Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 160: Extra: Would You Rather with Bebe and Jia Hyson

Chapter 160: Extra: Would You Rather with Bebe and Jia Hyson

Well, this week's chapter did not happen. We're all going to blame yin gong because he was really hard for me to write for some reason. So yeah. Boo yin gong. Boooo. (ignores my procrastination biting me back)

Yin Gong: ...

Anyway, I figured it was time to talk to Jia Hyson and Bebe again~

Since there are not that many new characters we couldn't really do a FMK game again so we went with another classic! We played: Would You Rather? With Bebe and Jia Hyson!

Everyone on the discord got to ask either Bebe, Jia Hyson or both TWO would you rather questions in the past week. And I have put some of these questions here~ There are a lot more funny ones on the server so go check em out if you can~

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Would you rather lose your ability to speak, or to see? @Fialova

Bebe: Hah, this guy would literally go blind than lose his ability to talk.

Jia Hyson, shoving Bebe away: Shut up, is this your question? No? Then shush.

Jia Hyson:

Jia Hyson: But yeah what Bebe said. Orz

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For Bebe Would you rather fuck your crush, but they would despise you for the rest of your lives, or fuck your superior, but you will carry the shame with you for your entire system life, and nothing can erase it. Hehehhe @Punnie

Bebe: Jokes on you, my superior is my crush. Bebe gonna fuck Overseer X and then kill Bebe's self.

Jia Hyson: Wait, wha-

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To both: I remember seeing this question online and I just had to ask. If teeth came out of your butthole, would you rather go to the dentist or a surgeon? @saltedfishie

Jia Hyson and Bebe:

Bebe: Yo wtf is wrong with you.

Jia Hyson: That's so gross. But surgeon. Get surgery, take the teeth out, don't need a dental surgeon for that since you don't want to maintain the teeth, therefore regular surgeon is best option.

Bebe: Yeah and once we get the surgery Bebe will ask for a therapist referral to the person who asked this question.

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To Jia Hyson, would you rather never ever fuck anyone again, or never be fucked @Nobody

Jia Hyson: If being fucked is my only option can I still touch my cock or does that count as hand-fucking? Does that mean I can't get blowjobs since it's mouth fucking? Yo I need to know.

Bebe: You barely questioned anything else we've had thrown at us, but now you're suddenly Sherlock Holmes huh. _

Jia Hyson: It's important. And if I ever became a Sherlock Holmes character my name would be Sexlock Hyson.

Bebe: Bebe didn't ask.

Jia Hyson: I know, I thought it would be funny. ,,UwU,,

Jia Hyson: Anyway, if touching and blow jobs and stuff count then I would rather never fuck. But if it doesn't, I rather never be fucked.

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Would you rather be female in the next world or a eunuch before puberty? @randomperson


Jia Hyson: The problem with eunuch is chances of infection, unable to hold urine, pain, smell, and also you're an eunuch so there's very little job opportunities. Simply no good points ah.

Bebe: The future eunuch has a point.

Jia Hyson:

Jia Hyson: ?!?!?!?!?!?

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Hey @ Jia Hyson would you rather, drown and die in lava...I mean literally die and never transmigrate or reincarnate...but u can save yourself by seducing Bebe, and winning Bebe's heart..or like by sleeping with Bebe...cuz Bebe will save u afterwards... @BB

Jia Hyson: I'll try the latter obviously but the problem is whether I'll succeed tbh

Bebe, already getting the volcano ready: Perish thot

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Hey @ Bebe would u rather sleep with Jia Hyson or overlord li jun? if u sleep with Jia Hyson, its going to be a "real makin love with ur whole heart....and all ur kinks be satisfied" with li jun it gonna be the forceful- or like, u won't be satisfied...li jun might be, cuz he don't care for yo feelin but jia does..(.so u should honestly date jia) @BB

Bebe: wtf is this

Jia Hyson: this fan clearly has a ship and I hope you know it'll never float.

Bebe: wtf is this

Jia Hyson: oh damn I think you broke Bebe

Bebe: wtf this

Jia Hyson: Honestly I probably would say Bebe would get together with that Overlord. It's too messy throwing romance in such a close work relationship ah.

Bebe: wtf

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to both: would u rather hv jia hyson as a host and bebe as system, or jia hyson be a system and bebe as host @xixi

Jia Hyson: Oh shit now we got some thinking.

Bebe: Definitely keep Bebe as system.

Jia Hyson: What? Why?

Bebe: It's not that Bebe doesn't mind the idea of being a host. Bebe thinks it's rather fun.

Bebe: It's just that you can't be trusted with the power.

Jia Hyson: Two words. Laser. Cannon.

Bebe: That's different.

Bebe: My cannon is fucking cool.

Bebe: And you're just-

Bebe: A fucking tool. :)

Jia Hyson:


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To Jia Hyson and Bebe;

Scenario- You find yourself trapped on an island on the perimeter of a mysterious archipelago. It is a small island, but it is inhabitable enough to live in. For you to return home, you must go to the Sanctuary, the centre of the archipelago. However, you can only follow a route from one island to the next island due to a large number of whirlpools dotted around. Each route leads to the biggest and most dangerous islands surrounding the Sanctuary.

My question is-

(1) Would you rather stay on a small but safe island for the rest of your life? Or would you venture out to the other islands and risk your life to return home?

(2) If you choose to leave, which island route would you choose?

-Beast Island (lawless zone, full of beasts and monsters),

-Fae Island (beautiful creatures such as elves, nymphs, fairies, etc. live here, don't like outsiders)

-Rock Island (non-beautiful creatures such as dwarves, goblins, orcs, etc. live here) @Renaissance

Bebe: That's a lovely scenario but Bebe thinks Bebe can speak for both of us in that we both would want to leave and your options for the second question essentially is asking Jia Hyson who he wants to fuck.

Jia Hyson: Can we just tour around all three places first?

Bebe: NO.

Bebe: Bebe would choose Rock island. Because from the description so far, it seems safest since they don't seem to mind outsiders like Fae island. Besides, dwarves and goblins are known for their ingenuity and abilities to make things which is useful.

Jia Hyson: Beast Island. Monster fucking.


Jia Hyson: You heard me.

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@Jia Hyson, would you rather not have sex at all (be a monk) or you get to have sex but you get 100% pregnant in every devil's tango you dance whether your partner is a female or male or a human or beast or anything? @Arashi

You can't get rid of the kid and have to raise them.

Jia Hyson: You sick sadistic fucker of a fan WHY

Bebe: *popcorn eating sounds.*

Jia Hyson: How would I even get pregnant when I'm with a woman- oh this is cruel.

Bebe: Bebe likes how they added beast because they were so sure you would consider it an option lmao.

Jia Hyson: SHUT.

Jia Hyson: WAIT.


Bebe: Wut.

Jia Hyson: When I'm knocked up, doesn't that mean I can still have sex during that period? You can't inseminate me when I'm already fertilised ah. I'VE CRACKED THE SYSTEM!

Bebe: '' That does make sense.

Jia Hyson: Okay I'll take the second option. I need to have my devil's tango hehe, besides having it once every year or so is better than none at all. And I'm sure I'll get used to raising kids. The oldest is the practice round anyway as my mother always said.

Bebe: Weren't you the oldest child?

Jia Hyson: Yes QwQ

A/N: After this was posted a lot of discussions was done (so much discussion orz) and it was brought up by SillyFox that you can actually get pregnant while still pregnant which is NOT something I needed to ever know but thanks. Thanks. Anyway, after a lot of questions and clarification, Jia Hyson has something to say:

Jia Hyson: Y'all sick. The uterus of women needs to learn to calm the hell down, like why is getting double pregnant a thing, damn. Awesome none of you were aT ALL SYMPATHETIC TO YOUR FAVOURITE MAIN CHARACTER GUYS.

Bebe: Bruh, Da Gong wasn't even included, what are you talking about.

Jia Hyson: _ ...

Jia Hyson: Anyway, I will reluctantly maintain my answer and have resigned myself to either becoming averse to sex after associating it with the pain of pregnancy or, alternatively, I develop a pregnancy kink. _:(`):_

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Jia Hyson would you rather go to a world where 18+ things and all are happening everywhere. But you are a character that is as pure as white and you may not do anything that relates to something 18+. Or would you go to a world where Bebe is god and has the right to choose what would happen to you in that world. @kurose

Bebe: :)

Jia Hyson: Eh, does R18 worlds are all rapey with dub con, I think I'll be fine with getting some :)

Bebe: :(

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@Jia Hyson, would you rather have your Google history known to the world (everyone will know it's yours) or have your sex tape spread online (everyone will know and watch it, can't hide your identity either, but the sextape will be of your choice)? Second question: @Bebe would you rather have a host like Jia who is great at his job but depraved or have a host who is normal, maybe a bit naive but absolutely inefficient and fails his job most of the time? @loreili

Jia Hyson: Damn, this is also a hard one.

Jia Hyson: Hmmm Sex tape then. It's not like I'm bad or ugly during sex, plus if I can choose that's even better. I got a lot of options though admittedly I rather release one with a woman which narrows down the choices a lot. It's mainly just so I don't have to deal with the extra haters and bigots that I will inevitably get ah, you understand.


Jia Hyson: Go on, say it.

Bebe: You shut up.

Jia Hyson: Say itttttt~

Bebe: Bebe would, Bebe would prefer a host like Jia Hyson. The most important thing is to be good at the job above else.


Bebe: Bebe is considering killing this depraved host in exchange to get another, however.

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Would you rather fuck with someone significantly older than you infront of your mom, or someone significantly younger than you, in front of dagong??? For Hyson-MUAHHAHHA!!! @Punnie

Jia Hyson: In front of Da Gong, are you crazy who would fuck in front of their mother?! I would literally rather die. DisgustedandAppalled.gif

Bebe: Bros before hoes vibe, except its mothers before brothers.

Jia Hyson: lmao

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Okay, this is a long one

To Jia Hyson and Bebe;

Scenario 2- Before you can step inside the portal to leave the Sanctuary, you got sucked into a space vortex. On the other side of the vortex, is a Void Realm. A person with an aloof but gentle face was standing in the middle of a cluster of star-like orbs. They gave an apology for your sudden appearance in the archipelago and offers you a chance to travel to one world of your choice without being involved in the world plot or any protagonist shenanigans as compensation(they're giving you a vacation and a chance to be a melon eater, basically). In their hands were two orbs.

My question is-

Would you rather choose a world inspired by The Little Mermaid?

(What you'll see in this world;-

drama in the royal family(both humans and merfolk)

age-gap romance

puppy love, then mutual pining, then miscommunication, then another love interest, then love triangle, then threesome(what?)

hot mermaid princesses(and prince, but he's taken)

hot human princes(one of them is taken)

hot sea witch(he's taken too, unfortunately))

Or would you rather choose an "Imperial Japan vs British Empire" war type world?

(What you'll see in this world;-

war and racism(obviously)

men in uniforms

hot main villain and secondary villain(they're in love so no touch)

lovely brothel ladies(managed by secondary villain)

plot twists so twisty you can even straighten it

hot army men(just be careful of the homophobes)

swords, lots and lots of swords)

Before you choose, the person said, "you're not allowed to mate with the inhabitants of Beast Island, but I'm sure the merfolks and sirens under the Sanctuary would appreciate it." They then smile. @Renaissance

Jia Hyson: What the fuck nobody said you couldn't fuck the hot beasts on beast island before this is a scam QwQ

Bebe: Everybody says you can't fuck the beasts. _ It's called beastiality and it's highly illegal.

Jia Hyson: Fuuuuck- I pick Little Mermaid world. Like bruh, are you crazy, I like hot army men but war sucks. Also, I'm Chinese, I'm sorta fucked either way I go.

Jia Hyson: Also, hot mermaids and sea witches. I know some are taken but I don't need to fuck royalty to have fun ah.

Bebe: That is a valid point. Jia Hyson is a lot of things but he isn't an elitist when choosing someone to have sex with.

Bebe: Bebe will also take the first world. War sucks, there's homophobes and apparently the hot villains are taken. There's very little appeal.

Jia Hyson: Yeah, plus it's not like military uniforms don't exist in the little mermaid world anyway. OMG MILITARY UNIFORM ON A MERMAN AGHIHDEKADwdiluqpo;q

Bebe: syilujafnwfnwbhjqql even Bebe thinks that's hot as hell

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Bebe, what's the best way to punish Jh? Would you rather, option A castrate him so that he cannot do anything, or, option B castrate all his gongs so that nothing can be done to him @manechka

Jia Hyson:

Bebe: heh, Bebe likes this question ()

Jia Hyson:

Bebe: Bebe will choose

Jia Hyson:

Bebe: Option B, because it's important to maintain a somewhat healthy host-system relationship. Oh and Bebe gets to castrate more people.

Jia Hyson: *phew* ohthankgod.


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@Jia Hyson If you got bit by a really venomous snake right on your pp with no way of getting medical help, would you either have your Mother suck the poison off and succeed in doing so, or have a very attractive person suck the poison off but they have horrible sucking technique so they fail and your pp is most likely going to not be safe. @ivori_sheepi

@Bebe Would you rather fight Jia Hyson in a death match or compete in death games with Jia Hyson? Also, there can only be one winner!! @ivori_sheepi

Jia Hyson: Yo wtf is you guys' fixation with me and my mum.

Jia Hyson: () Fuck you guys I pick the third option.

Bebe: There's no third option.

Jia Hyson: Yes there is. This isn't something I do often but- I can do autofellatio.


Jia Hyson:

Bebe: Okay you win.

Bebe: Now my question is-

Bebe, reading the question: Yo wtf

Jia Hyson, gargles some salt water to rinse out poison: :3

Bebe: Bebe chooses death games. Bebe can't do a physical match with that psychopathic lunatic.

Jia Hyson: Oh, yeah, nice, insult the psychopathic lunatic huh. I'm sure you're going to do well in the death games.

Bebe: Well not all of us can suck their own dicks as hard as they're going to suck in a death game.

Jia Hyson: You motherfucking-

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To Bebe would you rather take the teacup piggy avatar and parade in front of Overlord Li-Jun and your friends. Or would you rather be Jia Hyson's favorite kind of character to bully (the one who has a heart of gold but goes through great amount of tragedy). And he is at that moment in a really sadistic mood. @kurose

Jia Hyson: :)

Bebe: Teacup pig, oh my system god, I go with teacup pig.

Jia Hyson: :(

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For both jia and bebe: You are both locked in a rather large room, you have been given the choice of having sex and bond, the bond being a connection between both parties that ties them together being able to feel each other (injuries, thoughts, and strong emotions), unable to separate for the rest of eternity OR experience death multiple times in multiple ways while locked in said room together.

Would you rather deal with each other's bullshit forever? or would you rather spend eternity in a torture chamber and suffer together? @a&blueberry_jam

Jia Hyson and Bebe:

Jia Hyson: Wait, other than the injury thing isn't that more or less what we already have?

Bebe, squinting: Bebe thinks so

Jia Hyson: Yeah first option definitely.

Bebe: I suppose being stuck with you is better than infinite torture.

Jia Hyson: Aw, that's the sweetest thing you said to me this week.

Bebe: UwU

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Jia, would you rather (a) be able to pick any avatar for Bebe -for free- but only be able to sleep with bebe for the rest of your life, or (b) be able to sleep with anyone you want, but bebe gets the ability to make your s*x life Absolute Hell and you can't retaliate against bebe in any way, shape or form ? @caramel-choco

Jia Hyson: Bruh the JH x Bebe shippers are so unfair this is rigged.

Bebe: Agreed.

Jia Hyson: Also does that mean no verbal retaliation???

Bebe: It says any at all so assumably. Though only in regards to this matter Bebe supposes.

Jia Hyson: I don't want to sleep with only you for the rest of my life. You're fucking naggy.

Bebe: Well fuck you I don't want a bottom bitch either.

Jia Hyson:


Jia Hyson:

Bebe: Let's strike a deal. Bebe promises not to abuse your right to enjoy sex, though Bebe doesn't promise to restrict it when needed.

Jia Hyson: Heh, I'm trusting you on this then buddy. I'll pick the second option then~

Bebe: :)

Jia Hyson: :)

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@bebe would you rather never play games again or have your coin supply and gaming hours under overlord li Jun's control, or fuck jia hyson? @random person



Bebe: SIGH

Bebe: Host get over here and bend over.

Jia Hyson:

So it turns out when games are at stake you're willing to eat your morals huh???

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