Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 285: Whispered Affection

Chapter 285: Whispered Affection

The next day felt almost like a repeat of the day before. Jadis spent the morning searching for Alex in the forest with the help of Tegwyn, Kerr, Bridget, and Noll. No trace of either the little demonling or Eike was found, much to Jadis’ great disappointment, though they at least did the Dryads the service of clearing out many more wandering demons from the surrounding valley. While they were searching for Alex, they also made sure that there were no signs of any more greater demons or demon matriarchs being in the vicinity of grove. Fortunately the biggest threat they came across was a singular grundwyrm stomping its way through the northern slopes of the valley.

While her weapon and spells weren’t ideal for taking down the stone demon, Jadis made sure that Bridget took point in the fight against the grundwyrm. She wanted her companions who were of a lower level to catch up with her and the rest of her team. As it was, their fighting force was somewhat unbalanced, at least in regard to levels. Their highest-level member, Kerr, was CLR seventy, while their lowest, Bridget, was CLR thirty-four. The orc warrior was literally less than half their archer’s total level. Jadis knew that with the power they had all gained so far and how they were only growing stronger, Fortune’s Favored could well and truly be considered an Elite fighting force. It wasn’t every mercenary company that could take on armies of demons and win. While the future was uncertain, Jadis could easily predict that they would be facing even greater challenges in the weeks and months to come. Thus, Jadis wanted to make sure all of her fighting companions were of an elite status. That started with gaining even more levels and getting everyone to the point where they had unlocked their tertiary class.

Bridget made it one step closer to that goal when she reached level twelve in her Ardent Light class. Not a bad reward for taking on a grundwyrm mostly on her own. Sure, Jadis broke down the demon’s body to a state that Bridget could handle, but still. She let the flame-wielding warrior take the lead.

The extra stat point that Bridget gained from the even level was placed into Strength. She was a frontline warrior, after all, even if she was doing a lot of magic buffing and debuffing.

In the afternoon, Jadis spent more time with Yorath. The elder Dryad was a kind and patient teacher, more than willing to explain things multiple times and from different angles just to make sure Jadis fully understood the concept he was teaching her. Mostly, he showed her various meditation techniques that could help her reflect on her inner thoughts. Not clearing her mind the way she understood was done with Earth techniques but instead focusing it on specific points in order to better know and recognize herself and who she was. To Jadis, it felt a lot like soul searching, in a very literal way. Yorath was essentially helping her recognize where the edges of her own soul lay; to know her inner self as well as she knew her physical self.

Considering her multi-bodied nature, Jadis knew her physical self very well. It would take a long time and a lot of practice to know her mind as well as her bodies.

One of the other things that Yorath taught her were some basics on the local flora and fauna. He was a wealth of information when it came to the plants and beasts of the Great Southern Forest, magical or otherwise. While she was no biologist, Jadis was still fascinated by the descriptions the Dryad gave her of the wildlife. She wouldn’t have minded spending a few weeks just learning all about magic beasts from the knowledgeable elder, if only she had the time.

While Jadis was busy with her own agenda, the others had their own tasks. Aila spent most of her day with captain Willa, making plans for the return trip to Far Felsen, things that were going to be done once they got back to the city, as well as the fate of their prisoners. Eir, once her magic reserves had been refilled, used her healing magic to finish all the healing that Vetregin needed while also healing anyone else who still had lingering injuries. She also learned a great deal about Dryad healing and magical limb prosthetics from Carys. Sabina also learned from Carys and Olwyn about the magic prosthetics since she felt she might be able to replicate them via her own enchantments. The smith and enchanter just generally learned as much as she could about anything remotely weapon, armor, or enchantment-related from the Dryads. Kerr and Bridget both used their afternoon time to train with Noll, to Jadis’ mild surprise. Both of the career mercenaries were eager to learn as much as possible from the living legend and Noll had no objections to teaching what he called “a pack of promising pups.”

Thea… Thea did not train with the others. Instead, she spent much of her time standing watch. Not that she was watching for any danger. She was simply watching, quietly and unobtrusively, as was her wont. Jadis wasn’t surprised. Thea had once revealed that one of her favorite memories was of an encounter she had with a distant Dryad back in her hometown. Just being able to see the beautiful Dryads in their surreal grove had to be a highlight of Thea’s life, Jadis was sure.

At least it made it easy for Jadis to find the quiet guardswoman.

“Hey Thea,” Jay said as she walked up next to the woman. “Doing alright?”

“Yes,” Thea nodded, a small smile on her lips. “I am.”

She was standing on one of the large tree boughs that arched over the open field inside the grove. From there it was easy to see the various animals contentedly grazing, along with one of the Dryads who was tending to the herd. Glancing at the pack, Jadis saw both their own expeditions horses, various goats, deer, elk, and other animals she recognized, as well as a few magic beasts that she didn’t. Her attention wasn’t diverted, though. She had sought Thea out for a reason.

“It’s a shame we can’t stay longer, huh,” Dys sighed as she took up a position opposite to Jay, the two flanking Thea on either side. “This place is so pretty.”

“It is,” Thea said, though it was hard to tell if it was agreement with the first or second statement Dys had made. Perhaps both.

“Nice views all around,” Syd added after she came to a stop behind Thea. “Especially that one down there,” she indicated the Dryad who was currently bent over at the waist while she tending to a small goat. “Stimulating, really.”

Thea snorted in laughter, a blush creeping up her cheeks. She turned and gave Syd an admonishing look but made no objection to the statement. They both knew Thea had spotted the sight just the same as Jadis and was appreciating it just as much, if not more.

They continued to stand there, just watching, in companiable silence for a while. There wasn’t any need for idle conversation. They were comfortable just as they were.

“So, I wanted to talk to you about something,” Jay said eventually. “Something important.”

“Mm?” Thea hummed inquisitively, her eyes still on the meadow below. “Yes?”

“I don’t know if you know this yet since I don’t think anyone told you directly, but I’m involved with Eir now. Romantically.”

From her multiple perspectives, Jadis saw Thea’s body stiffen in response to the statement. As she continued to speak, she paid close attention to the soldier’s reactions.

“Right now, it’s an official relationship between me and Aila, Kerr, and now Eir. It’s… definitely a strange relationship, but I think we’re going to be able to make it work. The important thing is that we care about each other.”

“I love Aila,” Dys announced, continuing Jay’s line of thought. “I love Kerr and I love Eir. I want them to be by my side, always. I still feel like there’s so much more I have to learn about each of them, but I want to spend the rest of my life learning to know them as well as I know myself.”

The tension in Thea’s body was still high, Jadis noticed. Though, it didn’t look exactly like anxiety. Panic, maybe. Or… perhaps something else. Her face was still as stone, but her eyes… There was a desperation there. One that Jadis hoped meant what she thought it did.

“I had been waiting to confront these feelings,” Jay said softly. “But the danger we always seem to find ourselves in taught me how stupid an idea that is. I’d rather make things clear and put everything out in the open.”

Thea’s eyes darted up at Jay, a small hope shining in them, dominated by a fear that made Jadis’ heart ache. The woman’s lower lip briefly trembled, but she said nothing, no doubt not trusting her own words.

 “Thea,” all three of Jadis gently called out as all got down on one knee so that they could be at eye level with the shorter woman. “I love you. I want you to be with me, the same as my other lovers. Now, I know that might not be the kind of relationship you want. Being with me when I’m also with others who I love isn’t for everyone, but I couldn’t not tell you how I feel. If anything ever happened to either of us… I couldn’t stand the thought of never having told you. You don’t have to answer now, but—”

Jadis’ next words were silenced as tears started to fall from the quiet woman’s eyes. She froze, uncertain of what to do next as Thea silently wept. Slowly and deliberately, Thea reached forward and wrapped her arms around Jay’s neck, tucking her head close against her as she continued to cry.

Gingerly, Jay wrapped her arms around Thea and held her, saying nothing more as she let her work through her emotions.

After a while, Jadis heard Thea mumble something against Jay’s chest, the words muffled as she was pressed against her.

“What was that?” Jay asked softly, her hand gently stroking Thea’s brown hair.

“Yes,” Thea sniffed, turning her head just enough to be heard. “Yes.”

“Yes?” Dys asked, a happiness welling up inside of her. “Yes, what?”

“Yes,” Thea repeated, her voice as quiet as ever. “I w—want to be with you. P—please, yes.”

At those words, Dys and Syd both crowded in, hugging Thea from three sides as Jadis’ own emotions got the better of her.

“I love you,” Dys said, whispering into Thea’s ear.

“I love you,” Syd repeated, whispering into her other ear.

Both times, Jadis could feel Thea shudder against her. She liked the way that made her feel, so she kept repeating herself, whispering her love into her little shield maiden’s ears over and over again. Every time she said, “I love you,” Thea would tremble and move against Jay, almost like she was trying to bury herself inside her.

“I l—love you, t—too,” Thea eventually whispered back, having finally found her voice.

That, of course, just sent Jadis into another spiral of whispered “I love you” which meant the two continued to hug each other on top of that tree bough for a long, long time. If anyone noticed, they didn’t interrupt them.

Some time later, after the two had settled down and composed themselves somewhat, they moved to a slightly more private location. Jay sat with her feet dangling over the edge of a more remote tree branch, Thea in her lap, while Dys and Syd sat to either side leaning their heads against Jay’s shoulders. They didn’t speak much; mostly they just watched the grove from their new position. Not that Thea needed to say anything. She practically glowed with happiness. Her hands continually sought to stroke and touch Jadis, almost as though she were reminding herself that she wasn’t dreaming. Jadis was happy to lend her assurance.

“Oh, I guess I should let you know now,” Syd said, a thought popping into her head while she idly ran her fingers up and down Thea’s arm. “Since you’re my girlfriend now.”

Jadis grinned as she felt Thea happily squirm against her at those words.

“Eir asked to have my child.”

Thea’s squirming stopped. Slowly, her head turned to look at Syd, her eyes wide as saucers.

“Just, you know, something we’re discussing right now. So you know.”

“…Okay,” was Thea’s very quiet response.

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