Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 133: Im not crazy!

Chapter 133: Im not crazy!

Styx looks carefully at the map of Red Iron Island displayed in front of him. He points at a location and says, "Why not build it here, this is a good spot." Tyr and SKY Ocean Hunter look at one another not sure if Styx has lost his mind or not. SKY Ocean Hunter nods at Tyr a sort of signal between them to ask Styx if is actually being serious or not. They can't at all Tyr with a rather questioning expression on his face moves closer to Styx. Bumping into him intentionally and signalling for him to talk to the side. Sometimes Styx can be prideful especially when you ask for his advice. So Tyr is just being extra careful to not embarrass him. Given how close they are one would assume they are comfortable enough with one another but a little consideration goes a long way.

Tyr says, "Bro surely you can't be serious that location is nothing but doom." He leans over Styxs' shoulder speaking directly into his ear. Tyr tries to sound as agreeable as possible even he doesn't like to have his ideas. belittled. Even if it is by people who he considers his family. It probably hurt worse because he trusts them so much. So he trying to take into account how Styx would feel. 

Styx shrugs his shoulder giving the question some serious thought before saying loud enough for SKY Ocean Hunter to hear, " It is perfect look all around the volcano the land is solid and it has to every part of the island. Styx hadn't put a lot of thought into it since it was never his decision to make in the first place. But if there was a place he would build a base. It is in the most central location possible which just happens to be next to a slightly active volcano. It has decent access to most of the island and besides the volcano most of the area is liveable. 

SKY Ocean Hunter, "the location makes sense if we were much stronger the disadvantages of not being coastal could be overcome if we were much stronger. I thought about a completely inland city but no matter how I think we are going to be involved in naval events especially once we travel along the barren sea." SKY Ocean hunter makes it sound like he had a similar to defend Styxs emotions but in reality, Sunken Reef is going to a global and they need a presence in as many areas as possible. It would be daft for an Island-based guild to cut off their first city from the ocean.  Even if it is better for defence. They need access to the sea it is not even debatable. Naval warfare is going to play a pivotal in the near future. 

Styx says, "Alright then you pick a better place the island is a shell of its former self. As long as you don't go east I will have no complaints." In his humble estimation, the eastern side of the island is the worst possible place to build a city. If he could do anything with that area he would turn it into a weapon testing ground and training area for the guild. That is the only thing that makes sense for that barren land only metal grow there and for now, it is easier to get the quantities they need of common metals from looting monsters. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "I wasn't sold on the east either, we have to take the NPCs into consideration too as they will end up making up ninety per cent of the population and the east has nothing substantial for them to do in the east. Getting there will even be a problem since we don't have any routes on the island set up. Of course, we will eventually need a presence on every part of the island. We can't completely ignore it but for now, I think we can rule out the eastern side of the island." All of them agree especially Tyr who has a theoretical understanding of the NPC system in growing cities so it makes a lot based on what is currently on the forums to pass over the eastern island completely.

Tyr says, "Then I don't think we should the south either, it sounds like a trap. Just think about how everything there is easier than everywhere else on the island. We can wheat there but anything like high tier won't grow there it is simply too weak in magic residue and doesn't even have any defensible position. If a big guild attacked us we would have to spend all of our power to defend the city given how easy it will be to invade. We are a combat guild first. One that is planning to challenge the whole solar system. We can't start in such a soft area we would be fattening ourselves up for the enemy." 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Yeah I get those points I also it a bit too vulnerable." 

Styx says, "Primo a little vulnerable its a non-defesenable location. Anybody can attack from the angle worst of all. Please look at this nightmare, if we parked our rafts here and used artificers we could attack without needing to worry about any obstacles in our way. This would be an instant defeat it would be us basting ourselves. We don't need to make it any easier for our enemies." Styx looked at it from a straightforward option of view if we're a lifestyle guild it would make sense since they could be an alliance with a combat guild but for him. If they built on the idyllic south side they would soon be overcome by the bigger guilds.

Tyr says, "Yeah imagine how much work we will put into making it viable only for someone to take it from us. Like you said if we were much stronger we could make it happen also. Heck if we build in the south, all the leaders will have to be stationed there permanently in case of an attack. It would limit our ability to spread our power. Just imagine not being able to explore until we are at least a fourth tier who rushed an airfield." 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "Does any of us think the north is any an option for us?" SKY Ocean Hunter can feel where this going but it's so battered they would be rebuilding have the time which is very costly. Tyr and Styx take look at the live feed map analysing the location of where a city could be and how they would do it. Both of them quickly come to the same conclusions as SKY Ocean hunter it is not bad but nor is it good they would be putting themselves in a difficult situation for no reason. After all, defence is not their only consideration. Trade will be poor and difficult o establish thanks to the rough seas. The more they go over it the more complication they find the mines are small and far apart. Eventually, they are all starring at the western waste eyeing it carefully. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "if we do this it will take considerable effort." 

Tyr says, "It's not impossible if anything it's like a self-testing ground everything will fail if we are not careful. look at these three pieces of land each could e something in future or we could leave empty. How we choose will determine how well we survive." 

Styx says, "Si it is really up to use, look here this is a perfect location to expand. It is basically open flat land it could hold something we deem really important." 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "We have to be careful as the city location is limited. If I take all we discussed we would build it on the cove so that we can do all we want and remain safe."

Styx says, "on top of the cove it's not very high but a natural harbour is a great bonus here for us, our rafts can survive the heavy waves.  Plus if it's on top We could have a fort up there for even more defence the high ground overlooking the harbour will be a nightmare to invade. Also, the ancestral city or rather its ruins are here."

Tyr says, "yeah and if we all saw that thing underground it could be a dungeon depending on the rank we could have an amazing advantage." They hadn't had time to look at the area Mardok had taken them but that underground screams all the hallmarks of a hidden dungeon. 

SKY Ocean Hunter says, "I think we have it set then. The location is going to be on the western side of the island. Now we just have to log out and convince the ladies about our decision. Plus it is almost the end of the day anyways let's hurry and surprise the girls with a nice meal."

Styx says, "I'm making Paella so pick a nice vine and we can try over dinner."

Tyr says, "yeah as long as my sister sits next to me I'm still dealing with the Ninth and Tatiana."

Styx says, "Yeah right Hermano more like they are dealing with you."

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