Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 5: 1.4

Chapter 5: 1.4

Jia Hyson spent the next four years in relative peace. His popularity as a model soared after that color fundraising advertisement, more than he really had expected. Every magazine he was in always had an increase in sales no matter where he was placed or which magazine it was from and job offers rolled in from almost everywhere. Both he and his little family were baffled by his sudden fame out of nowhere. Especially Jia Hyson and his system who both know very well his modeling skill could not possibly warrant such adoration.

Little did they know, somewhere else in A country, a certain wealthy second son of the Lanzoni family had a whole floor of his apartment dedicated to Adrian Marshall's work. Stacks of magazines packer the rooms and products Adrian had advertised filled the shelves. On the walls various posters of the gorgeous man were plastered everywhere. It was enough to make the toughened Lanzoni family bodyguards shudder every time they had to go in with their arms full of the newest magazine featuring this model. Adrian Marshall has become a special name in this powerful household that not even Samuel Lanzoni, the head of the family, would speak of lest he accidentally summons his son and is forced to endure an hour listening to what Adrian Marshall had did today.

Witnessing firsthand how far the Drake Lanzoni's unprecedented obsession went the family could only cry. Who cares if their most promising and (previously) sensible son was gay? Let him do whatever. They had three other children to pop out babies for and at least they weren't half as crazy as this son turned out to be! QAQ

Anyway, thanks to his newfound popularity, Jia Hyson had decided to follow his favorite phrase and kill two birds with one stone by involving himself in some acting. Learning how to act better and getting acquainted to different roles will only reap him benefits in the future after all. Still, he only took a few gigs at a time, unwilling to lose his time spent with Monroe and Maddy who had become busier with their education.

Monroe had grown into a tall and mouthwateringly handsome man that Jia Hyson can't help but stare greedily at whenever he had the opportunity to, and had received a scholarship for a prominent university for finance. Maddy has flowered into a sweet faced girl with a strong will and the ability to make a custard puff so good it could make your legs go soft. She had somehow developed a more fiery and almost delinquent-like temper than the original story but Jia Hyson wasn't too fussed about that. She was independent and strong, a good example of any main character, not to mention her boyish attitude soothed his brotherly worries somewhat as well. He even pushed her for fortnightly community self defense lessons.

See if that f*cking scum male lead can defile her so easily now!

Bebe: I feel like host's intentions have strayed slightly

As told by the plot, the television show Home-cooked Miracle has become a household hit in the past two years. Jia Hyson had to admit it was very addictive to watch and he learnt a few new cooking tricks along the way as well. It appealed well to a wide audience, there was enough cooking to be considered educational, enough drama to get the blood boiling, interesting twists and anything too raunchy was censored for the children.

Maddy as expected loved watching it. She would remind everyone half an hour before it starts to get ready to watch it with her and then happily comment about everything while stuffing her face with her dinner. It was hard not to catch her enthusiasm and even Monroe, who was a spicy chicken when it came to cooking had slowly gotten interested over time as well.

Jacob also enjoyed the show, and more often than not Jia Hyson would exchange messages with him during the episode. While the number of times they had met during these years could be counted with one hand, they were constantly in communication. Jia Hyson found that he unexpectedly really liked the young man. How could he not? Jacob was handsome, intelligent, awkwardly cute and a little spoilt, not to mention handsome...

Bebe: 'You said handsome twice.'

Jia Hyson: 'Because he is twice as handsome as normal men, almost as good as my Monroe.'

Bebe: 'How handsome is Monroe?'

Jia Hyson: 'Three times handsome!'(-)b

Bebe: ...this sibling complex idiot...

Even the usually oblivious Maddy had noticed something was up.

"Are you talking to Jacob again?" She asks with faked casualness as she dices up some vegetables while Adrian absentmindedly cooks the handmade meatballs with one hand while tapping on his phone with the other.

"Jacob sent me a gift," Adrian primly replies. Curious, Maddy leans over to sneak a peek but soon her face were full of black lines.

Isn't that just a game gift? How boring!

"Since when do you play? You don't even like games," Maddy complains, feeling a little jealous at how this newcomer was stealing her beloved big brother.

"I don't like games that require actual skill and dexterity so Jacob recommended me this one." Jia Hyson explains with a smile, pushing his new phone toward Maddy, eager to show off, "Look, aren't my characters very cute? I only have one super rare one which is very ugly but powerful." Truth be told he only managed to pull out the super rare character from the lottery once he got impatient and asked Bebe to put all his remaining skill points into his abysmal luck. Unfortunately not only was the character ugly but it's main job was a priest so his team's attack power was still embarrassingly low. As someone who believes offense is the best defense in games it was a very sad sight.

Maddy stares at the offered phone wordlessly. Is this still the same brother who nagged her and Monroe about the terrible power of gaming? That old fashioned brother who had never even played P*kemon or Mar*o? Who doesn't even use the internet that much? Was this the power of love? "En, very cute," She helplessly says before quickly moving on, "so when do we get to meet Jacob? I've already met Jenna and Uncle James."

Jia Hyson frowns slightly, his face which has become even more attractive over the years twisting in disappointment. "I don't know, he says he's very busy. Every time I ask Uncle he tells me that his son is always out working." Ever since he first met Jacob, apparently he had suddenly gotten a job opportunity of a lifetime and was whisked away to J country to work. Uncle James was overjoyed for his son. He hadn't even known that the boy had been secretly sending out job applications all this time.

Upon seeing her brother's downtrodden expression, Maddy wisely lets go of the topic and starts to chat about how Jenna had invited all her friends to model some of her new designs. Jenna mainly focuses on menswear but now that she's making a bit of a name for herself she had decided to try branch out to do more female fashion. It wasn't really Maddy's thing but she looked up to Jenna like a big sister and was excited nonetheless.

Jia Hyson, acting as a good big brother listened attentively, nodding and making noises at all the right times as he occasionally stirs the meatballs in the pan but inwardly he was still thinking about Jacob.

At the time Jia Hyson was also happy for Jacob attaining a job but now after getting to know him further he felt a little conflicted. It had been a long time since he's genuinely liked someone for more than a few months before getting tired of them. He'd even had periods of time when he had gotten sick and tired of Maddy and ignored her for several days before forcefully mentally pulling himself back into his brotherly love mindset. Monroe was more aloof and wasn't around as much so he didn't have the same problem with him but Jia Hyson was sure that if they weren't family and this wasn't a mission he probably would have slowly pushed them away in favor of more interesting things.

Jia Hyson wasn't stupid. The fact that he still actively kept in contact with Jacob for years may not say much for others but for him it was worth seriously considering pursuing a long term romantic relationship for.

Jia Hyson: I wonder how he would look wearing a green hat? He's so cute, do you think he would cry? Or maybe punish me and lock me up?


Jia Hyson: I'm okay with either but both would be best really (/ )

Bebe: You're the worst )

Thankfully for Bebe, other than getting easily bored and acting like a really twisted teenage girl in love, it's host was actually very hardworking and disciplined. After all if he wasn't, Jia Hyson wouldn't have been able to push out so many best selling books each year.

Of course he's notorious for almost never finishing a series and online many fans wish to burn him to death for leaving so many incomplete stories behind to make new ones. But, Bebe has decidedly ignored these facts a long time ago for the sake of it's sanity.

Finally it was two months before Maddy's high school graduation. The original family break up event was around there but this time the circumstances were very different.

"Maddy," Jia Hyson calmly says over dinner, "have you finally considered what to do next year? I met someone who's a professor at one of the best culinary schools in F country and they said they would be interested in taking you under a scholarship after a practical skills test. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity."

Maddy, who had been cutting into her steak happily stops. She bites her lips nervously and continues cutting her steak at a noticeably slower pace.

Monroe and Adrian glance at each other knowingly, they had discussed this topic beforehand since Maddy had become increasingly difficult to converse when her future goals are concerned. "Maddy, you'll be graduating soon. You need to start applying for higher education or an apprenticeship." Monroe prompts, despite his cold voice there's an undercurrent of worry for his sister. "It's fine if you don't want to go to culinary school there's other options too."

Jia Hyson can't help but swoon a little, such a cold-faced person with a sweet gap like this, he can't help but congratulate himself for raising such a fine man.

"I, I know what I want to do," Maddy whispers after a period of silence. She bites her lip again, refusing to meet anyone's eyes as she finally says in a voice even softer than before, "I want to go on Home-cooked Miracle."

Monroe stares blankly at her. Jia Hyson takes note of the reaction and quickly mimics it. He's fairly sure his acting was passable since Maddy shrunk timidly into her seat.

"You want to... are you serious?" Monroe demands, this time no emotion was leaked out, making him sound frighteningly cold.

Maddy nods and Monroe immediately slams the table. "I cannot believe you," He sneers, it was enough to make most people cower.

Unfortunately Maddy was not most people. Not only was she used to her cold-faced brother, she was the type of person who fought fire with bigger fire. Immediately she stood up from her seat, her temper ignited. "Is it so hard to believe?! What's the big deal?!"

"You are going to waste your opportunities as a new graduate just to gamble it all on some television show!" Monroe shouts back.

"It's not a gamble if I know I'm going to win!"

Monroe scoffs, making her even angrier.

"You said I have options apart from school!" She accused.

"And this isn't one of them," Monroe sternly replies, "You have no work experience, your grades are average at best, jobs right now are already difficult to find and now you're telling us you're going to possibly waste a year participating in something you may not win? Don't you remember the times Adrian had spent slaving away working for you, for us?" It was the most emotional Jia Hyson had ever heard from him, he was practically trembling. Moved, he stood up to lean up and gently kiss his sweet brother's forehead, stroking his back soothingly.

"There, there," he coaxes before he faces Maddy who was also near tears. At this point of the original story Adrian would have fueled the fire more in his own anger but this time Jia Hyson just smiled softly. "Maddy... I didn't work hard and abandoned my dream to be a chef just so you could as well. So," he sighs heavily, "so if you want to try win Home-cooked Miracle I won't stop you."

"Adrian!" Monroe protests but now that Adrian had agreed Monroe could only deflate, losing his self-righteous anger and leaving only anxiety. "Fine... I suppose I overreacted, some kids take a gap year after all."

"Adrian!" Maddy cries, and runs over to almost tackle him down with a weepy embrace. Luckily Monroe's strong body was enough to buffer the blow. As Jia Hyson makes soothing sounds as he pats the sobbing girl in his arms he mouths a silent thank you up to Monroe who smiles back with exasperated fondness.

"You really do spoil her too much," He murmurs into his ear, making Jia Hyson shiver a little as the heated breath tickles him.

"She's the type who'll only prosper when set free," Jia Hyson sighs affectionately as he pats her slim back, "you're like a wild horse aren't you Maddy?"

"Neigh," Maddy meekly jokes between tears making them all chuckle. It was truly a very warm family moment.

Bebe: Bebe is moved, this cheap host has done unexpectedly well

Jia Hyson: I spent five years to personally rebuild the foundations of this shitty story and you still dare call me cheap? _

Bebe: Yes (-)

Jia Hyson: ... () you're cheap! You're whole family is cheap!

The next morning Jia Hyson drops another bomb in their household.

"You'll be applying for Home-cooked Miracle too?!" Maddy shrieks in surprise. Monroe didn't loudly vocalize his shock like his sister but if you looked closely you could see his hands were clenching so hard they were turning home white.

With Adrian's signature gentle smile, he shyly nods, "We have enough money to not worry for a while now that my last cheque cashed in and I realized, there's no reason for me now to not try fight for my dream like you..." his smile turns a little anxious, "if, if that's okay with you guys?"

"Whatever makes you happy," Monroe immediately says making Maddy who had been excitedly jumping with joy turn around and glare at him.

"How come your reaction to me going and Adrian going is so different?!" She complains, "Who's the blood related sibling here?"

"Exactly," Monroe nods in agreement as he moves toward Adrian to give him an almost possessive hug.

Maddy has nothing to say. In fact inexplicably she felt like her mouth was stuffed with dog food?

Because Adrian had more human resources than in the story, and had developed the need to dote on Maddy, he immediately called Jenna and Uncle James to help with their application videos to send to the network. The pair had been quite surprised at this rather sudden decision but having tasted both Maddy and Adrian's cooking before they quickly supported them. Since they were competitors they had two separate videos made.

Maddy, if accepted, would be one of the youngest participants there so they made use of that by taking some short clips of her in her graduation gown and other youthful clothing. Her video focused on how she always dreamt to be a chef like her big brother and how the youthful passion only burned brighter as she grew older. It was truly a heartwarming video filled that would move the audience.

Adrian took a different option. Because he was relatively famous and yet still new to the industry he was already practically guaranteed to be accepted into the show. With short clips of his time as a model and a few shots of some of the shows and movies he's participated in plus some background as a loving brother who had struggled to make money for his younger brother and sister created a story with a very lovable Cinderella-type feel. After looking through the tape, Jia Hyson felt that if they didn't pass an amazing person like him the network people simply had no hope for their future!

Bebe was torn between strangling this arrogant host who has been endlessly praising himself in the video and reluctantly adding to the praise itself. After all, it's host really did achieve his long term goals of having enough money preventing consequent stress and the family break up. Even then, to avoid the plot from reverting back, Jia Hyson had long ago decided to join Home-cooked Miracle with Maddy to act as a physical cockblock. While he's participated in various dramas and even a few movies, he had made sure to avoid any cooking roles that would invalidate his application. Even going so far as to reject a leading role in a fantasy food drama that became so popular Jia Hyson wanted to vomit blood every time he saw it airing.

F*ck he could've been rich all over again!

To further guarantee their place, Uncle James cunningly advises them to only put each other as family on their application forms. Then, with careful editing, he makes it so any scene they shared would just cut out the other person's face, with the different tones of their videos it would be difficult to figure out Adrian and Maddy were adopted siblings without being aware of it in the first place. Only the network will know of this plot twist. It's both a threat and a bribe really, after all if they don't accept both of them they wouldn't be able to use it.

Monroe who was the true bystander of all this was the one who suffered the most since neither Maddy nor Adrian wanted to cut him out of their family love segments. While flattered by this, it didn't change the fact Monroe was forced into multiple different outfits and scenes just to be a blurry part of the background or a silhouette. At best the back of his head is clearly shown as they all enjoy a shared meal together.

Monroe the background mannequin: ...

After sending in their applications, Jia Hyson, who was confident of them passing, began spending the afternoon when he was free practicing alongside an overexcited Maddy in the kitchen.

Originally his skill in cooking was a measly 13 points. It wasn't as bad as it sounds. His level of cookery meant he could make a decent meal as long as it consisted of just on cutting up some ingredients and frying it on the stove. Not to mention he had a good sense of taste. He just had bad hand-eye coordination. And an inexplicable inability to read the recipe instructions. And sometimes gets distracted and forgets to put a timer on. And...

Well. In any case. While Jia Hyson loved to eat good food. His ability to cook good food was low.

Luckily Adrian had a nice 68 skill points in the area, turning his 12 points into an amazing 80. Not only that, with constant practice and Adrian's almost disgusting obsession with burgers and sandwich related foods, Jia Hyson also learnt the special skill [Burger Prince level 1]. Every sandwich he makes will be 10% more delicious than usual. Once level 5 is reached it will automatically upgrade to Burger King.

He could probably become a professional chef with this amount of points. Or at least open a really popular food truck. Unfortunately neither of these was his goal.

'Bebe can I ask what is the skill point range of the contestants from Home-cooked Miracle in the initial episodes?' He asks.

'Around approximately 45 to 69.' Bebe obediently replies after a moment of calculations. Earning the amount of points in skill sets was a lot like earning grades in school. Learning enough to pass can be easy enough, but once you pass the 70 mark it evokes significantly harder to improve. For a home chef, 69 was already very impressive.

'What's Maddy's current cooking points then?'

'61.5,' Bebe informs, 'though that's probably due to lack of experience more than skills. She also has her golden finger special skills, Intuitive Eating and Unorthodox Cookery. Once she reaches 77 points she will automatically unlock Chef Queen which can be upgraded to Chef Empress.'

Jia Hyson nods, feeling satisfied with this result. A main character who is too strong at the beginning of the competition is too boring unless they were in a reincarnated dog-blooded face-slapping type story. Not to mention, with those special skills Maddy can more or less make up for her gaps in the trials thrown at her in versions interesting ways. Other than support her and stop her from f*cking the male lead at first sight he shouldn't have anything else to worry about.

'Is it possible to take away some of Adrian's skill points in cooking?' He sighs.

'What?' Bebe sounds stunned. 'Why?'

'Obviously I don't plan on stealing the win from the main character,' Jia Hyson explains patiently, 'And it will be difficult to try fake a dish that both isn't too good or too bad. It would be easier to just take off my points and earn them back at a natural pace during the show but my original points aren't...'

Moved by Jia Hyson's intentions toward his work, Bebe decides, 'Normally this isn't allowed since the points gained yourself will naturally go back toward your skillset, but I will allow it in this case. We can temporarily move some of Adrian's points to some other skills instead.'

After thanking his system politely Jia Hyson immediately chooses to put points into his luck and speed, leaving his cooking skills to rate at a 65.

Bebe who was watching couldn't help but curiously ask, 'Just these two?'

Jia Hyson shrugs, 'Luck is an important factor in the competition. Now that I've put myself in as an unexpected variable, the challenges and surprise ingredients will not necessarily be assigned the same way as the story had foretold. And speed is good since every task has a time limit.'

'But...' Bebe hesitates, it was rare for his host to act so seriously, it was unwilling to insult him right now, 'You memory and concentration is rated at a 22 and 37 respectively.'

'That's what you're for.' Jia Hyson easily counters with a smirk.

Bebe: ...

It's okay. It already knows it's host would need to rely on it. Even if he had to sacrifice half his cooking points that moron still wouldn't be able to remember the three steps to make a box mix cake! ()

"Oh, now that my luck has increased, I should see if I can get better characters on the lottery!" Jia Hyson exclaims, pulling out his phone excitedly. He had become well and truly addicted to the phone game recommended by Jacob.

Bebe: F*ck your mom! )

Meanwhile somewhere in A country Drake Lanzoni was busy making his application video to Home-cooked Miracle.

"My reason to come onto this show?" The blindingly striking features of Drake's handsome face tilted slightly to the side arrogantly. He looked every bit the domineering young tyrant he had grown up to be. "To prove that I'm the best," suddenly his phone vibrates. While the camera didn't capture who was texting him, it clearly caught Drake's face softening from his haughty expression into a faint smile unmistakably full of tenderness, completely different to how he's been in the rest of the video. Quietly he tacks on, "and to win over the person I love."

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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