Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 549: Recovery

Chapter 549: Recovery

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"I will take my leave Mr. Stark hope you can patch things up with Ms. Potts" the Nurse said and left the house.

"I hope so as well" Tony said then went into the bathroom to clean himself and follow Pepper.

Tony's driving down the road in car number plate Stark11 when he stops to buy some strawberries.

"How much?" Tony asks the strawberry man

" $6. Six." replied the strawberry man

"I don't have any dough. Here." Tony Takes off his watch

" No, sir, that's too much." the Strawberry man said seeing the watch was rolex

" No, it's fine. Take that. It's fine" Tony said

"No, seor." Strawberry man said

"Take it. Take it. I don't like people handing me things. If you just drop that there, that'd be great." Tony said to which the strawberry man complied

" Are you Iron Man?" asked the Strawberry man after he puts the strawberries in his car.

"Sometimes." Tony said as he starts the engine

Strawberry man says As Tony drives off " We believe in you!"

What Tony didn't know was this whole interaction was watched by Kenichi in his Reaper suit.

"Looks like the senzu beans are good to go, at least now I have a way to save someone I care about" Reaper mumbled as he disappeared from his place


Pepper's office

"It was an illegal seizure of trademark property." Pepper was on her phone with her lawyer

"Miss Potts?" the Personal Assistant called out

"Relax." Tony said

"Mr Stark is here and refuses..." the PA stated when Tony interrupted her.

" I don't. It's fine. I'll just be a second." Tony said

"Listen, it's our position that Stark has and continues to maintain propriety ownership of the Mark I platform." Pepper said on the phone.

" When Mr Stark announced he was indeed Iron Man, he was making a promise to America." News reporter said on the television

" No, the suit belongs to us." Pepper said

"We trusted that he would look out for us.He obviously did not. And now we learn that his secretary" News reporter said

"Yeah, but you're no... BurtYes, it does."

"a woman named Virginia "Pepper" Potts, has been appointed as CEO of Stark Industries. What are her qualifications?" News reporter on the television said

"No." Pepper said

" Miss Potts has done nothing to manage this terrible"

"Mute." Tony commands and the television goes to mute.

" No Burt Burt Burt, listen to me. Don't tell me that we have the best patent lawyers in the country and then not let me pursue this." Pepper said

Tony Looking at boxes and things in the corner. "I'll get this stuff out of here."

"Well, then, tell the President to sign an order. We'll talk about it at the Expo." Pepper said as Tony pulls back a sheet and finds the same model as that that was in the video with his father. "Hammer's giving some presentation tomorrow evening. Will Tony Stark be there?"

Tony Pulling up a chair asked "Will I?"

" No, he will not. Bye." Pepper said

"I would like to be. Got a minute?" Tony asked

"No." Pepper replied

"Come on, you just got off the phone. You're fine. 30 seconds." Tony said

"Twenty-nine Twenty-eight." Pepper starts to countdown the seconds.

"I was just driving over here, and I thought I was coming to basically apologise, but I'm not." Tony said

"You didn't come here to apologise?" Pepper said in disbelief

Tony looked at Pepper and said "Look, that goes without saying, and I'm working on that. But I haven't been entirely upfront with you, and I just want to try to make good. Can I move this? This is crazy. It's like a Ferris wheel, going. I'm trying to get some"

"No Tony you haven't been upfront with me. I don't know what's happening in your life. Since the day you came from Afghanistan you have started to become more closed off. Before that I knew everything about Tony Stark, everything from his bedtime to the number of girls he brings to beds to the number of things he likes to tinker with and now I have to find things about you from people I haven't even met our even heard before moreover I am trying to run a company. Do you have any idea what that entails?" Pepper rants as Tony was scurrying over the subject.

"Yes." Tony said

"People are relying on you to be Iron Man and you've disappeared, and all I'm doing is putting out your fires and taking the heat of it. I am trying to do the job that you were meant to do. Did you bring me strawberries? Did you know that there's only one thing on Earth that I'm allergic to?" Pepper said

"Allergic to strawberries. This is progress Pepper. I knew there was a correlation between you and this." Tony said

"Tony since you are fully healthy do something productive with your time and leave" Pepper said when Mary knocked on the door.

"Ms. Potts you have scheduled meeting in half an hour" Mary said

"Ok, ask Happy to get the car ready, I am coming down" Pepper said to Mary then looked at Tony and said "I need to go and you need to think Tony"

"Ok" Tony said as Pepper leaves. He Piles things up and throws strawberries in the bin. Goes back to the model and looks at it through one eye.

He sees something in it and asks few guards to move the model and place it in his car nd takes it home.


Tony's Lab

"Jarvis, could you kindly Vac-U-Form a digital wire frame? I need a manipulatable projection." Tony said as the model is laid on the table

"1974 Stark Expo model scan complete, sir." JARVIS said

Tony Lifts the blue projection away from the model and asks " How many buildings are there?"

" Am I to include the Belgium waffle stands?" JARVIS asked

"That was rhetorical. Just show me." Tony said and clicked his fingers and the model began to spin and lifts upright. "What does that look like to you Jarvis? Not unlike an atom. In which case the nucleus would be here. Highlight the unisphere. Lose the footpaths. Get rid of them"

"What is it you're trying to achieve, sir?" JARVIS asked

"I'm discovering Correction. I'm rediscovering a new element, I believe. Lose the landscaping, the shrubbery, the trees." Tony said as flicks things away. "Parking lots, exits, entrances. Structure the protons and the neutrons using the pavilions as a framework. Dad." The model now resembles a nucleus and Tony expands it. "Dead for almost 20 years, and still taking me to school." Tony snaps down so the model fits in his hand.

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