Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 78: 3.32

Chapter 78: 3.32

"Prince Farrell," The Rhino Tribe Chief sneers. Compared to the cold face of the advisor and the expressionless one of Sefu's, it was clear that he held much more animosity toward the youngest scion of the royal family than anyone else. Which is both fair and baffling at the same time given that he's the one Jia Hyson had the least interaction with, "Good to see you have a conscious and shown up."

Jia Hyson's face turns ugly. "You are the chief of the Rhino Tribe, not long ago you worked as the head of the royal army. I should be the one asking if you have a conscious."

"Not too long ago my son wouldn't have been given the title, 'The Slut of the Six Mountains,' after being caught in a goddamn orgy servicing six nobles of other tribes!" The Rhino chief bellows. 

Jia Hyson: '...' Damn Symon, even this old bicycle has only caught four fish with one net at the most. 

Song Chuntao frowns, "What does that have to do wi-" trailing off she looks at Jia Hyson with wide eyes. Zheng Jinhai also came to a similar conclusion and was looking at him with strange eyes.

Jia Hyson for his part at least looked embarrassed, "His son," he coughs into his hand, "Is my first boyfriend, ah, I may have, um, what's a nice way of putting it?" He coughs again, "Bent him to the point of no return?"

"My God," Zheng Jinhai mutters. He's suddenly and inexplicably delighted his brother had refused to try a proper relationship with this scum. 

Song Chuntao didn't even say anything; she just closed her eyes and reminded herself that this was no time to scream at Prince Farrell and his uncontrollably high sex drive.

The Rhino Chief, however, didn't catch the memo and spent another three minutes screaming at Prince Farrell for more or less exactly that. Jia Hyson sort of wonders if, in the past, the chief had gotten the opportunity to personally be on the receiving end of Jia Hyson's skills under the covers would he still be so against his active sex life? 

After all, he's making it sound like it was him for had pushed his son into a life of debauchery and forced him into the wild SM life, even implying drug use. It was like the big man couldn't comprehend his son willingly entering such a lifestyle, which is fair enough really. It's like someone who had never taken drugs or smoked being unable to understand how good it feels and how hard it is to stop. 

Still, it was really annoying. It made Jia Hyson; this evil drug dealer, want to give the Rhino Chief a taste of 'ecstasy' just to shut him up.

Honestly, if the Rhino Chief hadn't been married when Jia Hyson was conquering Samotrelis with his dick, he would have totally tried to climb into his bed as well. What can he say? He likes to topple strong mountains and bend rivers. 

And now that this guy is divorced and acting so arrogant and high and mighty...

Silently he licks his lips.

Bebe: '...' It's clear the lack of sex these days is getting to host. Also, what was with that commentary? Bebe honestly can't tell where you're M switch starts, and your S switch ends. 

Rhino Tribe Chief: '???' Eh? I'm in the middle of my tirade, and now I suddenly feel a coldness running down my backside. Could I be getting ill from stress?

Sefu who had been watching from the sidelines: '...' Not only didn't kitten even look at me; he even licked his lips for another man in front of me. So angry. 

Song Chuntao and Zheng Jinhai, these 'innocent' protagonists were unaware of Jia Hyson's indecent thoughts and just felt indignant for Prince Farrell. Sure some fault lies in the lecherous young man, but it's clear that this rebel was not only exaggerating Farrell's responsibility in this but using it as an excuse to justify his actions. After all this sort of thing, while scandalous, was not enough to try to overthrow the country for unless you had other ambitions. 

"How disgusting," Zheng Jinhai coldly spits out, perfectly pulling in the aggro of the Rhino Chief. Jia Hyson side-eyes Zheng Jinhai with faint disbelief. The male leads usually are the type to be arrogant and ruthless capitalists with a cold face in front of everyone that isn't his loved ones; this leads to either admiration, infatuation or hatred among cannon fodders and supporting leads. 

Unfortunately, the Rhino Chief wasn't a blackhearted businessman in the boardroom; this was a man who could block bullets with his muscles in his heyday okay? Male lead you really can't afford to pull aggro here okay?? 

Song Chuntao also gave her man a look filled with mixed feelings. Glancing at his perfectly muscled body that was made through meticulous gym training and then at the Rhino Chief who looked like he came out of some monster furry bara yaoi manga she read out of curiosity once... how can she not be worried?! 

Unfortunately, the aggro puller was too strong. Not to mention that, coincidentally, Zheng Jinhai's handsome yet arrogant face was about five to six points similar to one of Symon's 'six masters'. The Rhino Chief couldn't help but loathe this man at first sight. 

The rebels didn't come out unarmed, and the Rhino Chief was no exception. It doesn't take much effort to fling a short sword toward Zheng Jinhai's head with deadly accuracy. The act was so quick that Sefu and the advisor could only change expressions as they realised what their most violent comrade had done. 

"Jinhai!" Song Chuntao calls out in fear, but luckily Zheng Jinhai is a protagonist who will only get amnesia related injuries. There's probably a proper explanation like Zheng Jinhai being trained in martial arts when he was younger, but the fact is, somehow, Zheng Jinhai not only dodged the oncoming knife but even managed to catch it with his hands. To be fair though he was bleeding due to catching the blade end of the knife. However that blood only served to make the female lead, Song Chuntao's heart ache for him, it was most likely a decorative wound. 

Still, the force behind the throw was not weak, and Zheng Jinhai was forced to take a step back in surprise. Samotrelian strength was very different from those of standard fighters. Because his step back was unexpected, Zheng Jinhai's ankle twisted and he fell down. 

Jia Hyson who was already reacting to the knife throw and half expecting such a thing to occur in the first place was immediately there to catch him, using the muscles in his arms to steady his gold and sweep him up off his feet before he hit the ground. "Are you okay?" 

Zheng Jinhai drops the knife, blood now dripping down his hands freely but he doesn't even wince, too shocked at the sudden change of setting. Song Chuntao who had been reaching out her hand in a futile attempt to stop the fall had now pulled it back to cover her mouth with flushed cheeks. Her handsome boyfriend was being princess carried by her sexy ex-boyfriend in an exotic paradise island... the image was... too goddamn beautiful. 

Silently she takes out her phone and snaps a photo. En. Very good. This will be her background until the end of time. 


The Rhino Chief: 'Was I throwing a knife or helping others scatter dog food?'

Royal Advisor Rebel: 'As expected of that perverted slag prince, even with his family tied up before him he still has time to flirt.' 

Sefu Karamoy: 'I came here to put on a big show, but my kitten keeps giving me green hats, what to do?'

The royal family (excluding Third Prince Jaleel): '...' Did you not come to save us? Not only have you barely acknowledged us, but you also looked at an enemy with flirtatious eyes before princess carrying your ally! Have you ever seen a rescue slash hostage situation like this?! 

We demand some dignity as hostages! Pay attention to us QAQ

Jia Hyson was honestly not aware of these thoughts. Gently and carefully dropping Zheng Jinhai back onto his two feet, he can only inwardly wipe away the sweat on his forehead and secretly sigh. Aiyah that was too close, too close! It's a good thing his reflexes were still good, or this 'delicate' male lead may have gotten amnesia at such a bad time! 

He already put so much time and effort to keep the eggshell Zheng Jinhai calls a head intact for so long. It's okay to slip up once, a second bout of amnesia is satisfactory in a story but to have it near the tail end of a wholly unrelated and somewhat serious side story was not at all appropriate with the flow of the plot. 

"...There was no need for you to do that," Zheng Jinhai mutters sourly, feeling like his pride as an alpha male being significantly damaged from this. 

Jia Hyson rolls his eyes, "What are you talking about- if you died how would Chu Chu ever forgive me ah?" 

Zheng Jinhai: '...Very good. Laozi will begrudgingly accept that excuse.' 

"Prince Farrell!" The Royal Advisor Rebel snaps, "If you wish to have your family go free then surrender yourself!"

"Don't do it!" King Kro orders sternly, his wife, the other princess and princes also voiced their protests. 

"They're spouting bullshit!" 

"Don't listen to them!"

"Brother go!"

"Just leave!" 

Jia Hyson: 'What to do, kind of want to leave.'

Bebe: 'Yeah, it's obvious to anyone that's watched any movie that they're going to go back on their words.' Bebe has had quite a few cannon fodder and villain hosts who had to reenact a similar scene. It's a very popular trope.

Jia Hyson: 'I know right, but can you imagine if I left at this point? Like, I would be the asshole then.'

Bebe: '' You're an asshole now but touch.

With an ugly expression Jia Hyson fiercely glares at the rebels, "Cowards," he spat, "If you hurt the Abioye family do you really believe the people will actually accept you as the rulers?"

"That's non of your concern," Sefu coldly speaks, Jia Hyson looks at him in disbelief only for him to avert his eyes away.

Jia Hyson gives the man a complex and pained look, his facial muscles were really getting a big workout today. Luckily he bought a pack of special face masks from BeBay the day before which made his expressions more vivid with less muscle strain while simultaneously making his skin smoother than jade. 

God, he loves BeBay. 

Seeing the man averted his eyes, Jia Hyson decides the best reaction in response would be rage. With reddened eyes, he rushes up as if he was lost to his own strong emotions. 

"Guards," Sefu orders quickly, as he sees the other rushing up and seeking death. Suddenly a group of men covered head to toe in black cloth appeared and restrained the trio. Jia Hyson who was stronger the Song Chuntao managed to break free, taking the opportunity to punch and kick his assailants but quickly more came to help and he was pushed down onto his knees, overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. 

"Sefu you fucking traitor!" Jia Hyson cries out enraged, howling like a beaten wolf. He hadn't wasted all his time in the apartment and had watched quite a few cultivation, and ancient china type drama shows to better immerse himself into the mindset of being betrayed by someone he secretly loved. "How, how could you do this?!" 

Jia Hyson: 'One to ten how good is it?'

Bebe: 'Expression is nine points, it's clear host has worked hard with this. Bebe likes the distraught wretched and aggrieved tone of your voice, but the dialogue is a little too basic. Overall just under seven points give or take.' 

Inwardly Jia Hyson sighs. Acting is really harder than writing. Especially since he's being put on the spot like this, how can he suddenly come up with great dialogue on the fly ah? He's witty, but even wit has limits. 

To be honest, having lived through three lifetimes has done something for him. Despite Bebe's critique, a seven is a reasonably strong rating for a newbie host that didn't have a background in acting. 

If Jia Hyson was in an entertainment world, provided his acting roles weren't too difficult, he could quickly become a second-tier actor with some effort and hard work. If he was lucky and got excellent resources or a golden thigh, then he could even reach film emperor status after some time. 

Of course, those who can easily rate a nine in Bebe's analysis not only had the skills to reach film emperor without backing but potentially even the skills to beat male lead film emperors to the point they doubt life. Those were true acting tyrants and were usually found with systems in the financial sector that specialise in counterattacking or seduction. 

Seeing their baby being pinned down, the royal family began to struggle even more violently. Unlike Farrell, his older siblings and parents were much stronger than himself, especially Second Prince Chuma who had been appointed as the head of the royal army just a few years ago. Sefu just snapped his fingers, and more black-clothed guards surrounded and restrained them. After some more fierce struggling the hostages finally and reluctantly settled.

The two rebel leaders glance at Sefu with some admiration and fear. Despite being the least active and the youngest of the three Sefu Karamoy has still held his ground against them, these spicy old gingers. Not only that he was personally the closest to the royal family, Prince Farrell in particular. 

Logic dictates he shouldn't have managed to stay in power as long as he has in the rebel group but not only has he done so, he even dared to use his master's guards for his own needs, training them to serve him and avoiding the weakness of his lack of support in Samotrelis. 

The international guards were from all sorts of complicated backgrounds, considered the best of the best money had to offer and trained by the other two Samotrelian guards and Sefu himself. They were some of the few outsiders that the Rhino Chief begrudgingly acknowledged for their strength and fighting prowess. 

He also couldn't help but feel some satisfaction and schadenfreude looking at them. Prince Farrell had played with so many people, who knew, in the end, he would be played so ruthlessly by the only person he trusted outside his family? 

Even though he inwardly felt gleeful, the Rhino Chief did not necessarily like Sefu either. After all, even if he's an ally... to so easily be able to bite the hand that fed him, and toward a child, he practically raised himself... as a father, the Rhino Chief couldn't help but feel wary against such a terrible white eyed wolf. Even if he hated his son Symon for not turning iron into steel and was ashamed at his sexual proclivities, he had never thought to disown this damn child or lock him up and hide him. 

People were like this. Even if the other person did something for both their benefit, if the action is too ruthless, the person who benefits may not necessarily appreciate and even disdain the first person. It's like if a little girl's balloon got stolen by a dog and a young man beat the dog to get the ballon back, obviously, even though the little girl was a bit grateful for getting the balloon how can she not be upset the dog was beaten? 

"How could you do this?! You're really one of them?!" Jia Hyson spat, his words held a slight trace of anxious pleading in them he couldn't stop from exposing itself. No one had confirmed whether Sefu was part of the anti-rebels or not. And now this damn idiot had taken such a strong chance, even restraining almost the entire royal family with his own personal guards. 

If this keeps up wouldn't Sefu be heading straight to the original Farrell's bad ending??? Darling, if you don't speak up now, Laozi really may not be able to save you! Seriously, the pit you've dug for yourself probably could reach the other side of the world by now ah! 

"So what if I am?" Sefu sneers, "You people were the ones who ruined my life, this scar is proof of my hatred. Do you really think that a few years by your side can change this fact?"

Jia Hyson: 'I at least thought those few weeks in your bed might have ah.'

Bebe: _

Jia Hyson silently despaired. He had always thought if he had ever gotten serious with someone his type, both man or woman, would have been the reliable, sensible and doting type who could keep someone as frivolous as him down. Yet it turns out he likes to be the sensible caretaker in the relationship? 

He just wanted to be a precious little baby okay?

Why must he have to use his brains to figure out how to stop his stupid man from digging pits for himself?

Where! Is! My! Domineering! Overpowered! Gong!?

Bebe: '' It's probably because you're such a cheap shou that you can't afford a high-quality gong pfft ( ><)

Jia Hyson: '' For some reason, I'm feeling really murderous. ( )

Sefu strides over to Jia Hyson tilting his head up to look him in the eyes. His black and silver eyes staring intensely into his golden ones hungrily as if this was the last time he would ever see him again. "Well," Sefu sighs, voice rasping into a melancholic whisper as he straightens his posture and puts his hands behind his back, "It turns out that it's really the case."

The moment he finishes, Jia Hyson feels his assailants release him, he turns around in surprise. The other black-clothed men had also released the protagonists, and they were all running outwards to attack the surrounding rebel guards with brutal efficiency. 

"What is the meaning of th- ah!" The Royal Advisor Rebel was tackled down by the Second Prince Chuma, and the First Princess with the help of the First Prince was busy fighting with the Rhino Chief, in their hands were short, but sharp daggers which Jia Hyson realised must have been passed by the black-clothed men while they were 'subduing' the family. 

"SEFU YOU BASTARD!" The Rhino Chief yells, even if he was more brawn than brains, it was easy to tell Sefu had betrayed them. The Royal Advisor Rebel's face was also not good, though that could partly be attributed to the fact that the youngest princess, Princess Koffi was beating him till he was black and blue while Second Prince Chuma restrained him. The rest of the royal family were less resentful and more practical and had scattered to help the black-clothed men to capture the surrounding rebels. 

"The calvary is here!" From the gates that lead out of the palace, a swarm of Samotrelians lead by a much thinner and dirtier looking Third Prince Jaleel ran in with a roar. Upon seeing such a ferocious crowd, all ideas of escape were utterly extinguished in the minds of the remaining rebels. Quickly the big confrontation which had been built up for so long was finished just like that.

Finally, once the chaos was finally contained and the dust had settled, Jia Hyson then realised... Sefu Karamoy was gone. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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