Project: Mage - The Frugal Mage

Chapter 39: Thousand Year Body Strengthening Liquid

Chapter 39: Thousand Year Body Strengthening Liquid

Seconds later

Xiao Mei's eyelids fluttered, she opened her eyes vaguely, her vision blurred. When she saw a familiar face, a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

"I'm in heaven? Liu Yang, seeing you is the happiest thing in the world "Xiao Mei spoke those words in a low tone before passing out again.

"Liu Xia, it looks like she's passed out, but she's out of danger, her vital functions are fine. Let's set up camp somewhere safe before thinking about what to do, "Liu Xia suggested, they couldn't stay in such an open place.

"Yes, but where? This forest is full of dangers. Little one, can you help us this time? "

"Sniff Sniff Sniff" The little mouse nodded and pointed to the waterfall. The Little One had already smelled Xiao Mei in the couple's bodies, it realized that the smell was quite strong, it showed that they were together often. Because of this the Little One warned the couple. If it were an unknown person, the little mouse would have dropped it.

"The waterfall?" Liu Yang was doubtful.

"Darling, it looks like there's something behind the waterfall." Liu Xia was smarter than Liu Yang, she understood a few things.

"Let's go" Liu Yang carried Xiao Mei like a princess and ran towards the waterfall, Liu Xia followed behind, but before that, she cleans the Xiao Mei's blood on the floor and magic energy traces.

Behind the waterfall was a small cave, covered by a wall of moss, if no one came near it would be very difficult to find. Liu Yang made a hole in the wall of moss and Liu Xia rebuilt it with its wood power.

The interior of the cave was cold and damp, but it was old and it seemed that no one had been in this place for a long time.

"Darling, you can ..." Liu Xia asks Liu Yang something, but before that could happen, he interrupted her.

"Yes," Liu Yang dried a spot and left Xiao Mei on the floor before hugging Liu Xia. The couple held each other for a few moments before a magical circle with several different colored lights began to appear around their bodies. Red, blue, brown, green, yellow, black, white, pink. These colors were of the eight basic elements of magic.

Several strange seals appeared on Liu Yang's body, the surrounding lights began to change color, leaving only two colors, white and brown, light and earth. The brown light was behind Liu Yang while the white light was behind Liu Xia.

Suddenly, the lights began to change places, the brown light started to go towards Liu Xia and the white light began to go toward Liu Yang. This exchange took a few minutes and when it was over, the seals disappeared along with the lights.

The couple said nothing, they were quiet with their eyes closed. Liu Xia waved her hand and a wall covered the cave entrance, if anyone looked outside, the entrance could not be found, because the wall was perfectly constructed.

What just happened was the couple's biggest secret, that secret was far greater than the fact that Liu Xia was a Liu Yang's contract summon. If it wasn't for this special situation, the couple would never have used it outside.

"Little Xia, get some rest" Liu Yang lifted Liu Xia and carried her like a princess, he didn't want to let her be jealous because Xiao Mei was carried that way.

"Hmm" Liu Xia closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth of her beloved. She slept seconds later, it happened because of the exhaustion of using too much magic power to heal Xiao Mei's injuries.

Liu Yang put the two girls side by side.

"Little one, is there anything of value in this cave?" Liu Yang asked the little mouse, it was restless after entering this place, it seemed that there was something very valuable in this dark and damp place.

"Sniff Sniff Sniff" The little mouse nodded in agreement, it ran to the end of the cave and started digging with the little claws.

"Are you behind this wall?"

"Sniff Sniff"

"It's all right. Come back, I'll cut with the magic of the wind. "The little mouse climbed back over Liu Yang's shoulder, he just stared at the wall and green lights came on before they turned into dozens of wind blades.

But before Liu Yang could attack the wall, he stopped and looked toward Liu Xia, it seemed that something had happened. Liu Yang closed his eyes briefly before opening again.

The little mouse was curious to know what had happened, it looked at Liu Yang and then at Liu Xia, who was lying asleep on the floor.

Liu Yang walked to the wall and squeezed several different ones, the places he touched formed a strange image. After Liu Yang finished playing in all venues, an amazing thing happened.

The stone wall shook and began to move to the side. This was a door that had a magic device like a lock, only those who knew about the combination could open it. Otherwise, an alarm will be activated and the traps will be explored.

Luckily, Liu Yang was warned by someone before doing anything else.

When the wall was moved, a room with a bright light appeared. Liu Yang held the two girls in his arms and walked into the other room.

Entering the room, Liu Yang realized that the amount of magical energy in the room was much more concentrated than the outside. After entering the site, the stone door was closed again, and the image changed. To open the door it was necessary to use another image, other than the one used by Liu Yang.

"What is this place?" Looking around, Liu Yang saw that there were many bones of humans and wild beasts, but at the same time, many types of ancient magical equipment, medicinal plants, and other things.

"Things in this place look more than fifty years old." Liu Yang was able to deduce this from the clothes and equipment that were in place, most of these things were old.

"Sniff Sniff Sniff" The mouse started to get Liu Yang's attention. Looking at the Little One, Liu Yang saw that it was pointing to a location ahead. Looking in that direction, Liu Yang saw a large pool with a bright white liquid.

Around the pool were many green plants with a great deal of vitality, the place was covered with high-quality medicinal plants. It showed that the pool was amazing.

"That's ..." Liu Yang didn't know the name of this pool, but he knew it was very valuable. The only thing he could do was look toward Liu Xia and wait for the answer.

"Thousand Year Body Strengthening Liquid" Liu Yang muttered after discovering what this item was.

As the name implies, this liquid takes a thousand years to form, that is, every thousand years a drop would be formed. But how long would it take to make a small pool ?? Liu Yang didn't know that answer, but he knew one thing, this liquid was extremely rare and precious, but before getting it, Liu Yang had yet to do something.

"Little one, you stay here. I'll settle a small matter. "Liu Yang returned and left the little mouse next to Liu Xia, it was curious about what Liu Yang was going to do.

Liu Yang turned and looked towards the lake solemnly before he could enter the lake, Liu Yang had to defeat the creature that was inside the lake. If it wasn't for this creature, the pool should have been taken a long time ago.

What Liu Yang will do now would be against the rules, but as this place was not watched and powerful protection was erected to prevent the energy from leaking out. There would be no problem breaking the rules.

Liu Yang took something out of his nanotechnology case, a dagger, the moment the dagger was taken out, the powerful energy of the wind element arose.

The name of this dagger was Slashing Master's Knife, this knife was forged from the remains of a creature of rank 4, meaning this creature had the power equivalent of a Great Mage. The dagger had the power to greatly increase the power of the wind element's spells.

This dagger was something Liu Yang got from his parents before they went on a long trip from work a few years ago. Liu Xia also received her gift, but it was something else.

Liu Yang's power peaked in holding the dagger, his power of an intermediate mage was activated. But he only had thirty seconds to defeat the creature, otherwise, Liu Xia would be sent to his spiritual space, that was something Liu Yang didn't want to happen. Liu Yang has promised her that she will never be sent to his spiritual space again.

"Piercing Spear" Liu Yang channeled the power of the wind into his dagger, the dagger began to glow, the spear grew larger, but soon shrunk. Liu Yang didn't want to waste any energy, he would kill the creature with a single blow.

The wind energy was getting stronger, Liu Yang was compressing all his power inside the spear, he will do it to its limit. The more concentrated the magic, the more destructive the power.

Twenty-five seconds later

The spear formed from wind turned into a spear made completely of magical green light energy. It looked very real, rather than the illusory one of before. The spear was a meter long, but it was as thin as a needle.

The concentrated power was so great that even an advanced mage would have to be careful.

"Go !!!!!" Liu Yang shouted internally, the spear fired like a high-speed projectile.

Shuoooooooo !!!!!!!!

The spear was so fast that it broke the sound barrier.

By the time it hit the pool, only a slight ripple was made, nor did it appear that something extremely powerful had hit the pool.

Booom !!!!!!!!!!

A great explosion was heard inside the pool as the spear hit the target. Not a sound was heard then.

Liu Yang quickly stowed the dagger after defeating the creature. The power of an intermediate mage has disappeared and his level 5 novice mage power has returned.

"..." Liu Yang was covered in sweat and panting, he fell to his knees due to tiredness, but it was worth the effort.

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