Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 106: 4.24

Chapter 106: 4.24

Ye Cheng didn't take long to carry out a rather damp, grumpy looking but fully dressed eighth prince out. 

Both Tang Muxin and Jia Hyson tilted their heads slightly to the side, unable to help admiring the way Ye Cheng's exposed forearm bulged as he held the unhappy prince. Just because Ye Cheng lived a rural lifestyle where people (men) were more vulgar and relaxed with social etiquette, due to his old trauma he almost never exposed anything he couldn't. The group had travelled together for a while now and it was still considered a rarity to see his wrists much less his arms.

To the modern woman and slag man, seeing the arms of another person was really nothing. But blame Ye Cheng for acting like his body couldn't stand the light of day, even the slightest bit of skin from he felt like a treasure being unveiled. This is the mindset of loving the rare and dismissing the common. Not to mention Ye Cheng is good looking and lovely, making the rarity effect of seeing his skin even better. 

Silently in their heads both of them whistled in appreciation. They were vaguely aware he was pretty fit but seeing it properly really rubbed in just how muscled and toned Ye Cheng was beneath his clothing. 

The original body Tang Muxin may have been an idiot, but she definitely had good tastes ah. 

Ye Cheng didn't notice the looks, too busy trying not to drop the fully grown man in his arms but the eighth prince Yan Huizhong did and his face immediately went a shade darker. 

His dark eyes flicker between the honest and unaware Ye Cheng's face, with his cat like eyes narrowed and lips slightly pursed in concentration in a rather sweet and attractive manner, and the woman staring unabashedly at the man like a piece of meat. Yan Huizhong face was lightly frowning like before but inwardly he sneers. No decency. Such a vulgar women would be disdained and scorned by every noble in the capital. 

Tang Muxin had good instincts and could somewhat recognize Yan Huizhong disliked her for some reason. However Yan Huizhong wasn't a spicy chicken and his time in the palace filled with crouching tigers and hidden dragons has tempered his ability to disguise his emotions. Even Tang Muxin had trouble getting a solid read on him without further scrutiny and more time to gather an in depth understanding. 

Jia Hyson who had been ignored by the prince had failed to be unnoticed by the duke* and found his vision immediately hindered by glossy black feathers.

*Da Gong loosely means Big Duke remember. 

"Don't stare," Da Gong clucks, "Humans find it very rude." He pauses before quickly adding, "However roosters are not like humans and enjoy appreciation. My wing muscles are also very strong for a bird and my talons are sharper than a tigers. I am also very clean. Shiny." 

Jia Hyson was overwhelmed by the cuteness. Now that he was in the body of an infant dragon, his admiration for sexiness is much weaker than his love for soft, cute things. It was easy to throw away the image of Ye Cheng's arm muscles in favor of snuggling and rubbing against his Da Gong. 

Duan Mengyao, this steel straight military man, didn't even notice nor care about some village boy's surprisingly toned arm muscles. Instead he felt a little uncomfortable looking at Tang Muxin's expression of clear entrancement. 

Mirrors around this era weren't common items, especially in rural areas like these so Duan Mengyao didn't know what he looked like but he felt like was someone that was popular and handsome. 

At the very least his arms were bigger. 

He looked at the other injured man surrounded by the two good samaritans who had saved them, then he looked at the rooster giving out dog food with his lizard and then he looked down at himself who was all alone. Duan Mengyao who was once ignored on the sidelines, sulked a little.

"So what is your name?" Ye Cheng, after tucking the older man into the bed questions lightly. Inwardly his mind is trying to recall as many of the big families that he can. While he hasn't met any really big names, he listens closely to the gossip and storytellers so he is somewhat familiar with a few. 

For example he had heard of the noble Liu family who are full of people that are not only cruel to others but also to themselves, with a very messy family environment. If this stranger was from there then it would be best to treat the man with caution and let him go half healed with some living expenses just in case they raise a white eyed wolf. 

If he's from a family like the Su family who pride themselves on being noble, virtuous scholars, then it's best to give him the full spa treatment and hug the golden thigh till his family inevitably finds him. 

Don't think Ye Cheng is a bit too pragmatic. Being a merchant while reaping more rewards than a farmer, could be said to have more difficulties in this era. 

Merchants in ancient China were considered the lowest job class and disdained by nearly everyone. They are seen as conniving, lazy and with low morals, making profit from other people's hard work. If Ye Cheng didn't have his friendly disposition he was sure he wouldn't have made it one foot out of his little village.

He was still a young, only in his early twenties, but in order to see the world and succeed as a merchant Ye Cheng had to understand the value of networking, selfishness and utilitarianism. His nature is naturally kind but his experience and knowledge tells him he can be kind but only when he can afford to be. 

A farmer can live fine with a soft hearted temperament. But a merchant cannot. 

However they must not be known to be too hard hearted either. After all the general public disdain them too much already.

Ye Cheng smiles kindly and comfortingly at the rather temperamental cripple, but his eyes remain vigilant and assessing. 

"My name is Cao Huizhong," The eighth prince smoothly fibs. His first name isn't too outstanding or unique so not many people will associate it with the eighth prince who wasn't exactly that popular in the first place. "I'm a scholar that came from the Cao family in the capital, but I'm not very close with my relatives given my status in the family. I came to visit the rural areas to be inspired, unfortunately...." 

Unfortunately he was framed and he had stumbled onto a scene where the bastard on the bed across from him was being attacked under false orders from himself. 

An embarrassed and bitter expression shows on his beautiful face, "I saw this man being attacked and I couldn't help but step in." 

And help give the finishing blow. After all, no matter how he would explain it, he would never be able to scrub off the suspicion. It was better for everyone to be silenced.

He chuckles self deprecatingly, "I don't regret going to help but it was definitely a foolish move on my part." 

A foolish move not to have brought some trusted bodyguards to help beat this wretch and those fake hired thugs to death.

Thinking about the state of his legs, Eighth Prince Yan Huizhong's eyes redden, making him really look like a pitiful white lotus. 

Ye Cheng and Duan Mengyao were clearly moved by the story. To be honest, Ye Cheng felt there should be more to the story than that but he would be stupid to point that out. Anyway, most of the tale didn't seem false and matched with the eyewitnesses testimony more or less. Besides, no matter if the story is true or false, the injuries were undoubtably real. The story just helped deepen his sympathy.

More importantly, if he remembers correctly, the Cao family is a decent sized noble family on the outskirts of the capital. They recently had a big sex scandal that involved the sixth daughter and the second son in an incestuous relationship that caused them to lose a great deal of face. Before that unsightly blemish though, the family had a fairly decent low key reputation that were known to give birth to many trusted officials for the emperor and had strong family unity. 

If Ye Cheng could, he would be flashing dollar signs in his eyes as he looked at Yan Huizhong with even more tenderness. This investment seems to be worth the long term costs. It's okay to unleash his mother hen on him, this golden egg. 

Yan Huizhong who was very sensitive to emotions couldn't help but flush under such a gaze. He felt like this commoner must have fallen for him. Why else would he be looked at so lovingly? Like he was the most precious thing in the world?

But, even though he clearly wasn't a cut sleeve... receiving such a look full of love wasn't wholly unpleasant ah. 

Meanwhile Tang Muxin and Jia Hyson who knew the prince's real identity couldn't help but scoff and admire the man's shameless acting. Look at his teary expression, his trembling hands, his 'I'm trying to be strong but really I'm not' voice! 

This is truly a scheming green tea bitch! 

'See that?' Bebe sighs emotionally, 'Now that is acting.' 

Jia Hyson who until then had been admiring the other's acting: '...Oh shut up.' It's so annoying when he can't say anything. 

"Well it's nice to meet you Cao Huizhong," Ye Cheng smiles, reaching to give the man a friendly pat on the back. However he was immediately rebuffed, the eighth prince quickly brushing his hand off with a faint look of disdain. Even if he has a better impression of the commoner that didn't mean he would let the other touch him unnecessarily. Especially now that he knew he was most likely a cut sleeve.

Ye Cheng falters for a moment but gives an understanding smile, "Not a fan of touching ah? That's fine. I was like that too for a while."

Tang Muxin's eyes avert as she hears this. She had a good idea of what Ye Cheng was referring to. 

Even though he didn't seem to say it to provoke her and it wasn't technically her fault, she was still wearing the body responsible. It was impossible not to feel some guilt when she comes across the topic.

Yan Huizhong however only sneers in his heart. What would this commoner know? Clearly he's just making it up to save a bit of face in front of everyone. 

Jia Hyson who can see the situation clearly can't help but sigh. An emotionally and physically abused prince and a young man who had been sexually harassed and wrongly accused of rape... obviously neither of them can fully understand each other's trauma but if they talk they would find they may empathize more than they would think. Unfortunately, both men have their own barriers, it's really, tsk. 

Jia Hyson: 'It seems this is going to be what the young people call a 'slow burn romance'?'

Bebe: 'Why do you assume they'll get together?'

Jia Hyson: 'What, you mean you don't?' ()

Bebe: 'This could just be a start to a very touching brotherhood!'

Jia Hyson: 'Pei, as expected of a system who's never had a 1 in their 0, so naive.'

Bebe: 'Fuck your mother! That's not true! Bebe has-'

Bebe: '...' Fuck.

Jia Hyson: '...'

Bebe: '...'

Jia Hyson: 'Oh ho~h?' 

Bebe: 'Systems have needs too! ,,,,,) Scram!' 

After all the introductions, Ye Cheng calmly set out a short term plan for everyone. Generally their lazy roundabout journey to visit various places and teach Tang Muxin various life skills to survive in this dynasty is unchanged other than the final destination which will be the heart of the capital city. 

For the new additions he also gave out a rough idea of what they should expect. If they weren't happy with the conditions set out Ye Cheng would reluctantly give them some money and let them go.

Cao Huizhong is currently more favored in his heart, not only as a valuable investment but because his physical injuries were much more severe, eliciting a stronger feeling of pity, so his part is simply to rest, recover and be a salted fish. 

However safety comes first and if Huizhong can't stand the living conditions and blend in with them, then Ye Cheng refuses to let him stay. Bandits and people with malicious intent are happy to prey on the weak and easy to slaughter. Their group consists of only one able bodied man, a woman, some animals and two injured men. If Cao Huizhong insists on acting, dressing and living like a noble they might as well wear signs begging to be robbed and killed. 

The amnesiac man is different. His clothing is a bit shabbier in comparison to Car Huizhong's and his body isn't as injured as his mind. It would only need two weeks to a month to recover from most of the wounds, and even then with his strong body he can afford to help out a little bit. Of course they couldn't keep referring to him as the amnesiac so Tang Muxin has, on behalf of Jia Hyson who couldn't contribute to the human conversation, dubbed Meng Meng*. 

*(In this case it is not the meng that means cute lol. It is the character for ignorant/dazed/ (knocked) unconscious/ dim-sighted/ misfortunate. The second is the character for lemon . There's also a slightly different pronunciation but we don't really care lol. So in short, the meaning is more or less ignorant lemon.) 

Duan 'Meng Meng' Mengyao:

Meng Meng grit his teeth and tried not to show how fiercely he opposed the nickname in his heart, "This.. of course I am happy to help my benefactors but the name is a bit."

Tang Muxin interrupted him with a sweet smile, "But it's quite cute ah?" 

Jia Hyson quickly chirps approvingly. 

Eighth Prince Yan Huizhong who was trying not to laugh, "It is a bit, pft, suitable,"

Duan Mengyao looked toward Ye Cheng pleadingly. Ye Cheng also felt it was a bit funny but seeing the man's unhappiness he hesitated. Seeing the indecision, the general felt some hope that he wasn't going to be pinned with such a stupid nickname until Ye Cheng looked down and ask Da Gong, "What do you think?"

Da Gong: "Cluck cluck!" Of course, you must side with my baby! Do you want laozi to lose face?!

Ye Cheng nods seriously before turning apologetically to Duan Mengyao. "Sorry, Da Gong has spoken."

Meng Meng: '...' You might as well have not have hesitated at all! (



Jia Hyson: 'Bebe... It's time for another round of Fuck, Marry, Kill slash Bondage, Cosplay and Vanilla.'

(AN: Previous round was in Chapter 52, comment section)

Bebe: 'Oh. Joy.'

Jia Hyson: 'I know right~ We have some fans it seems from the Meta Magazine who have entered some options via Discord.'

Bebe: 'How many fans responded?'

Jia Hyson: '...Three.'

Bebe: '....That's so pathetic.'


The immortal tree: Monroe, Tian Shun and Sefu- hehe I like the edgy ones  

Jia Hyson: 'Hehe, I like the edgy ones too. And the sweet ones. And the-'

Bebe: 'Yeah, yeah, we get it, you're a slut.' _

Jia Hyson: 'Anyway, this is actually a bit difficult, I like all three a lot ah. I guess... Marry Monroe, since I feel like he's the one I let get away. Kill Tian Shun, since I still have a bit of a grudge over the shadow binding ritual thing. And fuck Sefu.'

Bebe: 'Eh, fair. Bebe also chooses the same.'

Jia Hyson: 'You can't do that! That's boring!'

Bebe: 'Well then talk about your dumb kink choices for them then!'

Jia Hyson: '...But we sort of already know their kinks ah.' Sefu's obviously cosplay, Tian Shun is bondage and Monroe is default vanilla.

Bebe: '...' That's true.


Alina_R: Monroe, Li Guiren, Tian Shun...

Bebe: 'Bebe has to say, it really says a lot about an author's story when the readers are given an option to pick any three possible characters and somehow can only pick the male leads ah.'

Jia Hyson: 'Tsk, tsk, somebody's gotta work on making their supporting characters more memorable ah.'

(Author: QAQ)

Bebe: 'Anyway, marry Monroe again, fuck Li Guiren, kill Tian Shun.'

Jia Hyson: 'Ehh I think I would marry Li Guiren ah, he's mature and stable and I know that he gets even hotter over time hehe. Fuck Tian Shun because I sort of feel bad for killing him off twice. And kill Monroe because it's better to have never loved than to love and lose it.'

Bebe: 'I think you said that quote wrong.'

Jia Hyson: 'Also Li Guiren for cosplay, Tian Shun for bondage and Monroe is default vanilla.'


Drunken Consort Memeos: Hmmmmm, my choices will be... the female judge from arc one (Olivia Rivers)!! The former ML of arc two (Zhao Xuefeng) :> and Ye Cheng from this current arc ^^

Jia Hyson, rubbing his hands: 'Oooh, finally, a real challenge. How exciting~!'

Bebe: 'Hmmm, well we can both agree to marry Ye Cheng right?'

Jia Hyson: 'Uhh.'

Bebe: '..You're a monster.'

Jia Hyson: 'Oh come on, you know I can't handle too much bubbliness in my life! If I could I probably would've been able to have a stable healthy relationship or something in my first life ah.'

Bebe: 'Well, Bebe would marry Ye Cheng, fuck Olivia because she seems nice and kill Zhao Xuefeng since he's underage for the previous two things anyway.'

Jia Hyson: 'Aw no, don't put the age thing into this. He's like seventeen. And also, he's the same age as Tian Shun. So if you take this moral high ground I'm gonna look like a ped*phile for being thirsty for Tian Shun.'

Bebe: 'Tian Shun is like the equivalent to your grandson. You pretty much are a ped*phile you freak.'

Jia Hyson: ...

Jia Hyson: 'Well I was going to marry Olivia because she's cute and can cook, fuck Zhao Xuefeng since I just want to see him cry and kill Ye Cheng but I guess I'll swap the last two ah.'

Bebe: 'You want to kill of Ye Cheng? What is wrong with you?'

Jia Hyson: 'It's because he's too good for this world.'

Bebe: ...

Jia Hyson: 'Oh right, for the kinks my money is on bondage for Olivia, cosplay for Zhao Xuefeng- he's a highschooler I'm sure he's into that basic shit- and Ye Cheng is default vanilla because I can't imagine him being kinky at all ah.'

Bebe: 'Don't change the subject you child fucking cinnamon roll killer.'

Jia Hyson: 'Says the cinnamon roll fucking child killer.'

Bebe: '...Why do you have the last word for everything?'

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