Rebirth Of The Mightiest Disciple (Reboot)

Chapter 550: Meeting Miu, Natasha and Shizuha

Chapter 550: Meeting Miu, Natasha and Shizuha

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"What is it you're trying to achieve, sir?" JARVIS asked

"I'm discovering Correction. I'm rediscovering a new element, I believe. Lose the landscaping, the shrubbery, the trees." Tony said as flicks things away. "Parking lots, exits, entrances. Structure the protons and the neutrons using the pavilions as a framework. Dad." The model now resembles a nucleus and Tony expands it. "Dead for almost 20 years, and still taking me to school." Tony snaps down so the model fits in his hand.

"The proposed element should serve as a viable replacement for palladium." JARVIS stated

"Thank Dad."

" Unfortunately, it is impossible to synthesise."

"Get ready for a major remodel, fellas. We're back in hardware mode."


New York, Around the same time Tony discovered the element.

Kenichi and his two masters met Shizuha, Miu and Natasha in a restaurant.

"How are you?" asked Akisame

"Fine mostly irritated by those spies" Shizuha said while looking straight at a man who looked like he was reading a newspaper sitting two tables to their right but all of them knew that he was a spy.

"Tch, They aren't even trying anymore" Kenichi said as he shook his head then asked, "So did you do anything interesting"

"Yes yes we went to Disneyland" Miu said in excitement

"Oh!" Kenichi looked at Natasha who was a little embarrassed by that.

"None of us had been to any Disney Amusement Park so Master decided that we could enjoy a day. The Agents following us were so confused that day that it was amusing " Natasha explained

"Aren't they too close to you?" asked Kensei as he looked around and found two more spies.

"Well it's mostly because we easily ditch them whenever we want and when we are not under their watch and something happens they think it's us" Shizuha explained

The three men stayed silent as they knew it was most likely them but they didn't say anything about it.

"Of course they don't have any proof and they send Hawkeye to ask us about it" Natasha grumbles

"Don't grumble Natasha, I know the two of you have become good friends and when he is with us he does keep an eye on us but at least he did show us around whenever he can" Shizuha added

"Yeah but he has been trying to recruit Natasha to their support secret spy group" Miu added

"They know Natasha's pay so that may be a reason but they didn't offer the two of you?" asked Kenichi

"Only once, but I rejected them sternly making sure that they don't get any ideas about Miu. I could have done the same for Natasha but I think as a Master Class this is something she can decide for herself" Shizuha explained

"And I already gave my answer but they are stubborn" Natasha added

"How are they sure that you won't Spy on them from the inside?" asked Kenichi a little puzzled as he knew how paranoid Nick Fury really is so asking Natasha to join after knowing that she is Ryzanpaku's disciple.

Natasha could only shrug at that and decided to change the subject, "So what about you anything interesting happening?"

"Nothing much just the two masters did one of the most dangerous operations recently"

Shizuha looked at Akisame and Kensei, her eyes full of questions. So the two of them explained the situation to the three Women.

After hearing about the situation they understood how dangerous it was, not only did they kidnapped Tony to perform the surgery but the surgery itself was quite complicated and if anything happened to Tony during the operation than they would have been in a lot of trouble.

"That's was a really dangerous situation but thankfully you guys were successful" Shizuha stated

"Yeah and we even got VIP tickets for tomorrow's Stark Expo we can see all new gadgets tomorrow" Kenichi said as he showed them the VIP tickets.

"Oh! I really wanted to go to the Stark Expo but we couldn't get the tickets and moon didn't wanted to ask the Agents for it" Miu said with her eyes Shining.

"Well it would be interesting to see some of the new inventions." Akisame said as he stroked his moustache.

"So it's decided tomorrow we are going to Stark Expo"


At Stark's Mansion

Tony is smashing walls with sledge hammers, drilling holes in the floor, fiddling with wires, putting together pipes. When Coulson enters.

"Mr Stark, I wanted to inform you that I have been reassigned so someone else will be keeping an eye on you." Coulson stated

"Oh! Where?" asked Tony

"That's classified" Coulson replied

"Well then I hope you and your secret group do good job" Tony said

To which Coulson replied "We always do"

After Coulson left Tony once again got busy building.

"Initialising prismatic accelerator." JARVIS said as Tony turns a wheel on top. "Approaching maximum power." Using a wrench as a lever, the wheel is turned, but not before cutting holes in the wall. Eventually it's concentrated on a triangle which begins to glow blue.

"That was easy." Tony said as he removes the triangle using a pair of pliers.

"Congratulations sir. You have created a new element. Sir, the reactor has accepted the modified core. I will begin running diagnostics." JARVIS said as Tony placed it on the arc reactor.


Ivna also completed making an arc reactor when Justin calls him.

"Hey Ivan. I got Senator Stern here. Thought we'd swing over and look at some of the drone designs."

"The drone is not going to be ready."

"Not ready? What do you mean?"

"I can make presentation, not demonstration." Ivan said

"What the hell is the difference?" asked Justin

"Presentation. No fly. No shoot." Ivan explained

" Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. What can you make them do? I mean, this is a weapons demonstration." Justin said

"I can make salute." Ivan said

"You can make salute? What do you mean "make salute"? What the hell does that mean Ivan? This is not what we agreed to, okay? You promised me suits and then you promised me drones." Justin growled as Ivan remakes his arc reactor whips.

"Hey, man, everything will be okay." Ivan said

"This is not what I wanted."

After Justin returns to Hammer industries he goes straight to Ivan's room with bteo men following behind him.

"Hey, there he is. It's the bird man. Now you like the bird. Is that right? Is that your bird? I'm confused. You said it wasn't, but now it looks like you're the best of pals. You love that bird, don't you? You know what? Take the bird." Justin said as he enters Ivan's room

As man grabs bird "Hey!" shouts Ivan but does nothing else.

"Take his pillows too. Both of them. And his shoes. Take his shoes. I took your stuff. How does that make you feel? Do you feel bad? Good. 'Cause that's how I feel! We had a contract. I saved your life and you give me suits. That was our deal. And you did not deliver. I don't know if you're a genius or a fraud. I don't know what you are. Something really, really great fell into my lap. And if it hadn't, I'd be at your mercy tonight. Now I have a piece of Stark tech that I pimped out myself. And now your overpriced paperweights and gonna look like a backdrop to my demonstration. Do you dig what I'm getting at here?"

"You talk too much." said Ivan in Russian

"I don't know if you know this, but I don't speak Russian! I'm gonna leave now. I'm gonna go to the Expo. Maybe I'll even get laid. You see these guys? They're your babysitters. They are not to be trifled with. When I get back, we're gonna renegotiate the terms of our agreement. And you're gonna make good on our arrangement because if you don't, you're gonna be exactly what you were when I found you, a dead man. You got that? Maybe you can watch me on TV."

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