Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 132: Revistalisation

Chapter 132: Revistalisation

SKY Ocean Hunter is most at home inside the water main, his body is built for the water he moves majestic and is much faster than Tyr or Styx can keep up. If not for the pressure forcing them up they would probably suffocate to death before reaching the base of the root system. The exit hatch was typed to SKY Ocean Hunter by Styx as soon as he jumped. The exit hatch has to be activated a the right time or they will be shredded by the filters meant to operate the fountains around the surface. SKY Ocean Hunter arrives at the old hatch. It uses a simple lock that needs to open in a series of steps. This prevents accidental opening. 

SKY Ocean Hunter catches Tyr and Styx who is holding on to the gem with his tail making sure they don't end up as sliced and diced by the filters. His hands are just a little too big for the clasps he needs to open while he is fine. Tyr and Styxa are basically a few seconds away from drowning they have already been in the water main for two minutes. At least he can heal them a bit so even when they start to lose life points they can survive. The problem is that events like this are a real problem because of realism. Mental trauma is something one agrees to when one uses the unrestricted system. SKY Ocean Hunter works for almost a minute on the hatch it hasn't been opened in a very long time. 

Woosh! A flood escapes from the pushing the boys out of the water main. The hatch stays open for thirty seconds before some forcefield appears with blue crystals flashing about then it closes. The water quickly drains away taking with years of build-up and filth away. Styx coughs as using the big crystal for support. Smile awkwardly at Tyr who looks a little less than impressed. Styx points at what should just be root. But instead, there is an orb made of seven sheets of metal that are still. Styx hands the crystal to SKY Ocean hunter before moving back behind Tyr. The systems are already coming sensing the power of the crystal. A few minutes earlier...

The Mayor bows his low as one of the Heralds is speaking to him. The Herald had ripped the fabric of spacetime. He cant be seen clearly but his magic power pressure is more than enough to kill a few low-level demons. It says, "WHAT! Are you doing Mardok has fallen the seal is about to reactivated?" 

The mayor is sly and cunning and is definitely not a fool normally he would comply and take the bait but the Herald had raised its voice. Which is odd behaviour that unusual means that this herald must be under some strain the master can be unforgiving especially towards failure. The mayor says carefully, "Cherished we were only following orders. We did as a command by your hand we have spread ourselves to several places of power. " The smile waiting with a devilish smile hidden away. The herald mumbles to himself going over the number in their head. He casts his eyes over to the seal seeing the agents that have brought them to disaster. 

The herald says, in a much more controlled and neutral tone befitting its position, "Indeed we have commanded and you have done well. Our masters is not pleased they have what he needs most go to those land and destroy them leave nothing for the crows." Mayor purposefully pretends to link back as if they are about to get to carry out the orders.

When the mayor says, " We have destroyed the city of Tranesria, are you telling us to abandon this victory and destroy the places of power?" The mayor is covering his butt in the masters' army it is every demon for themselves. He could hear a pounding on the other side of the rift as the Herald does something. A short while later the mayor's nose is bleeding. Still, he waits sometimes when a herald doesn't want to make a decision they attack one of the leaders like this. If the mayor folds he will be responsible for the action of the demon army however if he survives this the herald will have to issue a direct command. 

A tense five minutes pass as the body of the mayor becomes pale from blood loss he manages to wait with shakey legs. Having no other choice the Herald says, " Yes, Chosen your orders are to go forth and destroy the land holding the piece. They must not be allowed to complete the seal. Go forth and bring word that the masters' return is on upon us. 

Shakey and bloody the mayor raises his looking at the rift directly eyes alive with defiance, "By your word, my hands will move." The Mayor smiles and howls loudly the orders to retreat from the ruined city of Tranesria. Being the hateful bastard he is though he makes sure that the obliterators remain behind to leave nothing but dust behind the maggot-like creatures get to work removing even the remains of Tranesria. The mayor and his cohorts move towards the volcano in Red Iron to prepare an eventual push to the seal. The others would have been similarly directed and will build up their forces to destroy their master's enemies and free him.

The crystal in SKY Ocean Hunter thumps with power lightning dances from it as it is placed inside the orb at the base of the tree. The roots of the tree coil around the orb. The ground starts to shake as the tree and orb raise up. Pulses of forcefields like magic power expand outwards from the tree. All across the island lower demons are pushed back by this pulse some fly away those that can't soon find themselves isolated. The pulse seems to bounce off demons so the less they are grouped together the easier it is for them to survive the pulse. The ancestral city which is on the western side of the island appears to come alive in the western cove. SKY Ocean Hunter receives a system notification.

[Mission Cleared!!!]

[Restore power to the ancestral City]

[Mission Reward: tier one town zone]

The system goes through a small clip that shows him the various choices his actions can have on the town. How the development of it is directly linked to his leadership. The system then gives him a choice he can place the Tier One Town Zone anywhere on Red Iron Island. The map has been updated in real-time and he can see the current remains of Red Iron Island.  Since there is no global, regional or even local system announcement means that others have already claimed this price. It just goes to show how behind the curve they are compared to bigger guilds. This is also why most small guilds finds it difficult to grow as the big guilds dominate the server announcements and horde the rewards. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "What do you guys think?" He has to narrow down his choices it would be easiest to place it. On the south side of Red Iron Island where the beaches are nicest and the damage is more inland closer to the central Volcano. Plus most of the guild works out of there but also it is the least defensible and has access to the poorest resources lands as most of the lands of the south side are good for farming plants. Also they soft lands mean they can't build high if necessary and doesn't have a natural port or any kind of special feature. Having a speciality is important to SKY Ocean hunter functional only city tend to be money sinks. The north is worse for the opposite reason it is desolate and filled with mostly mines and it is unpleasant to live there but of course easily defensible. The east is probably the best but it is the smallest of the areas and doesn't offer to a lot of places to expand to and has little water access beyond those damned sea tunnels. All of this will require extensive heavy construction that will have to go into making that side of the have sea access. While an underground part sounds cool it is not practical. The West is the most devastated by the Demons.

The demons have really gone wild on the west. The maps live feed detail a flat land devoid of any nutrients basically where Tranesria use to be is just just a piece of flat empty land. Worse the Village where they arrived from has become a cove. The village has disappeared into the sea. The land here is sectioned and hard to build on. Perhaps the only good thing is that the destruction has revealed a number of red Iron Mines. A valuable material that can be used for a wide variety of needs. 

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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