Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 57: 3.11

Chapter 57: 3.11

Warning: some dubious drug stuff but it's not like.. a huge amount. I think it should be okay?

'Bebe,' Jia Hyson inner thoughts, unlike his expressionless dull face, was filled with panic, confusion and a little hysteria, 'I don't recall Farrell and the protagonist ever interacting in the original story??'

'They don't!' Bebe also was a bit panicked. After a moment it awkwardly adds, 'Actually...'

Jia Hyson feels a headache brewing. He was already tired and sore from going around all evening schmoozing with the upper classes of China not to mention dizzy from alcohol. He really didn't want to deal with this.

He just wants to soak in a warm bath, masturbate a bit and go to bed ah!

Bebe: '...' Even if it's a daily part of human life, Bebe wishes you were more ashamed about it. _

'Bebe, stop judging me and start talking, why am I suddenly the scum character who has the drugged protagonist in my bed?' Jia Hyson groans.

It turns out, Zheng Ting, the adopted white eyed wolf, in the story was very wary about Song Chuntao. Which. Fair. So she had been keeping track off her. Also very fair, if a little paranoid. Of course Zheng Ting, as fitting as a villain that will be consistently face slapped in a story was also very arrogant to the point of delusional.

Even though she had caused the Song family to fall and suffer, she truly felt that letting them go was an act of mercy. Song Chuntao who came back to grow her rising company even bigger, to Zheng Ting, was actually stepping all over her goodwill. Since she had done this, Zheng Ting believed Song Chuntao was just asking for herself to be slapped half-dead.

Jia Hyson personally doesn't understand such unwarranted hostility toward a person who has done nothing terrible to you other than being born better, but hey, if it's for the plot he can't complain. Zheng Ting was a solid villain for these sort of stories.

Anyway, it was written that before Song Chuntao even met with the protagonist she was busy establishing the roots of her new branch company and networking. At the same time, Zheng Ting had initiated contact with her, smiling sweetly as she threw scheme after scheme at the protagonist in the dark.

One of those happened to be the classic, drug and scandal situation where Zheng Ting spiked Song Chuntao's drink at a networking event and hires people to bring her to a well-known promiscuous man's room in order to guarantee she would be violated. The reporters would arrive early in the morning to see the scene.

Honestly, Jia Hyson doesn't think it's Zheng Ting's best work since she doesn't hire or bribe people to **** the protagonist or anything like most villains tend to do, she just sort of assumes that some random guy will fuck her because he's a playboy which screams stupid. Alternatively she could have also done the cliche set up for Song Chuntao to be caught in an ambiguous state in the public bathrooms by reporters situation which also was both much simpler and easier to do in both practice and theory. It seems only when the male lead fully comes into play does Zheng Ting finally gain more than half a brain and really starts to become more ruthless and intelligent.

...He supposed that even though Song Chuntao is written as such a smart independent woman, she really couldn't have handled a rich Zheng Ting with full intelligence without the massive golden thigh of the male lead so early ah.

Anyway this part of the story was written in a rush, clearly because the Author God wanted to bring in the male lead faster, and so this event was brushed over vaguely with little description about what happened and how Song Chuntao got out of it other than, 'she luckily escaped just before the reporters, as if injected with chicken blood, kicked in the door.'

This meant the world had to fill in the details for the story to keep going, and because Jia Hyson entered the world, Prince Farrell technically became the most promiscuous and slag man in the building...

Jia Hyson: 'Oh, so this is somehow my fault then?'

Bebe: 'Host should know there are literal male prostitutes and boy toys in this hotel and yet the world still chose you as the most fitting for the role. So. Congratulations.'(*)* :* .(*^^)*.:*.(*)*. :*

Jia Hyson: '...' Bebe, love me again.

Jia Hyson sighs, before moving closer toward Song Chuntao and sliding his arms underneath her.

Bebe: 'Host!'()

"Oh shut up I'm lifting her up!" Jia Hyson snaps aloud, "Consent is important! I'm not that depraved!"

Still, carrying her to the bathroom Jia Hyson couldn't help but admire the protagonist's body a little. 'Surprisingly she's quite sexy for a protagonist,' he can't help but whistle in his head. Usually female protagonists nowadays were all 'normal' meaning, small chested and slim, and the characters like the male lead's evil fiancee were written to be full of curves and sex appeal. Of course that isn't always the case but it's definitely a popular trend. Both Maddy from the first world and the two female characters in the second world fit the sweet, slim appearance as well.

Song Chuntao however is definitely the mature, older women type. The hot office boss you want to be stepped on by. Her hair is glossy black and straight, her eyes are sharp like diamonds, cutting yet alluring at the same time, and her body is like a bombshell. As in, damn, she could make anyone explode with that body.

Entering the bathroom, Jia Hyson frowns. Typically in real life these sort of events are as a result of date **** drugs or ecstasy. Date **** drugs don't actually promote heightened sensory pleasure but make the victim dizzy, unable to defend themselves or just knock them out completely. Some of these drugs can even be used for sleeping disorders or anaesthesia.

Pharmaceutical aphrodisiac drugs, or sexual enhancers will generally increase blood flow and nerve impulses in the genitalia, making one more sensitive to pleasure or prolong erections but not necessarily increase sexual desire, especially not to an overwhelming amount like in the stories.

Therefore in these sort of matters Jia Hyson has to rely on his understanding on the type of world story they are in to determine the best way to deal with these drugs as they don't always adhere to common sense. In the first world Drake had only tasted a small amount of aphrodisiacs before turning into a complete and utter beast in rut, even a shower beforehand didn't dampen his enthusiasm nor his unrelenting dick.

The first world's aphrodisiacs were really god-tier ah.

"Typically a cold shower or bath is supposed to sober them up right?" Jia Hyson mutters. Unfortunately he bought a room with a really nice shower but no bath. "Okay, um"

"Wh-who are you?" A soft, scared but angry voice slurred out.

Jia Hyson freezes before looking down to see Song Chuntao's piercing blue eyes glaring up at him. "How much do you remember?"

Her breathing was still ragged but her mental faculties seemed to be more or less in order if a bit slow. After a few seconds her face scrunches up in confusion, rage and anxiety, "You.. you drugged me? Wh-why?"

Jia Hyson: '...' So nothing. You remember nothing. Great.

Gently he drops her heated body onto the shower floor, she softly moans out at the cold sensation. "I didn't drug you, you were already on my bed when I came back," Jia Hyson immediately explains, but from the glazed look coming back in her eyes she may not have registered. Helplessly he sighs. "I am really sorry about this."

Then he turns on the shower at the coldest possible setting.

"SON OF A-!" Song Chuntao shrieks, and Jia Hyson winces. Yeah. That's a pretty standard reaction.

"My prince!" Sefu bursts into the bathroom. Jia Hyson silently applauds at the reaction speed of the man. It really was very amazing, much better than any other guard he had. Unfortunately right now this would have been a great time for Sefu to suddenly lose his hearing for a minute because...

"Sefu, I can explain," Jia Hyson says with a nervous expression as he stands in a shower with a naked lady. Even though he was fully clothed still, if a little wet, it was a very ambiguous scene. Song Chuntao was sitting up right in front of him, her face inadvertently quite close to his crotch.

Sefu's face turns black in an instant. "Where did this whore come from?" He demands. The last time he asked some of the other guards to check the room was at least twenty minutes before Farrell entered... and Farrell didn't have time to flirt with anyone this evening.. could it be someone was bribing his kitten with this ugly fish?

Jia Hyson: '...' Despite having such a gloomy personality, so different from the other personas, they really all share the same stupid vinegar drinking habit ah.

Jia Hyson bites his lip, eyes flickering in thought before smiling cheekily. "Ah, sorry Sefu, it seems one of the ministers sent me a little gift when I mentioned my love of chinese beauty. I was unfamiliar with the shower controls so I accidentally hit her with cold water."

If Sefu, this vinegar guzzling scheming coward realizes Song Chuntao came in to his room in such a state without his awareness, consent or willingness Jia Hyson was worried he may end up with a dead protagonist before the story truly starts rolling. The man has a strong restraint, or at the very least a secret fetish for being cuckolded, to let Jia Hyson parade his long line of lovers around in front of him for years but the moment an unwanted beauty tries to push themselves onto Jia Hyson too aggressively, well... they never end up with good ends.

Honestly before Jia Hyson had really questioned if Sefu liked him. After all, even Ms don't like to be cheated on like this so blatantly, but.. after accidentally catching sight of Sefu beating a drunk man who had tried to force something onto him, to the point of needing emergency medical care, Jia Hyson realized that in a super masochistic and self-tormenting way, Sefu was respecting his choices and not forcing his own feelings onto Jia Hyson's decisions.

After all, they weren't together- due to reasons entirely on Sefu's end and maybe a little on Jia Hyson's stubbornness too- and even though it hurt Sefu, he didn't do anything drastic to stop Jia Hyson from playing around. In some ways it could be considered cowardly but at the same time... this sort of pathetic yet considerate manner wasn't one Jia Hyson really understood but it was definitely one of the reasons why he had been eventually moved by the man.

Still, not the time to swoon at his bodyguard's murderous tendencies.

Sefu's frown deepens, partly of envy but partly of concern. After all, Prince Farrell was a legitimate prince of a country with the richest resources in the world. Honeypots and all sorts of dirty, greedy creatures are vying for the prince for that reason alone. Not to mention some of the people Farrell had legitimately dated for a short period had gone crazy and either started to stalk or try to kidnap him after breaking up.

If Sefu didn't like Prince Farrell he would have seriously considered resigning, rebellion or no rebellion plans. Taking care of this prince who actively seeks death with his crazy ex-lovers was really, really really difficult.

Though it is a little satisfying to have the excuse to beat them up afterwards ah.

"We don't know the woman's origins, for all we know she could have a disease." Sefu sneers.

Jia Hyson just scoffs. The only disease a protagonist can get is a cold for the love interests to take care of or terminal cancer for drama, there is no in between. "Darling, don't worry about that." He waves off with a sultry smirk. Sefu couldn't help his heart from beating a little faster at both the pet name and his kitten's sweet and spicy temperament. "If anyone wanted to bribe me with women, they would be more concerned about their medical conditions than I would."


"Sefu, please leave." Jia Hyson glances concernedly at Song Chuntao who was starting to violently shiver, "If I need anything I'll shout okay?"

"As you wish my prince." Sefu rasps, bowing and backing out obediently, his expression hard to see.

As the doors shut, Jia Hyson immediately kneels down to pick up the now cold body of the protagonist and quickly wraps the woman up in a bundle of towels. "You okay now?"

"Y-y-y-you sprayed m-me with liquid ice." Song Chuntao scowls as she tries to huddle even further into her nest of towels.

"One, it's called cold water, don't be dramatic," Jia Hyson chuckles, "and two, do you really not know who drugged you?"

Song Chuntao frowns and shakes her head. By now she's at least aware it's not the handsome exotic man in front of her who was responsible or he would have done something ages ago. Still, she had only recently come back to C City, there shouldn't be anyone who wants to scheme against her other than She grips the warm towels tighter against her body as if to try ward off the chill in her heart.

Jia Hyson glances at her knowingly but doesn't say anything. His main priority is to find a reason to have easy access to the male lead, not necessarily to be the protagonist's golden thigh. Even if he's a little curious at what's going on in her pretty little head he doesn't want to be too nosy given how little of a relationship they share. Standing up from the bed he begins to walk away.

"W-wait! Where are y-you going?!" Song Chuntao blurts out panickedly, before flushing. After all she had just gone through a rather scary experience as a woman, even if nothing actually happened, it's still rather traumatic to dwell upon so she felt particularly vulnerable.

Sensing this Jia Hyson gives her a soft, reassuring smile, "I'm going to get the hair dryer. For your hair. And also bathrobes. And I'm going to change into pyjamas since my clothes are also wet." He glances down at his soaked outfit a little mournfully, he had packed light for this trip, not expecting anything too big to happen. Just enough for sightseeing and a few social gatherings he had to go too. It seems he'll have to shop a bit tomorrow. "Anyway, feel free to turn up the heater and turn on the television."

"Oh," She says a bit dimly, "Okay."

When Jia Hyson comes back, hairdryer and bathrobes in hand he sees the woman hadn't done either of those things. Still sitting quietly in place like a timid quail in a soft nest. His lips curl up, amused. She looked quite cute like this ah. "Bathrobe first or hair dryer first?"

She hesitates before quietly taking the second option. Jia Hyson nods and calmly plugs in the hairdryer before grabbing a free hotel brush and crawling onto his large bed. He begins to gently blow-dry her hair with the ease of someone who had his own hair waterfall to deal with for his entire life.

Even if he can't do anything fancy, he was fairly proficient handling long hair by now. In fact, compared to his own messy wavy hair that gets tangled up every time the wind changes direction, Song Chuntao's soft and straight locks were truly something he envied. He tells her this seriously, earning a soft laugh from her.

Once he was satisfied with the result, he turned off the hairdryer and rolled off the bed to grab her bathrobe he threw carelessly onto a nearby sofa.

"Thank you," Song Chuntao quietly speaks out, pale face blushing a little. After all, it was quite an intimate action, something she didn't even do with her first love Zheng Jinhai back in the day. She glances at Jia Hyson, who's pyjamas consisted of loose cotton pants and nothing else and her flush increases for another reason.

After all, even if she was no virgin, she had been with only with one man, Zheng Jinhai and they had only consummated their relationship twice before the betrayal. Prince Farrell had a body that exuded sexuality, tall and tanned, eight-pack muscles, golden eyes, long legs and long flowing black hair he was like a walking cover of an exotic male lead from many erotica novels.

Jia Hyson smiles at her, and Song Chuntao could feel herself getting hotter at that sly yet sexy face actually she could really feel herself getting hotter.

"No problem, here, your bathrobe. Don't worry, I won't-?" Song Chuntao's eyes were getting a little glazed and her breathing was starting to pick up. Jia Hyson rushes over to her and places a hand to her forehead, making her softly moan and push up against it, seemingly eager for more of his touch.

'A lot of sexual enhancement drugs show their true effects when the user is sexually aroused,' Bebe notes as it scans the protagonist's body, 'It makes sense Bebe supposes. Even if you sobered her temporarily with the cold water the drugs are still in her system. She probably reacted to host's slutty body and some of the effects probably came back thanks to the arousal stimulating a reaction in her body.'

Jia Hyson: 'Did you just dirty talk me?'

Bebe: _

He was also aware that some drugs were like this, but Jia Hyson figured that story book logic reigned a little more supreme here. Worried, Jia Hyson lightly slaps a little more awareness into the woman, "Hey, hey, you okay?"

"Nhm.. I feel.. not good. hot" She mutters, looking up at him she pouts, "Help me? Please?"

Jia Hyson swallows heavily, after all, not even the most abstinent and cold male leads can go against the female protagonist much less a slag like himself. "Lady, you're really not in your right mind," He gently declines.

Surprisingly, she rolls her eyes, "I.. know.. nm that." She pants, "Please, this it's so uncomfortable"

However even with that, Jia Hyson wasn't a hundred percent sure given the dubiousness of the consent.

"Are you sure?" Jia Hyson asks because come on, he's interested in her sure but this was playing jump rope with morality here. Obviously he's taken home drunk people and high people which could technically be slightly dubious on a similar level but still.

Song Chuntao's eyes flicker up and down, taking in the genuine concern on the handsome man's features and the top tier body he possesses. "Oh, I'm sure." She hoarsely replies.

She didn't know why she had never had sex with another man after Zheng Jinhai, that bastard. All her friends had teased her about it, her parents worried for her, and her rivals had mocked her for her abstinence. Even though she says she's focusing on her work, she really didn't know what possessed her to turn down man after amazing man because of a scum who ruined her life. Trust issues? Anxiety? But now she was a fully adult woman, faced with a kind, good-looking man and a burning need.

Song Chuntao: 'Okay. ( ) Let's fucking do this!'

"I won't violate you, okay?" Jia Hyson, unaware of the female protagonist's resolve to change the plot, speaks with incredible gentleness and softness, "In fact, if you really don't want me to keep going just blink three times, or pinch me, I'll immediately stop, but I promise you that I won't put anything inside, I just want to help you get it out of your system."

Song Chuntao frowns, unsure of what he was talking about but doesn't stop him nonetheless. The heat in her body was muddling her brain somewhat it's true but it wasn't enough for her to be completely muddleheaded. She can tell this handsome foreign man was offering her a way out and a promise not to risk her assumed virginity so she felt slightly moved if confused. "O..kay."

Satisfied, Jia Hyson smiles and leans in to kiss Song Chuntao, it's not full of unbridled ferocious lust but it was gentle and coaxing, calming her nerves down and assuring her she made the right choice. They keep kissing for a while until her heated body can no longer take it and she wriggles her body pointedly, even going so far as to push the towels covering her body away. Jia Hyson chuckles, raising his eyebrows surprised and amused, "Impatient, huh?"

She glared, "You, ah, you get drugged before you can, mn, ah, talk!" She pants out, Jia Hyson softly laughs again but doesn't tease her anymore. Gently he touches her body, his warm calloused hands lightly scratching her skin and making it go alight with desire as he moves down her body. He begins kissing her neck, then to her collarbone, lingering on her chest, biting and tickling around her stomach area before finally his mouth reaches down to-

Song Chuntao: '???'

Song Chuntao: '!!!'

"Ah, ah, ahhhhh," She grips the sheets, moaning uncontrollably as a skilful mouth and an even more skilled tongue brings her to a new height of pleasure that she never had experienced before. The night was still young though, and soon she had re-experienced such enjoyment multiple times before finally falling unconscious.

Jia Hyson realising that the last round was over finally lifted his head up and began to massage his aching jaw muscles. "It's been a while since I did that for so long," he groans. One should never run a marathon without practicing beforehand. Jia Hyson has been with quite a few women in this life now, but they usually have sex for a large portion of their night together and none of them had taken drugs that gave them the stamina of a stallion protagonist, damn.

Still, from the Song Chuntao's reaction, he's clearly retained his abilities ah. He felt a little proud. Now he can say that he had blown away both male and female leads with his amazing oral skills.

Bebe: '...' Bebe can't say anything because Host certainly did look like he did very well.

"But you know," Jia Hyson yawns, it's early in the morning now, almost daybreak. "I think I know what I'm going to do now."

"Oh?" Bebe speaks out, curious. They hadn't determined a proper plan and the protagonist has already appeared so it was quite concerned about this matter. However despite Jia Hyson being a huge manslut, he was reliable on the job so Bebe has faith he'll have an interesting idea.

"I'm going to be a supporting male lead!" Jia Hyson grins wolfishly. "How fun would that be?"

Bebe: '...' A story where the rival love interest that was sexier, friendlier, stronger, richer and more powerful than the male lead?

That sounds... well...

Actually quite amusing hehe.

Male Lead Zheng Jinhai: '...' Why do I suddenly feel so cold?

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