Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 161: 11

Chapter 161: 11

Jia Hyson assesses the other after the initial moment of surprise. Silver eyes, definitely human, most likely a shard piece holder then ah.

Jia Hyson remembers how apparently 'rare' it was to encounter these shard pieces, and yet, he always seemed to meet at least one in each world. Thinking about the sheer probabilities, the chances, Jia Hyson... inexplicably couldn't help but feel


Like, really fucking annoyed.

Jia Hyson: 'Yo. Is this why my gacha luck is so bad? Because I'm not going to lie, I would like to move some of these lucky gong points into my gacha, please.'

Like, damn, it's nice to fall in love, but you know what the poets say. True love is forever, but limited edition SSR gacha is fleeting.

Also, the lottery. Jia Hyson still wants to experience the feeling of winning the lottery. He will seriously trade in one gong chance for a world where he wins the lottery and gets nothing, but consistent rare and above pulls for any game he plays. The last world doesn't count because he was lucky- but he was also in the setting of ancient fucking china. You can't show off gacha luck there.

Bebe, who was more aware of the incredibly low probabilities: 'Could you donate some of those gong points to Bebe's gacha too?'

Not as good as gacha Bipolar Prince Shards: We're not crying, you're crying. ('`)

Sighing with heartfelt emotion, he touches the bruises on the teenager's face idly before taking the water bottle and lifting it to the other's split lips. Fortunately, he had brought one of those sports squeezy water bottles, so it was easy to bottle feed.

The teenager's face, which was on his lap, immediately made a complicated expression, expressly showing rejection of the action. Jia Hyson pauses his movements. "What's wrong?" He asks with concern.

"This," The other coughs, his voice light but raspy due to the beating, "Squeeze the water at me, and I'll drink. No need to-" He trials off, but Jia Hyson immediately understands.

Ah, the pride of a teenage boy. In fairness, it was pretty mortifying to be bottle-fed on some stranger's lap. Especially when the stranger was someone of the same age and the opposite sex. Not that Jia Hyson was a girl, but he was still confident enough in his looks that he could convince the other he was currently female.

Thinking about that, a sly smile painted his lips. "Don't worry~" He assures in a lighter, airy voice, giving off more of an impression of a young coquettish girl, "I haven't drunk from it yet~"

The other blushes, and even his bruises and the dim light of the night couldn't cover it up at all now that Jia Hyson had his full attention on his reactions. "T- tha- that's not-"

Ah, the reactions are really cute. Jia Hyson's interest perks a little bit more; with his playful sadism provoked, he decides to tease a bit more.

"Or~" Jia Hyson flirtatiously stretches out the word teasingly, "Maybe you wanted me to feed water to you mouth to mouth instead~?" He winks, raising the water bottle and kissing the side of it, near the mouthpiece, the action full of vague but ambiguous implications.

The other chokes incoherently, and Jia Hyson could actually feel a tangible increase in temperature coming from the young man. Ah, he must have thought something a little naughty. So dirty ah~

Bebe: '' The only dirty one is the sewers that are your mind, host.

Feeling that if continued and spent too much time, the kid might really get ill, Jia Hyson pressed the tip of the bottle to the other's mouth. Probably given the stimulating images Jia Hyson had provided as a comparison, this bottle-feeding action was no longer so objectionable, and he obediently, if reluctantly, opened his mouth.

The teenager must've been extremely parched as he had quickly gotten over his embarrassment and focused on satiating his thirst, swallowing the water down greedily.

Jia Hyson took the time to look over the other. To be honest, it was really hard to make out his facial features. His face was bruised, scraped, swollen, and a bit cut up. The skin around his left silver eye was very red; there's a good chance it will become a black eye. In fact, Jia Hyson was sure his face would become very ugly in a few hours once the still rather reddish bruising became darker.

His brown long-layered shag haircut had become quite a mess as a consequence of the confrontation. Jia Hyson wasn't sure if he was a good kid; after all, a good child wouldn't necessarily warrant such a severe thrashing, but at the same time, the violence of Grey City was really high; maybe he underestimated the viciousness and jealousy of the youth of today.

Jia Hyson one-handedly touched the hair absentmindedly as he thought this, rubbing the tips with his fingers. It was quite rough and poorly maintained. Poor hygiene, poor household or poor genes. Looking at the neighbourhood, he was more inclined toward an economic problem and one of the other two options but not necessarily both.

The youth stiffened under such an intimate touch. This girl was really forget it, she helped him; it would be ungrateful to protest further. Ignoring his beating heart, he swallowed some more water, focusing on the cool liquid wetting his dry throat and filling his empty stomach.

His body was sore, and he had attacked so badly that he had vomited the contents of his stomach. The only thing he was vaguely grateful for was that they dragged him away from the mess he made, and this girl didn't see it. Still, he was extremely fatigued, and under the comfort and slightly cool temperature of the girl's soft thighs and tender, if rather flirtatious, care, he unwillingly drifted off into unconsciousness.

Jia Hyson notices as he feels the pressure of the tip of the bottle slackens. Chuckling, he gently pulls the bottle away from his lips, chucking it into the backpack. Carefully he slides his hand under the curve of the other's skull and gently lifts it up to shuffle his legs out of the way. In this position, he moves his hand from cradling the head down to slowly lifting up his upper body, supporting with his arm stretched around the shoulder blades. The teenager was quite skinny, not filled out much at all, so it wasn't too difficult for Jia Hyson's slim and delicate fingers to reach the other's armpit.

Now that the other is propped up, he slips his other hand under the body, sliding down the teenager's back before reaching his butt.

Jia Hyson: 'Eh, not bad.'


After indulging for a moment, Jia Hyson inhales and, supporting the other's neck and butt, he picks the other up with a huffy "Heave, ho~".

Given his vampiric strength, it was really not a problem to carry an unconscious teenager like this. Especially since the other wasn't very bulky at all.

Adjusting to a more comfortable position, letting the teenager's body slip down a bit, so the hand originally underneath his butt was now holding the weight of his thighs, Jia Hyson, dressed as a cute girl, successfully princess carried the sleeping young man. "Bebe, take a photo, ah." He urges with a smile.

A cute, pretty girl, soft and delicate like a precious pearl to be cradled carefully. A wild teenage boy, tall and full of youth. It should be a very picturesque scene, but it had become a vision of extremely strange taste.

"Say cheese," Bebe enthusiastically replies. After all, this sort of unique photo would definitely get much attention in SystemBook and Systagram. "Ah, ah, host, can you do a twirl, make the 'swish', you know? Swish, and smile!"

Jia Hyson happily obliges. He has always been a little narcissistic at heart, and now that he had become a little addicted to the praise of the netizens, he could not stop the peacock inside him from displaying his tail feathers when possible.

He swirls, preens, and poses, using the unconscious teenager less like, well, an unconscious teenager, and more like a prop. Jia Hyson even did the classic 'Circle of Life' move.

"Hahahahaha! You can edit this with the music right?" Jia Hyson grins as he lifts the limp body above and in front of his head.

"Bebe can do more than that," Bebe smugly assures as it continues to take photos, "Bebe can edit in the entire scene with all the animals and Muf*sa with you in it ahahahah."

"Hahahahah, you're the best!" Jia Hyson laughs as he tosses up the unfortunate teenager.

Thankfully for the teenager, despite being moved and jostled around so much, because of Alaric's greater strength and hand-eye coordination, there were no injuries aggravated or further harm inflicted. Well, sort of.

Teenager: ... Mblerh.

Jia Hyson was an enthusiastic model with past modelling experience, and Bebe was skilled with a camera, so the impromptu photoshop finished after only a few minutes of playing around. Still giggling with his system, Jia Hyson forces himself to regain a sense of seriousness and sense of sympathy, as he carries the teenager, hugging him tightly to his body, out of the alley.

Looking around at the empty streets, Jia Hyson rolls his eyes helplessly, "Bebe, my hands are full, call a taxi service to pick us up please."

Bebe obliges while it continues to edit the photos. Obviously, since this was for the system world, the editing was far superior to the middle school level touch-ups Jia Hyson had been doing for his blog.

Soon a yellow cab comes around the corner, and Jia Hyson smiles and kicks out his leg to signal he was the client.

As the taxi driver pulls over he stares at the unconscious teenager silently before looking at Jia Hyson. One was a teenager who looked like he had been fighting and the other was a dainty teenage girl who looked quite well off. The sense of dissonance when putting the two together was quite big which only got larger seeing the little girl carry the boy in her arms.

Even if it was clear the young lady had some strength that betrayed her appearance, the driver had a daughter of his own and couldn't help but ask in concern, "Little girl, do you know this boy?"

He glances at the dirty young man in her arms with some suspicion. After all, Grey City wasn't safe at all, there were many cases of men tricking women and little girls, and stealing everything they had to offer. The only somewhat good thing was the educational level wasn't strong and most criminals were more straightforward in their crimes, unable to do any deep and sinister scheming or high-class trickery. Still, that didn't mean there weren't scammers afoot.

Jia Hyson smiles sweetly and silently promises to give the driver a very generous tip afterwards. "Thanks for your concern sir~ this is my cousin, he called me to help him since he didn't want his parents to know he was in a fight~"

The cab driver squints as he looks at the unconscious boy wearing worn-out clothes before moving his gaze to the delicate young girl with Asian traits and what seemed like quite fashionable new clothing. As a driver in Grey city, he had seen many tricks, and women were just as much a scammer as a man.

However, he quickly dismisses it. Simply because the girl just seemed too rich and refined. It was hard to explain but there was a sense of nobility and simple confidence that the driver felt could not be faked. If she was with any scammers he felt that they would definitely not bother to take on the mosquito meat* that was Grey City and would've predated on a better place instead.

*mosquito meat: small gains/amounts that sort of vibe

Besides- the driver glances at the boy again, before his heart settles down and unlocks the car doors- this kid looks a bit too ugly and a bit too poor to be scammed for anything other than organ trafficking anyway. And even then there were probably better options.

Teenager: '' I feel like I've been constantly shot while lying down.

Letting them in, Jia Hyson immediately requests to go to the most expensive hotel available, which, as supplied by Bebe, was either the YY Hotel or the Crown. Of course, thanks to the generosity of Mr Garth, Jia Hyson picked the YY Hotel.

YY Hotel, being owned by a vampire, was of course more vampire friendly as well, with reinforced blinds, a larger emphasis on privacy and there were at least a few vampires on staff in each branch to better accommodate any vampiric visitors.

Even in a poor city like this one, there were still the rich and the rich will of course need to have places to accommodate the other rich people. These places were in the heart of the city which took a little while to travel into.

Sitting in the car, Jia Hyson pats the sleeping teenager's head idly, he had adjusted him with a little difficulty to lay his head on his lap while his body lay more or less against his legs as he was placed on the car floor.

Since the driver would hear him, Jia Hyson silently talked to Bebe again. 'Hey, can you recognise the kid's identity?'

Bebe gave a sound of hesitant affirmation, 'Bebe should be able to, but it may take longer than usual due to the technical restrictions.' Bebe had a facial recognition skill but similar to a face recognition app, you needed past photos for comparison.

In this day and age, people still preferred posting photos in albums rather than online, and as overpowered as the system was, Bebe wasn't able to become omniscient given its current level. It mainly relied on the online world to help access this sort of information.

Therefore Bebe relied on governmental sites that had passport information or driver's license information to gain access to people's profiles. Unfortunately, the child looked like he was from the bad part of Grey City. There's a good chance he has no photographs at all depending on his childhood, so Bebe had to access nearby schools' databases instead. This takes a bit longer since there was a lot of information in those databases, and the teenager's face was really so bruised and beaten that it was a bit hard to give an accurate comparison.

Jia Hyson didn't care too much either. It was more natural anyway if he didn't recognise or know beforehand, creating more spontaneity. Generally, he wouldn't ask Bebe unless he was interested in brushing up the favourability quickly or it was an important character. 'Just double-check if this kid's in the plot. If he is, then I want the information but if not, forget it.' He waves off carelessly.

Bebe was also very relaxed, 'Bebe will take Bebe's time then.'

'En,' They both had a reason to be lax. After all, even if this kid turned out to magically be Jessica Fang herself, they didn't worry. After all, vampires have stayed hidden for so long for a reason. And as an underage patroller, Jia Hyson was given a few products to protect his identity further.

As long as he decides that it would be counterproductive to him for the other to keep his memories, Jia Hyson could use a vampire's innate hypnotic thrall. While it was disappointingly much weaker than the legends had hyped it up to be, coupled with items to boost the effect, it was still quite powerful.

His trump card was a perfume named Forget Me So, created by a French vampire who could grow forget-me-not flowers that have the scent to make people become muddle-headed and forgetful.

Using these flower extracts, and adding it with other ingredients to stimulate and enhance specific effects, the French vampire made a killing by selling this 'potion' globally to the other vampire communities. There were other products that aided a vampire's thrall, but this was the most effective item to help completely wipe away memories from the last few days or hours, depending on how much you spray.

The problem was that you couldn't use it on the same person too often since it can cause either resistance, brain damage and even diseases like early-onset Alzheimer's, which is too cruel really. However, you would have to have sprayed a person at least twice a month for like, a year or so for that sort of negative effect. And if you're doing that, then that's really a You problem than anything else.

So he could deal with this easy enough, the most immediate problem was how far he should go helping the teenager.

After all. well, he had a very good impression of the silver-eyed shards thanks to the last world. Even if he knew this person wasn't Da Gong, and they were two different individuals simply produced from the same source, Jia Hyson was reluctant to really ignore him despite having little emotional attachment. It was similar to how you feel a little obligated to help an unfamiliar cousin due to familial ties.

But it also felt a bit inappropriate to just drag some random teenage boy he found unconscious off the street into a hotel room with him either.

After a bit of thought, the best thing to do was still ask the other for his opinion. Touching his lips, he brings out a wisp of magic, twirling his finger slowly in a few small circles. Out of sight from the cab driver, he presses his finger that had the mist wrapped around it and pressed it to the fingernail of his forefinger from his other hand. Slowly frost began to form at the tip of his fingernail.

Before it spreads, Jia Hyson manipulates it to form only at the tip of his nail, growing into a little flower. Jia Hyson smiles, the flower was a bit ugly and bulky looking due to his current inability but he was still quite proud.

Plucking off the tiny ice flower from his nail he presses it onto the teenager's warm neck.

"What the-?!" The teenager jolts awake. almost scaring the cabbie into swerving.

"Fuck!" The driver swore, glaring at the two youngsters at the back.

"Sorry for the trouble~" Jia Hyson apologises in a soft, airy voice. With his appearance, he looked just as soft as his voice, and it was harder for people to get upset at a little beauty. Not to mention, Jia Hyson was good at looking sincere and was genuinely a bit embarrassed. The driver sighs and turns back to focus on driving, too lazy to say anything anymore.

"You" The teenager wipes the bleariness from his swollen and sore eyes, throat no longer so rough thanks to the water from before.

Jia Hyson rushes to press a finger on the young man's mouth, silently shushing him as he quickly talks. "Cousin~ don't worry ah~ I didn't call your mother but your injuries really don't look good. Can I use your phone to call anyone else? It's a good thing I was already in the city to get you but it's better to get help from someone more familiar ah~"

As expected of a yin shard holder, even if the other had clearly been beaten senseless, his mind was still pretty good and quickly caught on. The taxi lighting was incredibly poor and his vision was still blurry so he could only vaguely see the girl who helped him, but if she was offering to call for help and hadn't done anything yet, he supposed he could trust her for now.

"I.. I don't have a phone," He admits with some embarrassment. "But I can give you some numbers."

Jia Hyson nods, unsurprised. Even if the kid did have a phone it was probably broken or stolen after getting the shit beat out of him after all. "Don't worry ah~ Just say the numbers, I'll call~" He playfully but comfortingly pats the teenager's head as he pulls out his UPhone.

The teenager grunts, trying to ignore the heat growing on his face again, "Thanks tell them.. ugh tell them it's Kylan."

Jia Hyson almost drops his phone. Fortunately, with his reflexes, he covers his mistake quickly and just smiles and nods, "En, okay~ Tell me the first number then~"

As Kylan closes his eyes and recites a string of numbers, Jia Hyson stares down at him with a complicated expression. Coincidence? He wasn't sure but he rather presumes the worst rather than be blindly optimistic to the point of denial.

Kylan Laframboise. One of the secondary male leads that enters the story in the second book of the series, Miss Fang and the Vampire Academy. A strong human delinquent who is aggressive, stubborn, and awkward. Introduced as a loner, described as a wild, rabid dog.

And someone who hates vampires.





Authors Note:

It's been so long and only now did the yin gong an appearance ah~ when will t more hotties appear? How long will that take? Ahhh this author wants to know! *shakes hands to sky*

People seem to quite like Mr Garth and ngl I wrote him the night I posted it and I fucking love him too. I also hope he gets more screen-time ah. *shakes hands to sky again*

I should also clarify, since I realise I obviously talk more on discord about the story and often forget to say it here but- not all arcs will have a CP (couple pairing). Some arcs are 1x1, 2x1, 3x1, harem or No CP. Obviously there's GE and BE too but hahaha you already know that :)

The reason is, Jia Hyson will more or less stay at his core character and continue the mindset of new world, new life. He will develop a little but not necessarily how most QT MCs typically develop tbh. And MLs are neither always OP, interested or able to interest Jia Hyson. This gives me a lot of options to work with really, though that also means you'll definitely have arcs you'll hate or love ahahaha.

Just to bring up the censors again, please check the list we have so far in the auxiliary chapters just for your sakes, since I don't want to constantly be reposting chapters all the time (cuz I love your comments ah~). The censorship has levelled up so simply saying stuff like sh*t or f*ck will now still get caught and your comments/reviews will automatically be deleted so yeah. _ It's dumb af, idk we could try see if we can put emotes or something like fck or just straight up baby talk it *deep sigh*

Speaking of reviews- I love em, and I do pride myself for having so many ah~ Because it shows that while most of us are poor, we're still super supportive hehe. But I would appreciate reviews more when they're like reviews. With words. Plural. I don't really enjoy reviews full of repeated emotes, emojis, or just the word Good. Is it hypocritical I complain while not deleting them? Yeah, cuz I still want good ratings ah, it's all I got against the daily updaters lmaooo, but yeah I would sincerely appreciate more proper non-spammy (I do start deleting reviews when I notice you're spamming them cuz bruh wtf I don't understand what you want to bring to the table here.) reviews.

I also do change the top three pinned reviews every few months so more people can have a chance of having their carefully written reviews up there. Obviously can't show off everyone's but generally I would search like most recent 2-3 pages of reviews to pick my favs when re-pinning so~

So in conclusion, this story is full of different pairing styles, WN censorship sucks and please write proper reviews. Just a few sentences of praise, criticism, more praise, etc. Or even one sentence.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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