Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 118: Sneak Attack

Chapter 118: Sneak Attack

When there weren’t giant spiders or corrupted demons running around attacking and killing everything in sight, the cave could actually be quite peaceful.

They had, in their search for an exit, diverged from the tunnels that contained the underground stream which meant the omnipresent sound of running water had disappeared. It had been replaced by the sound of water droplets falling from the hanging stalactites to the cave floor below. There was no wind or creaking of trees like when Jadis had camped out in the forest. Nor were there any sounds of insect life or bats chirping. Jadis wasn’t even sure Oros had bats since she had yet to see one. Everything was quiet as stone.

So quiet, in fact, that it was easily recognizable to Jadis’ tuned ears when she heard Kerr rouse from her bedroll to creep on top of the third of Jadis that was sleeping with Aila and Eir tucked under each of her arms. It was ever more obvious when she heard the sound of the sneaky archer undoing the ties to Dys’ skirt-pants.

“Kerr,” Dys whispered sotto voce without opening her eyes. “This body is trying to sleep, but my other two are still awake and can hear what you’re doing.”

The therion startled, then huffed out an annoyed breath.

“That’s fucking weird. How the hell am I supposed to surprise you if you’re never actually asleep?”

“Not really my problem,” Dys murmured, still reclined on the floor with Aila and Eir cuddled up to her. “So maybe cut it out?”

“Nah,” Kerr said without hesitation. Her hands resumed their work of undoing Dys’ pants.

Dys finally opened her eyes and lifted her head slightly to watch as Kerr deftly undid the leather laces of the pants-skirt clothing she wore. The woman sat on Dys’ thighs, her catlike green eyes focused on her crotch. With her wicked grin showing her sharp teeth and her disheveled gray hair fluffed out around her head and neck, Kerr looked like a wild woman. With nothing but her sleeveless undershirt and boy-shorts style underwear on, Jadis had to revise that estimation of Kerr into an extremely sexy wild woman.

As soon as the ties were loosened, Kerr’s hand snaked inside Dys’ pants and her calloused hand quickly wrapped around the base of Dys’ cock. Or rather, it tried to. Even with as long a set of fingers as Kerr had, they weren’t long enough to reach fully around Dys’ girth. Not even when flaccid.

“Fuck me big stuff,” Kerr breathed out, giving Dys’ member a squeeze. “How in the abyss have you managed to hide this?”

“Carefully. If you keep that up, I won’t be going easy on you,” Dys warned, her violet eyes growing dark with lust.

“That’s kind of the point,” Kerr said with a light giggle. “I want it hard.”

As she practically purred out the last word, Kerr tugged Dys’ member out of her skirt-pants, a difficult feat made only more challenging as her cock began to swell from the light stimulation. There was so much length to withdraw that Kerr had to yank Dys’ pants down a bit just to get enough room to fully pull her package free. When it did finally pop loose into the cool cavern air, Kerr let out an appreciative groan of approval.

“Oh, that’s fucking amazing…” she said, both hands wrapped around Dys’ now fully erect member. Eyes sparkling in the low light, she leaned in close and pressed her nose against Dys’ pale cock, breathing deeply. “And the smell… It’s so sweet! How the ebat do you smell so good?”

“I taste better than I smell,” Dys said, her voice still hushed as she struggled against the impulse to take control. Aila and Eir were still sleeping peacefully, as was Thea from what she could tell. She didn’t want to wake them before they were ready, but neither did she want to stop Kerr now that her lust had been awakened.

“I bet you do,” Kerr growled out with a sly grin, her fangs on display.

She used those wicked-sharp teeth to nip playfully at Dys’ skin, her mouth following a crooked path from near the base where her hands were up to the tip. She used her lips and fangs to tease and excite, no touch lingering for long as she moved erratically but ever upward. When she finally reached the tip of Dys’ throbbing cock where a bead of pearly pre-cum had formed, she shot Dys another playful grin before taking a long, slow lick.

Dys shivered at the sensation. Kerr’s tongue was rough, almost painfully so against her sensitive skin, though it didn’t quite pass that threshold. It was wholly different from her own tongue, or Aila’s for that matter. A unique pleasure-pain that curled Dys’ toes.

“Shit, you weren’t kidding,” Kerr whispered softly against Dys’ cockhead. “Sweet as fruit. Are you going to give me more?”

“If you work for it,” Dys hissed between clenched teeth. Her body tensed as the therion began firmly stroking her shaft with her hands.

Kerr chuckled darkly before running her rough tongue over Dys’ tip again.

“It’s not work if you love it.”

With that, Kerr dove in wholeheartedly. Her lips and tongue danced across Dys’ cock with eager passion, seeking out the most sensitive spots along the crown and just under it. She never stopped moving, her hands and mouth in constant motion as she lavished her member with almost obsessive attention.

It was all Jadis could do to not abandon her posts and rush Kerr from all sides. The way Kerr managed to tease and pleasure her was equal parts maddening and intoxicating. There was no denying, the woman knew her way around a cock.

As it was, Dys just tried to lie still and enjoy the way Kerr moved against her. She couldn’t help the little groans and moans that Kerr was purposefully drawing out of her, but she bit her lip to keep from growing too loud. When their eyes met, the therion grinned mischievously, then made a tight ring with the thumb and forefingers of her two hands, wrapping them around Dys’ shaft. She firmly stroked upward along her spit-slicked member like she was squeezing out the last drop of toothpaste, sucking greedily at the tip as her hands reached the top. Then, just as firmly, she dragged down, pulling the velvet sheath of skin tight against the steel of her meat. The odd technique was strangely effective at making Jadis’ abs tense in pleasure.

When Dys let out another unintentional moan, a voice whispered into her right ear in response.

“I thought we were going to discuss next steps when we all got up?” Aila asked, her warm breath tickling with how closely she whispered.

Jadis nearly jumped out of her skin. She had been so focused on enjoying the delicious sensations that she hadn’t noticed her redheaded companion stirring at all.

That realization did splash a little cold water on the fun. If Jadis as a whole was being distracted by the pleasure, that meant her two selves on guard duty weren’t being as effective as they could and probably should be. There was no way they could go through with a full hour-long ritual in their current location, much less the other, longer one. Not in a place that still had so many potential dangers.

But that didn’t mean she was going to stop Kerr from finishing what she had started.

“Kerr’s impatient,” Dys answered Aila’s question, her thoughts returning to the present.

“And horny,” the therion added, one hand pointing at her own long black horns, her green eyes twinkling with mirth.

That prompted an eyeroll from both Dys and Aila, though Dys couldn’t keep that expression up for more than a second as Kerr practically attacked her cock, licking and sucking and stroking ferociously.

“Stop acting like you aren’t into this and get down here,” Kerr goaded Aila between mouthfuls of cock. “I could use the help tackling this monster and I need a free hand for my pussy anyway.”

 To Jadis’ surprise, Aila only hesitated for a moment before getting onto her knees and joining Kerr. She moved so that she was shoulder to shoulder with Kerr, their bodies lightly touching as Aila took hold of Dys’ shaft with her soft but strong fingers and began stroking in a smooth, familiar way. The difference between their techniques could not be starker as Kerr continued to flit around capriciously as Aila proceeded at a steady, unhurried pace.

True to her word, Kerr’s left hand abandoned its hold on Dys’ rock-hard cock and slipped down to disappear inside her underclothes. A slightly muffled moan escaped her as she continued to suck greedily on Dys’ tip. When Aila’s adorably freckled face leaned down and planted a wet kiss against the side of her shaft just below where Kerr was sucking, Dys’ body jerked in delight. The sight of the two beautiful girls both attending to her needy member was even more of a turn on than the feeling of their mouths against her.

Well, almost.

Tension built inside of Dys as the unexpected oral service continued, the familiar tightness in her lower belly growing as the pleasure grew. The way the two women’s lips were constantly almost touching but never quite was driving Jadis up a wall. She could tell Aila wasn’t doing it on purpose, but the glint in Kerr’s eyes told her the same couldn’t be said for her. As more of her copious precum leaked out from her, the two grew sloppier in the efforts, the wetness coating their faces, their breath growing hotter as they panted heavily.

“Oh, holy gods,” another voice spoke up, this time making all three of them jump.

Thea sat up on her bedroll, her face red as an apple as she stared at the lewd display before her. She didn’t even seem to notice that they had stopped at first, perhaps not realizing she had spoken aloud. When she finally did notice that Kerr and Aila had stopped to stare at her, she looked positively mortified.

“Oh, ah, I’m sorry! Ah, I didn’t mean to interrupt. Um, I’ll just—I’ll give you some privacy,” she said, turning away.

“Fuck privacy,” Kerr growled out in dark, heated tones. “Don’t you want to come over here and take a taste? You’ll be getting acquainted with the big girl here soon enough anyway.”

For having never seen a car, Thea had an absolutely spot on impression of a deer caught in headlights. She just stared in response to Kerr’s offer, not moving from her spot nearby, but no longer looking away either.

Growing impatient, Kerr turned and whispered into Aila’s ear, though she was easily loud enough to be heard in the quiet cave.

“She’ll come around. Let’s get your girlfriend off already.”

Jadis expected Aila to object to that phrase, girlfriend. They hadn’t ever officially made that step, their partnership ostensibly being a business arrangement, at least on the surface. But when Aila didn’t deny the claim and, instead, lovingly kissed the tip of Dys’ cock while humming softly, Jadis’ heart sped up even faster than it had when Aila had joined Kerr in her oral ministrations.

“Yes, let’s,” Aila agreed, her blue eyes locking with Dys’.

That was almost enough to make Dys come right then and there.

It took every ounce of willpower Jadis had to not grab hold of Aila and immediately ravish her in the way she deserved, but she held back. She was starting to question why she was holding back, what with her better judgement not only not in the driver’s seat but actually somewhere in the trunk by then, yet she still held back all the same. Self-denial was only leading to greater levels of pleasure as Jadis restrained herself, her tension growing higher and higher as she neared but never quite reached her peak.

When one more hand reached out to gently stroke Dys’ length from the opposite side of Aila, that was the end. Jadis couldn’t hold back any longer. Adding Thea’s tentative touch was just too much stimulation, both physical and visual.

Dys groaned out a barely coherent warning a moment before her body tensed and her cock hardened to stone-like conditions. In the next moment, her first jet of cum arced high into the air, the pearly fluid splashing against Dys’s stomach and chest, some reaching all the way to her chin.

“Oh fuck,” Kerr moaned, her mouth moving to capture Dys’ tip as the second rope of sticky cum rocketed out of her, the powerful blast filling her mouth in an instant.

She pulled back to swallow the load as strings of cum dribbled from between her lips. Taking her place, Aila wrapped her own mouth around Dys, drinking her sweet seed greedily as her own rapturous moan sent toe-curling vibrations through Dys’ cock.

Kerr laughed breathlessly, her left hand still moving inside her smallclothes as she gasped out a shudder.

“Fucking gods, you’re not just hung like a horse, you cum like one, too.”

Dys couldn’t respond to Kerr’s crude compliment, not while she was busy climaxing with Aila’s lips wrapped around her. She simply let out a strangled grunt as more and more of her seed disappeared down Aila’s insatiable gullet.

“Shit, save some for me,” Kerr purred, pushing Aila off of Dys to catch the final convulsive emissions on her rough tongue.

As the wild woman squeezed out the last few drops with her hands, she looked towards Thea with her mouth open, Nephilim jizz pooling in her open mouth. She smiled around the lewd load sitting on her tongue and spoke to the guard in a half-gargled voice.

“Want a taste?” she asked, making the guard who had drawn closer look away in flushed embarrassment.

Seeing that Thea was either too reserved or too shy to engage in such wanton debauchery, Kerr’s green gaze narrowed to the red-skinned form still nestled in the crook of Dys’ left arm.

“How about you?” she asked the still and silent priestess that Jadis had thought had slept through the whole event.

Not so, it seemed. Jadis had no idea when Eir had woken, but she lay there, curled up against Dys’ side, her dark purple eyes wide as saucers.

 The priestess’ head turned and she briefly looked up at Dys, then back to Kerr who was still sitting with her mouth open and full of cum, her tongue playing erotically with the sticky sweet substance.

“Yes, please,” Eir whispered, sending a jolt of electricity up Jadis’ spines.

Kerr grinned wickedly around her mouthful, then crawled across Dys to lean over the still prone form of Eir to hover a few inches over her face. Opening her lips, she let a little of the creamy load pour like syrup down onto Eir’s waiting extended tongue.

Having received her gift, the priestess held it in her mouth, eyes closed for a few seconds before loudly swallowing.

“Divine,” she crooned, an expression of pure bliss on her face.

Fucking hell. The pure erotic sexiness of these women was going to give Jadis a heart attack.

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