Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 10: Healing Someone Again

Chapter 10: Healing Someone Again

The person who used the Chain Prison was Liu Yang, but Xillia Wolf controlled it. This spell creates a chain made of mana and holds the target, and can be pulled to the user.

After kidnapping the young master, Liu Yang fled to a distant place with the guidance of Xillia Wolf, he reached a small hill, making a cave toward the basement, while digging Liu Yang asked Xillia Wolf to close the entrance with magic, but leaving a small area for the air intake, making a path up to 15 meters below the ground, creating an area of 3 square meters, with a stone bed on the side and a space to create a fire, the place was being illuminated by a crystal that radiated light called the Stone of Light that was taken by Xillia Wolf, this stone has the power to absorb the light of the Sun, to save and to send back.

Placing the young master on the stone bed, Liu Yang saw that his body was sweaty and burning with fever, beginning to take off his armor and clothes quickly, Liu Yang saw that after removing his shirt, he saw that the young master wore a kind of band that covered the chest area, looking at the young master who was breathing heavily, without hesitation Liu Yang removed all the young master's garments.

But the supposed young master who was to be a man, after standing naked, what appeared in front of Liu Yang was, a body of white skin, medium breasts with two pink tips, seductive curves, large but flexible buttocks that were seen was of a woman of 25-30 years, however the face was the man, this situation was very strange.

"Xillia, could you remove this magic of disguise?"

Using Phantom Vision, Liu Yang was able to see that it was a covert spell, but he could not remove it.

"You rascal, you knew you were a girl all the time, but still you took off your clothes!"

Xillia Wolf could have been complaining, but still removed the spell of disguise, what appeared in Liu Yang's vision was a refined and pure face, black hair, long sharp ears, thin eyebrows, thin nose, medium and fleshy lips; there was a necklace made of gold with a blue jewel on her neck, that added to her beauty. Combined with her body, it was a real beauty.

After a few seconds stunned by the sight in front of him, Liu Yang took a cloth and began to dry the body of the supposed young master, passing in each part of the body while contemplating the vision.

"Perverted rascal, that was his goal in the end! You just wanted to look at her and take advantage."

Liu Yang heard Xillia Wolf's voice in her mind that there was a tone of contempt.

"You're misunderstanding my intentions, I'm just trying to take care of her, she's got a lot of fever right now and there's some weird power in her body that's slowly destroying her. Also, I'm doing her a favor, it would be stupid of me not to take a small advantage of it."

Despite still disregarding Liu Yang's attitude, Xillia Wolf kept quiet and watched Liu Yang try to deal with the young lady.

Using the Phantom Vision Liu Yang was able to see the statistics of the young woman.

Name: Unknown

Race: Half Human - Half Fairy

Level: 47

Class 1: Guardian - First Order - Early

Continuing Magic: Life Eater - Consumes life energy slowly.

HP: 696

MP: 1348

Power: 34

Hunger: 100


Strength: 49

Agility: 99

Vitality: 48 + 10

Dexterity: 97

Intelligence: 146

Physical Attack: 49

Magic Attack: 146

Physical Defense: 70 + 20 + 9

Magic Defense: 131


Protection Necklace - A necklace made of rare metals that can help the user protect themselves from damage.

Rank 2 Necklace

Vitality +10, Physical Defense +20

Effect: Creates a shield around the user, protecting him against abilities and spells up to Rank 2

Weight: 50 grams


Rank 2 - Innate Talent: Self-Healing Accelerated (Passive) (Level 1) - Increases user's ability to recover by 1% of on daylight and 2% per night.

General Skills

Rank 0 - Sword Skill (Passive) (Level 2) - Improves the use of one-handed swords by the user.

Rank 0 - Fireball (Level 3) - Create a fireball to attack the target, the number of fireballs increase according to skill level. Cost: 30 MP.

Rank 0 - Ice Spear (Level 3) - Creates an ice spear to attack the target, the number of ice spears increases by skill level. Cost: 30 MP.

Rank 1 - Enchant Blade (Level 1) - Enchant the weapon, making it sturdier or sharper. Cost: 20MP.

Class Skill

Rank 0 - Resistance (Passive) (Level 1): Make the user's bones and muscles more resilient. + 10% Physical Defense.

Rank 1 - Recovery (Passive) (Level Max): Increases the healing ability of the user's injuries. + 10% Recovery.

Rank 1 - Steel Body (Passive) (Level 1): Increases the maximum HP by 200.

Rank 0 - Level Max: Converts the MP by HP. 10% MP to 5% HP.

Rank 0 - Invasive (Level 1): Increases the running speed and advances in a straight direction. Cost: 10 MP.

After looking at the statistics and realizing that there was a negative effect that was devouring the young woman's life, Liu Yang began to do the treatment. With the Purify to remove any kind of negative effect and the Heal to heal the wounds on the body. Finishing the first step, Liu Yang continued to closely observe every part of the young lady's body, seeing that there was a kind of special magic in her heart that was consuming her vital energy.

Lifting her body and leaning on his body, using one hand to place on his back where the heart was, his other hand was on his chest. Liu Yang began using the Controlled Purifying in an attempt to slowly remove and isolate the magic that was stuck in the heart.

Liu Yang asked Xillia Wolf to heal any injuries that were caused to the young woman during the operation.


The moment Liu Yang moved his hands in an orderly manner, the girl gave a little seductive groan in Liu Yang's ear. Liu Yang was stunned on the spot but was soon awakened by a shout from Xillia Wolf.

"Wake up, your perverted rascal!" Stop dreaming in the middle of the operation."

Forgetting the embarrassing situation of before, Liu Yang continued with the operation, even if the girl occasionally let out a few moans.

After two hours of concentration and care, Liu Yang finally completed the operation, his body was all sweaty and his face was all flushed.

"Finally it's over"

Liu Yang falls backward and the girl falls on him. A ball of light leaves the body of Liu Yang and turns into beautiful Xillia Wolf, who was wearing a thin blue dress that improved her curves. She reached out and touched the girl's face.

"You look very much like your mother during her youth."

Looking at the young woman with a gentle look, Xillia Wolf spoke those words with a nostalgic tone.

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