Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 337: Mate

Chapter 337: Mate

Kerr’s attempts at getting Alex drunk met with a surprising amount of success. Considering the Demon didn’t need to eat or drink, Jadis had assumed that Alex wouldn’t be susceptible to alcohol, but it turned out that assumption was incorrect. She may not have needed to consume anything to survive, but Alex’s human-like body was still capable of digestion and alcoholic libations could still affect her once imbibed. The vast majority of the drinks that Kerr ordered for the demonette were soundly rejected for “tasting bad” but once Kerr cottoned on to Alex’s interest in sweet-tasting things, she ordered a few varieties of mead and that was the end.

Carrying an inebriated Demon through the streets of Eldingholt was an interesting experience, one made more so by the fact that Jadis felt fairly flushed herself. All of those drinks that Alex had rejected had to be consumed lest they be wasted, after all. Kerr had done most of the heavy lifting in that department, but Jadis had spread a good number of drinks out between her three bodies just to make sure Kerr didn’t end up drinking herself under the table. Again.

Just to make things easier walking back to the temple, Jadis used her Mirrored Body’s Shifting Reflection skill to transfer the effects of the alcohol from her Jay body to her other two selves. She hadn’t been sure that would work, but she was pleasantly surprised to find that inebriation counted as an “injury” for the skill and could be shifted around between her bodies. It was also interesting to experience being drunk from two perspectives while her third self remained sober.

The sun was nearing the horizon by the time Jadis and her companions got back to the temple district. Once inside Lyssandria’s temple, she did her best to avoid getting tangled up with the many priestesses who instantly tried to cater to her in increasingly personal ways. Once she made it back to her suite of rooms, she suffered the incredibly awkward experience of teaching Alex how to use a bathroom. Fortunately, while that pressing need was being addressed by two of her selves, she was able to discuss the information she’d gotten from Noll with her third body.

There was a great deal of back and forth on the implications of what they’d learned, and the discussion was drawn out somewhat by Kerr being far from sober, but the eventual conclusion they all agreed on was to go along with Prince Kestil’s plan for the time being. While the veracity of Noll’s claim that Prince Hraustrekr had massacred imperial citizens just so he could get involved in a foreign war couldn’t be confirmed, Jadis trusted the old merc’s opinion enough to believe that it was possible. Since she didn’t have much else to go on, it seemed like agreeing to Kestil’s request was the safest option she had open to her. She’d already been labeled an enemy by Hraustrekr, so getting on a second prince’s bad side felt like a poor decision. There was always the option of trying to approach the First Prince and talking things out, but considering how he’d acted so far, Jadis didn’t have much interest in being diplomatic with the man. Especially since he was looking more and more like the kind of guy who would sacrifice hundreds or more innocent people to get what he wanted. That kind of thinking just wasn’t compatible with Jadis.

With a decision made, Jadis asked for Eir’s help and together they composed a short letter that was phrased in as polite and as obscure language as possible to let Kestil know that she agreed to his plan. After passing the letter along to a priestess who waited outside of her chamber doors so that it could be sent to the royal palace, Jadis chose to skip dinner and turn in for the night. With all the alcohol in her system and how little rest she’d gotten the night before, she wanted sleep more than anything else.

Since there were extra bedrooms connected to the suite, Sorcha claimed one for her own while Jadis settled the still inebriated Alex in another. She didn’t have to worry about Tegwyn, since he chose to stay in the Villthyrial temple. There were enough beds otherwise available in the suite that everyone could have one to themselves, but that was ultimately not a necessity.

Stripped down naked, Jadis luxuriated in the soft, silken bed sheets. The huge bed was just as soft as it had looked and plenty wide enough that all three of her bodies could stretch out on top of it. That meant, of course, that all of her lovers could join her on the bed as well, which they did without any hesitation.

As Jay wrapped her arms around Aila from behind, becoming an overly large spoon against her back, she buried her nose against the top of her girlfriend’s head and breathed in deep. With no further need to remain sober, Jadis had let the alcohol’s influence spread evenly between her three bodies and was feeling quite mellow as the buzz tingled inside her. With her eyes closed, she simply ran one hand up and down Aila’s bare stomach, not seeking to prompt any kind of sexual response, just enjoying the feel of her lover’s body.

While Jadis herself wasn’t looking to start anything, others in the bed had different ideas.

“You know, we, hm, we need to redo our bond, Jay-Dys,” Kerr said, her speech slightly slurred as she over-pronounced Jadis’ name. “I’ve been very patient and I don’t want to go another night without it.”

Dys opened one eye to gaze up at Kerr. Dys had wound up in the middle of the bed, stretched out with her arms behind her head. Jay was to her right, curled up with Aila in her clutches, while her Syd self was splayed out cattycornered so that one leg was tossed over Dys’ and her head was practically hanging over the edge of the bed. Kerr was standing over top of Dys, one foot on either side of her abdomen, with her fists resting on her hips in a mock-stance of outrage. The pose was obviously not being done seriously, the fact evident since Kerr was completely naked and her gray tail was wagging back and forth behind her.

“I’m not sure I have it in me right now to do a full bonding ritual marathon,” Dys informed her therion lover as she opened her other eye to fully meet her smirking gaze. “I’m really worn out right now, plus I’m kind of drunk.”

Kerr seemed to think about that information for a moment, her face turning skyward in an overly exaggerated way. After a few seconds she dramatically sighed and turned her lecherous gaze back down onto Dys.

“That’s fair, I suppose. But you still have enough cum in you for a few good fucks before bed, right?”

Glancing around, Jadis saw that Kerr wasn’t the only one invested in the answer to the question. Eir was sitting demurely on the edge of the bed, but her purple eyes were locked onto her Syd self with a smoldering passion that Jadis could practically feel. Both Thea and Sabina were sitting further back, wearing nothing but their undershirts, and looked like they were trying to be inconspicuous while sending longing glances towards Jadis’ bodies, particularly the lower halves. Meanwhile, Bridget had laid down on her front, her arms folded on top of Syd’s stomach as her feet slowly kicked in the air behind her. When Syd raised her head to look at her, she smiled a toothy grin and gave her a small wave.

Even Aila, so comfortably curled up in Jay’s embrace, had snaked one hand down to lovingly stroke the base of her cock.

“Always,” Dys answered with absolute certainty.

Without missing a beat, Dys grabbed hold of Kerr’s ankles and pulled her forward, yanking her horned lover so that she lost balance and fell hard on her ass on top of Dys’ belly. Laughing uproariously, Kerr flailed wildly as Dys dragged her up before settling her on top of her face. The laughter soon transformed to moans interspersed with a few giggles as Dys applied her lips and tongue to Kerr’s wet pussy. The taste of her therion mate was something Jadis had longed for and the first long and loving lick she gave Kerr prompted a moan from Syd’s own throat.

Her mate. Yes, that was what Kerr was, Jadis realized as she continued to lavish her lover’s delicious pink slit with attention. Kerr was her mate. Just as Aila and Eir and Thea were hers. Sabina and Bridget were hers, too. Jadis wanted them, and she knew without a doubt they wanted her back. They were her mates, and she wanted them to know it.

“I’m turning off my skill,” Dys said as she briefly pulled her mouth away from Kerr.

“Huh?” was all Kerr could manage in response as she lewdly ground her cunt against Dys’ face.

“I’m turning off my potency restriction,” Dys clarified again as she growled out a moan.

The second time around Kerr caught on. With a grin, she ground down even harder against Dys’ lips as she arched her back.

“Yes…” she hissed, her eyes rolling back in pleasure. “Fuck us all-natural. Pump us full. We want it. I want it! I want your cum in me so fucking bad. I’ll breed you so many pups, you’ll need a hundred wetnurses to feed them all! Fuck!”

 Kerr must have been on a hair trigger, either from the booze, or from the long wait since the last time Jadis had touched her. That, or the talk of breeding was really getting the archer off since she came then and there, her sweet nectar flooding Dys’ tongue.

Dys held Kerr’s hips firmly in place as she squirmed on top of her, not nearly done enjoying her mate’s taste. She kept going long after Kerr had come down from her peak, long enough that she rose to a second peak and shuddered in climax again. As Kerr’s clawed hands dug into Dys’ white hair, Jadis savored the feelings of ecstasy and love flowing around her bodies.

Thea and Sabina had both moved up and taken a stop on either side of Dys’ cock. The two women were stroking, licking, and kissing her shaft, each in their own unique way. Sabina moved fast and firm, her tongue going up and down Dys’ length in long strokes while her hands firmly stroked and squeezed the base. Thea, on the other hands, licked and kissed shyly around the crown of her cock, occasionally swiping her small pink tongue over the tip to gather the precum into her mouth.

Bridget had crawled forward to kiss Syd and their two tongues were engaged in a furious battle. Their hands roamed each other’s bodies, groping and fondling every exposed inch of skin that they could reach. As Syd cupped and squeezed her orc warrior’s heavy breasts, she felt small hands grip her cock and bend it upward so that the tip was pressed against the entrance to Bridget’s hot core. A wet kiss was pressed against the underside of her shaft as her cockhead was used to firmly stroke the lips of Bridget’s pussy, just barely teasing entrance.

Bridget broke away from Syd’s lips with a gasp, followed by a low moan. Sitting up slighting and looking over the orc’s shoulder, she saw that Eir was kneeling between both their legs, her hands stroking Syd’s cock with her face was buried between Bridget’s ass cheeks. She pulled back slightly to look up at Syd with half-lidded eyes, her breath coming ragged and quick. With her red skin and sultry smile, she never looked more like a wicked succubus.

“Take her first,” Eir whispered as she pressed Syd’s cock deeper into Bridget. “Fill her with your seed. I can wait. I know you have more than enough to fill me, too.”

Shifting her gaze from Eir to Bridget, Syd asked her a question with her eyes. Without saying a word, Bridget bit her lip, then nodded, her expression filled with lust and longing.

That was all the permission Jadis needed.

Taking hold of Bridget’s waist, Syd inexorably pulled her orc mate down the length of her cock, not stopping until she was fully hilted inside of her. As she was pulled down, Bridget let out a low, keening moan that rose in pitch until it was practically a scream once she was all the way down. Once she was as deep inside her lover as she could go, Syd rolled forward so that Bridget was on her back. Reaching over to take hold of her displaced elven mate, she set her lewd priestess down on top of Bridget.

“I’ll fuck you both,” Syd huffed as she began thrusting her hips against Bridget. “And we’ll see who gets my seed first.”

Bridget wrapped her arms around Eir’s body, holding the smaller woman in place as Syd rammed her cock into the orc for another few thrusts before pulling out entirely and shoving her slick shaft into Eir’s dripping core. The elf let out a yelp at the sudden fullness, but her yelp quickly transitioned into licentious moans that sent thrills up Syd’s spine.

“How do you want me to fuck you?” Jay whispered into Aila’s ear as her other selves had their ways with her other lovers.

“I’m happy just like this,” Aila sighed contentedly.

Jay’s cock was trapped between Aila’s thighs, her slick heat rubbing across the lower half of her length. They were both still on their sides, facing away from the others as Jay spooned her first girlfriend. Her first lover. Her first mate. Jay grinned at the thought as tweaked Aila’s left nipple with one hand with her other gently rubbed at the nub between her legs.

“I love you,” Jay told her. “I’ll always love you.”

“I’ll always love you, too,” Aila said back as she turned her head to kiss Jay’s arm, that being all she could reach.

Putting her left hand under Aila’s knees, Jay raised her mate’s long legs so they were tucked up against her chest. Shifting her shaft around, Jay slid her cock into Aila’s depths, relishing the warm embrace of lover’s sweet pussy. The position enhanced the tightness, making Aila’s tunnel almost too tight to move. Not that Jay needed to move much. She gently, almost sedately pumped her hips against her lover’s backside, slowly working both of them up towards their peaks.

Long before Jay and Aila neared their climaxes, Kerr had crawled off of Dys and switched places with Thea. With slow, languid movements she lapped at her quiet lover’s pussy, sometimes stopped to suck on her clit, other times shoving her tongue as deep inside of her tunnel as she could go. The whole time Thea stared down at her, eyes locked with Dys’ as she watched her work. Jadis had no doubt she was getting off on the sight as much as she was the sensation, so she made sure to show just how much she was enjoying eating out her cute girlfriend with every lick and moan.

Another hiccupping moan caught Jadis’ attention and it took her a moment to realize that it was coming from Sabina. When Syd glanced over, she saw that Kerr wasn’t just sucking on Dys’ cock; of course she couldn’t do only that. She had enveloped Sabina in her embrace from behind, pressing her breasts against her back as the two women lavished her straining member with their tongues. One hand was working between Sabina’s legs, making the easily excitable smith shudder and groan in pleasure.

The sight was so erotic that Syd couldn’t hold herself back anymore. She felt the ball of tension in her lower belly clench as her orgasm came unexpectedly fast. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was just the fact that she hadn’t been with her lovers in far, far too long. Whatever the reason, her cock swelled as she orgasmed, firing rope after sticky rope of virile seed into in the tight core she happened to be buried in at the moment.

It was Bridget who ended up being the first recipient, and she shuddered in obvious pleasure as Syd’s sudden climax set off her own. Her strong arms squeezed her Eir tightly, causing the priestess to gasp in recognition of the moment. As Syd looked down at the two beautiful women, both so very different in appearance but both so utterly gorgeous, that she almost lost all sense of what she was doing. Fortunately, she managed to retain enough wherewithal to use her long fingers on Eir’s sopping pussy so that she wasn’t left behind. Bridget even slipped a hand down to rub at the priestess’ clit, helping to bring Eir to her own climax a few moments later.

Even under normal circumstances it was hard for Jadis to control her three selves from all climaxing if one of them did. As she was at that moment, she didn’t stand a chance.

Jay’s cock throbbed as she poured her seed into Aila’s core, filling her womb with what felt like a liter of cum. Aila did not orgasm in the same moment, but even as Jay pumped her load deep into her redheaded mate, she made sure to stroke and rub her sex, ensuring that Aila was only moments behind.

Dys’ turgid cock shook as she came, a lewd fountain of pearly white seed painting both Kerr and Sabina. The sticky substance coated their faces, dripping down their hair and across their brows, long strands dangling down onto their heaving chests. As Dys covered them in her cum, Thea leaned back to look over her shoulder at the growing mess of debauchery, the sight triggering her own orgasm as her pussy soaked Dys’ face with her juices.

The group of them took a minute or two to finish their respective orgasms, some having come after others. Eventually they all came down from their collective highs and the room was silent except for the sound of their heavy breathing.

“Ah, you wasted it,” Kerr mewled as she gave Dys’ dick a sloppy kiss on the tip. “That’s okay, there’s always more where that came from.”

“Nothing wasted here,” Bridget heaved a contented smile as she continued to hug Eir tightly against her chest.

“Nothing indeed,” Eir agreed with a beneficent smile as she turned her head to give the orc woman a kiss on the cheek. “I do wonder if that was truly enough to—oh my!”

Eir’s words were cut off by her own exclamation as her gaze flickered to the foot of the bed. Looking up to see what had startled her, Syd locked eyes with three neon blue ones.

Alex knelt on the floor, both sets of hands resting on the edge of the bed as her tentacles slowly waved behind her in a halo of black and blue. Her expression was strange, a mix of attempted emotions that Jadis couldn’t quite interpret. She stayed there, not reaching out, but her whole self intent upon Jadis and her lovers.

Please…” Alex pleaded, the inflection in her tone so strained that it made Jadis’ heart beat faster.

Jadis wasn’t wholly sure what to do. Her mind had already been a bit jumbled from the light buzz of alcohol and the post-climax clarity was not kicking in. A haze of lust had suffused her brain and, in that moment, she only saw a beautiful woman who loved her asking to be loved. She wanted to reach out to her, to invite Alex in. But she wouldn’t do so, not unless the rest of her lovers were in agreement. Her mates were too important to her to not take their feelings into account.

While Jadis was momentarily paralyzed with indecision, Kerr released her hold on Sabina and turned around on her knees to full face Alex. She swayed a bit, her balance somewhat impaired, and a string of Dys’ cum that had gotten onto her right horn dripped down across her face. Her tongue flicked out and took the rope of sweet seed in before she smacked her lips and gave Alex a considering look.

“I guess just a taste to start wouldn’t be all that bad.”

With that mystifying pronouncement, Kerr took hold of Sabina’s chin with one hand and casually licked her from across her nose, from one cheek to the other, scooping up a mouthful of cum and making the half-elf squeak in the process.

Knee walking across the bed, Kerr came to a stop directly in front of the waiting Demon. Alex had gone completely still, not even her many tentacles making a move. With one hand, she mirrored her movements with Sabina and tilted Alex’s head up and back while she brought her own face closer.

At Kerr’s prompting, Alex slowly opened her mouth, her shockingly long blue tongue sliding out. With her gaze focused on the Demon, Kerr opened her mouth and let the cum she had collected slip out, filling Alex’s mouth with Dys’ seed.

Syd had a perfect side view as she watched a shudder travel through Alex’s body. Her eyes closed and her tentacles curled in a sign of pure bliss as she accepted Kerr’s gift and held the sweet seed in her mouth. Once all of it had been transferred, Kerr gently shut the Demon’s mouth with one finger before planting a kiss on Alex’s nose.

“Hope you like it,” Kerr purred in the most erotic way she’d ever spoken.

Alex took a moment to respond, her tongue moving around inside her mouth for a long minute before an audible gulp could be heard. When she answered Kerr, her voice was pitched in a perfect imitation of the archer’s sultry tone.


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