Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 119: Delayed Desire

Chapter 119: Delayed Desire

In that moment, Jadis wanted nothing more than to grab hold of Aila and make love to her until she saw stars. Except, that wasn’t true, because she also wanted nothing more than to rip the clothes from Kerr’s body and fuck her until she couldn’t walk straight for the next week. But she also wanted to hear Thea’s sweetly shy voice stutter out her cries of pleasure as she rode her to her climax at least a dozen times over. And, of course, more than anything she wanted to give Eir a proper introduction to her thick cum. No secondhand taste from Kerr: Eir deserved to drink from the source and feel it fill her as Jadis ravished her for hours on end. In that moment, Jadis had never felt more at odds with herself about what she wanted to do next. Tragically, even with her three bodies to act at the same time, she still wouldn’t be able to do all four of the things she wanted to at once.

She could certainly try though.

Jadis had to rein herself in. If she and the others were going to engage in any actual debauched rituals, they were going to need a better spot to hide in. This alcove worked only because two of her were standing watch at either entrance. For what she truly wanted to do, she needed all three of her selves free to act. Which meant that they needed to move to a more secure location. If they could even find one.

Groaning from frustration rather than pleasure, Dys sat up and gently but firmly extracted herself from the semi-circle of temptresses that had surrounded her.

“Hey, I’m not done yet,” Kerr complained as she was forced to abandon her seat on Dys’ legs.

“No, we’re fucking not,” Dys growled hotly back.

Taking Kerr’s left hand firmly in her own, she sucked her two wet fingers into her mouth, savoring the sweet, musky taste of the slick juice clinging to them. The flavor was different from Aila’s now familiar sweetness, much stronger and intense and entirely intoxicating. Jadis’ eyes never left Kerr’s as she indulged in the small sample of syrup, conveying just how much she wanted to continue the feast.

“But we’ve got to get somewhere we can do this properly,” Dys said as she reluctantly let Kerr’s fingers free from her lips.

That statement transformed Kerr’s lascivious grin into a disappointed frown. Before she could argue, though, Aila stood and began brushing herself off.

“Your other bodies are probably bursting at the seams right now, aren’t they?” Aila asked pointedly, glancing towards where Jay and Syd now stood at the cave entrances. “We need somewhere we can hole up more securely so you don’t have to stand watch, correct?”

Dys nodded, standing up to uncomfortably cram her still hard cock into her now far too constraining skirt-pants.

“Read my mind,” she confirmed. Then, impulsively, she leaned down and kissed Aila tenderly, briefly flicking her tongue against the redhead’s plush lips before pulling back. “I’m sure you can tell what else is on my mind when it comes to you, too.”

Aila looked away, hiding her blush.  Her mouth twitched as she answered, “I can imagine.”

“I can stand watch while you, um, do what it is that needs to be done for the ritual,” Thea interjected, herself now standing.

Jadis couldn’t help but notice the guard’s nipples straining against the fabric of her undershirt, her arousal obvious. As tempting an offer as it was, she couldn’t accept. Thea deserved the same attention as anyone else, her feelings and desires no less important than any of the other girls.

“We can wait until we find somewhere better to camp for the time we need,” Dys shook her head. “Besides, you can’t watch two entrances at once like I can, can you?”

Thea couldn’t argue against the point and, from what Jadis could tell of her thinking, it didn’t seem like she wanted to. As unhappy as Kerr looked to be stopping before things had really gotten started, she too wasn’t putting up any argument and was already reaching for her discarded armor pieces. With Aila doing the same thing, that left only one person Jadis hadn’t confirmed the plan with.

Eir still lay on her hip on the ground, propped up by one arm as she sat up. One hand held fingers to her lips, covering her expression. It didn’t look like she had paid full attention to the discussion and, while it was hard to tell with elven eyes, it looked to Dys like the priestess was staring off into space, lost in thought.

“Are you okay?” Dys asked quietly, getting down on one knee before Eir. “We’re getting ready to move now.”

Eir startled, looking up doe eyed at Dys, then blinked and shook her head. An embarrassed, shy smile grew on her face as she simply looked at Dys for a few seconds longer, then she seemed to remember she’d been spoken to and her mind caught up with the information she’d been given.

“Yes, of course,” Eir assured, moving to stand. “Whatever you think is best, Jadis. I will defer to your judgement in this matter. And I, um,” she hesitated, then looked away and lowered her voice. “I look forward to more. Later.”

Dys couldn’t help but grin at the bashful priestess’ words. Something about the way the woman spoke was both endearingly innocent and, at the same time, breathtakingly seductive. Jadis wasn’t sure how much was intentional if any at all.

With a goal in mind and an extremely potent motivation, the group quickly got their equipment on and their supplies gathered. They paused briefly to eat some of their trail rations but an antsy haste lingered in the air between them. Eyes drifted to parts and places unsuitable for polite company and flushed cheeks were abundant. The tension among the group was as thick as Eir’s thighs and just as tempting.

There was also a musky scent perfuming the air around them, the smell of sex only adding to the enticing impulses Jadis had to struggle to contain. The scent wasn’t wholly her own sweet aroma either. The collective excitement of them all had mixed together to form an almost irresistible pheromone.

“You want a secure location,” Kerr muttered as she secured the straps of her helmet on, “I’ll find you a secure location. By Charos’ meaty ballsack I’ll find you one.”

With her profane oath made, Kerr started out into the murk of the cavern system, leading them onward at a fast clip. Fast enough that Jay was forced to sweep Eir up into her arms so the barefoot elf didn’t have to struggle to keep up.

Eir didn’t look the least bit displeased by that turn of events.

As Kerr led them down a series of tunnels, the group was generally silent. Now that they weren’t sequestered in the relatively safe alcove, the dangers of the caves they had been forced to retreat into were more apparent. As a whole, they stayed on alert, their weapons ready and their combat senses honed. Kerr slowed them down on more than one occasion, her animal-like ears twitching in response to sounds too distant for Jadis to pick up on.

Thea did break the silence at one point to ask a question, though.

“So,” the guard started, her tone evincing a casualness that wasn’t truly there. “When Dys, um, was, uh, doing that with Aila and Kerr. You could feel that, too?”

Jay glanced down at the woman, a smirk on her lips. “I’m pretty sure you were there at the end, too, Thea.”

“Yes, well,” Thea stumbled over her words, then shrugged. “Okay. I was. But that’s beside the point. You could feel when they, er, we touched Dys?”

“I am Dys,” Jay clarified. “And Dys is me. We’re all the same person, Thea. If you touch my arm, I can feel it. I just happen to have three sets of arms instead of one. Along with everything else.”

“That is the strangest skill I’ve ever heard of,” Thea shook her head in disbelieving confusion. “I’ve heard stories of some heroes of past demonic invasions having some unusual skills, but nothing like that.”

“The prerequisites for getting the class were definitely something most people probably wouldn’t stumble across easily,” Jay nodded. “That does remind me, though. I’d like to know more about your classes, if you don’t mind. You don’t have to reveal anything you don’t want to, but I feel like we should probably go over what each of us are capable of. It could make a difference in planning our next steps.”

“That’s, well, that’s not unreasonable,” the brunette said after a moment. “It’s a little personal. But I guess, uh, we’ve gotten somewhat personal already.”

Indeed they had. And they were going to be getting a lot more personal as quickly as possible, if Jadis had anything to say about it. Still, the hesitancy Thea displayed over talking about her class as compared to participating in a sex ritual was interesting. It seemed odd to her that the woman put sexual intimacy on the same level as talking in-depth about her class, maybe even higher on the intimacy scale. It made Jadis rethink some of her interactions with Aila, as well as the offer to discuss her class made by Kerr.

“I will tell you of my class as well,” Eir chimed in from where she was comfortably cradled in Jay’s left arm. “You have been so open with your classes, I think it only fair.”

“Maybe not as open as I could be,” Jay admitted. “But I’ll be just as direct with any of you about my classes now as you all are with me. You now know the parts I’ve been trying to keep secret anyway.”

Conversation was minimal after that. Thea and Eir asked more questions about the nature of her Mirrored Body skill and Jadis answered, but they mostly tried to keep quiet as they continued their trek down the tunnels. It was hard to tell how much time had passed as they went, though at one point they were forced to stop and hide in a small nook while Kerr silenced them from asking questions for long enough that Jadis’ legs started to hurt from crouching for so long.

When Kerr finally let them leave the cramped nook and they had asked what the problem had been, her response had been vaguely disturbing.

“I don’t know what the fuck it was, but I could hear too many mouths for the number of legs.”

They backtracked down the tunnel to an intersection to take a different route after that was revealed.

The search was long and, after the initial heated rush, cautious. Jadis half expected they would find a way out of the caverns before they found a safe space to hole up in but no such luck was had. They did not encounter any more dangerous creatures that would force either a fight or a flight, nor did they come across any more signs of demons. The lack of demon activity was a little more worrying to Jadis than if they had found some indication that demons had been around. If they were so far lost in the depths that the demons who had been overrunning the caverns for months if not longer hadn’t found the places they were treading, just how large was the cave system? How much further could it possibly go?

Eventually, however, Kerr came through. At least, she came through on finding a place where they could hide out without having to worry about anything ambushing them.

Located at one end of one of the larger caverns they had discovered, the short tunnel had an entryway that was around five feet tall and four feet wide and extended a couple of feet before widening out into a much larger, taller cave. The recessed chamber was spacious enough Syd could stand in the middle and swing her ten-foot lance around without striking the walls, and the floor was only slightly uneven. There were a few stalactites and stalagmites around the edges, but nothing that got in the way. Most importantly, there was a large boulder on the inside of the cave near the back. Once everyone was inside, Jadis was able to lift the huge rock between two of her bodies and set it down in front of the exit, blocking any curious beasts or hostile demons from getting in. The boulder didn’t completely block the opening, but it was more than enough to prevent anything larger than a housecat from sneaking in while they were otherwise occupied.

“I think this might have been a nest for some creature in the past,” Aila advised as she picked up the remains of a cave crawler shell from one side of the spacious room. “Though it doesn’t look like anything’s lived here in a while.”

“Who gives a shit?” Kerr exclaimed over the sound of leather armor hitting the floor. “If it’s not about fucking, I don’t want to hear about it right now.”

Heads turned to see Kerr had divested herself not only of her armor, but her underclothes as well. She stood unabashedly in all her glory, her pert breasts and sharply defined abs on display. Below her firm, toned stomach at the V of where her legs met, a small tuft of soft gray hair was in perfect view. Even in the dim green light of the cave moss, wet streaks were visible on her inner thighs, a delicate droplet running down her right leg even as they all watched. The musky, intoxicating scent of passionate heat that had faded over the past few hours of searching was back in full force, filling the chamber with Kerr’s aroma.

With a few quick steps, Kerr rushed forward and leapt up onto Dys, strong legs wrapping around her still armored torso. With deft hands she pulled the helmet from Dys’ head and sent it clattering to the floor. While the others watched in stunned silence, Kerr mashed her lips against Dys in an aggressive, needy kiss, her smaller tongue demanding entrance to Dys’ mouth as she growled out a desperate groan.

“We haven’t even talked about which ritual we’re doing first,” Aila murmured to Syd, just as taken with the display as Jadis was.

“I think we’re going to have to go with the Lover’s Bond for now,” Syd whispered back, setting down her lance as she both enjoyed the sexy show and reveled in the sensations of it. “No way we’re coordinating Lascivious Empowerment right now.”

“Stop talking and start fucking,” Kerr broke the kiss to shout over at Aila and Syd. “Or I swear to the gods I’ll come over there and fuck you both myself!”

Jadis couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the utterly ridiculous threat. Before Kerr could make any more complaint, however, Dys captured the therion’s lips with her own, forcing her much larger tongue practically down her throat to silence her. If Kerr was under the impression that Jadis wasn’t just as worked up as she was, then she was about to be disabused of that notion. Thoroughly.

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