Quick Transmigration: Is it Better to be a Beta?

Chapter 79: 3.33

Chapter 79: 3.33

Sefu Karamoy, the people say, is a traitor.

They've seen the video of him threatening Prince Farrell with his family. They're witnesses to his misdeeds. He is a white eyed wolf who had harmed his masters for greed and ambition.

Sefu Karamoy, the rebels say, is a traitor.

Everything was fake. The betrayal, the excuses to keep the royals alive, the elaborate and public threat that should have completely crushed their opponents' wills to fight... they had believed in him and they had fallen into his trap. He is a turncoat. A coward.

Sefu Karamoy, Third Prince Jaleel reveals, is the true Anti-Rebel Leader.

He had made preparations long before the rebellion and had contacted him secretly about the problem. Because he himself did not know the others' identities other than they were entrenched deeply they hatched a plan to lure the lice out of the woodwork. They didn't tell the others to avoid beating the grass and scaring the snake, and they couldn't reveal Sefu's true side for fear of someone figuring it out.

Sefu Karamoy, King Kro declares, is a good man.

He had fought to keep the royal family as safe as he could while eliminating the enemy with as little casualties as possible. To even go so far as to sacrifice his reputation and more in order to maintain the rebels trust... how can he not be a good man?

Sefu Karamoy, Song Chuntao huffs, is really mental.

Even though the royal family wasn't aware of it, Song Chuntao who took care of Farrell after he had escaped, knew that he wasn't as kindhearted as the others believed. That time Farrell spent in captivity... she had caught sight of the markings and the collar, it was easy to see that he had forced himself onto her best friend. Even if he did so many good things, she can't help but dislike him for that alone.

Not to mention, Farrell trusted him with his life, and the way Farrell had refused to fully believe his betrayal after everything... the fact he couldn't give the same trust to Farrell...

Really, really mental.

Sefu Karamoy was a lot of things to a lot of people. But one thing was the same.

Sefu Karamoy was gone.

And he didn't seem to be coming back.

Jia Hyson refused to accept this dog blood bullshit.

So Sefu's plan was to do a Severus Sn*pe albeit a way more successful version given he didn't a) die, and b) come out of this whole thing still a virgin. He kept his rebel identity to both kill off the rebel threat and allow him to have the opportunity to taste the heavy flavour of a yandere-esque love, essentially having his cake and eating it too. However the consequences to the latter action of course, would obviously give him a death sentence if it got out. Presumably out of guilt or maybe in order to spare Jia Hyson the pain of seeing his tormentor again, Sefu directly left.

Again. Dog blooded bullshit.

And Jia Hyson was the stupid female lead who is going to forgive him for all that bullshit. Once he finds him and beats him until he cries daddy anyway.

The problem was that Sefu not only was a top quality Samotrelian man who excelled in wilderness survival, have also associated and worked with many ex-spies and computer masters who became Farrell's bodyguards that had been attracted by the high pay and relatively easy lifestyle. This meant the man was more than capable of going off the grid and not being found.

Jia Hyson: '...'

Talk about a fuck and run.

Furious at the turtle like personality of his lover, who had took forever to be coaxed out of his shell only to nibble some lettuce and immediately retreat back into hiding, Jia Hyson went on an international manhunt for Sefu. He was almost seven feet, dark skinned, muscular, with half his face scarred from old burns and two different coloured eyes! With social media running rampant how hard can finding this giant man be?!

After three months Jia Hyson could say, it was pretty hard. Pretty fucking hard actually.

He regrets hiring such professionals to work as his guards. If not how could Sefu be so proficient at this? Even utilizing the male and female leads to help him and take advantage of their halos have not produced anything substantial.

Seriously, is Sefu the male lead or is it Zheng Jinhai?! Fuck! ()

His guards which had 'betrayed' him but had actually followed Sefu to indirectly protect their small boss, had been fired in a fit of rage before Jia Hyson regained his senses and hired them back after a week, if only to ask them where Sefu went. When they replied saying they had no idea, Jia Hyson angrily fires them again.

The guards who had 'rebelled': '...' Does this mean this month's paycheck is off the table?_

The guards who had stayed and was rewarded with job security and improved monetary benefits: 'Hehe.'[$()$].*The misery of others indeed taste better with money in their hands.

Finally the 'rebel' guards were temporarily rehired and given the task of finding Sefu. Jia Hyson also told them that he had hired two other groups with similar skillsets and whoever found his man first would permanently re-join the team. That was a complete lie of course, Jia Hyson didn't trust random mercenaries and all those with good reputation and true skills already had jobs or duties that his money couldn't sway. He only had these stupid morons now.

Of course, there was a good reason for the lie. After all, aren't incentives what drives a person's motivation to work harder? Jia Hyson needs to find his dumb turtle lover like yesterday.

Also the expressions on those guys upon hearing this new condition in order to maintain their job really was priceless. Bebe recorded their response and used it as a reaction gif when texting with it's friends.

Finally after a whole year since the rebellion, Jia Hyson arrived in front of a small apartment door at the outskirts of C City- just a few hours away from the hotel Jia Hyson lived in. It was a poor, rather dirty apartment. The rent of all the tenants there probably couldn't even pay for the glass part of his gold rimmed sunglasses.

In his designer urban outfit, fitted with a white G*cci hoodie, Dolce & Gabb*na ripped jeans and a stupidly luxuries Buscemi 100 MM Diam*nd pair of sneakers, Jia Hyson stood out terribly in such a rundown and drab place. However he didn't care about this nor the stares from the other tenants as he stood in front of the door number of the address Bodyguard F texted him.

He taps his foot nervously, hemming and hawing as he texts his bodyguards to surround the area in case Sefu wanted to turtle out of this situation and escape again. After another minute or so, Jia Hyson sighs deeply before knocking politely but loudly on the door and stepping aside.

Who knows if Sefu would check the little pinhole, see him, then run? It's better to wait until the door opens and force his way in.

As expected, the person inside takes a suspiciously long time to open the door. If it was really Sefu, with his speed, it wouldn't take so long for the man to react unless he was completely wasted due to alcohol or he was checking his surroundings cautiously.

Jia Hyson knows Sefu rather despises things like drinking and drug use and other such things that would reduce cognitive functions, removes inhibitions and encourage erratic behaviour. When he was younger Sefu would lecture him constantly about the terrors of such things and Jia Hyson pitifully could only get his first full glass of liquor when he was twenty-two.

He had felt quite wronged at the time, after all, he wasn't a big drinker. Personally he dislikes the bitter acrid taste that alcohol brings and prefers the sweeter taste of cocktails with lower alcohol content anyway.

Though to be fair he loves drunk sex hehe.

Bebe: 'Bebe thinks you like anything with sex.'

Jia Hyson: 'That is not true, I have hard and soft limits on my kink list.'

Bebe: 'I don't even want to-'


Jia Hyson spent two minutes reciting as many kinks that he wasn't very into, but may or may not be willing to do with some discussion. Bebe was both disgusted and vaguely impressed.

Bebe: 'You couldn't remember the name of your favourite pizza place you have consistently ordered from for three years but you can immediately list your top twenty soft limits and your ten biggest hard limits.'

Jia Hyson: 'Well I've been alive for so long, obviously after a while you occasionally think about these things ah.' A lot of his hard limits have turned into soft limits after some thought once he became a transmigrator.

For example beastiality used to be a hard no but now that there's a chance he'll enter a world with beast people or magical intelligent spiritual beasts obviously he can't miss out on that. And then there's vampires and the necrophilia kink, then incest drama play, then human furniture, then sex slave play...

Bebe: _'Why are all your garbage thoughts always so yellow?'

Finally after some time, Jia Hyson really couldn't take the waiting anymore.

Angrily he texts one of the guards to buy a box full of things at a nearby grocery and pay someone young to play mailman. Given his outstanding appearance Jia Hyson doesn't believe Sefu has been walking around shopping during this time and should be relying on delivery and online shopping for most of his needs.

Even if half of his guards had 'betrayed' him beforehand that didn't mean they had become less competent. If anything, further training among the superhumans that were Samotrelians had actually made them even more physically formidable than the guards who had stayed behind. It took them less than ten minutes to do the task, practically carrying a buffudled looking deliveryman they had picked up on the way by chance. It wasn't early in the morning anymore but the day was still young enough that the morning deliveries haven't finished their shifts.

The young delivery man was very perturbed, he had just been casually doing his job before suddenly these men in black stuffed ten thousand yuan into his hands and dragged him here in order to 'drop a thing'. 

If he didn't find this suspicious and shady then he really would be a fool. But what can he do? Could he run away so easily?

Like a timid quail he let himself be carried off to the poorer part of town, his sense of foreboding getting even stronger. What did they want him to drop off? Drugs? He hopes it's drugs and not some sort of self-detonating bomb ah.

He had read about some radical terrorist group that does this sort of thing overseas, but they at least used their own people! What is this, don't bring the delivery man into this mess ah, this one has never even placed a parcel the wrong side up okay? I'm a good delivery boy QAQ

Of course all that panic quickly turned into relief once the deliveryman saw Prince Farrell. It turns out this was one of the eccentric prince's abrupt competition or something then! He had read about what happened in Samotrelis and Prince Farrell had become quite low key since then, it was nice to know that he's bounced back and was playing around again.

More importantly, that meant his ten thousand yuan was real ah!

With an actual delivery man with a package, and one that works around the general area too, finally the person behind the door opened up once the delivery man left.

Sefu's villainous appearance was still as striking as ever but if one looks a little closer they could see how worn and haggard he was. If his appearance during the rebellion was him at the peak of his evil master plan, then his current looks were more in line with a foiled villain in jail after a lengthy timeskip.

Like, he wasn't doing badly in this metaphorical jail, so he wasn't completely wretched beyond belief or anything, but even people doing well in there will look worse than before after a while. Even his clothing, was stained, worn and ugly, giving him an unappealingly happy and unkept look.

Jia Hyson felt his eyes redden at the pitiful sight. This idiot. This fucking idiot.

He really loves him ah.

"Y-your highness?" Seeing Farrell so suddenly, and even near tears at that, Sefu's cold and tired facade cracks. Panicked he steps forward and, like he was handling porcelain, carefully and tentatively places his hands onto the other's shaking shoulders. Sefu wished to hug and stroke his sniffling little kitten, heart aching painfully at the sight. However he didn't dared.

He had done something unforgivable to his prince. Even if the truth comes out of him being the leader behind the anti-rebel group, once it came out that he took advantage of the rebellion to violate Prince Farrell... no, it should have came out. Knowing Prince Farrell's openness and vindictiveness he wouldn't let Sefu get away with disgracing him like that, even if it meant revealing what happened.

Sefu wasn't afraid of getting his sentence for such a heinous crime, he was ready to shoulder both his part in the rebellion and all his related crimes, real and faked. If it was just that Sefu would have never run and just accepted his fate.

But he was afraid of facing Farrell.

He was afraid of seeing his kitten hate him, loathe him. He doesn't want to see himself turn into an object of disgust in the eyes of the person he loves. He really couldn't bear it. So he ran like the coward he is.

Who would have thought his kitten would have chased after him?

"My prince, you" Sefu hesitates, "how did you find me?"

Farrell snaps his head up, glaring angrily at him, "Did you think I just stumbled here by chance? Obviously I hired people to look for you!" He snaps, however the indignant and furious voice only felt bittersweet and sour to Sefu's ears.

"I was wrong my prince, you're so smart, of course you wouldn't let me go," Sefu almost instinctively and immediately coaxed.

Jia Hyson: 'I feel like I'm being belittled yet I suddenly feel shy and flattered.'

Bebe: 'It's the power of love ah~~~.'

Jia Hyson: 'Now I just feel disgusted.'

Bebe: 'By love?'

Jia Hyson: 'By your voice.'

Bebe: '' 

"Why?" Farrell asks softly after the pair descended into silence. It's a question Farrell had asked Sefu constantly when in captivity. Such a simple question, a single word and it is one that Sefu could never give a good answer for.

Because he loved him?

Sefu bitterly grimaced, a trace of self loathing and hatred in his eyes.

Love was no excuse for his actions.

Sefu had simply been tempted. His precious and precocious kitten would be trapped in his cage. No one would know if he had done anything until it was too late.

When he first started to harbour thoughts of destroying the rebellion group, Sefu only briefly fantasised about taking the opportunity to completely own Farrell, forcing him down and marking him forever as his own. However logic and guilt and all sorts of other things dissuaded him immediately. It was easy to ignore the fantasy in the beginning, but as time kept on going and Farrell's bed partners and lovers kept on changing that small fantasy became harder and harder to ignore until it finally became an obsession.

Even though he had planned everything out to root out the rebel forces, Sefu knew that life was full of uncertainties, and his own was sitting on a knife's edge. Any wrong move and he would most likely not be able to die an intact corpse.

In that sort of situation, how could he not succumb to his darkest desires and take what must not be taken? He wanted to die knowing his prince will live happily and yet at the same time he wanted to die without regrets. In the end he did both and he lived with what felt like everlasting regrets.

How could those feelings that pushed him to do such a dishonorable and unforgivable thing be love?

He didn't deserve to call what he had love after that.

In a way, Sefu was a relatively decent and self aware scum man. He didn't believe he was in the right or that just because Farrell seemed to physically enjoy it meant that it was okay. He was aware what he did was wrong and that both parties would be hurt but he did it anyway. And he didn't think all his virtues will somehow wash away this one sin.

But people were inherently selfish, and even though Sefu felt crippling remorse and regret he didn't want to kill himself either. But at the same time he couldn't be near Farrell anymore, not for Farrell and not for him. And so he left, choosing to go place to place for a few months to throw anyone following off the scent before finally settling where he was now.

Jia Hyson was a generous and frivolous prince who liked to flaunt money. He especially liked to give away precious and good looking things to his 'poor friends and allies' such as raw but precious gems, expensive and rare antiques and limited edition accessories. As his most favoured servant, to say Sefu was a rich man was almost an under-exaggeration. Sefu's current wealth could probably crush the ego of quite a few company bosses if they compared.

To pick such a trash place to settle down in it could only be said that he was punishing himself in a small way to alleviate his sense of guilt.

Awkwardly, so unlike his usual slick-tongued self, Sefu slowly tries to explain his feelings and his most sincere apologies to his prince. It was the least he can do. As he keeps talking Sefu couldn't help feeling very emotional.

Talking about your faults and mistakes so openly is difficult to many, especially to people used to wearing various masks and lies like Sefu and Jia Hyson. By the end Sefu of his monologue, feeling explicitly vulnerable and ashamed of himself, had reddened eyes and a hoarse, trembling voice.

"In the end I this lowly servant has always harboured intentions toward your highness, and cannot bear to face you anymore. I'm sorry." Sefu steps away from Jia Hyson and bows, looking completely subservient, waiting for his punishment. "Do as you see fit with this wretched servant."

Jia Hyson's mouth twitches, unsure whether to laugh or cry. Still, he felt greatly moved. "Why are you so stupid?" His voice was also trembling faintly. He couldn't help but think that the scene was faintly ridiculous. Two big men standing at the doorway of a rundown apartment, one rich and trendy looking and the other poor and slobbish, both on the verge of tears Aiyah if he was a bystander he would really find it quite a sight.

But he wasn't a bystander. He was the one trying to avoid being the first person to cry. And he was on the verge of losing.

"Even after everything... after, after all the things you did... to me.." Farrell stutters at the last bit, flushed and a little ashamed as he recalls the memories. It really wasn't good to bring them up in such a public area ah, for the sake of his face. However, embarrassing or not, he kept his eyes firmly onto Sefu, "Did I ever say I hate you?"

Sefu opens his mouth but then realises abruptly that he was right. However just because one doesn't say hate means that they don't hate.

Jia Hyson: '...Sefu, my Sefu, why are you making this so hard?'

Bebe: 'According to Bebe's tentative analysis the man probably harbors a lot of self-hatred, anxiety and low sense of self-worth partly due to his background and also possibly due to the fact that you fucked half the world at this point- and not him.'

Jia Hyson: '...' Ah, now that his system was so bluntly telling him this, he could see how he may have been in the wrong here.

After all, if you had a friend that you secretly had a crush on, who was attractive, rich and liked to play around with anything that moves, wouldn't you also feel quite insecure and cynical about a potential relationship with said friend? Of course not everyone would have this sort of mindset but Sefu was a naturally more gloomy person due to his past.

Jia Hyson recalls how adamant he was not to be the first one to confess due to his pride and selfish interest, and instead spent his days teasing Sefu and provoking him with his one night stands. All jokes aside, he really does feel guilty about it.

Honestly, ah. It's really all fun and games until you realize you're in love.

Bebe: '...' Doesn't that mean that if you didn't fall in love with him you would have happily played him to death?

Bebe silently recalls what happened to Symon and those other ex-lovers and how little Jia Hyson cares about their aftermaths. As expected of it's abnormal host, unless you can achieve a certain level of affection or at the very least, dependence from him, this scum will really see you as nothing but things to toy with and half-heartedly cherish.

Jia Hyson: 'Uh, can you not be judgemental right now? _ I'm having a romantic moment here.'

Stepping forward, Jia Hyson reaches out and slaps his hands against Sefu's cheeks, his palms firmly squishing the older man's surprised expression as Jia Hyson glares at him with glittering golden eyes. "Sefu," He takes a deep breath, "I love you."

Sefu stares at him blankly. With his face being squished by Jia Hyson he looks particularly dumb and foolish.

"I've loved you for a long time." Jia Hyson continues, barrelling on with a heated face. After all, his actions in terms of romance was probably equally, if not more so, as unfathomable as Sefu's. To explain it was undoubtably embarrassing. "I, I, you're so mature, and always taking care of me, and I don't know, I realised I couldn't imagine living without you by my side and I wanted more but," Jia Hyson coughs, even more ashamed, "I didn't believe you could be interested in someone so childish so, I, ah, I figured if I slept with others and uh, teased you a bit you may be more interested in me. As a man."

Bebe: 'Wow. This thinking Aren't you just a scummy man child?' (_)

Jia Hyson: 'Wow. This voice Didn't I tell you to shut up?' (_)

Bebe: '' Do you really need to have the last word for everything QwQ

With a humiliated expression, eyes wet with unshed tears, Jia Hyson shuffles even closer to Sefu. They were so close they breaths intermingled with each other. If Jia Hyson took even half a step more he would practically be rubbing himself on the other.

Softly he whispers, "When you that time we had together.. I was secretly a little happy ah."

If Sefu looked like he had been suddenly given 100 points of damage before, this time he had gotten a big critical hit. Jia Hyson could feel the man's face grow warmer and his breathing turned harsher. This response not only pleased Jia Hyson greatly, but it also helped settle some of his nerves from confessing.

Biting his lower lip, Jia Hyson then faintly and shyly smiles, "It was a great relief to know that you weren't really a rebel. I, I knew we had a lot to talk about but I was confident that things would work out." Then his expression changes into something bitter and pained, "Who knew you would have left?"

With a face that clearly expressed a 'baby has been wronged, baby wants hugs' feeling, Sefu's heart which had already been shaken like a maraca, couldn't help but completely soften into half-melted butter. He had spoilt his kitten for so many years it's practically ingrained into him at this point. "It would be the greatest honour you could give to this lowly servant if you take me back my prince." He quietly rasps, "I swear I will never leave you again if you do."

Jia Hyson couldn't stop himself anymore and kisses him.

The kiss was filled with heat. It was all hot, hard and demanding as Sefu immediately grips him closer in some fervored attempt to be able to touch every part of him, making up for all the lost time he foolishly let slip through his fingers. Jia Hyson doesn't hesitate to reciprocate just as fiercely, hands sliding down from his face and moving his arms to wrap tightly around his man's strong and thick neck, urging his face as close as comfortably possible toward his own.

Both of them were physically strong but Sefu of course, was naturally stronger, and after a short while Jia Hyson's aggressive stance faltered as he began to reach the limits of his lung capacity. Sensing the weakness, Sefu mercifully slows down but doesn't stop, forcing Jia Hyson to submit meekly in the battle and allow him to domineeringly plunder as he likes.

Jia Hyson was breathless and his lips and tongue were tingling in pleasure as they are forcefully but not violently, ravaged. It was an odd mix of tender yet firm domination that really made him excited. However no matter how nice the kissing was, as a wanton person who has led quite a wanton life, how could he be so easily satisfied after so long in celibacy?

"Nghnn... Mah- ah- shter..." he manages to groan out, making it sound as pleadingly wretched and aroused as possible.

This sort of manner of lewd seduction, it could be said Jia Hyson truly excels at it, and Sefu is more than eager to take the bait and become his victim. Eyes darkening and breath rapidly increasing in excitement, Sefu finally breaks the kiss and grinds his heated groin against Jia Hyson. "Kitten... you, don't push me too much," he warns.

Jia Hyson smiles mischievously, leaning backwards, only supported by his lover's strong arms encircling his waist as he pulls his right arm close to his chest, pulling down the sleeve to reveal the Tiff*ny turquoise dog collar tightened around his wrist like a bulky leather bracelet. Deftly he unfastens the collar from his wrist and gestures for Sefu to help him put it on. "What if I am the one who wants to be pushed ah?"

Bebe: 'That doesn't even make sense.'

It didn't have to make sense apparently. The seductive tone was enough for Sefu to completely snap. In a show of strength that proved that he hadn't been completely wasting away all this time, Sefu lifts Jia Hyson up. Enthusiastically, Jia Hyson tightens his hold around his neck and wraps his legs around Sefu's waist, letting himself obediently be carried to the bedroom while being peppered with kisses and sweet raspy words.

That night the whole apartment was filled with the ambiguous sounds of love.

And the morning after.

And the afternoon after.

And the evening after.

Other tenants: '' We want to complain but we sold our sleep for ten thousand yuan.

Guards: '' As expected of our bosses, they are truly mighty ah.

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