Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 55: 3.9

Chapter 55: 3.9

"Ah~ my prince," A masculine yet beautiful dark skinned woman kisses the corner of Jia Hyson's mouth, her ample breasts smothering his forearm as she leans up against him. "You were wonderful. To be honest I had not put much stock in the rumors but now I see that they were not exaggerating."

"Rumors?" Jia Hyson asks curiously.

The woman giggles coquettishly, "Yes, about how Prince Farrell may look like a delicate doll made from overseas but if he takes you to bed the one that will be broken will not be him."

Jia Hyson smiles, "Are you saying that you were broken? Maybe I should be more gentle next time ah?"

"Your highness," A cold raspy voice calls out, making the women shout suddenly in surprise and Jia Hyson frown.

"Sefu, I told you to knock first." He chided exasperatedly but there was fondness seeping from his voice. As expected after so many years together how can Jia Hyson not place the scarred man into his heart.

His siblings were the same but to a lesser degree since they all had grown up and have important duties so Jia Hyson didn't actually interact with them too much anymore once he became reached fifteen however he quite like the Abioye family overall. They were caring toward him but still very serious about their work and country. He doesn't feel like they were the type of people to incite a rebellion to the masses.

"This lowly servant did." Sefu replies curtly, his eyes darkly taking in the scene of his prince being cuddled up by some wench he found in a dance hall. Ever since Symon, Prince Farrell had become more and more unruly in taking various lovers. Even though Prince Farrell was no longer the little tyrant anymore he had become an indulgent and charismatic playboy who spent his days traveling around the island and trying new activities, doing fun things, seeing new places and fucking new people.

However despite his well known playboy status he was greatly beloved by the people. After all, it is harder to incite love to people you don't see, compared to people you see often. Like a boss of a company who stays up high and will only go down to meet his workers for important occasions compared to one who comes down often to check up and talk to the workers, one group will inevitably feel closer to their boss than the other.

Not only that, Farrell despite being laid back, lazy and capricious, was very observant and interested in various things. So his appointed job had become essentially unofficial quality control and determining if the state of a tribe or area with his own eyes.

There was a proper group of course dedicated to this sort of thing, however they had a lot of regulations to adhere to, occasionally had the problem of conflict of interests and it was impossible for them to be everywhere. Having a prince coming for an 'impromptu' visit to a worksite or 'sightseeing' in the rural areas just helps ease those other people's jobs as well as keep any greedy people in line. Farrell had reported quite a few areas where the poverty was rampant, or there was child labor and other corruption which made him very heroic in the eyes of the common people. Not only that he was beautifully unique in looks and had a charismatic personality. His one flaw of being a complete slag is almost negligible in comparison really. Especially when rumors from his past lovers about exactly how good he was in bed have spread.

Many now vie to try capture the young prince's attention in order to be able to taste this so-called great pleasure. Bebe was amazed. Jia Hyson, this stinky host, like a pheonix from the ashes had transformed into a playboy slag into the number one man every Samotrelian wanted to sleep with. Even Symon, his first boyfriend had begged to be his sex friend after separating after a year, saying that after Farrell, no one else could compare.

But in Jia Hyson's opinion this wasn't very surprising. A lot of men, not just Samotrelian ones, can be quite selfish in bed. Only interested in getting themselves off and jackrabbiting away as the other party just lies there trying to hide how unsatisfied they are. It also didn't help that Samotrelis was an island country with some conservative views. Even if homosexuality was more acceptable than in other places in the world, straight male cancer was a disease that no country can shake off. Foreplay and g-spots... they were still uncommon concepts to many men, even some women. Sex education wasn't exactly huge here.

Jia Hyson was the type to like to make people cry and go crazy with pleasure. Watching them sob and beg for more or even beg to stop from the overstimulation, this sort of thing was part of a good sexual experience for him. Such an attentive, if sadistic and perverted lover, who didn't enjoy that?

Even the Panther tribe, a tribe made solely out of amazon women who distrusted men due to various reasons had accepted this playboy prince. Especially when he had taught them an interesting new play called 'pegging'.

Jia Hyson: 'En, it was good choice to get my chrysanthemum plucked by the panther women first ah. They are much more careful about preparation in the beginning than those brutish men.. and much more eager to keep ruthlessly fucking me as I beg them for mercy hehe.'

Bebe who had to install a mosaic function out of necessity during it's stay in the world: '...'

To be honest other than being pegged by women, he did not allow any men to penetrate him. Firstly because of the jackrabbit thing. And secondly, the size.

Jia Hyson isn't really a size queen who believes bigger is better, as long as it can hit the spots he wants he's happy.

He's also vaguely traumatized by some things he had accidentally clicked and read through on a hentai site when he was young. Honestly, he doesn't know why so many people say that gays go against the nature of mankind when there are people who draw and sell comics of ugly men violating every possible orifice of a woman with their overly large genitals that are very disproportionate to their body size. Straight porn was so scary sometimes.

Because of this, the impressionable young Jia Hyson had always been a little afraid of the idea that the muscles around his hole would permanently loosen if he played too much with big things and that idea had stuck to him on some level. It's also why he isn't fond of kinks like fisting- unless the hand is small, then they can negotiate carefully beforehand with safe words.

Usually this wasn't a problem for Jia Hyson, who was very experienced in all sorts of dirty things. However, Samotrelis held nothing but big things. Very big things. And he himself was still relatively normal in size. He can barely fit his mouth around those massive thick rods, and had to use both hands to stroke it. How could he not be intimidated?

So he hadn't actually lost his maidenhood to any man yet. Sefu who had insisted on being the prince's close confidant happened to know this and it was the only thing keeping his grip still tight on reality at this point.

In an attempt to make his prince less attractive he had tried to spread the rumor of his prince being a slag. A promiscuous prince that lived a life of debauchery and lust. Sefu didn't feel too guilty, after all, it was seven or eight points true, and that way he could drive away those men and women vying for the prince's young heart. Unfortunately Sefu himself was still naive at the time and didn't realise this sort of rumor would not only attract the promiscuous ones, but also those interested in reforming Prince Farrell, and entering a place in his heart that no one else had been. And once they realized Prince Farrell was very skilled in the art of both seduction and sex, things spiraled to the point it was now.

"Farrell~?" Next to the beautiful women cling onto Prince Farrell's side another gorgeous lady slowly sat up and yawned cutely. Unlike the first women who was curvy and big breasted, this one was thinner, her muscles more compact making her look elegant in comparison. "What's going on? Are we going again?"

It was almost enough to make Sefu reconsider pushing his meticulously thought out plans forward.

Jia Hyson glanced at the second women in his bed and coughed awkwardly. "Sorry Miss Lakis, I seem to have some pressing matters?"

"The king is requesting your presence." Sefu replies coldly, his expression which had been already been dark before was now as black as an abyss. An abyss made out of seething anger and rage.

Coupled with his already scary facial features, Miss Lakis who had just woken up received quite a fright. "O-oh!" Even the other woman who had been there the whole time was quite scared. These two were young warriors and they could distinctly feel the killing intent in that rather villainous man's look.

Prince Farrell's loyal bodyguard and personal attendant Sefu Karamoy was another talking point in the country. Social media by now has caught up with them after numerous years of opening their borders and accepting the influx of foreign goods so almost everyone had touch phones and some understanding of western and chinese culture. Prince Farrell had also created a large scale project for literacy and libraries so the young Samotrelians were very up to date with many things.

Which somehow culminated to one naughty bear child who had saw Prince Farrell and Sefu in passing and loudly called out, in front a very large crowd of people, "It's Princess Jasmine and Jafar!"

And somehow that stuck.

The two women had previously thought, while it was sort of fitting it was an incredibly rude nickname for a warrior with an unfortunately evil looking appearance and scarring who has loyally followed and protected the rather princess-looking prince since young but now... now they thought it was very fitting! Your highness watch out! Your bodyguard is clearly planning nefarious schemes! Don't let him steal Aladdin's lamp!

Sefu: '' Very unhappy.

Jia Hyson sighs, "Well if it's father Give me a minute to go shower, I'll be ready soon."

"Shall I dispose of your paramours?" Sefu smiles but to the two women it was a chilling sight.

"Sure, sure," Jia Hyson, used to Sefu's villainous way of speaking just casually waves him off as he unabashedly slips out of the bed, completely naked and strides to the shower room.

The two ladies: '' Your highness, come back QAQ

Sefu: 'Hehe.'

When Jia Hyson came back, the women were no longer in the room, and only Sefu was present with a red shirt and golden trim, and white pants folded in his arms. His black and silver eyes flicker as he takes in Jia Hyson's slim but muscular figure toned by years of training, still damp and warm from his shower. His long wavy hair was wrapped up in a large towel, showing off his slender nape and his most private parts were also wrapped in a towel, albeit a smaller one.

Just like Jia Hyson had wished for, Prince Farrell had grown up into an incredibly sexy man filled with pheromones that incited the lust of others. Even though he had watched Farrell grow up for so many years Sefu still couldn't stop his mouth from drying and his body from heating up at such a tantalizing sight. Sefu almost wanted to throw the clothing in his arms away just so his prince could stay in his barely clothed state but at the same time Farrell might catch a cold and he couldn't bear to let the little kitten he had taken care of for so long then sick. It was a deeply conflicting feeling.

"Oh! My favorite!" Jia Hyson smiles widely, his golden eyes curving into pleaser cresents as he picks up the clothing from Sefu's arms. "You really do know me Sefu, what would I do without you?"

"I shudder to think your highness," Sefu replies dryly but there's a touch of affection in his raspy voice.

Jia Hyson couldn't help but feel his cheeks flush a little at the fond expression on Sefu's face. Shyly he chuckles, a little unsure what to say and just takes the clothing handed to him and turns around to drop his towel to quickly change.

Jia Hyson: 'Bebe is he-?'

Bebe: 'Yes. He's staring at your butt.' Like he does every time you do this.

Jia Hyson: ( > < ) 'Oh no, I'm getting excited just imagining it.'

Bebe: 'Bebe is surprised your dick can do anything after last night. Seriously, why can't host just confess, it's been years. Years.' YEARS.

Jia Hyson: 'Bebe.. I've been over this. Sefu is a two-faced rebel scum. Until he either confesses to me first, or admits that he is aware of the presence of a rebel organization, even if I like him, I can't fully trust him either ah.'

After some thought and discussion with Bebe they had realized that it was probably likely that the royal family were innocent of the numerous charges held against them in the original world, and that the rebels must have planted false evidence against them. This sort of large scheme meant the rebels had a network, an organization, an intelligent group that had been waiting for decades to strike. However, the rebels have been planted long ago and finding out their identities was difficult. Sefu obviously was, is, a key player.

If he defects he will definitely be assassinated given his knowledge. However Jia Hyson is confident that if Sefu truly intends to do so the royal family can protect him, keeping his betrayal a secret, especially since they wouldn't want to beat the grass only to scare the snake. Sefu is intelligent and must know that too. So the fact he still hasn't confessed to either his rebel nature or what Jia Hyson assumes is hopefully affectionate feelings for himself, either meant A. He's doing the guilt bullshit thing all men in romance novels do when they have a secret identity (e.g. Drake Lanzoni, that stupid hot bastard) or B. He's going to go through with the fucking rebellion.

Either way, Jia Hyson is going to play romance chicken until that idiot finally caves in and breaks first.

Meanwhile, he's going to enjoy himself ah~

Bebe: '...' Well. For once it's Host really wasn't in the wrong here. Who asked Sefu to be such a vinegar guzzling timid bitch? ()

To be frank, Bebe also didn't like Sefu because of those previously stated reasons. And was not as easily moved by romance and lust like it's spicy chicken host. So other than complaining about the numerous conquests Jia Hyson was going through like he planned to sleep with half the country before he hit thirty, Bebe was secretly quite fine with letting Sefu suffer.

Only Bebe can backstab it's Host! (_)

Jia Hyson: '...' ()You're planning to backstab me one day?

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