Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 163: 13

Chapter 163: 13

Still a bit sluggish, both in mind and body, Kylan unfurls himself, taking the offered hand obediently and clumsily crawls out of the taxi. As he stepped out, his weak and numb legs nearly gave out, making him lean heavily onto Jia Hyson.

If he wasn't a vampire, Jia Hyson would've really suffered with his delicate build.

"Miss, do you need me to-?" The bellhop who had been patiently waiting this whole time finally stepped in. To be honest, the bellhop felt he also was on the verge of a panic attack. This was his first night and first shift of the job, and he already wanted to cry.

The bellhop was also a slum person, because of his good face he managed to successfully sell misery* and work in a small department store around the more wealthy districts in Grey city. Working hard he managed to not only be promoted to sales assistant, a manager from the YY hotel even poached him. Even though he was just a bellhop here, the salary plus benefits was far more generous than even being an assistant manager in his previous department store was so he had been very happy to jump ship.

*sell misery, to act pitiful

However now that he started training, the bellhop realised he thought too beautifully. His good face became average among the sea of beauties and the people here were ones you couldn't even afford to disrespect or make them feel even the slightest disrespect. Therefore he can only rely on hard work, a good attitude and opportunity to rise up.

The best way is to get recommendations and appreciation from big fish.

However dreams were beautiful but reality was ugly. The first time he gets to personally open the door, the people inside were not even adults but children. Teenagers at best.

The little girl was fine, but the boy was not only clearly from the slums but also looked beaten and poorly treated. And then he got a panic attack and refused to get out of the car causing the little girl to have to coax him out while other taxis start to line up behind them.

This sort of anxiety was almost comparable to when he was left in line with bags of food at the grocery store by his mother with no money at hand.

Unknowing of the bellhop's emotional stress, Jia Hyson gives the man a once over and silently gives him a good evaluation. Good face, nice proportions, kind voice, shouldn't be too big, looks bendable, very cute. If he kicks out Kylan a few days before he leaves he can maybe get rid of his virginity with this pretty boy.

Jia Hyson gives him a cute smile and puts on a strong facade, "No, no, thank you big brother~ My cousin is quite thin and light, there's no trouble!" He meets the young bellhop's line of sight before quickly averting his eyes and blushes shyly, "I mean, you look so good, and it would be shame for someone as handsome as you to get your uniform dirty"

Bellhop: '' What am I supposed to help carry then?

Kylan: '' Why am I suddenly feeling a great sense of unease?

Bebe: '' When will this day ever end?

Jia Hyson: '' How come it's so awkward? Is it because I don't fully understand the art of flirting as a girl?

Jia Hyson was indeed objectively very pretty, and his appearance gave the impression that he shouldn't be too old but too young either. Unfortunately preferences are preferences. And his slim figure and Asian features was not as appreciated in this period of time in this country, where it was more typically 'beautiful' to be big breasted, long legs and blonde. At the very least, the bellhop had no ideas about him at all.

Not someone who will push when he senses a lack of attraction, Jia Hyson shrugs and doesn't pursue further. It's okay, there will be others. He still hopes to find someone to play around with before he has to go the academy but he wasn't desperate either. Besides, it was too ugly to pester someone clearly uninterested.

Coughing he puts on a more polite smile, "Anyway, I only brought my backpack. I really am okay, but if you could help steady my friend for a moment that will be great."

The bellhop really didn't take the previous words to mind and opened his arms wordlessly.

Kylan who was still a bit dull, understood what was happening and resisted greatly in his heart. "N-no need." Gritting his teeth he pinches him thigh to wake up his nerves and steadies himself to stand up. Lifting his head up, he shakily but proudly sneers. "I'm fine."

The bellhop lowered his arms, and Jia Hyson nods before going off to pay the driver, neither particularly impressed.

Kylan: ''

Embarrassed at his foolish actions, Kylan timidly shrinks into himself again.

'This one is a little unstable ah,' Bebe lightly comments while Jia Hyson counts out a few notes for the driver. 'Not that you've never had an unstable one before but usually you made them that way.'

Jia Hyson rolls his eyes.

"Miss this is too much" The taxi driver hesitates before giving back over half the money reluctantly.

"It's okay, I can afford it." Jia Hyson waves it off, "Think of it as your tip."

The driver doesn't argue anymore and gratefully accepts it. There was over two hundred dollars given to him, the actual fare was only about forty-five dollars. Thanking the little girl profusely for the generosity he happily drives off.

The bellhop who saw this immediately straightened his back and swore he must also make a good impression and cling on to this small golden thigh! Such a good tipper, if the others knew it would be like a throwing a big bloody steak into the savannah.

Not daring to even slack in his attentiveness, the bellhop hovers around the pair, eager to serve. Jia Hyson knew it was the money talking, but he still felt insanely pleased seeing the cute bellhop look at him so eagerly. Subconsciously he straightened his back, held his head a bit higher and swayed his hips as he trotted to the hotel, like a proud little peacock.

Ever since he entered this world his narcissism seemed to have increased boundlessly, Jia Hyson suspected Alaric may have actually been deeply enamoured by his own appearance. That's probably why, on top of asking for people to accept him in his side mission, he also chose to explicitly ask for praise as well.

Kylan watches the confident way the girl struts ahead of him, the handsome bellhop fawning over her, and the magnificent background. Everything seemed to fit perfectly into one lavish and opulent painting.

Everything but himself of course.

Self-consciously he hugs himself as he quietly walks behind the two, wanting to take up as little space as possible. Kylan smiles bitterly at his own discomfort. He really didn't belong here.

"Hey, what are you doing be so slow ah~" Jia Hyson calls out playfully as he notices the growing gap between the teenager and himself. While he was smiling, inwardly he felt a little irritated. After all, people were watching and the distance was not too far. Still, while he didn't empathise he sympathised and had some understanding of Kylan's anxiety and inferiority issues.

Patiently he coaxes Kylan gently, not pointing out anything wrong, and slipping his hand into his own, tugging him teasingly, and affectionately.

Kylan immediately wanted to retract his grimy hand, but feeling his hand being squeezed so reassuringly by soft, cold fingers he stopped himself and felt a little distressed. The little girl's hands were so cold, he had been too busy immersed in himself and didn't consider how she was standing in the cold waiting for him. Because of his body he didn't even realise how fast the temperature had dropped until he became aware.

He squeezes back tentatively, earning another dazzling smile from the girl again.

Seeing that the timid mutt became docile again, Jia Hyson felt relieved. Even if he was annoyed, he had already took responsibility of this guy until he recovers a little. Therefore if Kylan showed another sign of mental resistance Jia Hyson had already made up an excuse to leave and go find a more low-key hotel to settle in.

Bebe who felt its host's emotional fluctuations couldn't help but sigh in its heart. The system had watched over Jia Hyson for a long time and it could see why so many people were infatuated with the man.

After all, when Jia Hyson was interested, he could be incredibly considerate and thoughtful. Even if it was a bit of a hassle he would be willing to go an extra step to make his partner more comfortable. If he has contrasting opinions Jia Hyson was willing to communicate clearly and consider compromises. And while he had many judgements about many things, even if he personally didn't care he would try to understand the other and exert the effort to pretend to care on their behalf.

Even if the care wasn't genuine it was sincere enough. This sort of warm doting feeling, full of support and quiet understanding, was like the addicting feeling of soaking in a warm bubble bath after a long and tiring day. No matter the real thoughts of Jia Hyson, the good feeling he can provide was undeniable. Unfortunately like a bath, the water eventually cools down and forces you to leave reluctantly.

Jia Hyson finally checked in. With the card Mr Garth provided him, he was swiftly admitted to the penthouse suite with the utmost respect. It didn't matter that he had the appearance of a child or that he was bringing a scruffy teenage boy behind him, the moment the card came out it was like Jia Hyson had transformed into a living golden statue.

Even if many of the lower-levelled staff were confused, the manager and the older staff's sudden change in behaviour made them not dare to look down on the pair.

The bellhop was also befuddled, but quickly understood this little girl was not just rich but had a status that no one here could afford to offend. He felt both giddy and nervous, as long as he can make a good impression and please this little gold master, he definitely won't suffer from it.

After all, the YY hotel was quite well-known for good-looking rich socialites and other high class individuals taking an interest in staff and raising them. While the details weren't exactly clear, everyone agreed that those lucky staff's lives had been completely changed.

As people who live in Grey City, how could anyone pass such an opportunity up. It didn't matter if it was a companion to an old man, or a spoiled child who wanted them as a servant, they all sincerely felt this was better than the almost constant fear of going back to the slum-like environment of the outskirts of this city.

Suddenly the bellhop wished to run to the mirror to make sure he was at his handsomest and check his breath, after all if nothing else, his high face value in combination with an impeccable service attitude should make him a little memorable.

Unfortunately the bellhop was a bit too naive and there was many bellhops and male staff already thinking of the same thing. In the near future Jia Hyson will leave the hotel with the strange impression that the YY hotel was full of handsome if slightly incredibly desperate idol-level men.

Future Jia Hyson: I am definitely coming back (-)b

Bebe: Damn, it's less a vision like sharks to blood and more like a school of silly fish to a waiting shark ah.

Kylan was probably the most bewildered out of all of them. Even if he was smart, his life experience was really limited. The girl who helped him in that dirty alley not only brought him to one of the biggest hotels in the area but has also boldly revealed to be some sort of VIP as well.

It really made him feel he was a little pitiful bullied poor heroine who had been picked up by a handsome rich CEO who had been coincidentally walking past.

Kylan takes another peek at the girl in question. Even though she was undeniably shorter and more petite than himself, Kylan could see the other's confidence and self-assurance under the hotel lights. Sensing his gaze, the girl turns around and winks at him, making him blush for the nth time that night.

oh no, for a second he thought he wouldn't mind being the heroine in this story. U,,,,U

As they reached the suite, Jia Hyson was too lazy to call for room service and just asked the bellhop for three steaks, two medium rare and one rare, almost blue steak, with a large side of fries, three panini sandwich breads, some pickles, and a platter of sauces. The bellhop nods eagerly, not at all unhappy about taking on an order technically outside his job description.

Jia Hyson smiles, and pulls out two hundred dollar bills and presses into the bellboy's hand. "Thank you-" He glances at the name tag for the first time. "Henry."

Henry smiles brightly in response, "It's a pleasure Miss-?"

After all, the moment she passed along Mr Garth's VIP card, nobody even thought to ask for her name. Henry wanted to build a good rapport with this rich little miss but he didn't even know how to call her, even her silent companion was no help.

Kylan also glances curiously at her. He was also very interested in this.

"Jasmine Liu," Jia Hyson lies smoothly. He had already thought of his fake name ever since he considered the possibility of temporarily bringing Kylan in. If he uses his online pseudonym it would easy for him to adapt and respond quickly, and Liu was a very common chinese surname. It wasn't foolproof by any means, but Jia Hyson knew it was better to keep a lie simple then overthink and overcomplicate things.

Both young men write the name down in their hearts, full of different emotions as they do.

Entering the suite, Kylan couldn't help but breathe out a gasp of awe. How could this be considered a room? This suite was more like an entire house was stuffed inside. An incredibly expensive one at that.

Jia Hyson who was used to riches took a few glances around and nods approvingly before taking his backpack and looking for the bedroom.

Kylan stares a little dazzled at the open layout of the luxurious but elegant living room, the large screen television, the multiple couches, and even a simple kitchen with a dining room that came with a complimentary fully stocked mini bar. However no matter how amazing this small little world of the rich was, it could not compare to the girl who brought him here in the first place, and he quickly scampers to follow her.

"There only seems to be one bedroom," Jia Hyson gestures helplessly to the opening of the room when Kylan arrives by his side, revealing a spacious room with a large king-sized but ultimately single bed.

It seems that the even the quality of Grey City's YY Hotel also lacked a little in comparison to other branches. While some penthouse suites are one bedroom, generally it's indicated to differentiate between those with suites with more bedrooms. The fact that they didn't meant they only had one bedroom penthouse suite tsk.

"I-I will take the couch." Kylan immediately volunteers with a slight stutter, blushing again as his mind wandered a little looking at that large bed.

Jia Hyson, noticing his straying gaze laughs but accepts the suggestion without a fuss. "Really sensible ah. I will request a blanket and more pillows when the room service comes."

The couch quality is good anyway, Kylan wouldn't suffer from it. Not to mention, Jia Hyson was pretending to be female right now, and would not give himself any unnecessary inconveniences nor will he wrong himself and sleep on the couch himself.

Kylan: A bit disappointed. _(:3)_

Fortunately while there wasn't two bedrooms there was at least two bathrooms, one connected to the living space and one connected to the bedroom. Shooing the other to clean himself, Jia Hyson also rushed to enjoy his own shower. The best thing of living in hotels in his opinion was having supremely satisfying and long, hot showers while using up all the free soaps and other things.

Seeing the large shower head, the assortment of little bottles of things, and the fluffy towels, Jia Hyson grinned and stripped off quickly- though not before posing and admiring his appearance one last time.

Aiyah, who told him to be such a cutie~? One less glance at his beauty is a glance wasted on something else after all.

Bebe: _

Turning on the shower, Jia Hyson groans loudly at the water pressure and hot water hitting his bare skin. Sometimes he felt a good shower was just as pleasurable as sex, or at least the satisfying feeling of stretching out your stiff back muscles. And since he hasn't had the opportunity to have real sex yet and his vampiric body made it mercifully difficult to get muscle pains.

Sadly he still had a big mutt waiting on him, so he couldn't fully enjoy himself and reluctantly left the shower after ten minutes.

Looking at the fogged up bathroom mirror, Jia Hyson wiped the mist from the surface and frowns slightly as he thought of something.

The alleyway where he found Kylan was dark and Jia Hyson would be honestly surprised if the teenager's vision wasn't severely compromised due to this given the state of his face, and long bangs. However it was different if he was keeping the other around for a few days. Kylan would inevitably see him without anything impairing his vision and will therefore have a very high chance of recognising him in the future at the vampire academy.

Since Jia Hyson was willing to use the Forget Me So perfume if needed, but he should still do something to tweak his appearance. After all, under the assumption of the small chance that the Forget Me So fragrance was completely ineffective to Kylan's physique or he just chooses not to use the perfume, this was just a good secondary safety measure.

Fortunately he had a very good skill for this.

[Hair Control]

Sadly, the skill didn't have all the abilities and conveniences as when he was a ghost, due to the restrictions of this world. But as compensation it serves as a great disguise skill, able to alter his hairstyle, length and coloration. Of course the colours can only be in the natural range of hair but it was enough.

While Jia Hyson didn't dare to alter his hair drastically as it may raise eyebrows, his unique curved bangs which followed the curve of his forehead was a bit too eye-catching and recognisable, not to mention the combination of black hair and bright blue eyes.

Touching his hair, he activates [Hair Control]. Black lightens to a dark brown, lengthening a little into a short bob that curled at the edges. His bangs, which was originally curved became a simple and straight line across his forehead.

The changes weren't too drastic to feel there was too much of a difference after transitioning from darker to brighter lighting, but at the same time it was obviously different to his original appearance. If the teenager saw him later at the academy, it is undeniable he will have some doubts since he couldn't change his face. But as a human, he would most likely only dismiss it as meeting a doppelgnger with the same face or a possible close relative.

Satisfied, Jia Hyson puts on a cute cotton mid-length long-sleeved night gown with lace trim and a simple pattern of tiny roses and trots out of the bathroom. As expected, Kylan was already out, sitting awkwardly on one of the living room couches with a fluffy bathrobe wrapped around him. When he saw Jia Hyson, he gave a double take and gave a faint look of puzzlement as he rubs his eye but quickly accepts it after Jia Hyson gave him a smile, acting like nothing was wrong.

"The food is already here," Kylan clears his throat, mustering the courage to start the conversation. "I already asked the bellhop to get extra blankets and pillows too." He looks up at Jia Hyson, and Jia Hyson could practically see the doggy ears and tail, perked up and waiting for praise.

Smiling, he pats the other's head again, "You're great~" he compliments sincerely. It was always good to have a nice house trained dog then a real messy stray. Not that he wouldn't mind trying to raise one, it was just there was a limited timeframe after all and Jia Hyson intends to relax.

Kylan ducks his head shyly. "Thanks." He mutters.

"If you can, use the hotel phone and dial room service to get you some basic clothes." Jia Hyson orders comfortably before sauntering toward the food. "Don't worry you just have to ask them and they'll agree ah."

"I see!" Kylan nods obediently and scurries to find a phone. There were a few around, and one of them was by the tv in the living area so it wouldn't take too long. The main thing was he had never been to a hotel before and was not familiar with how to dial room service. However he felt stupid if he went to ask Jasmine about something that must be so obvious to him, so he took a few minutes to figure it out and then muster the courage to call.

The penthouse suite had a small kitchen as part of the open floor plan, and it was easy to keep an eye on Kylan from there. Jia Hyson chuckles and felt a bit like a parent giving their kid a small task for the first time, glancing at Kylan to make sure he was doing okay and not on the verge of anxious tears. Seeing that he had figured out how to use the phone and was just psyching himself up, Jia Hyson focuses on the things in the kitchen.

In the kitchen it seems the staff had shown exemplary consideration. Everything was set out on the kitchen table with an assortment of cutlery such as steak knives, butter knives and so on. Even though it wasn't requested, there was also a dessert platter of small cakes, chocolates, cheeses, crackers and fruit.

Snatching a small cube of brownie he plopped it into his mouth, smiling into the rich and moist taste of sweet dark brownie, slightly chewy and still warm. As he savors the flavor and mouth feel, Jia Hyson rolls up his sleeves and starts to slice the steaks.

Yes, he planned to make steak sandwiches. Why? Because he was simply craving it ah. _()_/

It had been a long time since he personally made anything but sandwiches were quick and easy, plus he had the [Burger Prince] skill that directly boosted the taste value of any sandwich type meal he makes. At level 1 his sandwiches were 10% more delicious than usual, at level 2 they was a 12.5% improvement and now that his skill reached level 3, the taste was boosted by 15% and even had a slight health boost effect too.

Jia Hyson wasn't enthusiastic enough to actively improve this skill but whenever he craved sandwiches that weren't too much effort to make, he would choose to do it himself to brush up more experience points. [Burger Prince] was a fun and slightly useful skill the more you level it up and he was a little curious on the deliciousness that would come from a sandwich using the evolved skill [Burger King].

Even if he loves his national cuisine, he always viewed himself an international gourmet who enjoyed all sorts of things. And honestly, hundreds of years of ancient china really turned him off a little from chinese food, and he was currently in the phase of loving western and other exotic cuisines.

Spreading on some hot mustard and sweet onion relish onto the flat surface of the toasted panini bread, which had been cut open like a hot dog bun, he layers cheese, and the leafy greens of the side salad of the steak dish. Then he places slices of the steak on top, adds pickles, a bit of jalapeo for spice and finally spreads a thin layer of truffle mayonnaise on the other side of the panini bun.

As politeness for his guest, the first sandwich was for Kylan who had already ordered the clothes for himself and was now waiting and watching Jia Hyson make the food at the table with shiny eyes. Jia Hyson hums and hands over a piece of steak to Kylan which he shyly bites down on making Jia Hyson smile wildly albeit slightly perversely. Ah, really like a dog, so cute.

Once the sandwich was finished and passed to Kylan, the young man looked at it hungrily but didn't move.

"It's okay, you can eat it before it gets cold," Jia Hyson kindly prompts him.

Kylan shakes his head firmly though, "No, I want to wait for you!" He declines with a faint fierce determination, but quickly the growling dog once again became a timid pup as he added a soft, "Please?" to the end of the sentence.

It was a little funny and cute, if a bit distressing.

Jia Hyson: 'Ah, the dog even knows the command 'stay'. He's not bad.'

The first sandwich was made a little slowly as he had to taste the different sauces to determine the best combinations to match with the meat, trying to include something fresh, creamy and a salty element that didn't overpower each other and still let the juicy meat flavour prevail in your mouth.

However once it was settled, Jia Hyson quickly threw together the other two and soon both of them were tearing into their meal with great gusto.

The panini bread was toasted, giving it a satisfying crunch before making way to warm fluffy bread that helped soak the juices of the meat that mad mixed in the with the sweet-tangy onion relish, the creaminess of mayonnaise and the addicting sharpness of mustard that supported the faint spicy heat of randomly scattered jalapeos. Even the salad was crisp and fresh, clearing up some of the heaviness of the dish.

Kylan felt his eyes go hot. It was the first time he had tasted something so generously full of meat not to mention so incredibly delicious. He had also observed the thought and deliberation Jasmine had put into making it, and had never seen anyone put so much care into a meal.

Kylan simply felt this was the best sandwich in the world!

Seeing the other enthusiastically consume his meal, Jia Hyson felt very comfortable. After all, he had a weakness for praise that had only gotten stronger in this world, so how could he not feel pleased seeing someone enjoy something he made? Sipping some coconut water he took from the mini fridge.

To make the other feel more comfortable, Jia Hyson made a bit of small talk. Kylan was clearly very self-conscious about his identity and background, not to mention he was still tired and injured, so Jia Hyson took it upon himself to undertake most of the conversation and chat a little about himself.

He didn't say anything specific, just that due to his living situation his parents weren't around often and he has developed a sense of independence, enjoying short trips to nearby cities. He told a few stories about other places, witty little things, and impressive things he had seen. Kylan was deeply enthralled as he ate his food, eyes bright with longing and envy.

But as said before, Kylan was tired and injured, so even if he wanted to listen to more, he was already unable to stop yawning once he finished eating. Jia Hyson glances at his phone and can see it's already technically morning. "I have some ointment for your bruises," Jia Hyson says calmly as he stands up and takes their empty plates, "You get ready for bed and I'll come round in a few minutes."

"It's not that late though" Kylan protests before yawning again.

Jia Hyson rolls his eyes and lightly pokes his head as he walks around him. "Hey, even I'm tired, this little beauty needs her beauty sleep you know ah~"

Kylan grumbles a little but also quickly helps clear the table which further improved Jia Hyson's impression of him. After all, everyone loves a good guest willing to help clean up. Of course Jia Hyson was too lazy to be a good host and deny the other's efforts, so they quickly put the dirty plates to the side and covered the half finished dessert platter with a cloche.

Sending him to the couches to go rearrange it to his liking with the new blankets and pillows that had come alongside a few bags of clothing during dinner. Jia Hyson sighs and watches him idly while drinking a glass of water.

Well, it would be fun to play fairy godmother for the week he supposes. Plus when he gives Kylan a makeover he can serve as eye candy if nothing else.

'' Bebe's silence was, as usual, speaking volumes of judgement.

Jia Hyson rolls his eyes again but this time far more sarcastically. 'What? I'm not going to do anything unless he wants me to ehehehe.' After internally laughing pervertedly, even Jia Hyson felt a bit embarrassed and coughs awkwardly.

Jia Hyson wasn't really serious. To be honest, the other seemed quite young. Well, appearance-wise, the guy looked like he belonged in the seventeen to eighteen age range, but a lot of teenage boys tend to look older than their current age once they get their growth spurts, not to mention his rather skinny body also made it a bit difficult to get an estimate on. The injured teenager was at least a head taller than himself. Probably taller if he wasn't always slumping.

But also, well, he wasn't very tall to begin with so it wasn't really much comparison.

Ah, even if he knows physically he is very young, and he grows slowly, Jia Hyson deeply resents height difference.

Bebe: 'Well, in fairness Silas and the other male vampires roughly your age or younger are taller than you as well.'

Jia Hyson: '' Fuck, that's true too. Damn that's really annoying to hear though.

Inwardly he calculated Kylan's age with his fingers.

He appears in the second book which was the second year of high school, which was 10th grade. During that time Alaric and Prince Silas would be in the last year at St Lailah's. Jia Hyson will enter the academy soon, so in four years time Kylan would be at least fifteen

Jia Hyson snaps his head up in alarm, expression becoming ugly. No, wait, fuck, he's eleven? That can't be right!? Then why the fuck does Kylan look like a seventeen year old??

It's understandable if he was fourteen or even thirteen, but eleven really felt too exaggerated. While he admits he had a terrible ability to guess someone's age he felt like he shouldn't be this bad. What is this generation eating? How terrifying!

Could it be.. 'Bebe, is this related to the secret of his body?' Jia Hyson felt like this was the best explanation. It was definitely a big plot point hinted throughout a lot of the story but got dropped for other matters.

'This' Bebe was also a bit of a loss. As it was an undisclosed plot point related to a big mystery that never got solved, the information wasn't available and even deliberately concealed to the system.

This doesn't happen all the time, after all Bebe had the [World Encyclopaedia] Skill so a lot of secret untold background knowledge is accessible to it. But sometimes certain facts that the world's consciousness and heavenly path think would be better to be discovered naturally would be hidden or strongly recommended to figure out yourself. In fact, it was actually one of the side missions that Jia Hyson never bothered to look at- Finding the secret of Kylan Laframboise's body.

Still that didn't mean it didn't have any information, 'While Bebe personally thinks that it's certainly a factor, but Bebe also believes that it's attributed to the fact that the characters of this sort of western romance worlds tend to mature faster.'

Jia Hyson:

Thinking about it now, Jia Hyson realises that the awkward 'tween' phase where it was still obvious you were still more child than teenager was barely apparent at all in the older children he had seen in this world. Before he didn't really think too much of it. After all he knew vampires mature into teenagers quickly before stagnating their growth phases, and they were almost always good-looking no matter the age. Taller, prettier, usually better developed too.

But now he realises that he had overlooked the fact that all these vampires stuck as 'teenagers' really all had started to slow their growth once they looked nearly seventeen or nineteen. But at that point their actual ages were roughly twelve to thirteen, which is the definition of reaching the teenage period.

Jia Hyson is now fairly familiar with the concepts of this world's vampiric biology after multiple classes. The stagnation of their ages is said to be triggered by hormones, therefore there is no doubt their ages should slow down their at around the usual time humans enter puberty. Which, again, indicates that at roughly twelve or so, they all really looked much older than they should be in Jia Hyson's perspective.

Suddenly he vividly recalls the western movies and shows with high school settings that he watched, and almost consistently criticised how every so called 'high school teenager' was so clearly a person in their late twenties at best.

Jia Hyson: ..

He couldn't deny the reasons why directors have hired an adult cast. But at the same time it's also undeniable that it has formed a somewhat unrealistic image of high schoolers in everyone's hearts after years of seeing these sexy well-developed, big breasted and full of muscles, 'fourteen and over year-olds,' walking around the school halls for most of their own childhood.

Even in many cartoons, especially with the popularity of anime, there were many mature and very well-developed characters. Introducing them as first years, second years, seniors and freshman, sometimes you can forget the actual ages they are behind these terms.

Jia Hyson wants to cover his face in embarrassment. After all, he remembers many times where he would thirst over a 2D character, and then realise later on they were like, twelve or thirteen years old*.

*Prince of tennis omg I didn't fully realise they were middle schoolers back then like fuck some were more adult then the actual adults orz (*whispers* I still think they hot issoke their appearance barely changed when they became high-schooler I think I'm in the clear probably *sounds of police sirens in distance* oh shi-)

The author of the Jessica Fang series did not seem too old, it does make sense that the image of high-schoolers looking like adults is more strongly cemented in their minds.

The more he thinks, the stranger his expression gets. Even though it was a relatively small detail that differed between Jia Hyson's own world and this one, it was somehow more unnerving and strange than any big obvious change like the introduction of vampires.

It was like if he went into a world where magic existed and people all slept in bunkbeds. The magic was very cool and all. But you can't help but feel more fixated about the more mundane bunkbed thing. Because like what the fuck, you can teleport why are there no single beds what if you lived alone like that's so weird, not to mention a waste of resources.

'Kylan isn't actually eleven,' Bebe says after a few calculations. 'Due to his financial problems, behaviour and the lax school policies, he's actually repeated a few grades more than a few times, and also started schooling late. He should be roughly fourteen?' Inwardly Bebe disses the failures of public school administration. The numbers and the way they organised files was disordered and didn't add up, if it wasn't an intelligent system it would've really suffered for a good hour parsing through the nonsense files.

Jia Hyson sighs in his heart. After all he was brought knowing the value of education, and the lives he had lead, while a little hard was not too difficult a life. He had still never experienced poverty to the point that education was delayed.

Either way, before he was more or less joking before but now he seriously put down any bad thoughts. Sixteen, or even fifteen if his body's age difference wasn't too large, he can consider as long as the younger party takes the initiative. His moral bottom line for sex was quite low admittedly but Jia Hyson still had a line. It was shaky. But it was sort of there dammit.

The excuse of being a vampire allowed him to pursue people much younger and older than himself. Look at Count Vericus, he was over 4000 years old with a wife at just under 2500 years old and three children, the eldest nearly 2200, and the youngest nearing 50. And yet he was currently entangling with Kylan's elder sister who should be roughly eighteen to twenty years old.

But vampires still recognise that, people below a certain age, cannot necessarily be relied on to make big decisions themselves. It was true that not all children were idiots, and they can handle hard truths and be more understanding and self-aware than adults expect, but in regards to sexual matters there will always be a hard limit.

The main two things was the physical maturity and mental maturity of an individual. Jia Hyson also has this idea. From what he's seen so far, Kylan did not seem mature enough to be trusted with his own decisions, his consent was not enough currently for Jia Hyson. It was okay to tease and play around with him, after all it was very flattering and cute to be the target of a child's silly crush, but he wouldn't do anything explicit like a beast.

Bebe: 'But you did do explicit things with a beast before.' (, w ,,)

Jia Hyson: 'Yes, well- _ I suppose beastiality and interspecies sex is still within my moral limit then. Are you happy now?'

Bebe: 'Why would Bebe be happy?'

Jia Hyson: 'You're right, you're never happy.'

Bebe: _ ''

Jia Hyson: _ 'Go get some therapy.'

Bebe: _ 'You first you fuck.'

Jia Hyson: _ ''

Anyway, while the revelation was both as shocking as it was disappointing, Jia Hyson still didn't intend to throw the kid out nor change his plans much. It would be a bit shameful too now after all. Might as well still give Kylan some good fun and memories as he plays as his super cute platonic gold master.

Jia Hyson went to the bedroom and took out some simple over the countertop but still expensive antiseptic first aid cream for cuts and grazes, and some paw paw cream for bruising and such, from his bag. He liked to be always a little prepared for these things so he usually carried a few first aid items among other things in case a bystander or himself was injured.

Walking back toward the living space area, Jia Hyson pauses as he hears a faint sniffling sound.

Silently he slides to take a peek. Fortunately the open layout makes it very easy to see Kylan. Taking a look, Jia Hyson inhales sharply.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Kylan is crying.

And it's so fucking hot.

Bebe: 'Excuse me. What.'

Jia Hyson: 'Like, objectively, platonically hot. Like a statue.'

Bebe: 'Wouldn't you fuck a statue though?'

Jia Hyson: 'Uh, is it like, a living statue?'

Bebe: 'Hello, police?' _


The tears that roll down his bruised checks, the long lashes, the almost silent sniffling as he tries, but fails to keep it together as he hugs the soft pillow in his arms, the flush of embarrassment and distress It was such an exquisite picture. If Jia Hyson could paint, he would love to capture such an aesthetically beautiful form of such suffering.

It was not an overwhelming agony but a simple, quiet pain of neglect and loss in a teenager who was standing on the line between strong and vulnerably fragile. Painful yet pleasing to the eye.

Jia Hyson felt moved by the crying beauty, his heart beating a little faster subconsciously.

While he still wouldn't make a move, in his heart he sighs emotionally.

Jia Hyson always had a wide range of tastes but crying seeing crying faces, messed up and flushed, maybe a little twisted in tormented pleasure and pain, were consistently his favorite sights to see on others. He thinks if it wasn't for the sheer volume of noise produced, a crying child would be very cute, just like a crying man is very attractive and a crying woman is very lovely. It is probably only the elderly who he has always been a bit emotionally weak and sympathetic toward that he will produce more of a distressed response than an attracted one.

He touches his nose awkwardly and asks his system in his mind, 'Hey, Bebe. On a scale of one to a hundred, if I just take a photo on my phone-'

'Human trash. Go die.' Bebe replies.

Jia Hyson touches his nose again. Then after some thought he still pulls out his phone and sneakily takes a photo. Aiyah, it can't be helped, he's gone through so many worlds and seen a lot of crying faces but Kylan's was really one of the best ones. Hey, this person really has the potential to be a crying star!

Oh, grow up soon kid, grow up and let me make you cry even more beautifully!

Bebe: This man's penchant for tears is really sick.

However, Bebe also guiltily took a photo too Kylan's crying face was objectively very good looking even to the system who had no perverse inclination toward crying. Even the lighting and background made it feel artistic and decadent. Bebe was confident that it would get a lot of likes on Systagram if it posted such a scene. After all, stupidly captioned angst memes were really trending right now.

Bebe's favorite one was of a host being stabbed through the stomach while protecting his wife with his body, smiling weakly at her as he grasps her shoulders. Underneath there was the subtitles of the host saying, "As long as you're here, I'll always be okay." And the caption on top was: That feeling when your aunt* comes and you see your heat pack.

*Aunt is slang for period/menstruation

Kylan: '' Suddenly feeling incredibly angry.

Kylan, wipes his tears embarrassedly, scolding himself for suddenly getting emotional out of nowhere. It was just that everything he had just experienced was so nice, he really couldn't believe it. Even this couch was softer and more comfortable than even his sister's bed that he secretly would sleep in sometimes. It was a little overwhelming really, having a full stomach, a warm and soft place as if he's sleeping in a summer cloud

He wasn't sure if he was happy or sad or just wishful, and once left alone his mind wandered and his tears had just naturally fell.

Even now he was really scared that none of this was real.

Rubbing his eyes vigorously he looked up and suddenly saw Jasmine with a camera pointed at him.

Kylan: '' Oh. So she's a pervert all along huh.

Jia Hyson: '' Oop.

Bebe: '' Bebe will just take another screenshot for the gram.




Authors Note:

Yo, I just wanna say. I didn't get to replying to all of your lovely and amazing comments from before but you guys. Thank you for the lovely support and they all gave me a big smile to my face. Like ulisses_soares who write like three messages worth of love like damn girl that's amazing! Admittedly I didn't understand a few points but it was like a huge punch of love and I super appreciate it ah.

I think after that bombardment of positivity and a week of bullying my discord members I have more or less recovered! Yayyy! Love you guys all~

Also as you can see in this chapter, I have failed math and did not calculate Kylan's current age according to the timeline correctly HAHAHAHAH *SOBS* I tried to do math thrice before I finally confirmed yes, he should technically be 11ish like fml I wrote some smut scene of him before I did the proper calculations so now I be like, as the kids say- yeetus deletus (oof I feel both old and cringe lmao).

Everybody, I can assure you that there's like kissing at best with Kylan during this time, no smexy until they all go to highschool and I break down cuz this was meant to be smut arc QwQ. Please don't report me I shall math better in future (I probs wont I'm not great like that T w T)

Something that I want to randomly recc is a youtube gameplay of Coming Out on Top by anima GAMING that is so good AHAHAHAHHAHAHA (susu if you see this shush) I rewatch it every once in a while and I love it. If you do watch it don't do it when your parents and stuff are around it is quite nsfw UwU but it's so funny istg

Also also, my server is doing a small thing, I will post ss here so check the paragraph comment for info

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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