Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 38: Someone falling from the waterfall

Chapter 38: Someone falling from the waterfall

Seven days later

The days passed slowly, Yao Mu and the other students gathered and started towards the end of the forest. The group did this because Xue Feng lies and said that Liu Yang and Liu Xia were safe, the instructors arrived in time to help them.

Yao Mu thought that Liu Yang had been seriously injured and was extremely happy about it.

The other groups also encountered dangers during their journey, but they were not as dangerous as the two creatures that Yao Mu's group encountered before, the Gray Horned Wolf and the Verdant Snake.

The instructors and soldiers were curious to know what was going on, why Yao Mu's group found two extremely powerful creatures in a short time, while the other groups did not find one at all.

But after a few days watching Yao Mu's group, the instructors realized one thing, the creatures that Yao Mu's group began to encounter were only rank 1 and low rank 2, meaning these creatures are equivalent to the beginning and intermediate mages. level 1-3.

This discovery led to only two possibilities, the first was that the group's luck was horrible and the second option was that Liu Yang or Liu Xia had something that attracted this kind of creature. Instructors need to investigate further before concluding, but before that, they needed to find the couple first.

Back into the tree, the underground

Liu Yang and Liu Xia were still holding each other, both were facing forward. Liu Yang was hugging Liu Xia's delicate waist as she lay with her back to his chest, her eyes were closed and enjoying this moment. The two were still naked, even after a week.

"Darling, are you hungry?" Liu Xia asked the couple to spend a week inside the tree trunk, although they could not lie down, they could still sit comfortably.

"Yes, but we only have snake meat again, and the little mouse will wake up too, it has already absorbed the energies of the energy sphere. After that, we can get out of here and look for good things. "Liu Yang said discouragingly, after a week eating the same thing, they were already getting sick. The couple stayed within the trees not only to recover but also to wait for the Little One to finish absorbing the energies of the sphere to be stronger.

"I don't care about that, anything you do is delicious no matter what it is," Liu Xia said quietly, she was still ecstatic about the activity sessions inside the tree.

"Eat a bit" Liu Yang took some roasted snake meat, they roast inside the tree trunk using their powers, Liu Yang use the power of the wind to create some holes in the trunk to make the smoke leak and Liu Xia restore with the power of wood.

Liu Yang fed Liu Xia, they were already used to doing this kind of thing when they were alone.

The couple ate lunch and rested for a while, they were already recovered and could get out of the tree and explore the forest. The two have already had a great harvest by skinning the Verdant Snake.

"Darling, let's practice some more?" Liu Xia said with a mosquito tone, she was too embarrassed to ask for such a thing. As a woman, she had to wait for the man to do that, but since Liu Yang just enjoyed taking advantage of her, she had to ask.

"Come on" As they were both naked, Liu Yang's hard thing was already rubbing on Liu Xia's private, wet parts, his two hands kneading and caressing the two twin peaks.

Liu Yang lowered his head as Liu Xia stood up, the two kissed before playing a little more. Soft music began to echo through the small hole the couple was sitting on.

One hour later

Liu Yang and Liu Xia were hugging each other, they were both sweaty and breathing heavily. Liu Xia had a slight rosy hue, and some fingerprints, Liu Yang squeezed and spanked her buttocks a bit during activities.

"Sniff Sniff Sniff" The disgruntled sound was heard, the Little One was complaining that Liu Yang had put it inside a locked room.

Hearing this sound, Liu Yang and Liu Xia realized that the little mouse woke up and it was time to leave this place.

"Little Xia, looks like it's time to get out of here," Liu Yang said gloomily, the two of them can no longer play pervertedly after they leave.

"Perverted, didn't you get enough advantage?" Liu Xia said displeasedly, Liu Yang and she had already done dozens of times into this little hole, wasn't he satisfied yet? They were still teenagers, how could he stand so long? Liu Xia had too many questions on her mind.

"When a man has a beautiful wife, he will always want some more." Liu Yang played with Liu Xia's breasts, he squeezed and sucked it.

"Hmmm Pervert, stop The Little One wants to go out, let's get ready to go out too" Liu Xia was moaning with pleasure at Liu Yang's caresses and touches.

"Hehe Let's do it one more time before we leave then since we'll be doing more than a month doing nothing. That will be the compensation. "Liu Yang kissed her delicate lips before pushing Liu Xia down, she didn't resist and accepted Liu Yang's proposal. They will be out for a month without doing this kind of thing, making the most of it while they can be the best thing they could do.

In the middle of the dense forest one could see two people walking hand in hand, a man and a woman, on the man's shoulders was a small brown-skinned mouse with some golden hair. The couple was Liu Yang and Liu Xia, the little mouse was the Little One.

The three emerged from the tree trunk after the couple finished their activities and released the little mouse from the cage.

After seven days inside the tree trunk, the couple was already bored, the fresh forest air was refreshing.

"Darling, does Little One know where there are any other rare items?" Liu Xia was curious if Little One can find another rare item in the woods.

"I think so, after completely absorbing the energies of the wood element sphere, the Little One has made a big leap in its powers. Previously, it was just a rank 1 low-level wild beast, now, it was a rank 1 intermediate level, but still far from the high level. "Liu Yang was impressed by the amount of energy of the wood element the sphere had inside.

"Little one, can you feel anything?" Liu Xia asked she used her finger to caress the little mouse.

"Snifff Snifff Snifff" The Little One replied discouraging, there was nothing precious about it.

"Let's keep walking, if there's any wild beast, we'll fight, and you, Little One, you'll hide, understand?" Liu Yang said while doing the same thing as Liu Xia.

"Snifff Snifff" The little mouse agreed.

The couple walked through the woods, they were taking several detours to try to find something rare in the surroundings. Since the little mouse was still young and weak, the range of her sense of smell was very small, so it could not smell many things.

After a few hours of walking, the couple stopped to look for food and a safe place to set up a temporary camp.

"Little One, can you smell the water around?" Liu Yang asked, he wanted to know whether or not there was a river nearby.

"Snifff Snifff Snifff" The little mouse said yes, but it was unhappy having to use its nose to sniff out something trivial like a river.

"Which direction?" The little one pointed forward. As the group walked, the greater the noise of falling water, it looked like a waterfall.

The trio walked for half an hour and found a large waterfall ten meters high, many fish were falling and swimming.

"This looks like a good place to fish and set up camp." Liu Yang could feel the fresh air of this place.

"Snifff Snifff Snifff" The little mouse started to get agitated and pointed upwards. The couple was surprised when they saw this and looked toward where the Little One was pointing, they were shocked when they saw it, a body, a body appeared and began to fall into the waterfall.

The couple got serious when they saw the body, they knew that person.

"Big sister !!!!!" The couple shouted. The person falling from the waterfall was Xiao Mei.

"Little Xia, slowly decrease the gravity in the older sister's body"

"Yes" Several dark lights came around Liu Xia's body, she waved her hand and Xiao Mei's body began to fall more slowly, Liu Yang used his wind power to float Xiao Mei towards them.

They were very careful not to cause injury to Xiao Mei. When they saw the heavy injuries she had, the couple was furious, they wanted to know what had happened.

Xiao Mei's body was covered in heavy blood and injury, some of her clothes were torn, several bones were broken, and she still had some cutting in her arms and legs.

"Little Xia, you will use healing magic to try to take care of the big sister's injuries. I will do mouth-to-mouth breathing. "Liu Yang said desperately, Xiao Mei's breathing was already weak and she had swallowed a lot of water.

"Fine" Liu Xia didn't mind Liu Yang's act of unfaithfulness, because it wasn't time for them to have this discussion.

A white light came from Liu Xia's hand and covered Xiao Mei's body, the internal wounds began to recover. Liu Xia focused on internal injuries because they were the most serious.

Liu Yang kissed Xiao Mei's lips and started doing the mouth-to-mouth breathing procedure, he didn't have time to feel Xiao Mei's delicate lips.

While Liu Xia was doing everything to heal Xiao Mei's injuries as soon as possible, Liu Yang was trying to wake Xiao Mei. But the situation was quite difficult as her injuries were very serious.

"Darling, I have finished healing the internal wounds and the bones are already back in place, I will heal the external wounds now" Liu Xia was already covered in sweat, after using so much magical power, she was already exhausted.

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