Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 56: 3.10

Chapter 56: 3.10

After getting dressed Jia Hyson strode confidently to the throne room, with Sefu a step behind him as appropriate given his status.

As he entered he realized all the Abioye family was here. Which was rare given everyone's busy schedules and his own flightiness. Not to mention the royal advisors and heads of various important things were present too. Immediately his relaxed smile goes slightly tense and serious. "Your majesties," He bows to the king and queen sitting on their seats.

"Rise, Farrell," King Kro chuckles, "We're all family here, no need for formalities."

With that reassurance immediately Jia Hyson's tense shoulders soften as he straightens his back, his serious expression quickly reverting back to his sultry, carefree and sly smile. "Ah, then what did you call me for father? I had been busy taking care of two very beautiful ladies." He complains.

King Kro: '...' Maybe there were some need for formalities ah.

"Pft- as expected of brother!" Third prince Jaleel burst out laughing. Walking toward Jia Hyson he hugs his brother fondly with one beefy arm. "Ah, Farrell, you really do take after the great and charismatic me when I was younger don't you?"

"What are you talking about, you didn't met your first girl till you were eighteen!" First Princess Amina scoffs. "And then when you broke up with her you moped for a year! Where on earth does Farrell take anything from you?" She sneers.

"At least I was popular Miss 'I'll break you're necks with my bare hands if you look at my boobs one more time'!" Prince Jaleel then proceeds to crudely mime the largeness of his sister's breasts on his own chest. Jia Hyson had to look away from this stupid brother of his lest he laugh and be caught in the crossfire.

"Well at least I didn't get rejected by the Mermaid's tribe Mo Momo!" Princess Amina smirks. "Five times!"

Jaleel grits his teeth at that one. Because when he was younger he had greatly offended Mo Momo, the beloved little prince of the Mermaid Tribe. So obviously when he was a child Mo Momo didn't like him. Then Mo Momo grew up and became one of the most beautiful men apart from Prince Farrell, and he still didn't like Jaleel. Unfortunately Jaleel who had played so many pranks on so many people had forgotten about this grudge after so many years and after coming back to visit the mermaid tribe three years ago for reasons he had fallen in love with the beautiful cold young man at first sight.

"Now, now, there's no need for that. Not everyone can be as lucky in love as I." Second prince Chuma laughs heartily, he was now the Head of the Royal Guard since the previous head- the Rhino Tribe leader- retired due to age. The second prince had also gotten married a few years ago to the daughter of the whale tribe's leader, and as the only married one out of the group of siblings, is very fucking smug.

"Husband," Prince Chuma's wife blushes because she's a sweetheart.

"Hah," The King sighs but doesn't disagree with his second son who had followed in his footsteps by marrying his first love. He had so many children, his youngest one Prince Farrell was now in his mid-twenties, and yet only one of them his settled down. The first prince is an abstinent workaholic, the third prince is a hot romantic mess, the first princess has scared all the suitors away both men and women, the second princess is an idol chaser who only likes white jade boys and his youngest child, his fourth son, his previous baby, is a complete and utter playboy slag with a weirdly ambiguous relationship with his much older personal bodyguard.

He had six children, three were virgins, two were cheap slags and only one was in a stable, loving relationship. Even though he loved them dearly and was proud of them career wise, King Kro wondered if he had raised them wrong in some way to get such strange statistics.

"Children please have some decorum. Even if my husband said you can drop your formalities he didn't ask to drop your mental ages away well. Our advisors, top officials and tribe heads are watching." The queen smiles frostily.

"Eh, I wasn't going to be king anyway," Jaleel sticks out his tongue. A few of the old men and women around them frown at the impudence but others smiled indulgently. After all, even though the first prince is most likely to win the crown, and the first princess was the next best candidate, everyone was aware that Jaleel was only third best because of his childish attitude. He was the typical genius child that held no interest in power but still held a great amount of value to the country.

"Regardless," The first prince Asafa sighs tiredly, as the eldest and the one with the most expectations, these days he had lost quite a bit of weight and muscle mass being bogged down by a lot of issues and paperwork behind the desk. "Please do refrain yourself Jaleel." Coupled with his graying hair and his handsome face, and his aloof but awkward personality, Jia Hyson couldn't help but curse at the fact they were blood-related brothers. This man was a prime stern but sickly daddy ah, such a waste.

Bebe: 'You beast, you won't even let your blood related brother off.'

Jia Hyson: 'Oh come on, send your system buddies a photo of him and get them to ask their hosts whether he's top tier daddy material or not and I guarantee they'll say yes.'

Bebe: '...Bebe would rather die.'

"Father, what did you call us here for?" Second Princess Koffi calls out in an attempt to get back on track, her face impatient as she had an idol drama that starts in an hour and she had to support her new male god! This one was a sweet pale Japanese boy who was looked as sweet as milk candy!

"We need someone to act as a foreign diplomat, well not exactly," King Kro looks relieved that at least some of his offspring were sensible. "Me and Asafa have visited the places outside the island every few years but times are changing. Even though we have opened our borders for trade our country still has not opened it's arms completely to foreigners. We need, not just a foreign diplomat, a, um, a face I suppose, someone to interact with the foreigners and show off Samotrelis."

Asafa steps up, face serious, "Jaleel, Koffi and Farrell, you three are our youngest and most suitable for such a job."

"As fun as it sounds, I'm currently being trained to aid our communication and intelligence groups. I can't do that if I'm away." Jaleel shakes his head.

Koffi also shook hers, but her expression was much more disappointed. "Our trade business has been expanding rapidly and it's a little hard to cope. I also don't believe I'm too suitable for such a role."

All eyes move to Jia Hyson.

"Yeah, I'll be happy to." Jia Hyson blinks, "In fact I'm clearly the best choice for this specific role, what's with all the dilly-dallying?"

It was true. Farrell seemed to have a talent for language. He was more fluent in Mandarin and English than the others, plus he had a charismatic personality and was used to socializing. Not only that, his looks still fit the aesthetics of many foreigners and was much less intimidating and 'brutish' than his fellow siblings. It's just that...

A middle aged advisor with a very stern and disapproving look coughed and flared at Jia Hyson. "This... dilly dallying as you call it is because we are concerned about you moral character and whether you may incite any fires from your licentious activities."

Jia Hyson narrows his eyes before smiling, "Excuse me Advisor Yallo?"

"He thinks you'll sleep with someone important and create a war." Prince Jaleel smirks.

"Wha- is that how you think of me?" Jia Hyson have the man a look of exaggerated shock and hurt. However he was a little concerned with the allegations.

After all, Samotrelis was still a bit xenophobic so traveling out of the country was harder than expected. So it would be great if he was given this role which allows him to move around the world freely. Right now the protagonist should be an upcoming businesswomen that will quickly establish some roots and be returning back to her home city in a two to three years for revenge.

"You slept with my daughter." Advisor Yallo coldly retorts.

"I also slept with you!" Jia Hyson blurts out.

Advsior Yallo's dark face reddens.

King and Queen: '...' Eh? When did this happen? How many people in our royal court did you sleep with?

Other Samotrelis officials: '...' Didn't you two have an antagonistic relationship?

Sefu: '...' Aren't you also a rebel spy like me? What are you doing sleeping with my prince? Where is the trust between traitors?

"...Okay I can see your point." Jia Hyson sighs, "But I'll be good! Seriously! I'll hold back a bit ah. Just celebrities at most."

The normal people: '...' You think people can bed celebrities so easy ah?! Why don't you just fly up and ascend to heaven?!

"Brother!" Princess Koffi runs up to hug his arm, worry and desperation in her eyes, "If, if you see Mr Lee Chase or Mr Ran Qingkong or, or, Miss Xia An don't, don't.."

Jia Hyson laughs and reaches up to pat her head, "Don't worry, Koffi, I won't tarnish your beloved-"

"Don't forget to get me an autograph!" Koffi finishes, eyes shining in eagerness, "And a photo! Preferably topless!" She licks her lips, not even a shred of doubt that her younger pretty boy brother couldn't seduce her gods and goddesses for her sake. Maybe one of them can finally move his heart and then she can have a male god or goddess as her in-law!

Jia Hyson: '...' Gurl, you're a special kind of shameless aren't you?

The Abioye siblings: 'We don't know them. Don't look at us. We don't know them.'

He laughs again but this time full of helplessness. His sister was very level headed in business and making money but she had only one big gaping brain hole. And that was her love of pretty things. "Sure, sure I'll do my best ah."

Koffi smiles sweetly, "If you can, fall in love too okay? With someone that has smooth, pale skin, sweet face and has starred in at least a blockbuster movie. Find your whitewashed Aladdin!"

Jia Hyson: 'Despite being a fellow person of color you really love the whitewashing media huh?'

The dark, scarred skin and scary faced Sefu: '...' He really wants to strangle the kid who started this reference. And the young princess.

And so Jia Hyson became a foreign royal diplomat.



One and a half years later, and Jia Hyson had established himself well. He made many connections with powerful people, improved Samotrelis' relationships with other countries and also made a Weibo and Twitter account that received millions of fans, making him quite a celebrity online. After all he was a world traveling exotic playboy prince with a sense of humor! Who wouldn't like?

With his popularity, Samotrelis who was tied to his face, had also consequently become more public. The foreigners saw Prince Farrell's photos of this Luxury Island and were amazed. More people wanted to buy Samotrelian goods and visit. Some very ambitious producers even wanted to shoot a reality show there.

Anyway, the point is, Prince Farrell was famous and at this point, Samotrelis' national treasure, and it would obviously be seen that his playboy reputation had also been globalized. However people still liked Prince Farrell since he was very straightforward about this part of himself and was adamant that he would never use his authority and position to force anyone, nor would he approve of cheating- unless they liked that kind of play ah. This sort of shameless attitude was very popular with the netizens. Even if there were sunspots overall the prince had a good image.

However who knew that such a reputation would lead somehow to this.

Jia Hyson closes his hotel door abruptly, quickly bidding Sefu who had led him to the door goodnight before walking to his bed to stare.

'Bebe is that-?'

'...Bebe believes so.'

Jia Hyson chuckles bitterly. He doesn't know if his luck is really good or really bad ah. Here he was thinking that he should start actively reaching out to the characters of the plot and now...

Pale skin glistening with sweat burns his eyes and the figure in front of him was groaning and writhing wantonly against his sheets.

The flushed gorgeous body of the protagonist Song Chuntao was laid out completely naked and seemingly drugged on his hotel bed.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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