Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 181: 30

Chapter 181: 30

"You think the change of plot is caused by Kylan?" Bebe asks with a little disbelief. However, it was only a momentary surprise before it accepts the answer and asks, "Why do you think so?"

"It's because Kylan, as an important character, has the vaguest backstory." Jia Hyson says as he closes the bathroom door and begins stripping off his slightly sweaty clothing. After they successfully tranquillised Fiero and adjusted the memories of the humans, there was really little need to do much other than give some eyewitness accounts. Therefore, Jia Hyson happily escaped the situation with Prince Rigel in tow and then escaped Prince Rigel with the excuse of going to the bathroom to shower. "Plus, it fits, right?"

Kylan Laframboise, a human with no significant secret background mentioned. The main traits that allow him to continue being a prominent character are his character growth and unique physique, leading him to be stronger and more resilient than normal humans. What is also more damning is that his sister had become the mistress to Count Vericus- the head of the American vampiric law enforcement.

If he was the cause, things would fall into place much better than if it was another person, plus it'll also shine more light on him as a character, killing two birds with one stone. A plot can be fantastical, but it still must be logical. As long as it fulfils this point and provides extra benefits with minimal effort, it would be foolish not to take such a road if he was the world's consciousness.

Of course, this is just his own presumptions, but Jia Hyson was still reasonably confident in his theory. "Either way," He waves off, "if it is Kylan, there's a good chance he will change more than a few things in the original plot. But ultimately, he should still be an ally."

While Jia Hyson doesn't know exactly where he has stimulated the other to this extent, he felt Kylan had only had good memories of himself. If the young man blackened because of this, then he would only be an ungrateful white-eyed wolf. But as a supporting male lead on the protagonist's team, that was highly unlikely.

Jessica Fang was written to be bigoted about crossdressing and other related topics, but ultimately she was the typical young girl written with good intentions in her heart. Out of all the protagonists, Jia Hyson had the worst impression of her before he had even met her. However, he still understood she was not a 'bad' person. After all, this wasn't that sort of 'evil, morally ambiguous anti-hero'-type story, so you can still more or less trust her heart but maybe not her brain.

Satisfied with his own conclusions, Jia Hyson happily went to start his shower.

Bebe fell silent. It had more or less accepted that the story had escaped them like a wild horse on fire, and it also felt its host was correct. However, Bebe also felt that well, there was just a sense of unease.

It's true the logic Jia Hyson just spouted was more or less correct. Still, the characters in this book were of a genre the other was not as familiar with compared to other genres, and the characters of this sort of genre, to be frank, on average, were not as high a quality as his host is used to.

This meant their characteristics aren't exactly well-rounded, but it provides the benefit of being more malleable, with more significant rapid character developments where you can sort of chuck new things onto them, and it only provokes a little eyebrow-raising. New changes meant these characters tended to have slightly more exaggerated reactions. For example, when a character goes 'bad,' there are cases where they completely change their entire wardrobe, hairstyle and personality the next day, which, if one thinks about it carefully, is kind of insane.

So if Kylan was really responsible for improving this drug so quickly

Would he really be so good?

After a long and relaxing shower, Jia Hyson is almost startled into shouting when he opens the door to see Prince Rigel standing right in front of him with crossed arms. "Fuck, are you a pervert?!" He curses, stepping back instinctively at the unexpected close distance. "What were you even doing, just listening to me shower?"

"No," Prince Rigel smiles angelically, "Besides if anyone's a pervert, it's you, you garbage person."

"Wow, that's a bit harsh. You're kind of ruining my after-shower glow here." Jia Hyson smiles elegantly back, "Or are you unhappy that I didn't invite you in?"

Prince Rigel grinds his teeth, "You're so presumptuous! It turns out you, the goody-two-shoes Alaric Rong, is this sort of person?!"

"Heh," Jia Hyson sneers and happily throws his words back into the other's face, "You're so virgin ah. It turns out you, the cruel prince of the wanton Eclipse Coven, Rigel Delune, is this sort of person?"

Prince Rigel: '' He's so infuriating.

"Besides," Jia Hyson quickly and cheerfully adds before Rigel can retort, "We still haven't addressed how you appeared like that before."

The Eclipse Prince narrows his eyes before quickly bursting into a bright grin. With a dismissive laugh, he completely drops his previous anger and puts his hands behind his head before turning around to walk away. "Are you serious? You've lived with me long enough that you already know I can teleport, among other things. It's the perks of being a prodigy."

Jia Hyson trots behind, kissing his palms while he does so, planting his magic onto his hands before he rubs them together like one would rub their hands when it is particularly chilly. "Of course, I know that," He calmly states before he activates his magic. Feeling the cold crystals of ice form on his hands, he raises them to his head and uses his fingers to comb through his still-wet hair. "But now I suspect it's not so simple."

As he ran his fingers through his hair, the ice on his hands seemed to act like they were a fishing net, and the moisture in his hair was the fish. Wherever he touched, the ice on his hands would absorb the surrounding wetness of his hair, but with Jia Hyson's precise control, it only seemed to touch the surface level of his hair and not penetrate any deeper and affect his own natural hair quality.

After dragging his hands through his hair a few times, his wet hair had become dry and silky, while his hands had amassed a chunk of ice the size of a golf ball. Feeling its heft for a moment, Jia Hyson admired the shine of the ice before promptly crushing into snow and idly throwing it up in the air impulsively.

Prince Rigel, who was looking out the corner of his eyes, saw the scene and angrily flushed. Tsk, even now, he was trying to dazzle himself to distraction in order to lower his guard. This Alaric was really poisonous!

Coughing lightly to try to give him time to appease his own impulsive urge to well, Prince Rigel wasn't sure, really. He then spins around and nonchalantly raises an eyebrow, "Oh? Not so simple? Really~?" He asks in a contemptuous manner.

Jia Hyson mimics him, adding a little sexy quirk to the lips, which irritated Prince Rigel beyond belief. "It's true there are a lot of magical ways to teleport, but generally, you would have had to have been to the place, seen the place, or have at least a vague idea in general where the place is to teleport, right?" Jia Hyson shoots back, "Most of your teleportations were very small distance, so it's hard to say, but this morning, I doubt you were close by, much less able to know the exact room I was in unless-"

Jia Hyson pokes the other's forehead playfully, "Unless you also have some sort of ability to track me or see my movements. Most likely, there's a trigger to this involving touch or prolonged close proximity to each other beforehand. Otherwise, you wouldn't need to worry about Prince Silas sneaking behind you."

"..." Prince Rigel falls into silence. He really didn't expect he would slip up so much. Rubbing his sore eyes, he blames Alaric for it in his heart. If they hadn't had- if it wasn't for last night, the prince wouldn't have cared nor made such a careless mistake in the first place!

"Yeah? You caught me. One of my powers is this. Very impressive, right?" He sarcastically asks, purposely looking annoyed and reluctant as he does so. Many smart people are like this; they will feel a truth that is unwillingly pulled out of someone is more trustworthy than a truth easily handed to them. It was annoying to feign defeat, but if it would satisfy Alaric's ego enough to let the topic go, Prince Rigel was willing.

Unfortunately, even if he was willing, that didn't mean Jia Hyson wasn't. He didn't know if it was that the adrenalin of the fight beforehand hadn't completely died down or if this was some after-effects of the powder ability Silas had pushed onto him, but his mind felt like it was running particularly fast at the moment. Seeing Prince Rigel rubbing his eyes, Jia Hyson's own narrowed, and it was like a flash of inspiration struck his brain like lighting, completely illuminating the doubts and questions he idly kept as he puzzled out Prince Rigel's power.

"You, do you have dark circles under your eyes?" Because of how vampires are, they are fairly flawless in appearance, though they can be a little too unnaturally pale. It was true because of relatively poorer blood circulation, some vampires, especially the turned ones who were once human, are more prone to dark circles. This is probably why heavy and dark eye makeup still continues to be popular among the community.

However, Prince Rigel's situation was different. Noble vampires will be less likely to have this problem, much less royal vampires. To be truthful, Jia Hyson really didn't see any dark circles on his face, and he did just want to probe out a reaction, but the more he stared, the more he felt something was wrong. Thanks to his hard work in crossdressing online and picking up some more makeup skills over time, he was a little more sensitive to makeup use now.

Before, he didn't really focus on it, and because of his high beauty stat, a lot of people, himself included, tended not to always look directly at the prince's face. But now that he did with startling intensity, Jia Hyson really did feel something was off with Rigel's face. Thinking of one of the most prominent traits of the Eclipse Coven's prince, his long slumber periods, an absurd answer seems to come to mind.

"This," Jia Hyson can't help but be shocked at his own idea, "Is your power related to dreams?"

Prince Rigel's expression was really ugly this time. Wordlessly he lifts up his hand, palm faced at Jia Hyson, before he flicks his hand down, causing Jia Hyson to fall down to his knees as he is suddenly pushed down by invisible weights.

Jia Hyson: This feels familiar.

However, maybe because he had [Psychotic Break] on, or maybe he was fairly used to the other's personality now and had some confidence in the affinity he had somehow generated from Prince Rigel, Jia Hyson was no longer so fearful or angry. "You goddamn milksucker! Why must you always use this when you're about to lose an argument or something?!" He swore.

Okay, so he was still a little pissed off.

Of course, for the eccentric and erratic Prince Rigel, this sort of surprise was both rude and a little delightful. He laughs angrily, "Why not? What are you going to do about it, you annoying cockroach?!"

"That is, ghk-! That is not what you said last night!"

Prince Rigel strengthens the force pushing down on Jia Hyson.

"Fuck!" Jia Hyson gasps as he practically lays down on the floor in an utterly embarrassing state. With sheer spite fuelling him, he struggles to move his body over and hug Rigel's leg. "Fuck! You win! Waah! Waaah! Look at you! Urk-! Bullying a child less than half your age!"

"Shut up! What the fuck are you doing?! Also, mentally I'm younger!" Prince Rigel yells as he immediately loses concentration, and his tyrannical dignity, shaking his leg wildly like a man who realised he had ants crawling up his leg.

Jia Hyson has long understood that even though the prince was erratic, the other found it quite difficult to rebuff as long as your face was thick enough and you were bluntly shameless in ways it was difficult to argue with. Therefore he only clung on harder. "Mercy, your highness! My bones feel like they're about to break! If I die who will protect you from Prince Silas?!"

"You can't even protect yourself from him, much less me." Prince Rigel sneered, but Jia Hyson could feel the gravity pressing down on him had lessened to only a mildly uncomfortable pressure. "I really do question everyone's vision, to actually dare call yourself a role model for the young generation of vampires. You're perverted, childish, narcissistic and shameless, it makes me wonder if I'm crazy or if the whole world is crazy to praise you."

Jia Hyson, now alleviated from a lot of the pressure of Rigel's gravity control, shakily stood up and brushed the dust off his clothing as he smiles at the other gently, "Sorry, were you talking to me? Or a mirror? Because I could say the same to you really ah."

Prince Rigel's uncovered eye violently twitches.

"Anyway, so?" Jia Hyson coughs, his face sweaty and flushed, a sight that made Prince Rigel's eye twitch harder, "Does that mean I'm right about what I previously deduced?"

Bebe: '' Rigel is right. He is annoying.

"Can't be right when you're going to be dead." Prince Rigel sneers.

"Not dead.. urk.. yet.." Jia Hyson bends his back and a series of pressure-alleviating popping sounds down his spine made him wince slightly.

"Fuck! You're so annoying! I just- why don't you-"

"What?" Jia Hyson mocks, before coughing again, his lungs were having a bit of trouble readjusting, "You know, now that I know, have you considered we could just, wait, what are you- mphf-!!!"

Prince Rigel strode up to him angrily, grabbing the blue-eyed vampire by the collar and pulling him down to fiercely kiss him. Taking advantage of the other's surprise, Rigel pushes his tongue in and entangles fiercely with Jia Hyson's own, causing him to gasp and groan at the sudden onslaught.

The kiss was rough and bruising, but Jia Hyson had to admit, the other was a little talented, and even the pain of his lips only served to highlight the softness and pleasure of the prince's lips and tongue.

Bebe: 'No, that's not Rigel's talent. That's just your masochism.'

Before he could really get into it, Prince Rigel, who had been the first to start it, took the initiative to be the one to break it off, making Jia Hyson instinctively whine softly. "Heh," Prince Rigel sneers despite his pink cheeks and uneven breathing, "Look at your face; it's too lewd. Were you actually expecting more?"

"Fucking crazy." Jia Hyson spat excitedly; it had been a long time since he had let his mouth run a little wild to someone that wasn't his system, after all. "If I was expecting anything, it was me expecting you to last a little longer. Too bad you're so premature."

Prince Rigel was speechless. "Fuck! Do you always have to have the last word?!"

"As a mere noble vampire who can't compare to you royal vampires, the last word is all I have."

Bebe, who has often been the target of this feeling: '' Unexpectedly sympathetic to Prince Rigel.

"Hehe," Seeing the speechlessness of the other party who once provoked so many unpleasant emotions in the beginning and had now been played in various ways by himself, Jia Hyson felt an endless good mood spring forth. When faced with a similar person, he couldn't help but more easily relax into his own true form, and acting on mischievous impulse, Jia Hyson cheekily wrapped his arms around Rigel's neck and gave him a long and languid kiss.

Prince Rigel: ?!?!!

Unlike the prince's biting kiss that crackled like lightning, fast and electrifying, Jia Hyson's was skilful, slow and passionate. He kissed like there was only one person in the world he wanted, and it was the person before him.

"Ngn.. mhmm.." Prince Rigel couldn't help but be swept away once more. If he didn't know the other was just making a point, from the kids alone that felt so intimate and loving, he would have really thought Alaric was in love with him

At that thought, the prince, who was still engrossed in the kiss, pinched his thigh to try to wake himself. 'Be sober!' He scolded himself inwardly, but Rigel couldn't stop the feeling of sour irritation bursting in his heart.

While Jia Hyson couldn't read minds, he could sense the other vampire's thoughts were not focused on the kiss and smiles angrily into the kiss before he sped up his movements. While still intimate and loving, Jia Hyson also mimicked some of Rigel's fierceness from the previous kiss, making it impossible not to focus on.

Maybe Prince Rigel had a similar M taste because, after this, he began to tremble and show a far more excited reaction. However, he still wasn't one to back down. Once he was drawn back to the kissing, Prince Rigel did his best to try to take back some momentum, fighting for dominance earnestly. But in Jia Hyson's eyes, it was like an angry little kitten nipping and gnawing.

Hehe, so cute and annoying.

Once again, Prince Rigel was the one to break away, flushed and panting with rage and arousal. Jia Hyson wasn't much better, but he was holding onto a sultry and charming smile that made him seem far more in control of himself in comparison. "I guess it's not just the last word. I also need the last kiss ah~" He says flirtatiously, his expression bold and provocative.

Suddenly, Prince Rigel's angry expression brightens into a smile, and he laughs. Jia Hyson's confidence immediately shakes, and a sense of unease immediately grows.

"Fuck! Do you always have to have the last word?!"

"As a mere noble vampire who can't compare to you royal vampires, the last word is all I have."


"Ngn.. mhmm.."

The sound of kissing filled the room, and Jia Hyson slowly turned his neck to the side, where he witnessed himself and Prince Rigel kissing on an old screen projector. Oh no, more like witnessing himself practically pushing down Prince Rigel with his kissing.

Seeing the angle it was taken from, Jia Hyson slowly looks up and to the side and sees an old vintage film camera, the type you would associate with recording black and white movies, staring back at him.

Jia Hyson: ''

Bebe: ''

Prince Rigel: "So in the end whose going to fuck who over, hmm?" :D




Little Theatre:

Bebe: It is honestly amazing how much we've fucked up in this arc, all solely because you can't control your dick. (_)

Jia Hyson: QAQ


A/N: So. Overtime at work continues qwq. And uh, cookie run kingdom has been doing a lot of events and I'm really sorry but I will actually murder someone if I don't get Stardust Cookie my hawt astral cosmos cookie, and yes I simp for the cookies shut tf up this author has all the standards. (fr tho I started the game because I read a cookie run dj called Let's Make Purple Yam Milk Together and I was like WOAHHHH I NEEDS ME TO GET SOME OF THAT. And so I downloaded the game with the aim to get these cookies but uh, 1. they kinda suck (yam improved with magic candy but I'm so fucking poor I'm not raising him) 2. there are WAY HOTTER COOKIES like fucking Almond Cookie like FUCK DETECTIVE DADDY YES??? (he kinda sucks too I don't use him tho orz). Clotted Cream is hot in a typical blond prince gong sorta way, then we got licorice who is emo bottom, tea knight cookie who looks like that knight guy from that one yaoi (ya'll have seen it I know ya'll have) and like- omfg I really just wrote so much cookie simping wtf _( )_

Anyway, uh, this author will do her best but she wants to shove all the shit into this arc but she had to cut so much like ages ago I was meant to mention how vampires would generally decorate their coffins like how the highschoolers with lockers do it and it would be fun idk _(:3)_ I am excited for the end of the arc but like, holy shit it's gonna be a ride getting there. Love ya (sorrryyyyyyy)

I will also try update my other stories like Zombie Emperor (check it out kek), Quick Transmigration with a Collector System, Reverse Harem Reversal and maybe even... Sleepy Peak :0 but obviously they'll be less focused on then btbab

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