Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 164: 14

Chapter 164: 14

Jia Hyson groans as the morning sun hits his face and silently swears at himself for being overcome by the need to be a holy father* and invite the teenager to stay with.

*male version of being the Virgin Mary- a bleeding heart/martyr/white lotus etc

Bebe: If holy fathers got hard over teenage boys crying well then


Bebe: Anyway.

If he hadn't let the other into true hotel to stay, then at least he could sleep in to his heart's content.

Thinking about last night, Jia Hyson remembered the shame at being caught snapping a photo while the other was in a vulnerable state. If he hadn't had the appearance of a pretty little girl he really would've been screamed at for being a big pervert by Kylan. Still the unnatural gaze the kid gave him at the time was quite embarrassing.

Once again he scolded himself, this time for being too greedy. To be honest he already took six or seven pictures already, but he wasn't completely satisfied with any of them due to the lacking resolution of his phone camera. So. He just. Wanted to lean in and take a better picture. Just one or two more.

He knew Bebe was taking photos too. After all, he knew the big thing on system media was sad pictures with slightly or very inappropriate comedic captions so there was no way Bebe would miss out despite its previous judgements. But there was a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction Jia Hyson just liked about doing it yourself. He admits he wasn't as good as Bebe but doing it himself delights his need for control, and with his strong sense of aesthetic, his photography was pretty good.

Who knew the kid would just suddenly stop crying ah. Generally when people cry it tends to slowly die down like a stream drying up, not so quick and abrupt as a tap turning off. For a moment Jia Hyson even suspected Kylan had been faking ah.

Of course he quickly dismissed that, if Kylan had been faking then he deserved to win an Oscar. That sort of emotional vulnerability was not something that could be faked by such a young person unless they were an acting genius.

Jia Hyson at the time panicked a little bit but quickly regained his calm and walked awkwardly over. In these situations the best thing is to tell a partial truth.

With blushing cheeks he bows his head timidly like the little girl he looked like, ashamed at having been caught doing something bad. "Ah, I'm sorry, I just like taking photos of good-looking things. I.. you looked really beautiful just then so I couldn't help it, but I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

Kylan as the yin shard was naturally not stupid and very quick witted, however his background was of a teenager essentially abandoned by everyone and was suspicious of kindness but reluctant to part with kindness at the same time. He bit his lip, and tried to think of ways to justify his doubts and defend his hopes.

To be honest, Jasmine's gaze was really too perverted. However he was fairly sensitive to emotion and the look wasn't exactly a lecherous sexual feeling per say, but Kylan still felt it was weird. Like it wasn't a lecherous sexual feeling but it was close.

But looking at Jasmine's apologetic face, with her flushed cheeks and watery blue eyes, Kylan didn't want to be angry at all. In fact he felt that it was good if she was a pervert. It was more comforting in his mind to be with a flawed lovely person than a perfect one. Not to mention, she was a pervert who liked him at of all people, she even thought she actually thought "You think I'm beautiful?"

Jia Hyson thought of Kylan's crying face and sincerely answered, "You were one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen." The most beautiful crying face.

Kylan blushed, deeply flattered. "I, I think you're beautiful too."

Jia Hyson: 'Well, naturally ah.'

Fiddling with his hair, Jia Hyson fidgets bashfully. "Oh, you, thanks." It was a very cute image of two blushing teenagers glancing awkwardly and smiling at each other.

Bebe silently took a picture and captioned it- That moment you fart and think you've gotten away with it.

After that Jia Hyson was satisfied that Kylan was no longer looking at him so strangely, and bid him a good night, happily going to sleep.

Squinting at the sunlight Jia Hyson grunts and closes his eyes in a desperate attempt to deny the passing of time. "Bebe, is Kylan awake?"

"Yes." Bebe confirms after a moment. While there was no monitoring inside the hotel suite, Bebe could still explore around the area up to a certain distance. "He's folding his blankets and glancing at the direction of your bedroom."

Jia Hyson groans, "Motherfuck."

Day time is essentially free time for Jia Hyson. Noble vampires can walk under the sun and have slowly adapted to a more diurnal lifestyle, though they will still feel naturally more comfortable and energetic at night. Because of how society was becoming more advanced and human population was growing more and more, it had became important to adapt and best mimic a human's lifestyle not just to blend in, but also just for the convenience of it.

After all if they wanted to go into the cities, most of the appointments and stores and entertainment were available during the day. Plus many noble vampires ran or worked in companies in order to both explain and maintain the coven's finances. The Rong family actually ran a large accounting company, an antiques business and a cup noodle company. The cup noodle company was the most profitable by far to be perfectly honest.

Originally Jia Hyson had planned during these next few days to relax into this more nocturnal lifestyle, soaking in the moonlight and shunning the sun just like he was naturally meant to. Taking the time to do this was mainly for his own self-care and also for the convenience of his patrolling task.

This is because, unlike noble vampires that were naturally born vampiric, turned vampires were different, more sensitive to light and their dislike of the sun was far more intense, showing they had inherited more of the primitive vampiric behaviors. This meant if there were any illegally turned vampires around, their presence would be mainly seen when the sun goes down. Conversely a corrupt noble vampire would have little to do during the daytime in Grey City anyway, and would rather visit when the nightlife and criminal activity is most active.

Forcing himself to wake up, Jia Hyson covers his line of sight with his arm, opening his eyes so they slowly adjust to the light before finally exposing himself to the dazzling late morning sun rudely shining between the gaps of the hotel curtains. After the period of adjustment, Jia Hyson quickly rolls out of bed, ruthlessly forcing himself out of his warm blanket space and into the cool air.

He was the type who, once woken up to a certain point, will quickly become completely lucid and have great trouble going back to sleep until it's bed time. Jia Hyson used to have this habit in his original body, but unlike his carsickness, it didn't seem to hop across worlds with him. It was simply because Alaric also had a strong biological clock that he could properly re-experience a world with this habit.

Jia Hyson felt a bit bitter about this. It's true it was annoying to not be able to nap or go back to sleep easily, but he could maintain a good sleep cycle and can easily adjust it when needed. Such a trait was far better than his shitty ability of consistent nausea during car rides and his slight resistance to drugs. Even the shape of his eyes, always drooping, was more or less the same in other worlds, with some variation of course.

It was a little incomprehensible what stays with him and what doesn't ah.

Musing possible theories in his head, Jia Hyson gets up. Checking the bedside mirror, he narcissistically admires his appearance almost instinctively.

After that he picks out another outfit. Due to his new hairstyle, Jia Hyson felt like dressing up a little bit and pulls out a puffy sleeved gingham dress, white stockings and some platform Mary Jane shoes, giving off a very Dorothy from Wizards of Oz aesthetic.

Going to the bathroom he splashes water on his face, brushes his teeth, brushes his hair, puts a ribbon clip in his hair and paints a bit of light pink lip gloss to give himself some more colour. "Tsk," Jia Hyson touches his face, tilting it side to side as he falls into admiration for a second time in the last ten minutes. "I am really just so pretty."

Bebe: ''

"I should take a photo, I just think I look especially good, hey Bebe, does this angle make me look fat-"



"Bebe has had an actual teenage influencer as a host and she wasn't as bad as you're being right now."

Jia Hyson: ''

Striding out of the room, Jia Hyson threw the room service menu at Kylan who was waiting with him like a dog waiting for his owner, "Come, tell me what you want," he offers generously before grabbing a fistful of leftovers from the dessert platter and stuffing it into his mouth in a rather inelegant way.

Seeing the stunned face of Kylan, Jia Hyson raises a brow, takes a somewhat stale cookie and bites into it, "Something the matter ah?"

Kylan shakes his head but stops himself. Instead he honestly answers, "You're a little different this morning."

Jia Hyson smiles, "It's just because I had a bit less sleep then I wanted, can't be as polite. Are you disappointed?"

Tired of his overly flirty and coquettish tone, Jia Hyson had already more or less dropped it in front of Kylan, in favour of acting more softly spoken to smother the slight masculine undertones of his voice. It made him seem less flighty, and sweet and a bit more mature.

His voice was naturally quite light and gentle in the first place, which is why Alaric probably shouted so much to assert dominance and compensate. Therefore it was not too difficult to make it hard to misidentify his gender even if he just used his normal voice.

Kylan did not show any doubts and instead swallowed, his throat dry. Doesn't this mean, Jasmine was letting her guard down and showing more of her casual real self? Is this because he had already caught her taking photos so she felt there wasn't any need to hold a certain image toward him?

People were like that, to strangers they were more polite and unwilling to show any bad sides, but once the relationship is closer, people will become more rude and casual. Kylan felt a little excited thinking maybe this was the case with him and Jasmine? Forcibly breaking the wall of politeness because of last night, it makes sense that one would either distance themselves or find themselves in a position of closeness as a result.

This time he shakes his head firmly, "I'm not disappointed at all!"

Jia Hyson was about to reach up and pat Kylan's head, but stops, remembering his hands were now dirty with food and his own saliva from liking his fingers. Chuckling, he finally says what he's been thinking for a while, "You're seriously like a puppy ah. It's cute."

Kylan blushes.

Jia Hyson laughs again, but kindly changes the subject, "Now, what do you want for breakfast, order what you like."

"No, I really.. thank you but there's no need," Kylan tries to deny. He might be quite bold and blunt in school, but he wasn't shameless and had a bit of a thin face, which felt even thinner after meeting Jasmine.

It was already bad enough that this girl who was probably only a little older than him brought him to her hotel room, made him a sandwich and gave him a hot shower and warm place to sleep, but it felt strangely too much to also make her buy breakfast as well. "I really shouldn't.."

Before he could confidently reject, Kylan's body ruthlessly betrays him, his stomach loudly protesting with an unflattering gurgling sound making his face turn hot.

Jia Hyson huffs in amusement, this kid was really fun to watch struggle ah.

But to save the other's face, he swallows the laughter down. Unfortunately even if he doesn't laugh, the corners of his lips would not go down, wanting to indulge in the bad taste of bullying and teasing. Almost subconsciously, the teasing and flirtatious tilting tone he had before came out very naturally. He used this tone often when being cheeky or playful but for some reason it came out much easier dressed up. "What are you doing, trying to act so big ah~ Come, come~ big sister has money so don't be shy oh~"

Bebe: '...' Is this really the true awakening of Bebe's host's girlish heart?

Bebe felt like it shouldn't say anything, after all Jia Hyson was clearly having fun with this female persona, and it wasn't like Jia Hyson was the sort of steel straight man who would be bothered once aware of it. He would probably just consider it a new part of himself like a cute little accessory.

It's just... How come this female personality is also so slag???

Why does he sound like some rich middle aged auntie ready to prey on some fresh meat*???

*young pretty boys

After some back and forth, Kylan ordered the simplest eggs on toast and Jia Hyson once again ordered a bloody steak, with a side of eggs and toast.

Kylan silently notes it down in his heart that Jasmine was surprisingly quite carnivorous in many ways.

While they waited for breakfast they began to chat, this time with Kylan becoming more active as they talk about the city.

In a place like Grey City, where the standard of living was fairly low, there was both a lower chance of noble vampires appearing and therefore a lower sense of vigilance toward vampire related crime. But alternatively it also meant that a lot of criminal vampires weren't very interested in staying in Grey City long term either. After all, even fallen nobles would not slum it in such a place if given a choice.

More importantly, the medical facilities here were quite atrocious, with poor equipment, hygiene and medical staff. Most people were not willing to donate blood and the ones who could, were the rich and corrupt. So even if they had the interest to do some blood charity, there was a decent chance their blood was greasy, possibly diseased, and just bad blood in general thanks to the wealthy lifestyle of eating, drink, sex, drugs and smoking. If the vampires tasked with watching over the city full time weren't promised benefits and imported blood they really wouldn't come here either. It simply just wasn't suitable conditions for them to live.

Therefore Jia Hyson didn't have much information about the area. It was better to hear more from Kylan, coaxing more and more things out of him under the guise of earnest curiosity and witty bantering. Kylan didn't notice, just enjoying the conversation, and soon breakfast arrived.

Seeing that there was no suspicious points of interest to focus on, Jia Hyson figures that the area Kylan lives was most likely safe. He'll slowly move to outward to the surrounding areas there then and should be able to patrol at least a quarter of the outskirt city area by the allocated week which should be enough to write a good-looking report about.

With a new plan tentatively established, it was time to enjoy himself with his temporary puppy.

Taking it easy, Jia Hyson spent the next few days wandered around Grey City with Kylan in tow. When night fell and it was time to tuck his little street mutt to bed, he would leave and patrol different areas for a few hours before retreating back to the hotel to sleep. It wasn't really as relaxing as a vacation but it was still a very satisfying way to spend the time.

After cleaning up Kylan during the first day, so the dirty appearance of a wild dog transformed into a fluffy and cute little milk dog, Kylan no longer experienced any stares of disgust or rejection which settled him a lot. Over the next few days his confidence grew exponentially as a result. He even had the courage to ask Jia Hyson to go to the amusement park for their last day together which was an hour or two out of the city.

Jia Hyson quite liked this coquettish and excited appearance of his dog so he generously indulged his request.

To be honest, one of his favourite identities to take on were the ones where he could take care and provide for people. He has a penchant for control and enjoys the sense of others depending on himself, giving outsiders the impression that despite his frivolous nature he actually has a nurturing side. Maybe he really does have such a mindset on some level, but even if the intentions aren't as motherly as the actions appear, it wasn't as if either party was upset about this dynamic.

Jia Hyson: 'It's like a gold master raising his sugar baby, I like this flavor a lot ah~'

Bebe: 'Bebe would've thought you would prefer the sugar baby role more.'

Jia Hyson: 'Honestly the best case scenario is that I raise a cute soft bun* into a big black sesame dumpling that will raise me in the later half in life. That way I get to experience both pleasures.' ,,,UwU,,,

*easy to bully, timid-natured sweetie

*fod version to describe black-bellied/blackened

Either way, Jia Hyson was also interested in playing like a child again. Who told the last world to be so long and boring? Even if he had a very handsome and lovely Da Gong by his side, and the protagonists Tang Muxin and Pan Shuchun trying their best to improve society, it was undeniable there were still a lot of things lacking in the entertainment aspects.

Kylan on the other hand felt like these last few days were as beautiful as a dream.

New clothes, warm food, soft bed, and playing around with such a beautiful big sister- isn't this the ideal life? Even now he got to experience the feeling of entering the amusement park thanks to her. Many of his classmates had gone with their families to visit this amusement park, it could be considered the place all Grey City citizens with children should visit at least once. However he had never had the opportunity to go with anyone until he was already this big.

When they arrived at the park, they were greeted at the entrance by a slightly frowning lady at the ticket booth.

"You young kids should really be in school, don't skip out to date ah," The older ticketmaster half-heartedly chides with some helplessness and disapproval as she passes them their tickets. But she didn't protest much, especially after taking their money.

After all, what can she do? Underage couples skipping school were their second biggest source of revenue after families. While normal adult couples will pay a little more for things, the amusement park was not a date that they would constantly want to go to like the younger people, therefore they were narrowly beaten out on the ranking.

"No, no~" Jia Hyson throws an arm over Kylan's shoulder with a wide grin, such an easy action completely disregarding the differences between man and women, made people believe they were close but not in an ambiguous or romantic way. "This is my cousin! I am only here for a short time so we were allowed to take the day off to play!"

The ticket-master squints and smiles, "Oh, my mistake, have a lovely day." She apologises but there was still a little doubt in her eyes.

Jia Hyson laughs and puts the tickets in his pocket. "Thank you!" He throws back before dragging Kylan toward the park with his arm over his shoulder still. Because of the height difference, Kylan had to indulgently bend down a little to accommodate the other, looking like a big shaggy dog leashed by a smaller sized child.

Kylan looked at the bright and festive appearance of the amusement park, listening to the noise of children laughing and screaming, and most of all, was aware of the fresh summery scent of orange blossom and citrus that Jasmine out on this morning and the softness of the other. His heart was thumping, light and fluttery, both from happiness and anxiety.

Everything was so beautiful.

But of course, the more beautiful the dream, the more reluctant he was for it to end.

They went around checking out the booths first. After all, it was the first time Kylan had gone to any rides or any other carnival type entertainment. Jia Hyson at first was only a little interested but he quickly got swept up in the enthusiasm, not just from his companion but also of the place in general.

Maybe because Grey City wasn't the nicest, everyone who came to the amusement park was very appreciative and in awe. The richer families would generally move to better places that they could afford and the few that were there pretty much just brought children that was young enough that they would be impressed with a ball of yarn. Therefore Grey City's amusement park was, while a little shabby and limited in a lot of aspects, actually a surprisingly pleasant place full of happiness.

"Let's do this!" Jia Hyson cheerfully pulls Kylan to one of the booths where you throw a ball at a moving target to win the prize behind it.

"Okay." Kylan smiles, "But I'm not very good at throwing games."

"Tsk, then you'll just have to be my cheerleader instead ah~" Jia Hyson teases before looking at the booth owner with some excitement. "Mister, I want to win that cute puppy dog toy, and that GameDude~" He bats his eyes as he passes the other some money.

The man in the booth chuckles and passes him five ping pong balls. "You can try little girl, but no guarantees."

'Host, the booth is rigged.' Bebe whispers in his mind. Jia Hyson smiles and internally replies.

'Of course I know that.'

Anyone who had played in carnival type games knows that there's many that are notoriously rigged and have lost more than a bit of money over it in their lifetime. Jia Hyson was no exception.

It was a frustrating thing, especially when he was with a date or babysitting which would cause him to lose face in front of others. But there was really only so much he could do about it. Over time he just was too lazy to do things like this and never thought much about it anymore. But now that he was reminded and granted such an opportunity with his vampiric abilities He can take revenge against all the evil rigged games as compensation for all the past ones that had wronged him! HAHAHHAHA!

Booth owner: I suddenly feel a chill in the air.

Other booth owners: We have a bad feeling.

Jia Hyson gleefully showed a strength and capability that should not belong inside someone with such a cute and delicate appearance at all. Decimating each game, from the throwing games, shooting games, ring toss, balloon and darts, and so on and so on. He was like a carnival demon, making all the booth owners sob and despair in his wake and all those still in his path to shiver.

"You're so amazing," Kylan praises excitedly as he carries two bags full of various prizes.

Neither Jia Hyson or Kylan were interesting in the comically big plushies as they still had to carry it for the rest of the day, but they picked the most expensive things like game consoles, toys they liked, board games they were interested in playing, fun novelty items and so on. Kylan and Jia Hyson were also practically decked out in various tacky accessories that they had found for each other that they thought was funny or cute.

"Hehe, you're just saying that~" Jia Hyson tried to act coy but his narcissism was too blatant and Kylan could clearly see the 'Praise me more' written all over the other's face.

Kylan smiles. Jasmine was really adorable. She was nice, but narcissistic, surprisingly strong and competitive, but laidback and gentle when she wasn't playing in the booth.

The more he learned, the more he felt captivated. He couldn't look away from her at all. "I may be saying that, but It doesn't mean it's not true. I-I just think You're really the best." His voice which was originally quite confident became more and more timid as his last words could barely be defined as a whisper.

Still, with Jia Hyson's hearing, he could hear it loud and clear. His cheeks warm, even weaker to praise than before thanks to his newfound improved narcissism.

Tsk, old dogs can't learn new tricks but cute little puppies pick them up very fast. Jia Hyson smiles and reaches up to ruffle the young teenager's hair. Kylan obediently lowers his head to make it easier for him. "You're so cute!" Jia Hyson laughs, "Come, tell me what you want to do now~? It's your trip too after all."

Since he had his hands full with the bags of prizes, Kylan shyly looks up and to the side to indicate what he wanted. "Well Can we do this?"

Jia Hyson turns his head to follow the other's line of sight and his expression cracks a little.

When he was a dragon, his fear of heights had dissipated quite a lot. However that was borne out of the trust he had for his invulnerable body and abilities. He could control his flight and fall, choose to speed up, slow down or just float casually. Such an overpowered feeling was really reassuring. And without the fear there was only exhilaration in place when he was up high.

But now, looking at the tall height of the roller coaster before him, Jia Hyson felt trepidation. After all, his vampire body was indeed stronger than humans but unless his personal skill related to body strengthening, he could still feel pain and die from normal damages, albeit they would have to hit harder or else the body would not guarantee him a quick death. Which one could argue is even more frightening.

There was a vampire who fought with a hunter on top of an eight story building. Both of them ended up falling from it, but while the hunter immediately died upon impact, the vampire experienced the excruciating feeling of all his bones being shattered and mangled. He had fallen into a car window, and glass cut his skin and pierced his body, and an uneven jagged shard was stuck halfway through his neck. It took him two years to recover- which was pretty good given it was a fatal fall, but it was still an incredibly horrible experience overall.

Alaric knew this because this vampire was his first cousin and he had been sufficiently traumatised by it. Jia Hyson who had most of the memories intact also shuddered. He rather take a quick death than that recovery experience to be honest, even if the other did make a relatively full recovery the first year of rehabilitating the body was like a very slow reverse body horror gore movie.

So seeing the perversely tall and twisted rollercoaster Jia Hyson immediately balked. It wasn't the tallest or the most complex rollercoaster, after all the amusement park wasn't that rich. But it was tall enough. And twisty enough. And also old and looked a little rickety.

Kylan glances at him with excitement. But his face immediately changed to concern as he see's Jia Hyson's expression. "Are you okay? I, uh, it's not what you think at all Jasmine. Haha I just meant the ferris wheel."

The ferris wheel was indeed next to the rollercoaster but Jia Hyson wasn't a fool that could be easily coaxed. He was a little moved by Kylan's words. He liked considerate puppies the most. Not to mention, Kylan knew 'Jasmine' was rich and these sort of parks will not be so special to 'her' but he was still willing to give up an integral part of his first amusement park experience to keep 'her' comfortable.

Swallowing, Jia Hyson beats his chest confidently. "What are you talking about? Ferris wheel? Hmph, we can do that at the end. I want to do t-that!" He points at the rollercoaster, paling a little as he hears the shrill screaming of a passing train of passengers hurtling through the tracks.

Kylan gave him a doubtful look, "Are you sure?"

"Of course!" Jia Hyson drags him to the queue, "I've always been interested in thrill rides like this" Oh fucking hell, "Disaster Faster coaster."

"Jasmine" Kylan was extremely moved and complicated. On one hand he was touched that Jasmine was willing to still go through with this even though he gave her a way out. No one was willing to do this much to help him if it wasn't convenient for themselves to do it, except maybe his sister. But on the other hand he felt distressed for her.

"Aiyah, don't be like this, I just didn't want to go because I go on so many rollercoasters that I grew bored," Jia Hyson bluffs. He knows he's been seen through but he's too lazy to go through the back and forth of 'You don't need to do this,' 'I want to do this,' 'But I don't want you to want to do this for me.' Especially not for a fucking carnival ride.

To calm his nerves he chatters to Kylan about how they would survive the apocalypse, discussing their survival probability in each type, from zombie to natural disaster to aliens. By the time Jia Hyson was explaining to an amused and absorbed Kylan about how an alien invasion was better to live through than a technological AI overlord one, it was already their turn.

Taking a deep breath, Jia Hyson, while still a bit pale and sweaty, had a completely calm expression as he sat on his offered seat.

Kylan who was next to him couldn't help but look over a few times in surprise. He couldn't help but feel a bit disheartened that he didn't get to see Jasmine's fearful expression, but then he quickly scolded himself for such a bad thought. How could he think like that?! Ah, he's so awful!

While the teenager was cursing himself, Jia Hyson touches his lips and makes a few frantic circular motions before very casually leaning down to swipe against the side of his shoes. As he activates his ice magic so the bottom of his shoes were completely iced onto the floor, Jia Hyson released a relieved sigh as he relaxed slightly. With this small little precaution he instantly had a sense of security.

Bebe: '' Well, you couldn't say its host was wasting the opportunity to use his magical ability.

Bebe could honestly say, Jia Hyson was one of the few hosts who really took any opportunity to play with any new powers that the original body owned. Most would just use it for fighting or defence or an important scene, but not Jia Hyson. No. He would use it even for cleaning dildos and sticking himself to rollercoasters for assurance. _

After spending a day exploring the entirety of the park and eating so much disgusting carnival food that they both felt more than a little nauseous, it was time to go back to the hotel. However even though Kylan was tired and full, he was extremely reluctant to go back.

Because that meant he would only have one night left before the best week of his life was over.

He didn't want this dream to end.

However Scum Hyson was already satisfied, and ready to go back to the coven. While he didn't get to the opportunity to sleep with anyone and lose his virginity before he has to leave for the academy, spiritually and emotionally he was pretty happy with playing with his little puppy for a week. He liked the puppy, and he wouldn't mind pampering him a little longer, but did he want to adopt it and take care of it exclusively?

Hah, no.

When Jia Hyson and Kylan entered the hotel room, Jia Hyson could tell the other wanted to be a bit clingy tonight. Knowing the kid was affection starved, and still had the night, Jia Hyson didn't have the heart to show his ruthless side now and was willing to skip his last night of patrolling to play around with the puppy. "Go take a shower, after that let's play some of those board games in my room okay?" Jia Hyson half orders, perking Kylan up immediately.

"O-okay!" He nods enthusiastically. He knew Jasmine had a strict bed schedule, and she usually insists on sleeping early for the sake of her beauty. His heart fluttered at the thought as he practically ran to shower.

Jasmine loves beauty and sleep so much. But for him she was willing to do many things. C-could it be she also-?

With a nervous but expectant heart, Kylan quickly washes himself and gets dressed. His clothing was all new and expensive, but they were comfortable and well-fitted. Even his pyjamas were 100% cotton. When he wore it, he blushed. Wearing something the girl he likes bought for him.. it was like a part of her was covering his body. U//////////U

Before he didn't dare to think in that direction but maybe because it was the last day, he couldn't help but let his imagination go.

Touching his warm cheeks with his hands he bashfully knocks on Jasmine's bedroom door.

"I'm still showering! Just come in and wait for me in the bedroom ah!" Jasmine calls out.

Kylan's face turns even redder.

Jasmine showering

Ah! Ah! Ah! He was just a teenage boy! He couldn't stand thinking of such a stimulating thing!

Hesitatingly he enters the room like she ordered. Hearing the sound of the shower, many images were offered to his brain which made him feel so flushed he was dizzy.

In an attempt to distract himself he looked at the dressing table which had a large mirror and an assortment of various products. Kylan knew Jasmine was a bit vain, and his sister also used a lot of products, but he was still shocked to see the assortment. Upon closer inspection, there was surprisingly not many lotions, most of them were perfumes. Some he vaguely recognised from passing advertisements and some he wasn't familiar with at all.

Eventually his eyes rest on a bright blue bottle shaped like a broach. Because of it's interesting design he curiously reached out and read the name. "Forget Me So? What a strange name for a perfume."

Kylan curiously sprays a little, leaning forward at the mist he created to sniff it. The smell was flowery, like a garden after the rain, a very crisp, clean but richly sweet smell. Feeling a bit dizzy, his mind seemed to grasp something yet like holding water, it was constantly slipping from his fingers.

Irritated and eager to catch the thought, he opens up the perfume bottle, unscrewing the nozzle off. The floral smell immediately became much stronger, pervading the room.

It's really a familiar scent. Kylan's eyes flash. His sister occasionally has this scent on her when she comes home. For some reason it was a bit hard to recall but over time the fragrance had been repeatedly smelt by himself and even if he couldn't remember he could vaguely recognise it.

He knew something was wrong with this scent, but his mind couldn't seem to pick out why. Kylan's first thought was to tell Jasmine this perfume wasn't good, he didn't want her to use it because it might be dangerous! Thinking that he quickly screws back the nozzle to stop the smell from diffusing out into the open air even more than it already had.

However his brain had already been affected and his limbs were no longer as dexterous and reliable. As he screws the nozzle back on he clumsily uses a bit too much force in his impatience and drops the bottle of Forget Me So perfume.

Thankfully the container didn't break but at least half the liquid was spilt as a consequence.

"Fuck!" Kylan swore, but even his reaction was delayed by then.

Panicked and muddle headed as the smell pervades in the room even more, he blindly unscrews a nearby perfume bottle and messily pours the contents into the now over half empty bottle of Forget Me So. The scent of the second perfume pervades the air and mingles with the still lingering scent. Kylan couldn't help but take a sniff, like a dog who had found a new smell.

However after some thought he realised that was a bit too stupid as the scent would change, and then the other bottle would be empty. So he scrambles to the kitchen, the fresher air helping clear his head enough not to trip on his own two feet, and dilutes the perfume with bottled water before wiping it down and screwing it back shut.

He then stumbles to the bedroom and puts the bottle back guiltily. However the smell of various flavours was still in the air.

Kylan absentmindedly touches his face again. His breathing subconsciously was picking up as his whole body slowly seemed to become heated. However he dumbly waited in the room.

After all, Jasmine said he should wait here.

Jia Hyson came out of the shower refreshed and happy. There was nothing like a nice long shower after a long day out. Turning off the ventilator fan and wiping his hair, he leaves the bathroom and enters the bedroom.

Jia Hyson's sensitive smell immediately picked up a strange aroma in the room. He had used the Forget Me So perfume a few times before so he was somewhat familiar with the scent, even among the other smells he could quickly recognise it with seven to eight points of confidence!

His eyes dilated and his breath subconsciously picked up. Angrily, Jia Hyson grabbed the dazed and blushing teenager and pulled him closer aggressively. At a closer distance the difference was even more obvious. "You-! What did you do???"

"I-I'm sorry," Kylan stammered but his reactions were slow and his hands were very active, touching the smooth pale wrists and hands grabbing ahold of him almost obsessively. "I just smelt a few I nhmm.."

Jia Hyson was annoyed but he understood what happened. It was a bit rude but in fairness you do a lot of weird shit when you're bored, nervous or curious. And it wasn't like Jia Hyson didn't also play around with scented perfumes in malls out of boredom even as an adult. It was that or the 'guess the price of this ugly shirt' game.

Suddenly a rush of heat sizzled through Jia Hyson's body, like warm static that seemed to light up his nerves. He was shocked. After all the perfume doesn't work as effectively on vampires which is why he dared to smell it so easily. The memory loss of Forget Me So only causes a temporary mild fogginess in the brain for around half a minute, less so if you're quite powerful like he was.

This almost violent reaction in comparison made Jia Hyson's expression darken. He knew his body well, the effects of the scent was clearly aphrodisiac in nature. While it wasn't overwhelming, and it wasn't so bad he couldn't think or function, it was like being dipped in wine, giving him a warm buzz all over.

But if he felt like this, then Kylan who was human.

Before he could finish that thought his lips were attacked clumsily, almost painfully being banged against the other's own lips as Kylan surged up to kiss him. Taking advantage of Jia Hyson's slackening grip, the teenager hugs him tightly. The momentum was too much and quickly Jia Hyson and Kylan fell onto the floor, with Jia Hyson taking the brunt of the fall.

"Fu-ahnnn" Gasping out, his swear was quickly covered by Kylan's feverish kisses.

The other young human was clumsy and inexperienced, and while the enthusiasm was good, it couldn't deny the other really was very bad. Jia Hyson felt his lips being smooshed until it was slightly sore and their teeth clacking and scraping occasionally, making him subconsciously frown. If he was human, he probably would have cried out in pain and annoyance by now, however it was more an uncomfortable feeling than anything painful with his vampiric physique.

His mood wasn't the best at this point, after all, despite his attitude, in his opinion sex was fun but it wasn't exactly a priority in life. More a very pleasurable hobby. While he didn't feel good if he didn't indulge once in a while, he wasn't so hard up and desperate to do it anytime and anywhere with anyone. Especially with this kid.

Right now he was more worried about the Forget Me So perfume mix.

Fortunately Kylan seemed to be quite a romantic, having his eyes closed as he frantically kissed him. Completely unable to see Jia Hyson's indifferent almost cold expression staring at him. As if he was simply looking at an object.

While he occasionally made some breathy moaning noises, as well as some shy movements with his hands to keep the charade of an inexperienced virgin up, he contacted Bebe in his mind. 'What's the details of the perfume? Will it still have a memory loss effect? If I leave him alone will there be problems?'

Now that he personally inhaled the scent, it at least had the benefit of helping Bebe who can access his internal body's data. With it Bebe could more accurately breakdown the contents and analyze the effects in a vampire's body before extrapolating it to hypothesize the effects in humans.

'The results are not bad,' Bebe calmly summarizes as it quickly reads through the chemical and mathematical formulas as well a list of scientific names being processed through. 'It seems Kylan must've started pouring one of your other perfumes before switching to just diluting it with water. The aphrodisiac effect will go away after being vented once or twice, maybe thrice given the hormonal imbalance of puberty but the memory loss may not be fully effective. It will take a longer time for the memories to disappear and there's a higher chance to overturn.'

Jia Hyson sighs. It wasn't the worst case scenario but it was definitely close.

Forget Me So was not 100% perfect. Of course it wasn't. After all with so many different physiques and willpower, there are always some who managed to resist thanks to strong emotions or a lucky genetic trait such as super high metabolism or genius with amazing brainpower coupled with a photographic memory. Sometimes people will succumb to the magic of the scent but then after a chance meeting, or maybe in a decade, or maybe in a month, the memory will come back.

However once again, these cases were very rare so the perfume, which was more superior than other products and more convenient to other powers, was still very powerful and popular.

Fortunately his set plan is very much to go where the wind flows. As long as the point of his crossdressing isn't vilified by the protagonist, the story is safe. Jia Hyson has little problems with his orientation being found out, after all Jessica Fang was not homophobic, so there was no worries there.

From Jia Hyson's understanding of vampire society and the plot given, the author god was not homophobic and was even possibly a fujoshi slash fudanshi, as there were brief mentions of homosexuality and even some yaoi fanservice scenes in the more filler chapters. At the very least there was no big rejection to it like when they touched on the issues of crossdressing and transgenders and those sort of things.

He wasn't shocked by the contradiction. People were complicated like that. You could be a racist but support LGBT+ rights. You could be a supporter of racial minorities but think women are worth naturally less than men and should be treated as such. Or you could be just worst most bigoted person in the world but conversely be a large and incredibly active conservationist that promotes animal rights.

As a bisexual, Jia Hyson has also faced discrimination from gay people and straight people alike. In fairness he did embody the slut stereotype of bisexuality but really, that's just because he's a slut. If he was purely straight or purely gay he would be just as slutty in his opinion. Maybe more so to compensate.

The point was even in your own defined group there is sub-groups and more often than not, what people like is the sub-group and not necessarily the group group. Like people like pizza but damn, there are sub-groups for different people who like specific things on pizza. Some will accept some of those sub-groups like meat-lovers accepting the vegetarian pizza eaters, while others will discriminate and judge against others of another sub-group. Like the sub-group of people who scrape off the cheese off pizza, like why did you even come to my pizza party I will wage war on your family.

Jia Hyson: Sounds like some loser threw a bad pizza party recently. SipsTeaSuspiciously.jpeg

Author God LittleBlueLake: If you don't like cheese on pizza with no medical reasoning for it, don't show up at pizza parties.

Bebe: SipsTeaCalmly.jpeg Bebe sees she didn't deny being a loser.

Jia Hyson: Heh.


Now that he had the facts, he roughly pushed the desperate and passionate Kylan away. With a tearful expression full of hurt and anger, Jia Hyson used the best of his short term acting skills to cry. "You- how could you just- I hate you!"

Kylan groans and frowns slightly. Jasmine's voice felt a bit different however his keen senses could only be distracted by the events happening before him.

Before Kylan could sober up from his dazed shock, Jia Hyson quickly ran out the room as if desperate to get away from such a beast. "Sort your problems out yourself!" He yells back, worried the other would chase after him to try attempt a public pushing down scenario, before slamming the door to the hotel room shut behind him.

After all, a public kabedon* before being pushed down for sex. ah, it's too delicious, Jia Hyson wasn't sure he could control himself even if it was a minor! He had to do his best to escape from this dangerous situation!

*kabedon, wall slam- search it up cuz idk how to explain in words

Even though his mind was also sluggish, he still could fight it better than Kylan and, using his vampiric speed, he ran to the elevators. Fortunately there was one of standby so he quickly went inside and pressed a few floors between his own level and the ground lobby floor before finally pressing the lobby button.

That way if Kylan did come out to chase after him, when he would just see the lift pausing as it went downwards he would assume it let a guest enter or leave the lift. After all, when most people flee, the first instinct is usually to leave the building entirely or go somewhere safer which in this case would most logically be the lobby area where there was 1. More people, 2. The main entrance and exit of the hotel and 3. A larger area with a lot of accessible rooms such as the public bathroom.

Of course Jia Hyson knew this and had no intention of going to the lobby. Instead he just waited until the elevator opened to the next floor down and jumped out quickly after clicking the close button. The floor below the penthouse suite was more luxurious than other floors but it was still just a hall with hotel rooms.

Kylan wouldn't think that he had escaped such a short distance, choosing to only go one floor down where there was nowhere to sit, hide, or just find a place of privacy. However Kylan's experience was also incredibly limited. Maybe in dingy motels it would be like that but in these big fancy hotels even the halls of the hotel rooms will provide sitting amenities and even a private smoking lounge for smokers to go to in order not to pollute the hotel environment. Some hotels may even have a shared entertainment area on the floors for things like pool or arcade games or simply a place to sit and read.

Overall, it is a case of a poverty that could limit one's imagination*.

*A saying essentially about how being poor can restrict a lot of fantasy, and only the rich with the power of money could afford to create absurd fantasies poor people couldn't dream about. Like Guinea pig armor, professional art hangers (bruh sign me up pls), and submarine sports cars (which ok we've all imagined but I didn't realize it could be real but power of money ig).

Confident in his calculations, Jia Hyson paces leisurely down the hall, turning randomly and strolling around as he takes deep and long breathes to steady his breathing. The tainted Forget Me So still in his system was like a very bad spice, the type that seems to grow hotter overtime. It was like eating spicy Korean food but in like, a sexual way.

Fuck, now he was craving chewy tteokbokki*, hot crispy Korean fried chicken and jjambbong** with an erection.

*cylindrical rice cakes, chewy and satisfying to bite into, covered in a spicy sweet gochujang sauce usually with fish cakes and scallions etc. I put mince in mine too :3

**A spicy seafood noodle soup

The more he walks around the more haggard his breathing becomes, and not because he was tired. Jia Hyson could feel the heat inside him threaten to overwhelm him, and he, who was always a bitch for pleasure, was so tempted to just do something incredibly indecent in the hall of the hotel. Groaning, he leans against the wall and bites his forefinger as his other hand rubs his neck and ears, enjoying the touches and the feeling of touching.

"Alaric?" A rough, masculine voice calls out with an astonished tone, "Alaric is that you, what are you wearing kiddo?"

Jia Hyson stiffens and turns to the source of the voice. The room across the wall he was leaning against was open and Mr Garth who was holding a cigarette and about to light it was staring back at him. "Mr Garth?" His eyes widen, why was he here?

His mind was still foggy and it took a second before he gasped and quickly covered his mouth, wanting to slap himself with regret. He was wearing a frilly nightgown and had adjusted his hair, if he denied it there was a good chance he could've gotten away with it but the drop in IQ from the mix of perfumes has caused him to reveal himself like a fool. With teary eyes he looked at his handsome albeit scruffy teacher.

The vampiric teacher looks down at the cigarette in his hand and crushed it with a sigh. His hook-up had ditched him, and he just wanted to come out to light a cigarette. Who knew he would get such a surprise instead. "You come in first, it's dangerous to go out dressed like that."

Jia Hyson swallows, and follows, a hand covering his groin to prevent his shameful appearance from being completely exposed.

As he enters, he was surrounded by the faint scent of smoke and soap. Jia Hyson wasn't a smoking fan and disliked and feared the consequences of nicotine addiction but he didn't deny he loved the aesthetic of a handsome man smoking.

Seeing Mr Garth take off the jacket he was wearing, and revealing the loose tank top underneath and a gorgeously masculine body, with some chest hair and well-defined muscles, Jia Hyson's eyes turned red and his reason was completely lost.

And when he says eyes turned red, they really turned red. Vampires when succumbing to a base emotion or having recently drunk human blood will have their eyes turn red and glow, as if delighting in their primal desires being indulged.

Before the older vampire could even throw his jacket onto the bed to get more comfortable, he was pushed against the wall. Due to his shock, he could only be kabedon-ed before being dragged down and forcibly kissed.

Mr Garth could only blankly think, 'He's a surprisingly skilled kisser.'

However unlike Jia Hyson, Mr Garth was perfectly sober and gently but forcibly broke the kiss before it escalated. Yet seeing the watery eyes and flushed pink cheeks of Alaric, dressed in such uncharacteristically feminine and thin clothing, with an expression begging for more, Mr Garth felt his little brother* respond.

*his dick

Mr Garth: Oh no.

He hesitates. After all this was his student and one who only thirty! It wasn't a crime but it definitely was in that grey area that would definitely get him scolded. Like a lot. Not to mention that lazy crown prince will definitely mind if he saw things correctly the other day. It would be really troublesome ah.

Nonetheless.. Feeling that soft body being actively pressed against his own, Mr Garth swallows heavily. "Alaric, you need to get a hold of yourself."

"I rather get a hold of you~" Jia Hyson laughs as he tiptoes and wraps his arms playfully around the older vampire's neck and a little drunkenly rubs his cheek against Mr Garth's firm chest, his hair tickling the other's collarbone. "Smells a little smoky nhmm"

Mr Garth stiffens, arms and hands hovering away from his student's body, unsure whether to succumb and hug the other closer or try avoid touching the other as much as possible. However as he was mentally struggling with his lust and very small integrity as a teacher, he felt a cool soft pair of lips tickle his skin as they lightly pepper him with kisses.

Looking down, he sees Alaric smile flirtatiously at him before nuzzling him again, "I like smoky~"

Mr Garth: ''

"You brat," Mr Garth growls, brow furrowing with sweat as he finally decided what to do. Hugging the other's body he twists and slams him into the wall, throwing away his previous restraint and revealing his aggressive side. "I didn't expect a good kid like you to be so assertive."

"Nhm" Jia Hyson's heart beats quickly in excitement. This sort of bad boy teacher he's always wanted to experience! Not to mention Mr Garth was clearly a skilled manwhore, therefore pleasure would be guaranteed!!!

Still he had to keep his character settings and he quickly pretended his excited trembling was from nerves instead as he blinked quickly, eyes going a little wet. "I'm, I'm sorry I-"

As expected, Mr Garth was the type who had a bad mouth but a good heart. Not to mention, he had a good impression of Alaric who didn't make trouble and helped him when he was too lazy to do things in class.

Softening his attitude, he shushes Jia Hyson and kisses him on the forehead. "Hey, hey, that's my bad, just relax Alaric. Tell me when it's too much and I'll stop okay?"

Jia Hyson was weak to sweetness and shivered in pleasure. "Mr Garth.." he whispers.

"Call me Darrian," Darrian chuckles, before leaning over and whispering in his ear, "We can play teacher later if you really want though."

Jia Hyson's face heats up and tries to force down his enthusiastic agreement to such a fun thing. It wasn't like he hadn't played teacher before, but it had never been his own actual teacher before either ah! It's so exciting!

Sometimes people employed as teachers or doctors or nurses and other such jobs didn't like to reenact role play out of their chosen professions. Jia Hyson respected that but he didn't deny that he wasn't a little bit disappointed at such an outcome. After all he personally found it more exciting with this sense of blending realism to a certain extent with the fantasy.

But Mr Garth clearly had no scruples, shameless and arrogant, and Jia Hyson approved in his heart.

"Maybe later" Jia Hyson shyly acquiesces. Inwardly though he was fist pumping furiously in his heart.

Bebe: '' This is truly a most heinous turn of events.




Authors Note:

Bruh, I tried to get the chapter to the smut part fr. On Sunday I felt the 3.5k words for chapter was too short so I wanted to extend it to the smut portion but it just. wont. stop. like bruh why. hands why. bren why. I die. Also shoutout to snek who desperately wanted some Mr Garth action with me keke.

I can't draw him, but imagine Mr Garth like the hot, chain smoking mature scruffy detective sorta look but coupled with bad boy leather jacket aesthetic with eye bags and is just like such a hot mess but a really hot mess. With like stubble from 5 o clock shadow like uiwhifhIOsasdfgh ,,>w<,,< p>

I am posting now cuz 1. im late as usual and 2. I'll be in singapore for a week holiday and may not get access to computer during this time and gotta rely on possibly posting via app which can be GARBAGE FORMATTING. I'm legit rushing plane will go zoom at 3am so I need to desperately take nap before then and its 8:35pm now orz. So there will probs be grammar mistakes since I proofread even less than usual hahahah *cri*

I will be working on 20% plot smut and 80% Things that will never happen in btbab extra I think. Mainly cuz if you know me I have breathtaking father issues so going to visit him will potentially give me the biggest depresso or the biggest expresso (where i wanna express anger via writing and just put out alot of words hahah its a dice roll ah). Plus some of those suggestions were so LMAO.

Thank you rich people for giving me kofi~ Weesh, Ginne, Anna, Rainbowxion, Labwitch, Leafy, ZaionaRoyale, fishie and Bl_is_best yall are great ah~~

And thank you poor people for giving me your support and love (even tho you poor issoke I like you guys alot too hehe). <3< p>

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