Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 286: Tempting Thoughts

Chapter 286: Tempting Thoughts

There was an awkward kind of nervous excitement in the air that night. Not that there should have been. Jadis and her lovers had performed their ritual tasks many times over the past few weeks, often enough that even the newest of their number should have been fairly well accustomed to the lewd deed that needed to be done. There was always some level of excitement between them: how couldn’t there be? The feeling among them this time, though, was noticeably different, enough so that Jadis couldn’t pretend it wasn’t there.

Nor could Jadis pretend that she didn’t know exactly where those awkward yet excited vibes were coming from.

Eir and Thea both had agreed to be in an official relationship with Jadis in the past two days, on the same level as Aila and Kerr. Since this would be their first time having sex since becoming her girlfriends, it felt as though there was some significance to the act.

Girlfriends. The thought did make Jadis giddy with happiness, though the word didn’t feel anywhere near weighty enough. She felt like there should probably be something stronger to describe their new relationship. Partner felt too clinical and lover was more what Jadis considered anyone who she had sex with to be. The right word just seemed to escape her.

Maybe she should take a page from the System and call them her bonded? Kerr was her bonded lover, that was for certain, and Jadis had no doubt in her mind that no matter what class any of her girls got in the future, they would at least have the option of choosing one that held the title “bonded” in it. Jadis loved them all with the same passion. She knew without a shred of doubt in her heart that they felt the same way.

Of course, thoughts of being “bonded” brought Jadis’ mind to the odd one out in the room.

Sorcha was not a participant in their rituals. Not yet anyway. But it did seem like things were likely heading in that direction. Aila had spent a lot of time discussing the possibility with captain Willa. While the captain was no arbiter of law and justice, she knew the courts well enough and was more than familiar with Vraekae’s judgements being a long-time subordinate to the elf. Sorcha was almost certainly going to be given a bonded sentence for her crimes. Whoever she was assigned to for working off the debt would have to be someone or an organization with a high enough level of power that they could ensure that Sorcha caused no harm to others and did not commit further criminal acts. Fortune’s Favored was more than capable of handling one goblin witch of her level.

While they hadn’t had an “official” discussion on the matter, Jadis and Aila had brought up the possibility with the little green woman. Sorcha had, in no uncertain terms, expressed her interest in working for Fortune’s Favored, though she had also been clear that she would have been more than happy putting her skills as an herbalist to work for an alchemy or enchantment guild. She didn’t think those options were likely, not since she had combat experience and therefore, she would probably be sent to work for the military. But, or so she had said, if she was going to be put in a position of danger once again, she’d rather be working for a mercenary company with some sense to it. Jadis was sure that being in an extremely powerful group who would probably protect the little goblin better than a battalion of soldiers had something to do with it, too.

So, if Sorcha was going to be a conscripted member of the company, she was also probably going to be an eventual participant in the rituals Jadis performed. She’d already unwittingly been involved in the last one just by witnessing the lewd ritual. She was clearly interested, too. Jadis honestly wasn’t all that opposed to the woman anymore, either. She felt like she wanted to get to know her a lot better first before anything physical happened between them, but she didn’t hold any grudge against her for her actions anymore. They had started out as foes, but that was more accident of fate than purposeful maliciousness. For all those reasons, Sorcha was a prime candidate for ritual involvement.

There was, however, the small issue of size differences… If Sorcha did become a member of their growing ritual club, Jadis had no fucking clue how that would work out mechanically. Sex with Eir already seemed to be pushing the limits of what was physically possible with the help of her Anatomical Adaptation skill. There was no way she was going to “fit” inside the goblin. Her dick was literally bigger than her torso.

Regardless, Sorcha wasn’t going to be joining them tonight. She was, like the last time, on the sidelines watching. That still added to the nervous atmosphere since having an “audience” wasn’t normal for their group, plus Sorcha looked more than a bit anxious herself, enough so that Jay quietly suggested to the witch that maybe she wanted to spend the night elsewhere that evening. She was certain that the Dryads would find her a place to sleep that wasn’t with the Roiling Reavers.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Sorcha had responded with an incredulous look. “There is no bloody way I’m missing out on the show. Last time had me gushing like a river! As long as you don’t mind me flicking the green bean in a corner over there, I want to stay. Considering the freaky stuff you and yours are into, I’m guessing you don’t care.”

Jadis supposed she didn’t mind that much after all.

There was one other aspect that was adding to the tension that Jadis could think of. This was also going to be their first time having sex since Eir had asked her to impregnate her. Of course, they had agreed to wait until they could arrange something with the priestess of Lyssandria that Eir knew of, but the thought still lingered. All it would take would be a small adjustment to her active skill. She didn’t even have to make it a certainty. She could always just… turn it off and see if chance favored them.

A tempting thought.

Not that Jadis was going to do that. She already knew exactly how much chance favored her and it was mostly for entertainment value. She didn’t know how long it would be before they could make it to the imperial capital, much less how long it would take to get a hold of that particular priestess. It was still best to play it safe. For now.

There was something else that Jadis wanted from her lovely elf tonight, anyway. For as many times as they had done it with the others, for some reason, Eir had never gone through the ritual to grow her own cock. She was, by preference, usually the recipient of amorous attention. Jadis was more than fine with that arrangement, but she felt like she had gone too long without knowing exactly what her elven lover’s cock was like.

“This feels strange,” Eir murmured as she stared at the massive pale shaft sticking out from between her thighs. “Very strange.”

“I know, I know,” Kerr grinned toothily at the elf. “You’re probably fighting every instinct in you to not just stuff that pretty pussy of yours with that fat cock, but focus. Our sexy girlfriend here wants to play with your package. You aren’t going to disappoint her, are you?”

Jadis rolled her eyes at Kerr’s crude words and lewd antics. The whole little speech was given with her bare ass pointed towards Eir and Syd behind her, her neck craned over her shoulder to stare lustfully at the two of them. When Jadis had made her suggestion, Eir had agreed with only a small amount of nervous trepidation. By contrast, Kerr had immediately jumped at the chance to help with the ritual. Jadis wasn’t surprised.

Kerr’s emphasis on the “our” in “our sexy girlfriend” did make Jadis’ heart flutter in pleasant way.

“I suppose we should start then,” Eir said, biting her lip nervously. “I’m… not sure…”

“Oh, come on,” Kerr cackled as her tail wagged and thumped teasingly against the tip of Syd’s cock. “You know exactly what it’s like from the other end. You have to have some idea of what to do.”

“Just take your time,” Syd murmured into Eir’s pointed ear. “There’s no rush. You can’t do this wrong, I promise.”

Eir was still definitely nervous about the whole thing, which Jadis found irresistibly adorable. The priestess could be so confident during sex sometimes, yet in moments like these her anxious earnestness just made Jadis want to hug and squeeze her. And fuck her. A lot.

Letting her elven lover set the pace, Syd kept her hands firmly on Eir’s hips. Both of them were standing, though with the height difference the only way to make that position work had been to have Eir stand on top of one of the moss beds while Syd stood on the floor with her legs spread wide. Naturally, Kerr also had to stand, which she had no problem doing as she bent over with her shapely rear in prime position for Eir and Syd’s attentions.

The others in the room variously watched the spectacle or focused their attentions on more pressing matters. Matters such as Jadis’ other selves giving them their own lascivious attention. No one was being particularly chaste anymore as the nervous vibes seemed to translate into a stronger lustful reaction.

Jadis’ other selves could handle what was going on elsewhere. Syd’s focus was entirely on Eir’s soft hand as it caressed her cock.

Considering their regular activities, Eir was more than familiar with the shape and feel of Syd’s throbbing member. Her fingers easily found the most sensitive spots to rub, causing Syd’s dick to jump at the attention. The way she moved her hands over her shaft, Jadis got the feeling that in this particular instance, Eir was imagining what it would be like if the cock jutting out from her crotch was actually hers. Whatever the details of her inner thoughts, Jadis knew Eir was enjoying herself. The wetness soaking the part of her shaft sandwiched between Eir’s thighs made that clear.

Having let her fingers run their course all the way to the tip of Syd’s member, Eir finally reached out to Kerr with her left hand. With a gentle reverence that matched the care she gave Syd, Eir stroked the therion’s ass. Kerr’s tail, which had been wagging back and forth in eagerness, stilled at the touch.

Kerr’s eyes met Syd’s for a moment before she winked mischievously.

“Nnhn, finally,” Kerr moaned in an exaggerated manner. “You’re so cruel for making me wait this long, priestess Eir. Can’t you see that I’m dripping with need? Please, fill me with your hot cock before I lose my mind!”

To Jadis’ surprise, Eir’s hand gave Kerr’s butt a firm smack, the meaty sound echoing lewdly. By the way Kerr jumped, it didn’t look like she had been expecting it either.

“Shush now,” Eir said, her tone gentle yet firm. “No more of that. I will start when I’m ready and your pleading won’t change that.”

Kerr looked at Eir with eyebrows raised high.

“Yes, ma’am,” she answered with a note of stunned amusement.

“Good girl,” Eir praised before rubbing the spot on Kerr’s ass she had slapped.

Jadis couldn’t help but look at Eir’s face from the other perspectives that her alternate bodies afforded her. Eir didn’t look the least bit like she was teasing or joking, nor did she seem like she was purposefully being a dom. It was hard to tell, but Jadis wasn’t sure that Eir even realized how commanding she had just been, or what a turn on it was.

There was definitely something there that Jadis was going to have to explore with her lewd priestess. Soon.

After rubbing Kerr’s rear for a bit longer, Eir used that hand to pull Kerr’s cheek to one side, revealing her wet slit. With a growing confidence, she used the hand that was still wrapped around Syd’s cock and rubbed the head up and down against Kerr’s pussy. Syd sighed at the feeling of her wet heat on her cock, having already grown unbearably stiff from all the delays and teasing.

“You are wet, aren’t you,” Eir commented in a soft, commanding tone. Jadis still couldn’t tell if it was on purpose or not. “Maybe even wetter than I feel right now.”

Eir’s statement prompted Jadis to compare. From what she could feel of the two women, they were both pretty evenly matched.

“I suppose there isn’t much sense in delaying any longer,” Eir mused as she slowly pushed Syd’s cockhead against Kerr’s lower lips.

“No there isn’t, ma’am,” Kerr moaned, this time for real as she pushed back against Syd’s cock.

Abruptly, Eir pulled back, her rear pressing against Syd’s crotch. Confused but still letting the elf do as she pleased, Syd pulled away from Kerr’s heat, prompting a soft whimper from the woman.

“I have to ask,” Eir tilted her head to one side as she rubbed her fingers around the base of Kerr’s tail. “Will you so lewdly display yourself for my own true cock once I have it?”

“Fuck yeah I will,” Kerr hissed, her eyes dark with hungry lust. “Ma’am.”

“Good girl,” Eir smiled with a twinkle in her purple eyes.

With no further hesitation, Eir took hold of Kerr’s hips in both hands and pulled her onto Syd’s cock, not stopping until she was rooted to the hilt and Kerr’s ass was pressed up against Eir’s thighs.

“Good girl,” Syd repeated, planting a kiss on the side of Eir’s head as a shiver ran through her both from the feeling, and the way Eir had taken control of the situation.

Eir beamed.

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