Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 338: POV Demon

Chapter 338: POV Demon

Jadis tasted good.

Alex had known that already. Jadis was one of the earliest tastes she had ever felt. Her sweetness was as known to Alex as her own taste was. But that taste had always been on the wind. When Jadis had sex, her taste would fill the air and Alex would bathe her tentacles in the flavor. What Kerr had given her was more. Much more.

Alex understood why Jadis and the others who worshipped her ate things now. They did so because the strange liquids were crude imitations of Jadis’ seed. They sought more of her taste and could not always have it. They could not always have Jadis so they replaced it with other things to fill the emptiness. Alex understood. Now that she had taken Jadis’ seed within her mouth, she never wanted to be without it again.




There was another flavor mixed with Jadis’ sweetness. The taste was of Kerr, which made sense. Kerr had given her Jadis’ seed from her own mouth, a sign of trust that Alex respected her for. It was not a bad taste. Kerr’s flavor was of trees and snow. But it was not Jadis’ flavor.

Alex wanted to taste Jadis from the source.

Jadis was speaking words. The others were speaking words as well. Alex had not noticed; she had been too focused on the taste of Jadis to pay attention. What were they saying with their strange noises? She wasn’t sure. She was still distracted.

Some of Jadis’ seed was on Kerr’s body. A long, thick strand dripped down the front of Kerr’s chest, across the right-side lump of fat that Alex had learned was called a breast. Though, she wasn’t sure. Sometimes they were tits. Or boobs. Once she had heard Kerr call the breasts on Bridget’s chest “teats” but the worshipper had gotten angry at Kerr, so that could not be the right word. Whatever the right word was, Jadis’ essence was hanging directly in front of Alex, mere inches away.


Kerr had not given Alex that dangling seed. She gave her the seed from her mouth, but not the rest. But that did not mean Alex could not have more. Alex had seen the others use their mouth tentacles on each other many times to take Jadis’ seed into them. That was done freely between them. Since Kerr had given Alex the seed Jadis had given her, did that not mean that she had been invited to take as she liked, just as the others did?


Cautiously, Alex reached out with one of her smaller tentacles, one that grew from her back that was thin and long. With as light a touch as she could manage, she used her tentacle to collect the strand of sweet seed. When she came away from Kerr’s skin, she had the slick and sticky substance wrapped around the tentacle.


For some reason, Alex could feel all the organs inside of her body tighten and squeeze. She had to think what the word was for the feeling. She wasn’t sure, but anticipation seemed like the right sound.

Before Alex could bring the precious Jadis essence to her mouth, Kerr moved with great speed and snapped her lips around the tip of her tentacle. Alex went still as she felt Kerr’s sharp teeth lightly hold her appendage in place as her mouth tentacle circled around the tip. A shiver went through Alex at the feeling, involuntary but pleasant. It was a good touch, one that made Alex long for more. Then Kerr pulled away and Alex was left with the realization that all of Jadis’ seed had been licked clean from her tentacle.


“Not so fast, you sexy Demon lady, you. If you want more of Jadis’ cum, you’ll have to earn it.”

Alex did not understand all of what Kerr had said. She thought she understood the intention. The suggestion in Kerr’s words filled Alex with hope. Her gaze shifted so that she could look at Jadis.

One of Jadis’ bodies was kneeling in the center of the bed, the other parts of her self off to the sides with the rest of her worshippers. Jadis was without any of the useless cloth that often covered her skin. She was beautiful. Perfection. True sweetness that filled Alex with feelings that were stronger than anything the awful Urge could muster.

“Come here,” Jadis beckoned and Alex went forward without thought.

When she stopped before Jadis, mere inches away from the divine, Alex had to struggle not to envelope her in her hold. She knew it would not be right to take the first step. But she did not have to wait long.

“She doesn’t need to earn anything,” Jadis spoke to Kerr, a look on her face that Alex believed meant she was amused. “If anything, Alex deserves a reward.”

Jadis’ face neared Alex and for a moment she did not understand the intention. Then she realized and without hesitation she closed her eyes and leaned into the press of her love’s kiss.

This was not the first. Alex had stolen a kiss from Jadis’ lips while she had slept. Alex knew that was wrong, now. Theft. Permission. Consent. Taking without asking was wrong. No matter how sweet the taste, it was only the brutish and cruel who took without consent. Alex could not bring herself to regret kissing Jadis on that night. But she would not make the same mistake twice.

She was happy she had waited.




Jadis’ kiss was so, so, so much more when it was given. The soft yet firm pressure that tickled Alex’s lips. The warmth that filled her chest and spread out to the tip of every limb. The taste of muted sweetness that promised more was to come. The tingle that grew both in Alex’s head and between her legs.

Jadis’ mouth tentacle—no, the word was tongue—pushed against Alex’ lips. Without thinking Alex opened and accepted her lover’s question, inviting her inside without reservation. The feeling was ecstasy. Alex understood in that moment why Jadis’ worshippers made the strange noises that they made when she touched them. It was as involuntary as her tentacles curling about Jadis’ body in ecstatic bliss. It was electricity. Pure pleasure.


Jadis pulled away from Alex far too soon. Forever would have been too soon. Alex hoped Jadis felt the same way. But still, Jadis pulled away. With gentle firmness she guided Alex so that she lay on her back, her head resting on the pillows by the wall. She hovered over her, placing more kisses on her face and neck, each one leaving behind fire on Alex’s skin.

“I want us to be more,” Jadis said as her teeth nipped along edge of Alex’s jaw. “I know you want more, too. But for now, let’s take this forward one more step tonight, and we’ll see how we all feel in the morning. Okay?”

Jadis had asked Alex a question. Irrelevant. Jadis was finally touching her the way Alex wanted to be touched, finally showing her the love that Alex felt for her. It was perfect. No need for silly words. Just action.

But when Alex did not answer, Jadis pulled away. Her strange yet beautiful eyes looked down at her with expectation.

Alex pulled on Jadis, her tentacles sliding across her pale flesh. She did not have the strength to physically move her. If Jadis did not wish to move, she would not. But Alex wanted Jadis to know that she wanted her. That she wanted to be with her in all the same ways as her other worshippers.


Jadis did not move. She waited. Patiently. Like a Thea. Like a smart Demon. So Alex had to stop and think about the words Jadis had used and what they might mean. She thought she understood, but the noises were always more complicated than they seemed with second, third, and fourth meanings hidden within.


Jadis smiled, her expression pleased. Alex glowed with the knowledge that she had been understood and Jadis was happy with her.

“I want to use my mouth to pleasure you,” Jadis explained, speaking in a soft tone she reserved only for those whom she loved. “Only my mouth. Can we start there? Are you okay with that?”




Jadis would not have sex with her. She wanted to give Alex pleasure, but she would not give Alex her seed.

Alex felt… complicated.

She wanted Jadis to love her. Any way that Jadis chose to do so would be wonderful. But Alex could not trick herself into thinking she did not want more. The others received Jadis’ seed. Her cum. Her essence. Why not Alex?

But Jadis had said One Step. One step implied there would be another. Or there could be another. The second step was in question. That meant Jadis was not certain if she would want to take a second step with Alex. Which meant this was a test.

Alex did not know what the right answer would be to make Jadis love her the way she loved the others. Was there an answer? Was there anything she could do to change who Jadis was and what she chose to do?

That answer Alex knew.

Yes…” Alex spoke her answer to Jadis’ question.

There was nothing Alex could do to change who Jadis was or alter what she would do. Jadis was Jadis. All Alex could do was hope that Jadis would see and understand her. Until then, she would take any fragment or crumb of affection Jadis might offer her.

Jadis gazed down at Alex for a long time after she gave her answer. Long enough that Alex began to think she had said the wrong word and failed whatever test she had been given. Then Jadis leaned forward and kissed Alex again, her touch filled with the tender love Alex had hoped for.

There were no more words. Only Jadis’ lips, her tongue, her hands, and her perfect sweetness. Alex closed her eyes and savored the wonderful sensations of Jadis’ touch running down her body. Every second of contact soothed Alex’s fears and assured her that Jadis did care for her. That she did love her. That she wanted her body the way Alex wanted her body in return.

Then Jadis’ lips found the place between Alex’s legs.


A jolt ran through Alex as she halfway sat up, her eyes open wide to stare down at Jadis’ face half hidden from where she was between her thighs. Alex had thought she knew what pleasure was. She had thought she understood why Jadis did what she did with her worshippers and why they did what they did with her and each other.

Alex had been wrong.

She had known nothing.

Alex realized that Jadis was no longer moving. She was waiting. Her expression was… concerned. She was worried. Worried for Alex. Jadis must have thought that Alex had not liked what Jadis had done to the lips between her legs. That was wrong.

She had to reassure Jadis. She had to let her know how right it had felt. How wonderful. How… everything it had been.

Alex’s large tentacles coiled around Jadis and stroked her body, lovingly caressing her while encouraging her to continue. Using one of her large hands, she stroked Jadis’ head, playing with the hair there in the same way that Jadis played with the tentacles on Alex’s head.

For once, Jadis seemed to understand her intent without any issue.

Alex rolled back, closing her eyes once more in delighted contentment as Jadis pleasured her. The feelings were intense. Greater than anything she had expected. As wonderful as the sensations were, they were also strange and confusing. Alex couldn’t understand why her chest heaved up and down, faster and faster as time passed. Why a tightness grew in her lower body. Why she felt like she should be doing something, anything, everything, and yet felt as though all she could do was bask in the feeling.

Jadis’ tongue slipped up and down the outer portions of her flesh, flicking and teasing at the small bundle of nerves that was located at the apex of Alex’s slit. Every time she touched there the tightness within her grew, and grew, and grew more. Jadis’ tongue would slip inside, tasting the fluid that dripped from within Alex and the small noises she would make let Alex know that Jadis was pleased with what she tasted. That knowledge alone was enough to send Alex into paroxysms of delight.

Then Jadis wrapped her lips around the little nub and sucked on it the way Kerr had sucked on the tip of Alex’s tentacle.

Something inside of Alex broke.

Alex did not know what happened. One moment, she had been laying back on the bed. The next moment, she was wrapped around Jadis. Her arms, her legs, her tentacles; every part of her was embracing Jadis in a tight grip that left almost nothing of her love’s pale flesh exposed. As a hazy sense of relaxation settled over her, Alex realized that the tension that had been building inside of her stomach was gone. With its disappearance, Alex’s muscles felt weak and useless, but in a way that left her satisfied and happy.

Flopping back down onto the bed, Alex let her tentacles slide away from Jadis, all of her strength spent.

Jadis gently kissed her skin, sending shivers through Alex, though she had no more energy to react beyond the involuntary contractions. Pulling herself up Alex’s body so that her face was next to hers, Jadis kissed her one more time before pulling her close so that her head rested against Jadis’ chest.

As she lovingly petted the back of Alex’s head, Jadis spoke two words. They were the best words Jadis had ever spoken.

“Good girl.”

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