Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 182: 31

Chapter 182: 31

Jia Hyson, at that moment, really felt that he might have some sort of sex addiction and wildly wondered if he needed to go to some kind of counselling for it after all this.

After all, he admitted his libido was really high, but it was still controllable. At the very least the romantic problems he faced in his original life were usually only one person at a time, maybe two at most... okay four people maximum but that was only one time and technically it was only three because he solved one of them with murder. So technically, four, but really it was three.

However, the more he thought about it, the more Jia Hyson really felt- hey, hey, it wasn't all his fault, though? The cause and effect of meeting Kylan were still relatively unknown, so that could be pushed aside for now. Mr Garth.. that one was his fault, but he was reluctant to call it a mistake. Prince Rigel.... Okay, that one he could call a mistake. But only that last kiss, because the things he did before that still had him on a slightly upper hand up till right now.

But Prince Silas, at the very least, could not be blamed on himself. He hadn't taken any sexual advances with him. His falling in love with himself and continued insistence on it was almost entirely his own fault. And as the person that was the source of a majority of Jia Hyson's current problems, Jia Hyson had to raise his hands up and say that this pot is really not his to carry, okay? He was innocent!

Bebe: '' (_) It seems the dictionary needs to redefine the word innocent then.

However, it wasn't false either. The boundary with Prince Silas was established relatively clearly early on. While he did admit his mind could change in the future, which was like leaving bait on a hook to fish with, there were no promises or obvious sexual advances. The attitude Jia Hyson took was still quite scum. Still, it barely crossed into ambiguity, so Bebe also had to silently agree.

Bebe knows other than sexual attraction, Jia Hyson really didn't consider Prince Silas seriously. It was only that the man was really too good-looking that could cause the weak-to-temptation-scum Hyson to falter and hesitate a lot, which is partially responsible for this situation.

But, no matter how troublesome, this was still its' own host! Even if they fight, in the end, Bebe is still biased toward this scum man ah!

Prince Silas was a little pitiful in some sense, but from another perspective, he was like a more pathetic Sefu and Tian Shun. Sefu had a lot of objective flaws that caused a lot of insecurity and struggles on his part, from his status to his face to his backstory.

Therefore a lot of his cowardly and disdainful actions, while not wholly excusable, could still be attributed to various reasons. Besides, most of the pain inflicted had been on himself as he literally let himself be cucked by Jia Hyson for at least a decade or so.

But what about Prince Silas? He had everything. Talent, face, status, wealth. It was true there came a lot of responsibilities as well, but at this point, it wasn't enough to outweigh the sheer benefits that his life had.

Being rebuffed and rejected by someone you really like is sad and painful, especially if you put your whole heart into them and spent so much time trying, but does that mean the other party is obligated to like you back? Of course not, ah. Prince Silas was the type to always be a winner in life and always gets what he wants, so feeling such a substantial failure for the first time may have caused him to become inadvertently obsessed as well, in Bebe's opinion. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain the escalation in perverted behaviour.

Nonetheless, it was a fairly flimsy and extreme reaction, and Bebe didn't feel much sympathy toward such a person who had so many good cards but dealt too many bad hands with them.

Still, bias was bias, and it didn't need to be said outlaid lest such an arrogant host's head swells too large. With a sneer, the system scorned in Jia Hyson's mind, 'Host, can you please consider castration in your next life? Bebe hears there are many health benefits to it.'

Jia Hyson: 'Can you please speak human words???' ()

Seeing Alaric's dumbfounded and stunned expression, Prince Rigel laughs. His face is beautiful, and when he smiles, it is like a flower blooming under the morning summer sun. It was really too bad his personality didn't match up at all. Still, in a way, he was more honest than others, which made it a little hard to hate. But even if it wasn't hateful, it was very aggravating!

"What sort of ability is this?" Jia Hyson asks with gritted teeth. Teleportation, tracking, summoning, gravity control, and now surveillance.. it was no wonder Prince Rigel was still someone worthy of great respect despite sleeping for most of his life. Even knowing it was related to his dreams, Jia Hyson still couldn't comprehend the extent of the details at all.

Prince Rigel hesitates, but thinking of his not unpleasant time with Alaric and glancing at the kissing video now being played on loop, he makes a decision and smiles, "Isn't it as you guessed?" He spreads his arms widely, gesturing to himself as well as the floating projector screen and camera. "My power is really related to dreams."

As he announces it, he produces paper cranes out of thin air, which burn into purple flames. Soon the fire flattens into small floating circles of water where goldfish leap out of the puddles, flying into the air, leaving a trail of pastel stars in their wake. It was a truly fantastical scene. "It's called Realistic Dreamer, the ability to bring the things I've dreamed of into reality."

Jia Hyson had a vague idea, but seeing such an absurd, artistically magical thing still stunned him. Such an ability was really too OP.

"Then the gravity? The tracking and teleportation? The things appearing in thin air?" Jia Hyson can't help but question. "Did you pick these powers to use because it was fairly low-key and hard to relate to your powers?" Prince Rigel's rumours did indeed show many different abilities, but of course, with such a powerhouse, there were also many people staring blatantly at him. After a while, most people picked out he had these sorts of powers though the strength and way he accomplishes it varies between eyewitness accounts. Plus, with all the changing powers that occasionally pop up, it was enough to befuddle many for years.

"When you dream, don't you sometimes have many dreams where you are as light as a feather or heavy as a stone? Sometimes you see perspectives and scenes where your dream self isn't there, and then you find you can appear in such a scene at that moment? As for summoning items... who hasn't had things inexplicably appear in their dreams?" The prince patiently explained with a shrug. "These are the common traits in a dream. Therefore these traits can be converted into the most consistent powers I can attain from my ability."

Jia Hyson didn't believe that Rigel listed all his most 'consistent' powers; after all, he could think of one or two that could possibly be used as well. However, since the prince hadn't revealed them, there was no reason for him to admit them either, which was understandable. He was honestly a little impressed the other dared to reveal his hand now. Was it idiocy, calculation, or Did he realise something about Jia Hyson and took a gamble.

Either way, he had to say, he was impressed. Gravity control in itself was an attack power of great deterrence. Teleportation and tracking were extremely convenient in various ways. And depending on how the summoning worked, it was essentially almost like a storage bag.

Not to mention.. if Prince Rigel dreams of monsters and god-like artefacts the implications are both astounding as they are frightening.

Thinking of how he was treated in the plot, Jia Hyson couldn't help but sigh. Most likely, Rigel was originally constructed to be Prince Silas' equal in mind in terms of villainy, but for some reason, was discarded as a sacrifice.

Of course, it could also be said with his power, there was nobody more suited to be such a sacrifice. Another interpretation could be that the revived ancient vampire god was not even truly revived and was but a dream that could only become a reality once Prince Rigel sacrificed himself in the ritual. If that was the case, it was both a tragic and interesting plot that was unfortunately never properly explored.

Such a good ability filled with countless possibilities and potential, he could see why it was treated as a secret weapon. Alas, it was never revealed in the end but in a way not revealing the power in the book served to make Prince Rigel enigmatically mysterious.

But of course, if it was so amazing, then why hide it unless the drawbacks were fatal?

Seeing Alaric deep in thought, Prince Rigel patiently waited for a moment, rubbing his eyes as he did with annoyance at the feeling. While his face was calm, truth be told, his hands were a little clammy from sweat, betraying his true nervousness in being so open about the truth. Well, more open than he had ever been. But this was about showing his sincerity, and Prince Rigel comforts himself; it wasn't like he didn't have a failsafe anyway.

After all, another key trait of dreaming is that often, most people's memories of the dream will eventually blur and fade away.

Once again, this small subconscious action of rubbing his eyes made Jia Hyson startle, giving him another flash of inspiration.

Jia Hyson had seen a horror movie once where a young child could produce things from his dreams into reality, but only when he was asleep. Once he woke up, the things vanished. The adopted parents tried to see their dead child through the young child's dreams by trying to manipulate and expose the young child to memories of the dead child. In the end, they summoned a demon created from the young child's negative emotions.

Prince Rigel's power was, in a way, similar but completely the opposite. What he dreams will become a reality once he wakes up, and he can't completely control what he dreams in his subconscious, but he can control the dreams he already had once he retained consciousness. This explains why the Eclipse Coven allowed such an important figure in their coven to sleep for such an unnatural period of time.

But what about Prince Rigel's reputation as erratic and eccentric? Volatile emotions, fickle and quick to lose interest, easily irritated and stimulated, tends to occasionally make irrational and impulsive decisions if you look at it on the surface, it's just a large personality defect due to being overly spoiled in a very morally grey environment.

But look at it from another perspective could it be symptoms of insomnia?

To be honest, once the idea had taken root in his head, it was difficult to shake off, but the implications of such an idea were really too horrible.

"Could it be.. Your limitation is that you can't fall asleep?" He asked with a little trepidation and horror. "You sleep for long periods of time to try to get the most out of your power, but the moment you go back to sleep the previous dreams will reset, and, and, then the things you brought forth into reality will disappear?"

Prince Rigel tilts his head to the side before chuckling, this time it was far more bitter and genuine, "You really are clever ah. No, should I say, imaginative?" He snaps his fingers and the projector screen and video camera disappear before making a motion to Jia Hyson to take a seat.

Confused, Jia Hyson turns around and finds a cushy armchair behind him. When he turned back to face the prince, he was already lying on his side on a baroque-style chaise longue* sipping on what smelt like a strange herbal coffee. It seemed now that most of the dirty laundry had been aired; the other didn't have much intention of hiding things anymore.

*french long sofa thing. Apparently, the correct word is longue, not lounge idk it varies I confuzzled

"You're right, more or less." Prince Rigel sighs as he drinks his hot beverage. "My ability can be said to be reality-altering. As long as I dream the right dream, I can essentially become a god." He taps his knee, and a tall glass of cold water appears in front of Jia Hyson, floating at eye level. "Take it. It's nice."

Politely Jia Hyson did so, he didn't believe the prince would poison him at this point in time. Besides, he clearly had the intention to talk, if nothing else, but to get it off his chest. Jia Hyson suspected the other vampire must have a way of blurring and erasing his memory as if it was like a 'dream', but he also wasn't afraid. After all, Prince Rigel may be able to alter his mind, but can he alter his system's?

His eyebrows raised as he sipped the liquid, and he subconsciously made a sound of pleasant surprise. Even though it looked like water, it tasted sweet and refreshing, but it was hard to pinpoint what it was. If he was forced to describe it, it was like honey-soaked flowers. This faintly floral and naturally sugary taste was not particularly strong but soothingly mild.

"Not bad." Jia Hyson calmly praises, but he couldn't help but eagerly swallow the drink with great vigour, contrary to his previous mild words. Prince Rigel rolls his eyes. Seeing the other's look of disdain, Jia Hyson reluctantly smiles, "Don't mind me; I'm just a little thirsty. Talking with you takes a lot out of me."

"You are such a-" Prince Rigel takes a long sip of his drink, the veins on his forehead throbbing violently. "Anyway, you've guessed a lot, but I'll graciously fill in a few of the details."

Jia Hyson mercifully shut his mouth, savouring the last few drops of the strange flowery water as he listened silently and attentively, much to the prince's satisfaction.

"It was not difficult to get an idea of my power which appeared from birth." Prince Rigel started after some thought, "I've heard when I was a baby and dreams were less, ehm, conceptual, the others thought my ability was to project auras and colours, specifically my own. For our coven, it was a fairly useless skill, so I was a relatively neglected baby. It was only until I got a bit older and my dreams became less abstract and more concrete with object recognition that they truly grasped my power."

"And with that, they recognised your value." Jia Hyson sighs.

"It really is more a curse than a blessing," Prince Rigel admits. After all, the Eclipse Coven values vampire supremacy, and Rigel is still a vampire with royal blood.

Even if he had a poor power, his material wants would be satisfied either way, and his strength was better than the majority, so unless he was a particularly ambitious and insecure vampire, there was really little to complain about if he were to become an idle prince.

"Technology back then wasn't as advanced, and even now, you can't really control the content of people's dreams, from my understanding. So what they did after some trial and error was expose me to various things and forcing me into deep sleep." The prince sighs and brushes his blonde curls back absentmindedly, "Nobody likes having a long term-investment only making short-term profits. Once they found the moment I went back to sleep, the month-long content of dreams I dreamed were all replaced with whatever I dreamed recently, the coven then looked for ways to not only prolong and manipulate my sleep but also to maintain my wakefulness."

Jia Hyson frowns. He understood vampires were physically better than humans, but mentally, it could be said their foundations were shakier and took longer to take root. If the human psyche were like weeds that can grow after the roots are damaged, then vampires were like trees that took time to stabilise and become sturdy but relied greatly on their root development to produce a healthy plant. No matter how you look at it, enforcing such an abnormal sleep schedule on Rigel, especially purposely depriving him of sleep, was an insidious form of torture that attacked his 'roots' deeply.

No matter how smart or talented or powerful, Prince Rigel can only be called a glass cannon that could be shattered at any time.

The Eclipse Coven valued him greatly, but in retrospect, they valued him more as a weapon than a viable heir, despite what everyone had thought. And one with a time limit at that. Prince Rigel's force value was insane, and his presence was a huge deterrent to almost everybody.

But once people knew what his ability was, it wouldn't take long for them to figure out his weakness, which can be easily tackled with, essentially rendering his value in half. Once that happened, it was unknown what his life would be like. After all, the actions he had done while awake and erratic due to long periods of sleep deprivation caused many people to become offended. Without the careful and doting protection of the coven, the spoiled vampire would surely suffer.

Even if people didn't find out, the consistent long periods of sleep deprivation is like a rot in the body, slowly attacking Prince Rigel both mentally and physically. Maybe not now, but in a decade, two decades, or even three years, there was a good chance the angelic-looking vampire would collapse from the inside under this constant stress, making him completely useless to the Eclipse Coven's needs.

But if Prince Rigel died and exchanged his life for an even better weapon for the coven's cause well, then there was no need to worry too much about such an expiration date.

"What's the longest you've stayed awake?" He couldn't help but ask curiously while his mind wondered if the Eclipse Coven's plan to revive the ancient vampire god was currently in the works or not. After all, Jia Hyson couldn't exactly ask this without being incredibly suspicious.

Prince Rigel hums in thought, "I think a year and a half? It could've been longer or shorter, I wasn't responsible for keeping track of time after all." He waves off with a sigh as if it wasn't a big deal. "To be honest, I think during that period was where I really established my current reputation."

The prince blinks and clicks his tongue at Jia Hyson's thoughtful expression. "Don't think I'm so pitiful, though. I did do many objectively bad things with a relatively clear head too." He smiles. "No matter what, I do like my coven. I may resent them but I won't bite the hands that feed me either. After all, other than my lack of sleep I really am treated better than anyone else I know. Even if it's just because of my ability and to prolong my use, I'm not heartbroken or anything."

"Wow, you're quite self-aware," Jia Hyson can't help but sigh before suddenly he thinks of something and coughs awkwardly, "Then last night"

Prince Rigel's smile stiffens and his face turns red, coughing awkwardly he averts his eyes, "Usually if I have any sexual intercourse it will be arranged near the end of my wakefulness period."

After all, as exciting as sex is, the aftermath will lead people to feel sleepy and tired. This is because the oxytocin released during the act, a hormone that heightens arousal and excitement, is often accompanied by melatonin, which is responsible for regulating our body clocks and sleep.

Even if Prince Rigel had many methods to stay awake, a lot of them would, of course, be to avoid things that cause you to feel sleepy. It was no wonder he had slipped up today and couldn't help but rub his eyes every so often. It had already been more than a few weeks since he had awoken from his long sleep, so this was definitely a strong tipping point, and as the party responsible, Jia Hyson couldn't help but feel a slight sense of guilt and smugness there. But then he felt something in that sentence was a bit strange.

"Arranged?" Jia Hyson suddenly felt his face go hot in a little excitement, "Wait, wait, do you do, like, a breeding program? Do you have kids?" The kids aspect was a genuinely concerned question. But the breeding program was something that really stimulated a lot of perverted fantasies. Jia Hyson couldn't help but imagine the beautiful angelic prince in a slutty cow-themed outfit, panting and looking wrecked as he thrusts his hips like a wretched beast in heat. Hehehe, it would be even better if the other had a collar on ( > < ) < p>

Jia Hyson: 'Hey Bebe, does Bebay have any good sales on fetish outfits? It's been a while since I've done a live stream. Bebe? Bebe??'

Bebe: 'The service you have contacted is currently not online. Please try again after you get castrated.'

Jia Hyson: 'The whole point was to go get milked. How can I do that without a penis to be milked from?' ( )

Bebe: '' DogPlaysDead.jpeg

Prince Rigel didn't think much of this sexual arrangement. He got to have some pleasure, and the coven got to pass on his genes, which was considered a contribution to his group. Besides, it wasn't like the prince didn't dislike the idea of having children, and he was allowed to see them when he woke up, but he wasn't particularly interested in them either. To Prince Rigel, they would be proof he was alive once, and given his short time in consciousness, he was mentally very young and really had no thoughts of spending that limited time on childcare.

To him, it was really an exchange and a pleasurable chore. But now that he was being questioned by Alaric in such a strange tone, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Must everything be so perverted with this vampire? "Don't talk like I'm some livestock," he snaps, "I don't know what's going on in that lewd brain of yours, but it's just an arrangement, nothing special. My power is unique and unprecedented. It's normal for people to want my bloodline to continue. The more powerful we are, the more difficult the conception; so far, I only have two sons."

"Do they take after you or your mother?" Jia Hyson glances at Prince Rigel's body with some assessment. "Either way, they must be quite beautiful, ah."

Prince Rigel felt a chill down his back. For the first time, a sense of fatherly protectiveness swelled up for his offspring. "You-! Don't you dare land a hand on them!"

"Tsk, don't worry, daddy, I'm more interested in you anyway, oh~" Jia Hyson winks exaggeratedly, causing the prince to balk in disgust and a little relief.

"Can't you be more serious?" The prince really wanted to, to, to do something to the other vampire. Anything to wipe that flirtatious smug expression off and replace it with shame and tears.

"Forgive me for lightening the mood. I more or less understand most of it already," Jia Hyson shrugs, "Not to mention, I don't want to pry too deeply as well. Information is both useful and dangerous, and information like this definitely falls under the latter."

"So.." He crosses his legs and leans forward, his elbow resting on his thigh and hand propping up his chin, "Why are you telling me all this?" Jia Hyson asks for politeness' sake. "There's no need to be this upfront just because I made a few good guesses."

"Come now, you don't need to beat around the bush and play coy." Prince Rigel rolls his eye. "We both know what I'm suggesting by telling you these things."

"I have an idea, but I don't want to look like a fool." Jia Hyson calmly sips his drink. Well, pretends to. It had long been empty, after all.

"Heh." Seeing the other continue to feign humbleness made the blonde vampire sneer at such pretentious behaviour. "You have no problem looking like a pervert, though."

"You don't either- and I have photos to prove just how much you have no problem with it, kek." With a chuckle, Jia Hyson gave the prince a lewd smirk, "The camera was still on last night, did you know? So not only do I have the crossdressing photos, but I also have the subsequent events af~ter~wards~ "

Prince Rigel: '' Comparing to his blackmail, they really can't compare in terms of damages ah.

"I want you to consider joining me." Prince Rigel finally says after taking a moment to calm himself down. When his ugly expression turned solemn and serious, with his delicate and lovely features, it was undeniably incredibly attractive.

Jia Hyson: 'Tsk, tsk, I will miss the beauty standards in this world ah. Everyone is so good-looking.'

Bebe: 'Bebe is pretty sure the unrealistic beauty standards of this world are a prominent reason we have fucked up so much.'

Jia Hyson: 'Yeah it's pretty messed up, so it's not like more sex will ruin it, right?'

Bebe" ''

Jia Hyson: 'Speaking of, now that you're online again, remember to take a look at cow-themed fetish outfits to buy. I hardly think the current sex industry in this time period has evolved to this level yet.'

Bebe: '..'

As he teases his system, Jia Hyson gives Prince Rigel a thoughtful and hesitant expression. "You are asking me to betray the Golden Rose Coven. As a Rong family member, this is more humiliating than asking me to sell my body, do you know?"

"Then why do I get the feeling you don't truly care?" The shorter vampire pushes, "You like the reputation and superiority of being a good vampire, and you do, on some level, like to help people and be nosy, but I don't believe you are as patriotic as people claim you to be."

Jia Hyson smiles gently and says nothing. Prince Rigel chuckles at that and taps his finger patiently on idly plays with the string of his eyepatch. "Honestly, it's a little difficult to get a read on you, Alaric." He admits, "But I feel we're quite similar. Selfish and childish, you don't want to leave because the benefits of the coven outweigh the costs, and they treat you extremely well. However, if you follow me, not only will my coven respect you as a noble vampire and a useful one, they will also not care if you let go of your mask and expose your true personality. Besides.."

Rigel's silver eye narrows into a curved crescent as his smile widens into a sneer, "Can you really be assured you'll continue to be treated so well in your coven?"

"I'll think about it." Jia Hyson finally sighs. Externally he was torn, but internally he was overjoyed. One of the paths he was considering potentially taking is the villainy path. Who will bother looking at minor flaws when you have big ones, after all?

However, it was difficult to establish it as a backroad without it affecting his other choices too much, so Jia Hyson only thought about it but didn't do anything to work toward it. Rigel's secret offer was like a pie falling from the sky.

Seeing he looked like he was really seriously considering it, Prince Rigel smugly let it go. The blackmail may not be enough under regular circumstances, but he had personally witnessed the eldest prince of the Golden Rose Coven use an ability on Alaric and tried to force himself upon him. With such a prince who couldn't even control his lower body and would use such means, it is difficult for the victim to want to continue to support and serve such a person when given the choice?

Prince Rigel didn't think of his own blackmailing actions much. In fact, it is not difficult to fight against, given the relatively poor, criminal reputation of his coven and himself. If Alaric claims it's one of his numerous powers, it will become a battle of he says, she says*.

*going off the testimony of others with no objective evidence

Prince Rigel still had some misgivings over Alaric, but he admitted he wasn't stupid, and he was more devious than he expected. Alaric should also understand this form of blackmail would not hold up and was more an invitation than a threat, unlike Alaric's own form of blackmail, which would damage them both greatly. Not to mention, the information about his past and abilities was invaluable, and Alaric should also see the genuine olive branch he had handed him.

Under this stalemate, their relationship had gotten a little closer, but if one had to say if anything had changed, there really wasn't much to say.

The biggest change was Jia Hyson's avoidance of Prince Silas. Jia Hyson was fairly thorough and decisive. Knowing he couldn't afford to offend the coven yet, he quickly contacted the elders and explained Prince Silas' abnormal attachment to himself, adding various psychological terms and buzzwords that made the elderly vampires a little dizzy.

With psychological science and an already pre-established good reputation, Jia Hyson not only managed to quickly arrange to change classes in a day, but he also brought in a few competent Rong members around his age to try their hand at taking care of Prince Silas, something they were quite grateful for.

In order for things to be arranged well, Jia Hyson also 'kindly' volunteered to take a few days off class and show Prince Rigel around the city more in order to try to improve intra-coven politics, which Prince Rigel agreed with. Therefore, everyone was quite happy except for Prince Silas himself.

Unfortunately for him, he may have many powers, but Prince Rigel had a tracking ability. He could only use it on one person at a time, and Alaric was the target he chose, but now that they had become akin to grasshoppers on the same rope* so, there was relatively more trust.

*meaning they're both on the same side and tied to each other. If one failed, the other would also fail. If the rope breaks, both grasshoppers will die. I assume the origins are related to like cricket fighting or something; I'm not sure.

At the very least, Prince Silas was now the vampire that deserved the highest priority in defending against, given he could not only take but identify his powers. Not to mention he had eyes on Alaric, who he hoped to sway onto his own side. Putting the tracking ability on him will not only better avoid the other prince but also win more of Alaric's goodwill in the process.

Still, no matter how good such power is, they couldn't stare at Prince Silas every day, so under the black-eyed vampire's relentless determination, he finally hunted Jia Hyson down a few days later.

Jia Hyson groans both in pain and pleasure as Prince Silas slams him on the wall of an empty classroom. He had been called by the teacher to help drop some homework to the teacher's lounge and was on his way back before a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed him before he could even react.

No, it could be said he did react, but not in the way he particularly wanted to.

Seeing Alaric's flushed appearance and breathing that had inevitably picked up under his touch, Prince Silas' eyes flashes with satisfaction and relief. At the very least, the powder effect was still strong. Still, thinking about Alaric's obvious avoidance of him, a sense of helplessness, fear and irrationality welled up in him.

In order to bring out more of the effect of the powder, he wraps his arms around Alaric's slim body, hugging him tightly. "Alaric, please don't do this." He softly says into the other's ear, enjoying the way the smaller vampire trembles. "I like you so much, can't we just give it a try?"

Alaric stays stubbornly silent, but his breathing gets even more ragged as his body subconsciously presses against Prince Silas' own, yearning to feel his touch more. A small hard object presses against his leg, unable to be hidden now they were so closely entwined, and Prince Silas couldn't help his own body turning hot as he recognised what that object was.

Excited, Prince Silas kisses the tip of Alaric's cute pink ear, making him gasp softly, "Look at you; you're adorable." he murmurs affectionately, "Don't fight it, okay? I just want to make you feel good; just let me show you how much I want you."

"Ah" Jia Hyson swallows heavily, his limbs weak and skin aching to be touched by the prince. His biggest weakness was his hedonism and his low resistance to pleasure, and it was already considered pretty good he hadn't started ripping off both their clothes at this moment. "You.. fucking.. mhph-!"

Taking advantage of the other vampire turning his head up to talk to him, Prince Silas leans down and captures a kiss from him. Upon tasting each other's lips and tongue, both immediately became addicted for slightly different reasons. Jia Hyson felt drunk once again, and the foggy haze in his mind threatened to overwhelm him like before, but fortunately, it wasn't as powerful as the first time.

Still, it wasn't weak enough for Jia Hyson to resist well, especially when the prince was adding pleasure upon pleasure, touching him all over, everywhere his hands skimmed seemed to set a new fire in him that made him incredibly greedy for more. It wasn't long before Jia Hyson found his own body betraying him, also mirroring the other's actions, touching and rubbing Prince Silas's thin but strong body with great enthusiasm.

Even though he was still reluctant at heart, he couldn't deny his excitement and admiration as he continues to touch.

Jia Hyson: 'Kek, as expected of royalty, his muscles are compact but really nice! The abs are good too; I want to see ah, ah, ah!'

Stimulated by his crush's reciprocal eagerness, Prince Silas was filled with complicated joy, but after Alaric had ignored him for so long, his hesitation was greatly reduced. With nervous and impatient hands, he reaches down and caresses the arch of the other's trembling lower back before moving downwards to grasp the curve of the other's ass. Feeling the soft plumpness in his hands, the first prince of the Golden Rose Coven was entranced and continued to fondle it more, unable to extricate himself from the compelling combination of the sensation of Alaric's ample buttocks and his corresponding sensitive reactions.

Jia Hyson gasps and moans softly, "Please, hah, that's.. we can't, nghmmm~" He tries to half-heartedly protest. He constantly tries to remind himself that he should stop this immediately, not only because he simply shouldn't be doing this but also because they were still in the middle of school! Anyone could come in!

But, but! That made it even more stimulating ah! ( )

Because of his shyness and shame, he felt he was even more sensitive and lost himself to the pleasure even faster. Soon he was gasping into Silas' chest and murmuring soft and coquettishly begging noises that emboldened the prince further, peeling off Alaric's clothing and revealing the flushed pale skin of his upper body. Aroused beyond belief, Prince Silas immediately moves his hands to the blue-eyed vampire's chest, especially focusing on the other's hardened nipples that begged to be touched and fondled.

Bebe, who was watching, wanted to slap this masochistic host. Because of its previous help, the powder's effect was no longer reaching the threshold of muddling the mind that allowed Bebe to legally be allowed to step in even without consent, so it couldn't only stand by until its host said something. As for scolding the host into clarity sorry, it knew well enough that such 'dirty talk' would probably only spur Jia Hyson on. _

Engrossed in each other's bodies, the two didn't notice the door to the classroom opening slightly, and a handsome punk with red and yellow hair was stunned as he took in the scene.

Kylan stares blankly for a moment before his face turns ugly. Silver eyes flash crimson as he takes a step toward them. "Hey, how dare yo-"

Suddenly the door slams further open, and Prince Silas is violently pulled back by an invisible force, his body flung into the desks and chairs with a loud clatter. Before Jia Hyson could blink, strong and masculine arms wrapped around him as a warm leather jacket was wrapped around his shoulders. A strong and familiar scent of cigarettes permeated from the man and the jacket that made Jia Hyson's heart throb painfully.

Looking up, Jia Hyson's blue eyes can't help but brighten as he meets the other's dark brown ones.

Mr Garth smiles. "Hey, brat, it's been a while, huh?"



Little Theatre:

Prince Rigel: So are you fucking saying I can't have sex anymore if I want to have screen time in this story, author? PikachuRage.jpeg

Prince Silas: So are you saying I still have a chance at having sex with Alaric, author? DogHeheEyebrowRaises.gif

Kylan: So are you saying all my screen time is going to keep getting stolen, author? YellowBunnyUglyCry.jpeg


A/N: Woo we got Kylan and Mr Garth here ah~ everyone's here~ yay yay yay~ (ignores the actual protagonists of original story who haven't arrived yet) _(:3)_

Aiyah love drama is quite hard and I feel I've lost a grasp over some of the gong's personalities kek, I truly fear for the next arc tbh if I can barely wrangle these four guys orz.

Umm I don't have much to recc in terms of stories tbh like there's some decent ones but none imma go WOWOWOWOW ya know~? Umm, for youtube videos though I recc checking out MILGRAM (kek its great if you haven't heard of it check it out by checking the explanation vid for it ah, its essentially beautiful anime music videos x murder x judgement I can't explain it all here tbh), Wizards With Guns (comedy), Chicktatoon (comedy, animated), and uh uh uh Pokemon Drunk Oak (*cough* pokemon furry *cough* BUT ITS REALLY GOOD LIKE PLS DONT JUDGE ME - also on same content check out furrymon music video by chalkeaters - PLS DONT JUDGE QWQ)

Also~ also~ Remember to check out my other stories, blue will do her best to try update bit by bit there. Tbh the ones I'm more excited for is Zombie Emperor and Collector's System. I've already updated a chap of Reverse Harem. But I really wanna try at least finish Zombie arc 1 first and a few chaps of Collector's System so it gets verified oh~

Anyway, hope ya'll staying cute~

Since it's end of month I will put my server link here ah~

This time the server will open for seven days >w< yayyy


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