Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 9: Kidnapping

Chapter 9: Kidnapping

In the night with dark clouds in the sky with heavy rain falling, strong winds banging between the trees and making the ground muddy, a seven-foot shadow and all wet was racing in the rain, the light of thunder lit up the sky revealing that it was Liu Yang, he was running for about four months after finishing the first month of training.

Running until his hunger level reaches a single digit, stopping only to eat and sleep, in the meantime, Xillia Wolf taught Liu Yang a technique that increased running speed, but at the same time consumed more stamina and mana, the name of this ability was Steps of the Wind.

Steps of the Wind: Using the power of the winds to run without there being any air resistance in the body. Active / Off - Cost: 1 MP per second.

Whenever Liu Yang was about to fall, Xillia Wolf sent a small amount of energy to keep him, so Liu Yang always kept running without being able to fully understand why.

After two months of running, Liu Yang began to get annoyed, not only because he was within 10,000 kilometers of some civilization and that the only thing he could see was just a tree and more tree, but also because his plan to lure people to the gate did not work very well.

When it started to rain, Liu Yang decided to rest and wait for the rain to end, but Xillia Wolf ordered him to continue, because running on the wet ground, Liu Yang would train his balance.

While he was running, Liu Yang suddenly listens to Xillia Wolf's voice in his mind.

"Stop! There are people fighting 2 miles ahead of us. Get up to 150 meters and hide. "

Listening to Xillia Wolf's words, Liu Yang begins to run toward the scene of the battle. Arriving at the indicated place, Liu Yang using Phantom Vision, he can see without problem, as if there was no rain, looking towards the battle, and seeing a group of about 100 people divided into two groups, not counting the bodies on the ground , 60 in the attacking group and 40 in the defender, among the people in both groups, Liu Yang saw beings that were only seen in fantasy books.

But soon he could see what races they belonged, red skin and horn were dragons, white skin and long, sharp ears were fairies, a normal body as of a normal person were humans and demons were blue skin; and there were no abysses in the group, because that race prefers to stay at sea.

"Protect the young master! Formation!"

The man who screamed was a human man, six feet tall and strong, with a beard on his face, looked 30-35 years old, dressed in a set of heavy iron armor while holding a heavy sword 2.5m long and 30cm width.

Hearing the orders of his leader, the group began to circle a young man in light armor made of iron and held a curved dagger and a bow in his back. Each soldier began casting spells and abilities, it seemed like a beautiful light show.

"Attack! Kill them all and we will be rewarded! "

"Whoa ...!"

The person who screamed was a 2m tall demon, wearing only cloth clothes in the heavy rain, his clothes sticking out in his muscular body, holding a giant six-foot-long ax as he charged toward the circle of people. Hearing the order, the soldiers behind the demon began casting skills and spells on the circle of people.

As the battle unfolded, Liu Yang stood in the corner of the forest watching silently. But he was surprised when Xillia Wolf asked to save the group that was under attack.

"Save the group being attacked."

Without asking why Liu Yang just asked Xillia Wolf for the bow and arrows that he had created in these months of racing, she had saved some items created by Liu Yang whenever it turned into the tattoo. Hearing the request, an arch made of wood and some animal's bow; and a quiver that had 20 sharp wooden arrows appear in Liu Yang's hand. Holding the bow and placing the arrow.

"Enchant Blade."

Enchant Blade was one of the skills Liu Yang learned from Xillia Wolf, used to reinforce or sharpen the weapon. There was a small glow in the bow and arrow.


Leaving the bow, the arrow shot out at a great speed. Without waiting for the arrow to hit the target, Liu Yang continued firing dozens of times in a row.

On the battlefield, the fight was getting bloody, bodies falling, blood spreading everywhere and mingling with rainwater. One of the attacking soldiers had a severed arm and sprayed blood in the air as he tried to attack his opponent. Another was cut in half by the giant ax by the demon leader. Due to the numbers, the defending side was losing little by little despite the solid defense.

Looking at the precarious situation, the human leader was thinking about how to keep his young master safe, even if he had to sacrifice part of soldiers. Lost in thoughts for a second was a fatal mistake, the human leader realized that he had made such a mistake on the battlefield and saw that a huge ax was heading toward his head but when he was about to hit.

An arrow struck the demon leader's hand and pierced it, making him scream in pain. In the next instant, several arrows began to fall on the attackers, causing them to scream in agony.

"Who dares disturb us ?! We are from the Mercenary Group of the Black Mountains of the Seventh World! "

Who shouted was the demon leader hoping that being in the dark would know who he was dealing with and stop. Due to the silence of the other party, the demon leader thought that after hearing its origin, the sneak attacker would be scared, but what he did not know was that Liu Yang was using the Phantom Vision to find hidden enemies and weaknesses in the group of the demon leader.

Finishing to look at the demon leader's group and turning to look at the human leader, at that moment Liu Yang saw something interesting.

The human leader saw that the supposed mysterious helper stopped attacking, he started to get nervous, because his only hope was in this being, so he decided to bet everything on that move.

"Mysterious person, who is in the forest hidden, I ask for help in dealing with these enemies, our young master will reward them very well."

The demon leader saw that his enemy made a clever move attracting greed while himself made a threat, seeing that the situation could be difficult. The demon leader also decided to incite greed but also thought that after finishing the job, they would kill him because of the surprise attack.

"Mysterious person, if you help us we'll ...!"

Before he could finish speaking, an arrow struck his neck and pierced deeply. This arrow surprised him, but he could not speak another word before falling to the ground with his eyes open.

Moments later several arrows began to fall on the attackers, killing them one by one, an arrow fell among the defenders and stopped in mid-air, but seconds later a figure of black clothing began to appear and fell to the ground.

Even with the innate talent of the Divine Hands, Liu Yang's aim was terrible, he could not reach any vital points of his opponents, it was Xillia Wolf who was controlling the trajectories of the arrows.

"Sneak attack, watch out! Protect the Young Master!

Seeing that there were enemies hidden in the shadows, the defending group became more alert than ever. The attacking side lost its leader, and seeing that the situation was not good, they began to retreat into the darkness.

The human leader saw that the battle was finally over, began to give orders to regroup and look for a safe place to camp. Bowing to the side from where the arrows came and talking.

"Thank you mysterious person, today's favor will be rewarded a ..."

Before he could finish speaking, a chain was fired from the forest and toward a young man of about six feet, he had a sword at his waist and a shield on his back. With the chain catching the young man and then quickly dragging him into the forest without a trace. Looking at the stunning situation, the human leader gives a cry of sadness.

"Young master!"

It seems that the "young master" the group was protecting was fake, the real one was hidden among the soldiers, the plan was perfect, but they found Liu Yang and Xillia Wolf who could see through the plan.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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