Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 6: 1.5

Chapter 6: 1.5

"Oh god, oh god, oh god, I can't believe this is happening, oh god, it feels like a dream, oh god!"

Jia Hyson weakly glares at his overly energetic and hyperexcited sister. His gentle brotherly act shattered an hour ago leaving a very grumpy silent man in its place. They had been specially picked up by a pre-arranged chauffeur from the airport and as nice as the car is, just an hour and a half of forced sitting in an enclosed area was enough to make his carsickness act up. His muscles feel too stiff, his head hurts, his nausea makes him want to vomit... and they still had two more hours of driving to go.

Jia Hyson: 'Bebe, how many p for headache pills, motion sickness pills and muscle relaxants?'

Bebe: 'Basic medication is 30p each.'

Jia Hyson: 'You mean per box?'

Bebe: 'Per pill.'

Jia Hyson: '...' This BeBay shop is really too blackhearted!

With gritted teeth he asks for two paracetamol pills and something to knock him out for an hour. Unfortunately he was the type of person who couldn't sleep on a moving vehicle even if he wanted to and drowsy medication had never worked well on him so he was forced to take sleeping medicine from a more advanced world.

Bebe: 'That will be 160 p.'

Jia Hyson: Is there an item to improve body condition?

Bebe: Lowest grade items related to this cost 1050 p.

Jia Hyson: _

Even after swallowing the pills and experiencing the sweet release of unconsciousness, Jia Hyson still woke up after twenty minutes feeling on the edge of death. He looks over to Maddy who was playing happily on her phone and somehow feels even worse as he compares her current constitution with his own.

Jia Hyson: 'Bebe, tell me the truth, your pills are fake right? These pills are as cheap as you aren't they? Come closer, I promise I won't hit you too hard~'

Bebe: 'BeBay has nothing but high quality goods. However, as a token of goodwill, Bebay will provide 50% refund for the intermediate sleeping pill.'

Despite feeling sick to the bones, once they pulled up to their destination Jia Hyson managed the strength to wipe off his sweat and put on a faint but gentle smile. Opening the car door he steps out and quietly inhales the fresh air of the more rural area the Miracle competition was held. Resisting the urge to stretch his muscles Jia Hyson keeps the door open so his sister can shuffle out, looking around with the expected shock and awe.

The building was large and held a magnificent outdoor garden filled with herbs and edible vegetation making the place less like an over glorified kitchen and more like a fancy mansion. Above the entrance was the logo for Home-cooked Miracle, a bright star with two clashing cooking knives and five smaller stars at the bottom. While their actual living arrangements were in a nearby separate building, this was the place where the main meat of the competition was held and therefore dropping them off here for introductions even before putting their bags away was understandable.

There was also another reason. One that will be revealed once the judges appear.

For now Jia Hyson focuses on trying not to empty the contents of his stomach on camera. Letting Maddy walk ahead of him, she exuberantly skips around, exclaiming about every little thing and looking like the very definition of youth. Many of the cameramen placed around the entrance focused on the show's youngest contestant's lively actions but there was no small amount of attention on Jia Hyson as well.

As they filmed Adrian, the men and woman behind the camera felt almost blinded by his beauty. Such long well proportioned limbs, slim waist, delicate yet defined features and that soft looking smiling expression framed by even softer looking blonde curls! As his gaze moves from the young girl toward the building, they could see his pale pink lower lip being lightly bitten as his already beautiful jade skin whitens even more making him look vulnerable and pitiful. Everyone watching felt moved and wanted to go over there to reassure him. Clearly this gorgeous young man was merely putting on a strong front for the other contestant's sake but was actually even more nervous than the young girl seemed to be. Who knows what he must be thinking right now?

Jia Hyson: 'Don't puke, don't puke, don't puke, f*cking cars, don't puke, just take in the fresh air and, and, ugh, want to puke.'

Noticing how the cameras were all pointed at his face, Jia Hyson fearfully imagines how horribly pale and apathetic he must look right now when compared to Maddy who was... delightedly gawking at an apple tree. Helplessly his smile returns as he watches this silly girl and walks toward her. Because of his soft knees and stiff muscles, unknowingly his walking gait compensated with lazy, swaying movements that pulled attention to his lithe body and pert ass, turning his elegant allure into something more seductive and sexy. Even the people with cameras waiting for the next pair of participants couldn't help but drift toward Adrian's swaying hips, completely missing the oncoming car.

To add more drama in the first episode, other than the 'randomly assigned' pairings in each vehicle, the other contestants will not be able to meet anybody else before entering the building. Knowing this Jia Hyson quickly catches sight of a few network employees gesturing them to leave as the other car approaches and gently prods Maddy to take a step back and follow him. A little embarrassed by her childishness being revealed on camera she quickly agrees, boldly holding his hand and racing toward the entrance.

Of course, because it wasn't exactly subtle, everyone caught sight of the almost natural handholding and speculations filled their gossip loving hearts. Despite leaving the garden in an abrupt manner, they weren't fast enough and a pair of piercing dark eyes from the inside of the car stared expressionlessly at where the two people joined by the hands had gone.


Once they entered the building, they saw the familiar large open spaced room they had often seen on television. Two columns of ten stainless steel kitchen benches equipped with stoves and ovens were evenly placed, with a table on a podium at the very front of the room and on the left and right sides there were sliding doors that connected to two pantries with the amount of food stored inside comparable to a small grocery store. However unlike the usual scene on Home-cooked Miracle, there was a large wall sitting between the two columns of benches.

"Adrian, look! There's a sign!" Maddy squeals.

Jia Hyson rolls his eyes and ruffles her head fondly making her pout. He reads aloud, "A pair of lovers, tied by fate, separated by a wall, if one falls down the other must also kneel on the dirt and share their pain."

"What does that mean?" Maddy says puzzled.

"Well tied by fate is most likely how we were put into pairs when riding in the car. I suppose now we have to go our separate ways?" Jia Hyson theorizes, pretending to be just as surprised as well. Of course with the knowledge of the world's plot how could he not know about this all important first round?

First the contestants will be paired up in interesting combinations and forced to endure a three hour and a half car ride together. With hidden cameras the interaction between the two will be recorded, and whether they get along well or fight like cats and dogs they will separate once they enter the building. Once two groups are established they will fight amongst each other to avoid being the bottom eight who will go straight into an elimination round.

However the twist is, if a person from one side fails, the other half of the pair on the other side will automatically fail too. No exceptions. Even if they won first place, if their partner is incompetent they will inevitably be dragged down into elimination hell. It was a ruthless first round made to cull the numbers down and sprout the seeds for drama within the group. Really, if the author hadn't caught sperm in their brain three rounds into the competition this would have been an amazing story.

Originally Maddy was paired with her one friend in the show. While she had gotten third place, her rather meek friend ruined her dish due to nervousness, getting flustered by both the time limit, the cameras and the atmosphere causing them both to go into elimination. Jia Hyson, while strongly wanting to follow this part of the story well, was deeply unwilling to sabotage and let down his dear sister leaving him at a dilemma.

Bebe: ()

Bidding each other a goodbye and good luck, Maddy went to the right and Jia Hyson to the left. An arrow pointing toward the food storage area prompted him to enter. That way they really wouldn't be able to catch sight of their rivals on the opposite side. Inside, other than an assortment of ingredients, was about nine people milling awkwardly together. Since there is supposed to be about thirty six contestants there was at least seven more left after him before it starts.

With a shy smile, Jia Hyson awkwardly waves at the group, "Hello, I am Adrian Marshall," he greets politely. "It's very nice to meet all of you."

The group, as well as the two cameramen all stare at him with stunned expressions. Suddenly a male god has descended! Even if the face wasn't familiar the name was. Wasn't this the popular young model and actor Adrian Marshall? Didn't he just play a supporting lead role in a big blockbuster movie? Wasn't he in that popular daytime drama a while back? Didn't they see him in a magazine? So handsome ah! How is he better looking in person?! No wait, what is he even doing here?!

Seeing that no one replied back to him, after a minute Jia Hyson puts on a sad and very pitiable hurt expression before wandering off to familiarize himself with the storage space while snickering in his heart. Of course with his beautiful face, and inherently gentle demeanor, this look of sadness immediately pierced everyone's hearts making them feel very guilty, especially the mothers and fathers. What celebrity? All they can see is a sweet, polite but lonely child who had tried to reach out only to be slapped away by his own fame.

With such nonsense in mind, many took the initiative to go over to speak with Jia Hyson. Even the ones who were not moved followed, attracted by his fame and looks as well as unwilling to look unsympathetic so early on in the show. After all, this show was so popular it was watched globally, there were few people thick skinned enough to endure the world's hate. Of course, there were many that were stupid enough to provoke it.

And how could this dogblooded smut story not have two or three of those? Eddie Walker was one of them. Instead of crowding Adrian, he stays put and sneers at the cameraman that had stayed back to film the loner. "Tch, getting teary eyed because no one will say hello back. Who cares if he's famous? Such a sissy won't last a day in this kitchen."

There was also Shirley Pattinson and Harley Malone in his group. These two as well as four other girls can be summed up into one of two groups- Poisonous White Lotus and Bullying Backstabbing B*tches. These two were in the latter group. Jia Hyson couldn't hide how uncomfortable he was by the shameless bold flirting the pair were doing as they forcefully clung onto his arms, mashing their breasts against them while fluttering their eyelashes and asking about his job. They were almost comically shameless. His helpless look was very adorable and a few of the more sensible participants tried to help him dislodge the poisonous parasites however they could only back away with red faces as the women spat terribly rude and disgusting insults at them.

Really, it was like they couldn't have been written to be anymore hateful and annoying.

Once their true selves were quickly revealed, Jia Hyson made a face of disgust. Finally getting the excuse to throw them roughly off without looking abusive, he goes to comfort a particularly hurt older woman while the rest of the group follows, not wanting to associate with these venomous people. The pair of girls immediately try to wash away their blackened selves by blaming the other, causing them to fight and separate into different corners of the room.

This is what the next contestant was greeted with- three people standing with ugly faces in the corner of the room while a small lively group were chatting warmly in the last corner. In the middle of the small group was a very handsome man. What fool would not go over there? This pattern continued on until everyone who was supposed to be there was there.

Jia Hyson looked at his group with some satisfaction. While some of the people in this group had changed a little, the important ones still stayed in the same groups. On his side he has the bullies Shirley and Harley, the chauvinist pigs Eddie Walker and James Cartwell, the womanizing scum Daniel Green, a white lotus named Charlotte Stevens, and the meek friend Anne Brooks. This meant that Maddy had the male lead Drake, two white lotus called Milly Trainor and Susan Bee, and another bully, the friendly joker Eric Jones and the love rivals Lex Grey and Ryan Powers.

...Wasn't his group a little too terrible?

Luckily it also seems that he's gotten some sensible mob characters as well and by the time the last person had entered the room with the message to come back out, Jia Hyson had successfully charmed the majority of these minor characters with his witty storytelling, beauty and the occasional namedropping. The white lotus and the womanizer especially were taken with him while the shy Anne hovered around with a blush dusting her cheeks every time she glanced at Jia Hyson. Even the crew were entranced, the ones assigned to look over the sulking cannonfodder couldn't help but look longingly at the cheerful corner of the pantry as they hated their blocks of iron that refuse to turn to steel.

Smiling and chatting as the group walks out of the storage room they all immediately become excited as standing in front of them is one of the three judges of Home-cooked Miracle, Morgan Durand. Jia Hyson frowns inwardly. Morgan Durand was meant to be the judge on Maddy's side. This side should have been hosted by the nicest judge Olivia Rivers.

Quickly Jia Hyson lets his discontent go. It's no big deal he supposes. Even though Olivia was kindhearted she was certainly not soft and all three judges were very impartial to anything that wasn't their own tastebuds.

In almost every cooking competition there was always three judges with three types of personalities- the nice one, the cold one and the hot one. Morgan Durand was the cold one. A stern, aristocratic Frenchman with an eye for presentation and high class cuisine. Despite being the oldest at fifty-six, Jia Hyson not so secretly found him the most attractive and was quite a fan.

This was probably the main reason why he didn't mind the plot being slightly altered in this manner.

Jia Hyson: 'Ah my male ice god Morgan! Look at those cold eyes! That slicked back salt and pepper hair! The lines on his face that make him look so severe and terrifying! Such a villainous tyrant!' (*)

Bebe: 'Bebe cannot understand host's tastes.'

Jia Hyson: 'Let me try explain this to you simply.'


Jia Hyson: 'Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, icy, bitter- they are all to my taste... Especially if they come with a strong jar of vinegar.' ()

Bebe: ()

"Welcome home chefs," Morgan Durand's strong French accent reverberated through the room, perfectly in sync with the light and airy voice of Olivia Rivers. Clearly they had practiced this in order not to disrupt each other. Though while the female judge seems enthusiastic, Morgan seemed downright bored as he surveyed his group. "It seems we can make a miracle of you yet."

Jia Hyson: 'Aah, even his sneer is cute! Too domineering! Daddy~'  ( )

Bebe: 'Please... please shut up...'

At this point the duo of judges started explaining the rules. In consideration for the end result the judges took turns talking, each voice clear and loud enough for the other side to hear so nobody missed out. Two hours were provided to make three plates of food befitting the theme. Olivia's side was given the theme of day and Morgan, night making everyone from either side feel the same amount of stress at such vague themes. Jia Hyson who had mentally prepared to make a dish befitting the theme of day also wanted to cry. At least the food cupboard will be open so he has the chance to change his mind midway.

"Your time starts... now!"

Everyone rushes to the food storage in a mad dash. Adrian in comparison runs toward the closest bench and starts frantically writing ideas in the given notepad provided.

"I have no idea what I'm doing," he confesses to the camera who was stalking him, giving it a wry smile he tilts his head toward the storage area filled with shouting and what sounds like actual physical violence happening in there. "It's better if I plan it out first then go in when it's less... dangerous."

Morgan Durand who was still standing in front of the room watches the model with assessing eyes, a hint of approval in his expression. Olivia who can see him clearly, slides her way next to her fellow judge. "Someone caught your eye already? That's fast," she teases before her eyes rest on the person Morgan was looking at, raising her eyes in disbelief, "Adrian Marshall the model? I thought you didn't like him."

"I thought he wouldn't take this competition seriously," Morgan corrects, "I was wrong."

She nods as she continues watching the handsome boy, "Planning is an essential part of cooking, while some people are talented enough to make it on the fly it is still very good to have a habit like this. He must have some strong mental fortitude."

Jia Hyson: 'ying ying ying I don't know what to do! Bebe save me!'

After crying out in his heart until he was satisfied Jia Hyson quickly writes down his ideas. Unfortunately his special skill - sandwich making- couldn't be shown off here but the combination of his past experience tasting different food and Adrian's skill, there was no way he should fail in the first round where everyone's skills were just as low as the bar.

'Bebe bring up the recipe for squid ink pasta.' He orders as he sketches out his final idea feeling confident. Since Bebe can see the finished image in his mind, it makes a noise of appreciation and brings the recipe to the forefront of his mind.

'If there's blue food coloring Bebe recommends you add a drop or two to make a more vibrant color.' It prompts getting a little excited.

After writing down the main ingredients he needs, Jia Hyson smiles in satisfaction before running off to the food storage... only to stop just before reaching the area to turn back with his tail between his legs and awkwardly snatch his forgotten notepad with embarrassment.

The cameraman: '...'

Morgan: '...'

Olivia: '...'

The contestants already working on their benches: '...'

Bebe: '... How is your memory so bad?'

Jia Hyson: 'I also don't like this spicy chicken memory! Don't look at me!' ( )

With a renewed determination to win, he quickly grabs the ingredients he needs and runs back to his station to start cooking. The large room was soon filled to the brim with the sounds of sizzling, frying and amateur chefs explaining what they were currently doing with their ingredients to the cameras. Jia Hyson who had already established his appalling memory didn't bother to hide it anymore so whenever a camera rolled toward him, they would always see the beautiful man muttering to himself as he constantly checked, rechecked, and checked again the things he wrote in his notepad while cooking his food.

"I see," Olivia giggles as she once again slides to snoop at the other side, "it's not as much as that he's prepared it's more that his memory isn't very good. He's really very cute isn't he?"

Morgan didn't say anything but the fact he didn't deny it all already spoke a lot. In the future when the season aired to the public and Jia Hyson saw this scene he was so ecstatic he jumped up and hit his toe on his lover's coffee table.

"Twenty minutes left!"

"Fuuuuuuuccc-" The person behind him swears followed by the sounds of pots and pans falling. Jia Hyson silently agreed with the sentiment but didn't dare look back, too busy worrying about his own dish. He had forgotten to boil the water and consistently switches between cursing Bebe for not reminding him and begging any god listening to help heat his water faster. Luckily everything else was going relatively smoothly. His homemade squid ink pasta was ready to be cooked, his salmon was frying and his buttery garlic prawns and squid rings were waiting to be cooked in the last fifteen minute, and the salmon skins were drying in the oven.

Cooking was so stressful! Jia Hyson once again sneers at this world's male lead. This competition was so hard and yet he can still think so greedily about sex with his sister ah? Really, such talent, such confidence!

While Drake Lanzoni was frying up some potato crisps and excitedly thinking about Adrian's surprised expression when they meet, unknowingly his true identity was being blackened beyond repair by his own beloved.

"Fifteen minutes!"

"Boil, boil, boil!" Jia Hyson chants frantically, throwing more salt into the pot of water. Once a few bubbles started to pop up he wasted no time in dumping his freshly made pasta inside. "Cook, cook, cook!"

His salmon were resting and that was pretty much the only thing that was, as Jia Hyson rushes to fry, chop and stir like he's never done before. Luckily now that tension had reached fervor pitch Bebe had decided to be more active in its help, reminding him to check the sauce and make sure nothing is burning. At the very least it was no longer so mentally demanding on him who has no memory or attention span.

In the last five minutes only then could he take a breath and just focus on aesthetics. Twisting the midnight blue pasta into a hill shape, he crunches up the crispy salmon skin and dusts it over so they glittered like stars against the night sky. Jia Hyson can't help but grin proudly at how well it looks before he places a fat piece of salmon on top.

Bebe: 'Why does it look like a pink whale is being swallowed up by a whirlpool?'

Jia Hyson looks a little helpless at the comment. While the bright pink of the salmon complimented very well and accentuated both the juiciness of the fish and the elegance of the star studded squid ink pasta, the salmon he picked was indeed too plump. The weight has caused the little pasta hill to flatten, it really did look like something sinking into the ocean. Not to mention, it took up too much space on the plate, leaving no room to add his prawns and squid.

"Three minutes!"

... he really misses just being a simple writer.

Swearing under his breath, Jia Hyson uses his long legs to sprint towards the shelf of bowls and plates. After scanning them for a moment he finally picks out a long dark blue rectangular plate to bring back. Instead of three separate plates why not one large plate to share? Laying the pasta onto the plate he uses some chopsticks and a fork to manipulate it to form waves, occasionally twirling some pasta here and there to place a little prawn on top, with a squid ring around it they looked like cute little seafood saturns.

He even went so far as to boast about his little planets in front of the camera like a child seeking praise, unknowingly throwing meng and giving his original mature elegant older brother appearance another critical hit.

Bebe: 'Host, your taste is unexpectedly quite childish.'

Jia Hyson: 'But it's very cute ah! Do you not like it?'

Of course even though the plating looked charming the placement of the fat salmon steaks still haven't been decided. The fatty salmon was the main meat of the dish, and while Adrian was good at cooking red meat, Jia Hyson personally enjoyed seafood and had trained himself to cook perfectly done fish. If the salmon wasn't on the table, his skill presented on the plate would be cut by half.

"One minute."

In a fit of panic, Jia Hyson grits his teeth and tears up two of the three pieces of salmon into shreds to sprinkle around the dish with the crackling skin. Then stares at what he's done and regrets it almost immediately.

Bitterly he squeezes a lemon over the end result, adding salt and pepper as well.

"-aaand that's time! Step away from your stations!"

Jia Hyson groans and buries his head in his hands. He really didn't know what he could have done with the fish but clearly it shouldn't have been what he did. Hopefully the taste will make up for the messy presentation.

Morgan who had been walking around, silently assessing everyone's works and even quietly asking a few questions cleared his throat, drawing everyone on this side of the room's attention. "We will be judging the other side first. For now you may all have a small break, feel free to chat amongst yourselves or go to the monologue room to record anything you want to say."

With an anxious heart, Jia Hyson turns to face the bench behind him. A burly man who was sweating like a pig looked back at him and they exchanged uneasy smiles. "How did you go?" Jia Hyson asks, recalling that the source of a lot of the swearing throughout the cooking time came from this man.

"Shit," The man laughs awkwardly, "totally blanked on the theme you?"

Jia Hyson laughs as well, after all there was no better way to cultivate a friendship like joking about their mutual failures. "I may have took the brief a little too literally." He smiles bitterly, taking a step to the side and gesturing to his dish. The man leans over and chuckles at the sight.

"Well, you definitely can't deny the theme I suppose. I get the prawn planets, but what's the other stuff?"

"Salmon." He shrugs not wanting to explain before looking over at the man's dish. "What did you make?"

The man's face instantly turned embarrassed, after all while Jia Hyson's dish looked like it had been finger-painted by a child that gave it a sweet, homely charm while his own meal...

Jia Hyson: '...'

Bebe: '... you know what, if everyone else's is like this you may actually win.'

"It.." Jia Hyson struggles to find something to say, "Did you also use squid ink to get that color?"

The other man shakes his head, looking even more ashamed, "Didn't occur to me at the time, just used regular old food coloring."

"Ah, well, if the steak is cooked perfectly and the sauce tastes good I'm sure you'll be fine," he comforts faintly. In his heart though he can already see the man going home.

Because he made a black steak. With a runny black sauce. Or maybe he made black sauce that ended up staining the steak. And staining the potatoes and the mushrooms and the plate... there was really no color anywhere. It was a little scary.

Jia Hyson: 'I want to write a horror story about this. The protagonist and his friends are captured and is forced to eat this pure black food that tastes like oil and tar, tears and snot stream down their faces as they choke down the food shaped poison. One even vomits but has to lick it up while everyone horrifiedly watches. If despair had a taste then this would be it, and then it's revealed that the meat is actually-'

Bebe who can see the images in it's twisted host's head: QAQ

Actually, Bebe had forgotten that Jia Hyson's stories while widely varied in genre were generally lighthearted and comedic, he also had a very strong following of fans... for his horror and thriller screenplays. Jia Hyson had wrote many stories adapted into tv shows and movies but the only scripts he had ever written were for horror. Why?

Jia Hyson: 'I can kill who I want, I can save who I want, watch as I make the handsome protagonist suffer a thousand cuts! The world's life is truly in my hands. I really like the feeling of playing god like this. Watching these characters and monsters come to reality is very satisfying.' ()

Bebe: ..really want to change hosts. QAQ

Joking aside, that man's dish was really hard to look at. When the third judge appears, Jia Hyson is forty percent sure this macho man will cry.

If Olivia Rivers is the nice one and Morgan Durand is the snobbish one, the last judge is the scary temperamental one. While he can be supportive and kind, his temper is foul and he is very willing to yell at anyone in the kitchen. Service challenges where contestants have to work in restaurants or other public places were truly made in mind t not only provide experience in a proper cooking environment but also to showcase this judge's pure unadulterated rage.

Having watched this television show for the two years it broadcasted, Jia Hyson was very confident that if this judge yelled at him like he does in those service challenges he will undoubtedly burst into tears. Even in the story Maddy's protagonist halo could not save her from crying in front of this terrifying judge. This author must truly loves this horrible character to death!

After chatting a bit more with the large man, an intern rushes to warn everyone to get back to their stations before running off again. Once the intern had left, the three judges had already walked around the separating wall to their side of the podium. The directors of the show were quite smart. Not only did this action ensure everyone would notice the judges the moment they stepped in, exaggerating the strength of their presence, it looked like it was done more or less naturally, especially with the power of editing.

Olivia was waving at them with a sweet smile, while Morgan next to her nodded at everyone in an aloof greeting. But everyone's eyes barely registered this, too busy staring at the man leading the pack.

Chef George Rackford.

Neither the tallest or the youngest, nor the most attractive and yet somehow he was the most striking. He made everyone hold their breath and lower their eyes without even meaning to. A fierce king of cookery that these unskilled chefs can only bow down to for now. Jia Hyson has met film emperors with less presence than this chef.

"I'm sure you know who I am," George Rackford says, voice loud and clear, "but what I'm interested is who you are. Are you a person who can push yourself to the limits? Someone imaginative? Resourceful?" His blue eyes scan the room, piercing all that catches his sight, "In the next few weeks we will find out what sort of person you are in this kitchen, and we shall either see you grow or we will weed you out."

Everyone sat and absorbed his words with both anticipation and nervousness. Finally the tension broke when George smiles. Despite having a bad temper that didn't mean he wasn't a kindhearted and good person, after all what show would be crazy enough to bring an abusive man in? George Rackford was popular because he was actually a soft passionate man, especially to children, and yet a demon in the kitchen. Jia Hyson secretly wondered if it was all a big act or was this man actually just bipolar?

"For now lets see what you have brought to the table," he says and oh god, Jia Hyson wants to cry as he suddenly realizes the disadvantages of standing in the cooking station closest to the front.

Generally the judges will make the contestants bring their dishes up to the podium for them to taste. However after the third time someone in the first episode dropped their plates or tripped over due to anxiety, they learnt their lesson and decided to taste the food at the stations themselves this time. Jia Hyson plasters on a faint smile which was returned by the judges.

"H-hello," He stutters before pulling himself together, "My name is Adrian Marshall and I made squid ink pasta with salmon, prawns and squid rings."

George Rackford nods, "It's nice to meet you Adrian, can you tell us why you chose this dish?"

Jia Hyson nods back, putting on a more relaxed smile that made his face give off an innocent, youthful air which would make it hard for anyone to get upset looking at. Using up all his abilities as a famous author he bullshits some made up symbolism and meaning on how the night sky is reflected in the ocean and constellations and various old folktales to do with creatures living in the sky. All three judges, who had previously looked somewhat neutral when observing the dish now looked mildly impressed.

"I'm surprised that you came up with something like this so quickly." Olivia compliments.

"While the plating is very crude, the intent of the design is present. No one can deny that those aren't planets, that the pasta doesn't look like waves and the salmon skin crackle doesn't produce a rather marvelous effect." Morgan observes. "Though tearing up the salmon was N unfortunate decision, given that you already made the mistake of picking the fish without consideration to the end result there wasn't much you can do at that point."

Jia Hyson nods shamefully, fully aware of this. He didn't make any objects or excuses to this, making the judges' already fairly good impressions of him heighten slightly.

"I see you have one fish you haven't mangled?" George suddenly asks.

Jia Hyson blinks before hurriedly getting his last fish sitting sadly alone on a simple white plate and setting it in front of the trio. "Ah yes, luckily I didn't shred the one too the or I suspect I would have to rename my dish as something entirely different." He lightly jokes.

Olivia titters lightly, "Cute and silly, we really have a good haul of chefs this season."

"In this manner you really do reflect well in this dish." George agrees amusedly as he picks up a fork, making Morgan huff with faint laughter.

The cute and silly Jia Hyson and his cute and silly food: '...'

As they pulled apart the fish, there was really only way to describe it.

"Beautiful," Morgan breathes.

The salmon easily fell apart under the slightest pressure of the fork. Like a jewel, the slightly darker pink meat of the inside shone under the bright lights of the kitchen. The warm fragrance of herbs and lemon permeated through the fish seemed to burst open making everyone nearby swallow with hunger.

"It really is a pity you didn't keep this," George sighs disappointedly, reluctantly moving the fork away since it would be against the rules to taste and judge something that hadn't been on the plate. "I think even Morgan can agree that even if you sacrificed a bit of the visual impact the beautiful of the fish could have spoken for itself."

"Yes," Olivia says, cheerfully ignoring Morgan's irritated glare for being cut off right as he was about to speak, "Even just leaving the fish off completely would have been good as well, the salmon skin crumbs look very handsome against the pasta, but the shredded salmon causes the effect to be lost."

After this critique they tasted the food and felt that there wasn't many flaws with it. The homemade pasta was perfectly made and cooked, the seafood were all near perfect and the overall combination of tastes was cohesive and delicious. Appearance aside the three judges praised it highly making Jia Hyson beam happily, blinding the nearest camera with his smile.

Without editing, the time it takes to go through everyone's dishes in the first round was very long and soon Jia Hyson inevitably got hungry. He hadn't eaten anything on the car ride since he had felt so sick and he had just spent hours sweating over a very nice dish that was barely half-eaten. Not to mention the alluring smell of various food filled the kitchen, making it impossible to think of anything else. He wasn't buddha! How could he not want to eat?

Sneaking a peak at everyone, it looked like they were too concerned over what the judges were saying to the womanizer Daniel about his choice of sauce. Only a single camera was still filming him.

Feeling embarrassed but knowing it would be far more humiliating if his stomach starts to growl loudly on national, no, international television, he decides to fulfill his stomach's wishes. Throwing a bit of meng by pursing his lips cutely and making a shushing gesture, eyes wordlessly saying 'This is our little secret yes?' He quietly picks up a spare fork and starts digging in to his fish.

Jia Hyson: () ! 'I am really... too good!'

Even if it was a source of criticism, Jia Hyson right then was fairly pleased with the large portion size of his fish. Because now it can fill his stomach! If he had to go through the rest of the day without food who knows what sort of ugly face he would have made.

"-you still have the face to call this cooked?!" George suddenly shouts, causing Jia Hyson to turn around curiously while he chews. It seems like someone had the courage to talk back on the first day. He vaguely recalls that the author had a brief scene like this written to not only show off Chef George's personality, but also to establish the sheer arrogance of Eddie Walker.

While they were a lot of hateful characters, Eddie was the most outspoken and stupid. It wasn't a bad move on the author's part, make one or two characters to draw everyone's aggro so the other terrible ones can slip under the radar for later. If they all were as obvious as Eddie Walker not only would their presence be greatly diminished it would also be such a mess to read.

Well... even more of a mess anyway.

"I'm just saying," Eddie tilts his head up, unable to completely hold back the annoyance in his face, "everyone has different definitions of well done, I personally like mine a little raw."

"Oh, a little raw?" George mocks getting even angrier. If Jia Hyson six stations away could see the disdain and self-importance on Eddie's face how could the sharp-eyed judges not? Even Olivia's pretty face was starting to look a little ugly. After all while they've met a few people on the show who thought their criticisms were in the wrong there was no one who had protested about such a simple thing!

They couldn't tell the difference between cooked and uncooked? As respected professionals in the cooking industry who could bear such an insulting implication?! This amateur was too arrogant!

"Look at this!" George shouts, pointing at the cut open fish, the undeniable translucent pale pink flesh was revealed in the middle. And this wasn't a salmon where pink flesh meant good, it was a piece of snapper, a white fish. "Even sashimi isn't this raw! If a fish jumped out of the river and took the time to crawl onto my plate right now it would probably be better cooked than yours right now!"

The only one angrier than the judges at this point was Eddie. His face was red and his fist clenched, like he was barely holding himself back from punching a world-class chef. Still, he had some intelligence so after a tense moment he backed down with a lowered head, barely appeasing the trio of judges.

"If you're still unconvinced, you should look at Adrian Marshall's." George sneers, "Adrian, can you show Eddie your, what did you call it Eddie, definition of a perfectly cooked fish?"

Jia Hyson chokes on his mouthful of fish.

(|||) They never did this!

"Adrian?" The burly man in the station in front of him turned around as well as everyone and every camera else.

Judges: '...'

Eddie Walker: '...'

The rest of the contestants: '...'

The cameramen: '...'

Jia Hyson holding a plate of half eaten salmon: '... QAQ'

"I.." Jia Hyson really wanted to bury himself right now, "I was really hungry..."

His image as the gentle, mature and sexy older brother type was ruined on the first day!

Maddy better f*cking remember him when she marries into money because he was going to lose all his future modeling jobs at this rate _(:3)_

Jia Hyson: '... I can suggest to edit this out of the story in the notebook right?'

Bebe: _ 'This stupid f*ck...'

In the face of a beautiful man who wanted to die from shame, the mood immediately lightened. Everyone after a period of stunned silence burst into amused laughter, including the previously enraged judges. Jia Hyson good-naturedly played along with the subsequent teasing and was given permission to continue his meal with a cheeky wink from Olivia.

After a moment Jia Hyson decided his hunger outweighed his shame and thanked her gratefully with flushed cheeks and took another mouthful, making almost everyone chuckle and smile again.

After about half an hour the judges stepped back up onto the podium, and the dividing wall was slowly lifted. However before the contestants could get a good look at their rivals on the opposite side, George started to speak again, capturing their full attention.

First he praised everyone for stepping up the abrupt challenge and warned everyone there were many more to come since the road to being a top chef was far from being easy. Then he let his fellow judges step up and announce the top three dishes from each side.

"For those who cooked with the theme of day, I think you did all brilliantly!" Olivia beams, "However as difficult as it was to decide, there were three of you that really shone among the rest- Drake Lanzoni, Susan Bee and... Lex Grey! Congratulations!"

Everyone politely claps for them while hiding their disappointment or resignation. Jia Hyson meanwhile was very panicked. Other than the male lead, the top three were different! This may not have been so important if Maddy wasn't supposed to be there but she is!

This was the important plot point where beforehand the male lead and Maddy somehow get into an argument and they bet that they'll be able to place in the top three. When it was revealed that Maddy got top three Drake felt a grudging respect and rivalry for this no-nonsense yet unorthodox young woman. It was this respect that allowed affection to wriggle its way very quickly into his haughty heart.

Ah, the male lead seems to be the type to fall in love hard and fast... emphasis on hard.

But now the flag was destroyed!

Inwardly he was fretting terribly but then Bebe saved him with its words.

Bebe: 'Didn't you want to delay their relationship? Just let them cultivate feelings slowly.'

His system was unexpectedly insightful and intelligent!

Bebe: () ungrateful host!

Yes wouldn't this draw out the love-hate relationship and fuel the flames of hot blooded rivalry even more?! Wouldn't this story be more exciting?! With this Maddy will aim to work even harder! Surpass the arrogant rich boy! Her hatred will engrave his sneering face into her heart, working to beat him, to show him hard work can beat talent, to make him kneel and acknowledge her.. to be equals.. to be worthy.. eh? When did her feelings turn into this? Could she be?!

Adrian grins widely. It seems things will be smooth sailing from now on.

While Adrian was imagining his easy life after the competition, Morgan stepped forward. "While there were many obvious mistakes in everyone's cooking, overall you all have done decently." He says with almost no inflection, "Some did better than others, Daniel Green, Adrian Marshall and Anne Brooks... good job."

Jia Hyson: 'Aaaaahhhh daddy praised me!' (*) 'Today really is a good day! Praise me more! You can do so on your knees or when I'm on my knees! I don't mind!'

Bebe: Ah.. it seems host is a switch? (_) Whatever, Bebe doesn't care anymore.

Jia Hyson: 'You gave me a good job I can return the favor with a bl*wjob! Maybe if you wish me good luck I can give you a good f*ck!' ()

Bebe: ... ) !

Jia Hyson continues to bask under his male god's compliment and anger his system into silence while the judges reveal their special plot twist. Once they finish Jia Hyson obediently puts on an expression of worry and concern. He had already passed and he believed that Maddy had done well, she was destined to more or less coast through smoothly until the third round after all. If he didn't believe in her at least he believed in that protagonist halo!

As the names of the unfortunate souls were listed off, as expected Maddy was not called. Those that were had black expressions of despair and resentment toward their unwitting partners. Susan Bee who had won a place in the top three of the day side had an especially ugly look as she glared at her pale partner on the other side- the burly man who had made black steak behind Jia Hyson. While the others could not be entirely sure who was to be blamed for their place in elimination, it was clear who dragged who down for that pairing.

Since it wasn't his problem, Jia Hyson took the brief break provided while the people in elimination changes to black aprons to saunter around to find Maddy's bench. Opposite to his own, it turned out it was the one closest to the back. Since the outside garden was open to them, by grabbing the last bench in the row she really had the advantage of faster access, unfortunately it also takes longer to enter the pantry. It took him a minute to realize she was there because a taller man in front of her was blocking his view!

Was this the legendary scum male lead he had read about and hated for so many years now? Ah it was a little exciting to finally see this so-called 'gorgeous beyond imagination walking sculpture of sexy male pheromones'.

Secretly Jia Hyson felt that his sweetheart Jacob will be much more handsome than this wolf will ever be. Remembering Jacob's last text wishing him luck and cheering him on Jia Hyson can't help feel very silly and bashful. It seems.. he has been really moved by that young man. Okay! Once he gets off the show he will definitely take the risk to confess! His first confession! ()

Bebe: 'How is this host's first ever confession?'

Jia Hyson: 'Well I don't want to be rejected so I like to seduce them into confessing to me first.' _(:3)_

Jia Hyson: 'Also I was hot and rich.' ()

As he got closer, Jia Hyson could hear their conversation. He immediately frowned, while the lines were somewhat similar to the original story, hearing it in reality was very unpleasant. Drake was surprised that Maddy didn't go into elimination? Drake thought Maddy was all talk and no skill? He dares?! That's your future wife! No more importantly, That's his sister!

"Well I'm glad at the very least you didn't get the opportunity to drag your partn- your paired person with your inflated self-worth." Jia Hyson heard him sneer, making him seethe. Such a cold and imperious voice that still couldn't help but exude a charm that made Jia Hyson shiver. Strangely it did not seem too unfamiliar to him.. "Of course, I fail to see how you could be anything but dead weight with your... homely cooking."

Having had enough, Jia Hyson fiercely grabs the man's shoulder to violently turn him around for a harsh scolding for bullying someone who could still be considered a young girl. "Hey! You-" Jia Hyson falters as he realizes why exactly that voice had felt a little familiar. That outstandingly handsome face perfectly framed by dark brown hair. Those piercing dark eyes. Sculpted cheekbones, aquiline nose, strong jaw. He had seen all these features develop from when this young man had been a teenager barely on the cusp of adulthood. "Jacob?"

Jacob, no Drake Lanzoni who had before looked a tyrant on top of the world immediately turns meek and panicked at the sight of Adrian. "A-Adrian, it's, it's not what you think!"

Jia Hyson was startled but soon his mind began to process the situation. In the story, Drake Lanzoni was the type of immature main lead that still acted more on the side of instinct than logic despite his background. Disliking how people can't see past his family's power and riches but still willing to use them to get his way at times. Surrounding himself with fawning groupies but inwardly looking down and sneering at them. A tyrannical, cynical and impulsive man who eventually became tempered into a more mature, restrained and intelligent tyrant thanks to true love.

...Surrounding himself with fawning groupies but inwardly looking down and sneering at them.

Jia Hyson recalled the sweet, puppy dog like Jacob. Now that he thinks about it, he's never seen him at the same time as Uncle James or Jenna. Anytime Uncle James invited over to his apartment when Jacob has come back from overseas an hour or two later he would get a text from Jacob apologizing and giving excuses of jet lag, illness and wanting to spend more time alone with family while occasionally promising to meet up alone with him later.

Jacob especially liked his cooking, he had even said he preferred Jia Hyson's food over Maddy's when comparing the two and was always complimenting how homely the taste was. Jia Hyson had always been extremely flattered but now the sweet memory felt like dirt in his mouth. The way Drake had said 'homely' to describe Maddy's cooking, cooking taught by himself even, was clearly insulting and full of genuine disdain.

It seems this time he was the one being played with.

Ignoring the pain in his heart, Jia Hyson funnels his emotions into rage. F*ck the script! Maddy doesn't deserve this two-faced lying bastard! You think a good face and background can win over the world?! You are just a frog in a well! Drake Lanzoni, forget about my sister, this Laozi will make sure you'll be an old virgin for life!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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