shuoooo !!!

Liu Yang flies towards the ocean, he didn't have time to care about the sea beasts on the way. When he arrived at the beach, Liu Yang threw the meatball towards the sea with all his strength.

Shuooooo !!!! Boooooom!!!

The meatball shot into the water and began to descend quickly to the bottom of the sea. It took some time before it stopped and floated at several hundreds meters of the ocean, the ocean current started taking the meatball away for several minutes, until a gigantic marine beast, the beast was so big that it could not see its full size. The sea beast devoured the meatball with a single bite.

Liu Yang went back to the place where the turtle was and cleaned the remains of energy from the barrier and the fork, he cleaned everything and there was nothing left. The turtle's meat was cooked and this attracted many other marine beasts in that direction.

After the sea beasts ate the turtle meat, Liu Yang killed all the sea beasts on the spot and left, he started running around the island and cleaning up before cooking the meat of these beasts to attract more sea beasts.

The thousands of sea beasts that invaded the small island were defeated and killed by other sea beasts. Liu Yang cleaned everything and removed the best parts of their bodies, the rest he left behind to attract more and more marine beasts during the night.

Currently, it was already mid-afternoon, Liu Yang was wearing shorts and enjoying the beach landscape. While thousands of destroyed bodies were scattered around the beach, Liu Yang killed everything with punches and kicks.

Killing rank 1, 2 and 3 creatures were as easy as a piece of cake for Liu Yang.

While Liu Yang enjoyed the beach, Bai Yan and Su Min finally woke up after a long and tiring night of sleep. The attempt to escape the sea creatures has worn them both out, because of that, they slept for more than twelve hours.

The moment the two woke up, they smelled roasted meat. Looking at the ground, the scary scene shocked them both. Bodies, hundreds of bodies of sea beasts were scattered on the ground below them. Each body had a large hole in the head or the middle of the body.

(Who did this ??? !!! To kill sea beasts like that, this person must have a very strong body Wait a minute During the High-School Competition in the first year, Liu Yang showed that he had an extremely strong body when he fought Long Shui. Could he be the person who killed all those sea beasts? The hole in the bodies seems to be from someone's punch and kick) Bai Yan and Su Min analyzed the bodies and saw that the holes appeared to be from a punch and kick.

After the analysis, the two thought about Liu Yang's first high school competition. They remembered his fight with Long Shui.

(Liu Yang must be somewhere on the island ...) The two imagined they wanted to thank Liu Yang for help.

The two started walking through the forest, as they did not find Liu Yang, they imagined that he was enjoying the beach.

As they walked, they were more shocked because the amount of sea beast only increased as they walked.

(How is this possible ??? !!! An ordinary person would not be able to kill this amount of sea beast as if they were nothing. Looking at these wounds, it looks like they were killed with just one punch or kick, Liu Yang's body must be too strong to do something like that. How did he train his body ?? Even a giant tortoise was killed with just one kick, its defenses are comparable to a rank 3 sea beast. This is very insane) Bai Yan and Su Min started to scream in their minds because of the shocks they were feeling.

Liu Yang managed to kill thousands of rank 1 and 2 sea beasts as if they were nothing was something none of them imagined.

Bai Yan and Su Min finally understood how Liu Yang was the first to have the requisition to participate in the accepted Graduation Challenge. Mainly for Bai Yan, she experienced the horrors of training room number 0, she could not believe that Liu Yang had managed to endure half an hour inside the room.

(He really managed to do that ...) After seeing the scenes in front of her, Bai Yan finally realized that Liu Yang really managed to pass the training room test number 0. Bai Yan understood that she was much inferior to Liu Yang.

During the walk, Bai Yan and Su Min found some sea beasts sleeping and eating. These beasts attacked the two but were soon defeated because there were only a few.

Wandering the beach, the two finally found Liu Yang wearing beach glasses and lying in the shadow of a tree, he was roasting a large amount of sea beast meat.

"Did you finally wake up?" Liu Yang did not have to turn to speak, he had already felt the presence of Bai Yan and Su Min.

"Liu Yang, how did you do that?" Bai Yan couldn't stand the curiosity and ask.

"Did I do something?" Liu Yang pretended not to know what Bai Yan was referring to.

"Don't pretend you don't know. I'm talking about sea beasts, how did you defeat them all? "

"Is that what you were referring to? I just had to shake my fists and their bodies broke. That's it, "Liu Yang said casually. He made it look like it was the easiest thing in the world. Although it is true, Bai Yan and Su Min did not believe his words.

"Liu Yang, are you saying that your body is so strong that even a sea beast like the Giant Tortoise can't stand a single punch from you?" Liu Yang's words confirmed their suspicions. They already had a vague idea that Liu Yang had a very powerful body.

"I can say that." Liu Yang remains relaxed while roasting the meat. He was using the power of the wind to blow the fire.

"Are you hungry?" Liu Yang's question reminded the two that they haven't eaten yet. After waking up, they went looking for Liu Yang.

"Not. After we woke up, we went looking for you. We want to thank you for your help last night. If it weren't for your help, we could be dead. " Bai Yan and Su Min bowed to Liu Yang in thanks.

"You are welcome. Take it "Liu Yang continued to enjoy the scenery. Bai Yan and Su Min took some meat that Liu Yang gave them to eat.

"If I were you, I would try my best to hide. The real beasts have not yet arrived "Liu Yang spoke vaguely.

"Liu Yang, are you referring to the strongest sea beasts that will appear in a few days?" Bai Yan and Su Min thought Liu Yang was referring to rank 3 or 4 sea beasts.

But they were wrong, Liu Yang was referring to another type of beast, the beasts called humans. Bai Yan and Su Min didn't understand at the moment, they will only understand when the time comes.

Liu Yang did not answer Bai Yan's question, he just closed his eyes and concentrated. He had to be prepared for the worst.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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