Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 134: Western Waste Town!

Chapter 134: Western Waste Town!

SKY Ocean Hunter hears the intro chime to Odyessy as his Risha is loaded into the virtual environment of Odyessy. SKY Ocean hunter has been much happier here than in the real world. Where he has to to take a back seat to Tyr. No matter what anybody says he knows that the dynamic a lot of their early success is basically because Tyr didn't even if eh including them. The formation of the company was his idea and he and his sister are the majority shareholders. SKY Ocean Hunter and Lux were arguing about how much power he had. If he wanted to take control there is little they could unless everyone else in the company was behind SKY Ocean Hunter. He mashes his crocodile producing a strange distinctly Naga sound. Most people always say that the game loads too quickly but he has found that if he wants he can spend about thirty minutes in deep dive under the crushing pressure of water like a proper Naga. It is how he gathers himself and for the most Tyr and Styx seem to be able to do something similar. This is one thing they don't share unlike their shared vision of the Monarch of Magic. She has figured out a way to torment with a login curse. It isn't a magic spell exactly more a curse of the spirit of the person. On the forum, while details are paucity the cost is astronomically high. Too high for any competitive player but she did it and so for the past week whenever they log in. 

"She comes..." The words are dragged by the wind deep into his sea-sack disturbing his salt content and making him feel a bit dry. At least she basically paying through her jaws for these minor nuances. SKY Ocean hunter adorns into himself take a deep reef filled breath. Tyr and Styx are going to come a little later so he has enough to work with the system. First, though he has to collect his individual mission rewards. He brings up his interface he had gotten the same notification the rest of the boys did. The mission is clear for restoring the ancient city. In his inventory side bag where unclaimed items are kept sits one golden scroll. It is an automatic build order. While not unheard of it is exceptionally rare. The reason being it is a system built building meant for a specific purpose. More noteworthy than was it is a Frist Realm Lost tech building. He puts into his first Ten inventory slots next to his Reservoir of life. The first ten slots are unlootable on death, have a zero drop rate and cannot be pickpocketed, wrapped transdimensional or even fiddled with via the fate stranding meaning it is an individual's most secure storage. Thought it is only for personal items and of course certain items cannot be put there like Living Star Shard. 

SKY Ocean Hunter brings up the map interface for his other reward the ability to settle in a new town. SKY Ocean Hunter spends time going over each area again. The map has a lot of information about the various animal, monsters, arable land, strategic resource location and even weather patterns. The West is still his best option SKY Ocean Hunter though does change its position a little bit. While Styx is right about having it on the cove, SKY Ocean Hunter know it better to have it in the cove. They will still be under the protection of the Fort when they build one. However, the immediate access to the ocean will allow them to ship resources straight to the doorstep which is more important to get on their feet. 



SKY Ocean Hunter selects yes, a chime goes off. Firecrackers go off as blue translucent lines start building a small coastal town. Another more impressive series of trumpets start to go off. A large banner appears in front of four players. Each of them is a guild in the region. Frost Empires' Oddwinson is sitting on top of a demon he just killed. After pulling another all-nighter, He looks at the display in front of him. Crippling Deserts' King Cobra who is sitting in front of the butt naked rushes after receiving a new alert and a rather strange player who runs a guild with only ten members receives the same notification. Artur smiles not even reading the challenge before agreeing supremely confident in his ability. 

[Pikon Development Challenge]

Info: Four of the Prime SHifting Islands of the region:[PIKON] have been settled by player-owned guilds. The region can only have one supreme power. 

Descriptions: The Silver Grass Island, Blue Crystal Island, Yellow Mineral Island, Red Iron Island, Purple Orichirum Island, Black Diamond Island and White sand Island.   

Participents:  Dargavs -[GL] - Artur, Frost Empire -[GL]- Thaw,  Dargavs - [GL] - Ultrafox, Sunken Reef -[GL] - SKY Ocean Hunter, Vacant - , Vacant. 

Victory Conditions: ?????, conquest, Supremacy. 

[Demon Invasion detected rewards +5]

[Rewards: Dependent on the score.]

SKY Ocean hunter was the second to accept because he is on chicken. HE is put second on the list the other participants take about thirty minutes. The rankings start with

1. Ultra Fox

2. SKY Ocean Hunter 

3. King Cobra 

4. Artur 

SKY Ocean Hunter has familiarized himself with the challenge in order rot win the prize. His guild must develop his island the most by any means necessary. This is something that will definitely cause tension according to the reward system. They are promised at least an eighth tier reward which is just under legendary. No matter what any organisation would be crazy about it. The guilds leaders are soon meeting with their respective councils to go over the detail of the challenge and how they can come out on top. 

SKY Ocean Hunter still has something he types several options in before erasing them. Who would think naming a town would be so difficult for him to name. They all had been so concerned that nobody really thought of a name. He was going to out into guild chat but decided against it. He needs to use the town to set a tone for the future. He likes literation so the town name will definitely have Reef and another 'R' word in it. He goes through the names Rough Reef, Rapid Reef, Royal Reef, Raging Reef and Reaching Reef. they just didn't feel right he got a small bounce when he thought of Royal Reef but then thought about they are opposite of Royalty as one of the most inclusive guilds be it race, sex, income, location, it doesn't matter to them as long as you are committed to your chapter and the guild. He rakes his brain rapidly typing names he wants the one that sticks to him then he will just press enter and get it over with. He does the typing and erasing and soon settles on something he likes but he can't press enter.

SKY Ocean Hunter bites the bullet he doesn't want something Revenge he wants to hope Risen sounds like they have already made it. Rapid just sound stupid he just goes back to the one who thinks will change it to be more aspirational. 

[Congratulation on founding your first town!]

[The ancestral seal has been moved to your new capitol]

[Sunken Reef headquarter is now set!]

[Red Iron Island Territory Development Building awarded]

[Western are settled!]

[Reward Red Iron Island production blue prints]

[Welcome To Rising Reef!] 

The guild receives the notification and a permanent spell called "Return Home." which allows them to teleport directly to Rising Reef town. The portal is situated on top of the cave so when people come they get to overlook the city. The stunning view is beautiful overlooking the newly built town while there are only a few wooden buildings the members all know that they now have a greater purpose than before especially the production classes. With land to call their own, they can really kick the donkey in the arse and level up quickly. SKY Ocean Hunter takes a while to enjoy what he has built for his friends. The town was designed in the first realm style, which is heavily influenced by what he thinks is probably old Nubia. The fact that the library and main guild building and all feature a vault entrance which is quite imposing and on the sand. Tyr would like it because it is old while Styx would like it due to its material composition. 

The others will be drawn by the patterns and scaling SKY Ocean Hunter himself is looking over the golden scroll in his inventory he knows exactly what he wants to build to make this town of his great. It will shift the balance of power in their favour and they can start imposing their wills on others. Again SKY Ocean Hunter does something amazing adding a new structure further out on the lift wing of Rising Reef Town. The building will take one week to complete given its large size. 

  1. hint hint wink wink

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