Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 42: Heavy Injury

Chapter 42: Heavy Injury

These Soldiers Trees that appeared, were made entirely of wood, the humanoids had forms of human, but they looked like wooden dolls that were used in training, on the head looked like people who were killed by the Leech Tree, the five fingers of the hands and feet were sharp stakes. The bestial forms looked like three types of animals, there were a total of two tigers, two wolves and a bird.

Moments after the Leech Tree releases the fruit, it begins to wither to the point of death. Looking at this scene, Li Qing's group was surprised. Without waiting to analyze the information of the Soldier Trees, Mo Zun sends the information to the others.

Name: Soldier Tree - Humanoid Form

Level: 100

HP: 50,000

MP: 20,000

Stamina: Infinite

Hunger: 0


Power: 1000

Agility: 500

Vitality: 300

Dexterity: 250

Intelligence: 100

Physical Attack: 1500

Magic Attack: 500

Physical Defense: 2000

Magic Defense: 800


Wood Power (Passive) (Level Max) - While standing near plants, it can absorb the power of the wood element to heal. Heals 1% HP Maximum every 5 seconds.

Auto - Recovery (Passive) (Level Max) - Automatically recovers 0.5% of the Maximum HP every 5 seconds.

Root (Active) (Level Max) - Uses the power of the wood to make the plants grow and hold the target in place. Cost: 300 MP.

Contaminating with Seeds (Passive) (Level Max) - Whenever you suffer a cut that crosses the skin, seeds are planted in the wound, it absorb the blood, causing 300 damage per second.

Camouflage (Passive) (Level Max) - Has the power to blend into the environment of forests or dense vegetation.

Name: Soldier Tree - Bestial Form

Level: 100

HP: 40,000

MP: 10,000

Stamina: Infinite

Hunger: 0


Power: 500

Agility: 1000

Vitality: 300

Dexterity: 400

Intelligence: 100

Physical Attack: 600

Magic Attack: 300

Physical Defense: 500

Magic Defense: 200


Wood Power (Passive) (Level Max) - While standing near plants, it can absorb the power of the wood element to heal. Heals 1% HP Maximum every 5 seconds.

Auto - Recovery (Passive) (Level Max) - Automatically recovers 0.5% of the Maximum HP every 5 seconds.

Germinate (Level Max) - Once seeds planted with Contaminate with Seed absorb the host's blood, the seeds mature and explode, causing 500 damage, and creating new Bestial Tree Soldiers with half the powers of the original.

Contaminating with Seeds (Passive) (Level Max) - Whenever you suffer a cut that crosses the skin, seeds are planted in the wound, they absorb the blood, causing 300 damage per second.

Camouflage (Passive) (Level Max) - Has the power to blend into the environment of forests or dense vegetation.

Looking at these skills, the group began to sweat cold, if they were injured by any attack, they would be in serious trouble.

There were a total of five beasts and five humanoids. The five beasts carried toward Li Qing that was ahead with an extremely fast speed, followed by the humanoids.

Li Qing, who was using the Earth's Armor to completely cover his body like an armor made entirely of earth, prepares for the clash with the beasts. Li Qing holds the sword firmly with one hand, the moment the beasts reach less than a step away.

Li Qing cuts the tiger-shaped beast that was closest to the sword, when the bird arrived, Li Qing used his fist to hit it and the second tiger was hit with a kick. At that moment the two wolves arrived, before it could reach Li Qing, two spells hit them, causing them to move away.

Taking advantage of this moment, Li Qing tries to move away, but is surprised by two humanoids who were throwing their hands that seemed sharp claws to hit Li Qing. At this point, Ling Feng and Huang Ziya appear and attack the two humanoids.

But opponents did not give the group the chance to rest, there were always opponents attacking. The group tried to separate the opponents in 4, 3, 3, four to Li Qing, three to Lin Feng and Huang Ziya with Mo Zun and Gu Meng as support.

Li Qing would have to fight being under a very great pressure, fighting four enemies at the same time, despite being using Earth Armor, Li Qing had to avoid being hit, because it needed MP to repair the hit location, and in that fight where he had to put up with even pills and elixirs to use, he did not have much time to take them and activate their effects.

Li Qing was relying on his teammates to help him as quickly as possible. Even being part of the elite of your clan, he has received the best things to strengthen your base, equipment, training rooms, instructors, it was still extremely tiring to fight four opponents at the same time and focus to be hit the least times possible.

Li Qing was not intent on causing damage to the soldiers because he knew that if he were to fight seriously and attack, his energy would start to run out faster. Attacking one target while avoiding the attack of three others is quite tiring. Li Qing was trying to save as much energy as possible, he clenched his teeth and persisted in just defending himself, for by the time the energy reached zero, it would be the moment of his death.

Lin Feng who was using the giant sword with only sweep, the three soldiers are hit, then a huge fire dragon hits the soldiers, three numbers appear on the head of each of the soldiers.




The first damage was by the blow of the sword, the second was the power of the Flame Enchantment which increased the attack power and incinerated the targets, along with the power of the skill Flaming Dragon, the total damage dealt was 4400, but the soldier had two passives that regenerate a total of 7500 HP. But the attempts were futile, after five seconds, the soldier's HP fully recovered. The side of Huang Ziya and Gu Meng was also not going well, their situation was worse than the other pair, because Huang Ziya could attack only one soldier while avoiding the other two, that made her consume more energy still.

Mo Zun looked at this scene and his face began to get dark, he began to think that this fight would be meaningless and that all would die when their energies reached 0.

Mo Zun and Gu Meng who were standing at the back releasing the spells, they were so focused on helping their mate that they forgot their surroundings.

Suddenly something surprising happens, four stakes arise and traverse both feet of Mo Zun and Gu Meng, trapping the two on the ground.

"Ahhhh !!!"

"Ahhhh !!"

The two of them let out a dying cry, the others turned to look at what had happened, they were surprised by the scene, four stakes had left the floor and pierced the feet of both. This little distraction was fatal, in that small moment of carelessness the soldiers advanced and caused several injuries in Lin Feng and Huang Ziya, Li Qing was a little better, because of the armor of stone, he suffered few injuries, but some crossed his skin .

Li Qing had a sudden little idea when looking at the desperate situation, he scream.

"Activate your Life-Saving Amulets, get saved first !!!"

Finishing to speak, a light shines and envelops the body of Li Qing, when the light disappears, Li Qing could no longer be seen. Looking at the action of Li Qing, the others did not have time to think, before they did the same, four lights appear and then it disappears, the bodies of the other four disappeared. Members of Li Qing's group suffered heavy injuries in this battle.

The soldiers realized that their enemies had disappeared, they began to gather where the four stakes were, the moment they arrived, the soldiers knelt before the stakes.

The stakes begin to rise, a small withered tree appears, was the Leech Tree that had withered before, but this time, its appearance was quite small. Moments later, the ten soldiers begin to wither, their energies were going to tree, which began to emit a green glow that totally covers the tree.

Losing all its energies, the body of the soldiers began to turn to ashes and spread with the wind, the small tree turned into a small cocoon of wood that began to slowly sink into the earth, a small sound could be heard from the cocoon, as if it was a heart.

Tum Tum..


Several hours after the fight of Li Qing's group, inside the large petrified tree, Liu Yang who had eyes closed, his eyelids tremble and start to rise slowly.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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