Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 107: 4.25

Chapter 107: 4.25

After two days Ye Cheng and Tang Muxin had run around the village getting their things all in order. Since Ye Cheng wasn't planning on coming back anytime soon, he figured it was best to buy a few more local specialties, while also looking into trading in their cart for a larger carriage and buying an extra horse. 

Originally they had only planned enough space to stock up various speciality products of a few different villages before heading straight to the nearest city which, while not a short distance, was not an awfully long one either, a few months at most. 

But the capital is different. Not only does it take longer to travel to but the cost of living is much higher than any other place. 

"I'm not familiar with the capital of Beijing," Ye Cheng explains frankly to Tang Muxin while carefully boxing up the treasures Tang Muxin had managed to unearth up at the market place into inconspicuous packages and cheap jars to avoid unwanted attention. "It's best to stick to the original plan as much as we can to maximise our profits and minimise any unknown problems. We'll head to Eastern Stone village and sell half our cloth products and anything else that might be too bulky and unsuitable to long travel. Our aim is to get to Kaifeng and sell at least half of the rest of our wares. Then we'll use the money to hire a boat to cross Huang He River* and travel to Beijing."

*The Yellow River.

"Okay," Tang Muxin nods helplessly. What else could she say? She couldn't exactly offer anything helpful ah. 

History wasn't her strong suit and her geography was only so-so, especially without trusty Baidu to help her. Jin Bao who was sitting on a napping Da Gong nearby also gave her a mental shrug. Sure he had Bebe but he didn't want his character in the story to be too smart.

Bebe: 'Heh. () So you know you're stupid.'

Jia Hyson: 'Well, I'm actually playing this character with you in mind so jokes on you bitch.'

Bebe: '...' 

"This is-" Yan Huizhong who was helping out by covering the more delicate items with old clothing, widened his eyes as he took a peek at the inside of one of the small boxes out of boredom. 

Isn't this Silk Pearl Powder?!

Yan Huizhong had studied various treasures in order to blend (bribe) his way into the imperial court. Mainly the easiest things to flatter people with were rare medicinal ingredients or beauty products. 

In order to win people over with his initially limited funds Yan Huizhong had recruited people and together they produced fake treasures. So he was actually very good at identifying the real things. That's why he was so shocked!

Genuine Silk Pearl Powder! A mystifying thing made from ground up Silk Pearls that are said to only be seen once every hundred years! A great ingredient for maintaining youth! This was worth a hundred times its weight in gold! 

Yan Huizhong's hands trembled as he quickly closed the box and wrapped it up in so much cloth it became a round ball. Could it be.. he actually encountered some amazing people? ( )

Because of his injuries he couldn't go out and therefore didn't know about Tang Muxin's stupid amazing luck that was buffed by Jia Hyson's lucky dragon presence. So Yan Huizhong could only logically assume these commoners were not as simple as originally thought. 

Meanwhile Meng Meng who had amnesia and was also from a military family that disdains bribery and overly flamboyant gifts, had no idea about the preciousness of the things they were handling. Instead he was obediently sitting in the corner playing with Xiao Shua the cat and Da Shen the dog and a few other more sociable animals. After he accidentally broke two cheap vases and one very expensive ornately carved antique box that Tang Muxin had stolen from the Tang family after she left. 

He felt very ignored. _(:3)_

"Miao miao," Xiao Shua meow-ed cutely as she bites softly on the amnesiac's finger while clawing cutely on his clothing, making Meng Meng feel much better. Da Shen was much lazier and merely lay down on top of the man's lap. The other animals were also playing around Meng Meng, exuding calming cuteness that soothed him greatly.

Meng Meng didn't think he was the sort of person who was so attractive to small animals. However it must be true. Why else would they so naturally gather around him then?

Meng Meng looked at his three newfound companions who were all sitting in the middle of the room full of various boxes and items and vases. Tang Muxin, the rather cold young lady with a deceptively sweet baby face and the rather sunny Ye Cheng were chatting about their nearest destination while Cao Huizhong, the cripple that was found in the same alley as him had moved closer to the pair and began trying to insert himself into the conversation. From the looks of it he was doing quite well.

Meng Meng, true to his new nickname felt both ignorant and sour. After all if he couldn't remember much and relied a lot of muscle memory and basic intuition. How would he know anything about the surrounding towns ah? Plus, he didn't seem to be the talkative type and felt awkward and slow when speaking. 

He sighs heavily as he pets the plump bunny named Little Rabbit who twitches his ears and nuzzles against his calloused hands cutely. At least the animals like him.

Jia Hyson who was getting bored saw Duan Mengyao sitting in the corner surrounded by fluff and scales and feathers. Feeling curious, he slithers off the napping Da Gong to crawl over.

"What's going on ah?" It's only been about a day and a half since they brought the general and eighth prince to the group. Generally, as animals, they should be more wary right? Especially for such a big guy like General Duan Mengyao. 

"We're grooming this human, Little Boss," Xiao Shua immediately stops selling meng to trot over and respectfully answers. Since the dragon bloodline had properly activated, the other animals have begun treating Jia Hyson much less casually and more like a little ancestor. 

Animals were far more sensitive than humans and the scent Jia Hyson has now is less of a weak baby and more of a young and powerful predator. If they hadn't been ingrained by Da Gong's tyranny some of the animals may have actually chosen to jump ship and switch allegiances to this strange lizard. Luckily it seems the two powerhouses have a very good relationship so there was no problems, only benefits for them ah. 

"Grooming?" Jia Hyson felt he heard wrong.

Xiao Shua glanced at Meng Meng who was looking at them interestedly. Twitching her ears she lies down on her stomach in a 'hunting' posture toward her little boss, her little brush like tail wagging like she was excited at seeing a new toy to play with. 

However, from the laxness of her muscles it was clear to most sharp eyed animals that Xiao Shua was not actually serious. How could she actually be thinking of attacking the little boss?! Even before her instincts were telling her that this was a powerful opponent that can thrash and eat her easily, this was still the big boss' future mate! Of course she was only faking!

Acting like she was playing with the little lizard by tentatively pawing around Jia Hyson like a dumb kitten who didn't know how to hunt, Xiao Shua explains cheerfully, "Yes ah, Ye Cheng is very good but he is still the big boss' exclusive human first and foremost. It was okay before but now he is busy with other humans and have less time for our needs." Xiao Shua rolls on the floor, but her glittering eyes did not stray from Jia Hyson's golden ones, "That's why the best thing now is to groom one of the other humans to be our ideal human!"

Jia Hyson: "" Is that what animals are really like?

Mistaking the silence for disdain, Xiao Shua immediately rolls back so she's on her stomach again, "Usually we will not debase ourselves so easily, don't get me wrong Little Boss, but we have limited time to train a human to our satisfaction! Wouldn't it be a waste to groom him so well only for him to leave immediately and use our teachings for some other furry slut while we get no benefits? Therefore, in order to reap the reward faster we must swallow our pride and sell meng!"

Jia Hyson: "..That seems to make sense."

"Plus, this human has no memory right? That makes it easier to teach him and be more devoted to us! And he is big and warm and seems energetic enough to go on walks with which is a good bonus." Xiao Shua concludes, her chest puffed up in pride at how smart she is. The other animals around Meng Meng call out their agreements.

"This human will be ours!"

"Laozi will teach him to brush me just right!"

"Watch us Little Boss, we will conquer this human within a week!"

"Hahaha a week? This dumb human will be kneeling and calling us daddy in four days maximum! ."

Meng Meng, surrounded by the cheerful voices of his animal companions: 'Aiyah, they are so stupid and adorable.' (..)

Jia Hyson and Bebe: '' Lighting a candle for Meng Meng.

One should never look down on the IQ of animals ah.


It had been nearly three days since they had left the village and were on the road traveling. Even with an upgraded carriage it was inevitably to feel cramped and uncomfortable. Luckily the biggest person in the group, Meng Meng had retained the muscle memory of years of riding horses so he was often riding by the side of the carriage, instinctively acting as a guard. 

Lok Lok the horse seemed to be a little interested in the new horse Mei Mei though so often Meng Meng would somehow end up in front of the carriage chatting with Ye Cheng. Ye Cheng was happy to have someone to chat with during the long ride and Meng Meng was satisfied that he was finally integrating well into the small ragtag group.

Yan Huizhong of course could also ride- that is, under the premise he still had two working legs. 

Tang Muxin did not know how to ride a horse either so she was stuck in the carriage with the eighth prince. Maybe it was because they were the protagonist and the villain but neither liked each other at first sight and that impression had never improved nor have they strived to improve it, making the atmosphere in the carriage suffocating. 

The other animals who sensed the stagnant mood turned desperately to their two bosses for help only to find

"Baby are you feeling a bit better now?" Da Gong clucks worriedly as he fans the nauseous Jia Hyson lying limply on a small box. There was a bit of old fabric Da Gong had pulled out of one of the vases in order to cover his little worm's eyes, hoping it would help bock the glaring sun in the sky.

"Nm," Jia Hyson groans appreciatively, his tail affectionately moves to curl around one of Da Gong's ankles, "Thank you Brother Gong~"

"Tch," Da Gong looks away awkwardly but shuffles closer toward his little worm so his tail doesn't get too strained from stretching out too far, "It's what any good rooster would do. No need for thanks."

Other animals: '' Dog blood on the left, dog food on the right. Oh no. They're trapped.

Xiao Shua: "Big boss, I'm also feeling a little stuffy-"

Da Gong turned and gave the silly cat a cold look. "So?"

Xiao Shua: 'Nevermind.' QAQ

Other animals: '' What good rooster? This was just a tyrant rooster bewitched by the beauty!

Unfortunately the beauty is also a baby tyrant. Helpless.jpeg 

When on the road, it is inevitable that relationships will grow a bit stronger and strangers become more familiar. 

Tang Muxin who has been trying to retrain her body has become friendly with Meng Meng who couldn't help but feel restless if he didn't train and exercise in the mornings. They had quickly bonded through fists and Meng Meng felt very impressed seeing such a strong and ambitious girl with such interesting fighting techniques. It was common to see them practicing basic martial arts early in the day before Tang Muxin helps Ye Cheng cook breakfast.

Ye Cheng was a bit of a happy little social butterfly and usually ends up landing on the thorny flower that was Cao Huizhong. Since he was crippled, there was a large limit to what he could do and it was easy for him to feel moody and depressed if left alone. Ye Cheng had heard many labourers that become like this after breaking one leg, much less both so he took it upon himself to brightly chatter with the sullen man.

Surprisingly they had many topics to talk about and exchange with. While Ye Cheng was not as well learnt he had a lot of experience and insight that was fresh and interesting, not to mention he was witty and good at telling stories. Cao Huizhong was also a person who relied on sweet-talking and making small talk so he also had many interesting things to speak of as well, carrying a sarcastic tone that could make Ye Cheng chuckle a few times at. To both their pleasant surprise they found they could chat for hours without realising it.

It was very harmonious. But that also didn't mean there wasn't some friction. After all, unlike Ye Cheng, everyone else wasn't so used to this lifestyle. Jia Hyson and Tang Muxin where transmigrators who have experienced the luxury that is modern life and it's conveniences like air conditioning, fridges, and easy access to meat and seasonings. And the other two have more or less lived with a higher standard of living.

Especially when it came too food there was quite a bit of dissatisfaction, some more obvious than others.

Shockingly to Tang Muxin, Ye Cheng and Jia Hyson, it wasn't Cao Huizhong who was the main problem but Meng Meng. Cao Huizhong despite his initial attitude brimming with arrogance didn't complain or even make an obvious face of reluctance when eating their simple small meals filled with vegetables and rice. At most a light grimace really. Instead it was the large Meng Meng who became unhappy.

From portion size to food quality to a lack of meat... he couldn't help but grumble. He was bigger and required more energy after all ah.

Yan Huizhong who saw the man make a sour face at his watery soup sneers. In the palace the imperial chefs were as cruel as any concubine. To those in favour they will give them sumptuous feasts and carefully planned diets. But to those that not only are disdained and can't even afford to bribe them with a few silvers... it was lucky to get warm leftovers that hadn't been messed with. 

Even though he was a prince, his life before allying with the crown prince were worse than some servants. A pampered and loved son from the noble family who could bring his own military chef and was given some of the best food the military could provide given their limitations... how can they compare? 

Yan Huizhong chews the rice soaked in the soup with a slow and refined elegance, even if he was eating shit he refused to show an unsightly appearance unbecoming of the prince he knows he is. Even if his thoughts occasionally were bitter and full of envy and hatred and disgust for falling back into this pitiful situation, he just lowered his eyes and meekly chewed. 

Ye Cheng who was watching the two men on the opposite side of the table kept his mouth at a lazy smile but his cat like eyes were narrowed in thought. 

People can learn a lot from eating habits. Meng Meng clearly dislikes the food in all aspects but other than some small complaints and not so subtle questions poking around the topic he hasn't outright complained. Clearly he's used to some good quality of life, definitely not a commoner- but he's also very well disciplined. From the looks of his appearance, strict, taciturn personality and past actions highlighting his strength and physical capabilities he may be a soldier of some sort. 

Cao Huizhong though felt much more contradictory. Ye Cheng knows nobles well, even the wealthy commoners will look down on him like he was an ant not to mention those who believe they have some sort of blood superiority toward him. There is always a gap between people and inevitably as a consequence there will always be someone a little higher that can't help but look down on the other. 

Meng Meng does it. Tang Muxin will also do so. And even Ye Cheng also will admit to doing the same. 

Cao Huizhong is certainly no exception to this, though he does well in hiding it when he remembers to do so. 

And yet it was also Cao Huizhong who was the easiest to feed. Ye Cheng clicks his tongue thoughtfully. Could he be unfavored? A mistress's child that was lucky enough to be adopted into the household? 

It's a good thing not to be so picky and incur losses trying to satisfy their taste palates but in the long term, in Ye Cheng's eyes anyway, this man's value has lowered significantly. 

After all, who doesn't know how messy large family's can be, especially the rich ones. If you're unfavored to the point that one can even eat clear tasteless vegetable soup without complaint there's a good chance they may not be that happy having that person come back. Hell, they could even be punished for bringing Cao Huizhong back, much less rewarded. 

Scratching his head, Ye Cheng sighs loudly as he begins to fill up the food bowls for his hungry babies that were pawing at his feet. His luck is usually so good, how come it seems he's picked up three fully grown burdens, each with either a complicated family situation, a serious injury and or an inability slash lack of knowledge on being a self reliant poor person. 

Tang Muxin is okay because it seems her luck in buying treasures defies the heavens and she has adapted to cooking more or less though she still struggles with using the fire for anything more complex than cooking rice, boiling soup and frying meat. She also seems to have adapted well without servants, which is fair since in the Tang Family she had long been punished by not being allowed servants to help her anymore since she forced three to try poison the official wife. 

In short, the bear child is on her way to reformation but is still at the level of an eleven year old when it comes to dealing with society.

No wait, that's not fair. Eleven year olds in this society are already considered able to work in the farms and gain apprenticeships ah. She, who is almost seventeen and didn't even understand the concept of their currency, can be considered inferior to an eleven year old.

Inferior to an eleven year old Tang Muxin: '...'

Meng Meng was a bit slow and had a voracious appetite which was a huge downside given how Ye Cheng wants to try tighten their purse strings until they reach the more populated towns and cities. Fortunately, other than the loss of memories, the man has common sense and has got physical strength. He was also a bit gruff but obedient when offered extra food, very tame-able.

Really, like a literal bear child ah. 

Literal bear child Meng Meng: '....'

Then finally there was Cao Huizhong... other than not being picky with food and having the best brain, he was pretty much useless in most domestic chores. From washing dishes to doing the laundry, he was incapable and lacking in knowledge. If Ye Cheng had any doubts that the man was a noble, they were definitely gone now ah. So pretty on the outside but the truth is Cao Huizhong is in reality useless and possibly might even be lacking in value- he really picked up a cheap fucking vase! 

Cheap vase Eighth Prince Yan Huizhong: '...' 

Secretly poisonous Ye Cheng: 'Aiyah, it's so sad, why am I so kind oh~?'

Tang Muxin, Duan Mengyao, Yan Huizhong: Hehe ()


Little Theatre:

Tang Muxin: I like Ye Cheng and Meng Meng but not Yan Huizhong

Yan Huizhong: I don't mind Ye Cheng but the amnesiac fool and that commoner women are too vulgar for my tastes

Ye Cheng: I like everyone ah~ But I like my animals the best!

Animals: We like Ye Cheng but we're quite happy with our new pet slave too hehe

Jia Hyson: I like my big brother Gong ,,,> <,,)

Da Gong: I like my little worm ,,,,)

Bebe: I hate everyone _


AN: Everyone please support this author on ko-fi~I prefer it to gifts tbh since I only get 50% of the gift money but I get 100% of ko-fi donation /hweichan

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