Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 43: Meeting

Chapter 43: Meeting

Several system sounds emerge, while Liu Yang had his eyes closed.

Ding ... Ding ... Ding ...

Domain of Elements (Passive) (Level 1 - 10%) - Limit Reached.

Enchantment of Elements (Passive) (Level 1 - 10%) - Limit Reached.

Earth Resistance (Passive) (Level 2) - The user gains 20% more physical and magical resistance from the earth element. Limit Reached

+10 vitality.

When the sounds stopped, Liu Yang slowly opened his eyes. Looking at the three skills, Liu Yang was thoughtful, the first two skills, he would need to find other places that has the power of the elements for him to train, that would be the only way to level those skills, as the third, to level was necessary level the other eight as well so that you can move to the next level.

"(It was a good harvest this meditation, it seems that I will have a long journey ahead if I want to level all these skills)." Thought Liu Yang.

Putting his thoughts aside, Liu Yang wanted to know where the exit would be, as if it were magic, a door in the room opens up leading up the stairs.

The time that could be spent meditating inside the tree was a total of six months, that is, the total time of the challenge. For normal person, six months in this place would be a paradise given by the gods, but it was a shame that Liu Yang was not a normal person, for having the skills of the elements together, he would have to meditate eight more times in eight places of the respective elements .

Leaving the same entrance that entered, Liu Yang felt more willing after meditating inside the tree. Liu Yang asked Xillia Wolf about how long he stayed inside the tree meditating. According to her, Liu Yang had stayed almost a whole day, he did not know if this was good or bad.

Following the guidance of Xillia Wolf, Liu Yang began to move toward the middle region. Midway, Liu Yang began to feel that there was something wrong, he resolved to ask Xillia Wolf about it.

"Xillia, do you feel like there's something wrong with this place?"

"Did you feel it, too? I thought you would not notice, in fact there is something strange in this place, but I can not say exactly what it would be, it could be the birth of a natural treasure or some being going through the process of evolution. Are you curious about what it would be like? "

"I would be lying if I said no, it would be interesting to witness any of these two phenomenon"

"You should know that if any accidents occur, I will not be able to help you, you will have to take care of yourself"

"I understand, but I still want to see this scene, it can broaden my knowledge"

"If you've made up your mind, just go that way, it seems like the energy of this whole place is gathering in that direction, looking at that huge amount of energy being gathered, what will happen is extremely powerful"

Liu Yang once again diverted from the path to the middle zone, and began to go towards the place where the energies of nature were gathering, due to curiosity, Liu Yang uses the Phantom Vision to look at the scenery, what he saw, made him extremely shocked.

"That is"

Liu Yang saw eight swirls of gigantic energies in a certain area extremely far from the place where he was, each swirl had a color, each of these colors represented one element, red was fire, blue was water, dark green was wood , brown was earth, silver was metal, yellow was thunder, light green was wind, swirls were absorbing the energy of the seven elements.

Each of the whirlpool was at a considerable distance from the other except one, one of the whirlpool had seven colors and was in the middle of the other seven, absorbing the energies it were gathering.

"Xillia, I think the scene we're going to see will be more impressive than you said"

Xillia Wolf was thoughtful at the words of Liu Yang, now she was quite curious about what would be causing such a phenomenon. Xillia Wolf knew that Liu Yang had an innate talent that makes it possible to see things that normally would not be possible with ordinary eyes, but as he did not want to talk about it, she did not ask.

Liu Yang began to walk with steps faster, the closer Liu Yang came from the swirls, the more strange feeling he had, but he still could not tell what it was.

Walking for a few hours, Liu Yang found something strange.

"Xillia, where are the creatures that should be around here? I do not feel or see any "

"It's not strange that you do not find it, it's because they all disappeared, although I can not use active skills, I can still use passive skills, I have a skill called Divine Sense, this skill allows me to feel anything in a ray of fifty kilometers, I can not feel any living being within that distance "

"What?!! But how so? Have all creatures died? How is this possible?"

"I think it's because of these eight swirls, wait a minute, let me think"

Before Liu Yang could speak, Xillia Wolf enters a thoughtful state, Liu Yang did not want to interrupt her. Seconds later, Xillia Wolf's voice is heard again.

"I guess I already know what that strange feeling we were having"

"You found out?"

"Yes, it seems that these strange swirls are gathering not only the energy of the elements, but also the energy of life, that is to say HP, whatever is absorbing all that energy, is extremely powerful"

"I did not say the scene we'd see would be more impressive than you said?"

"Little rascal, are you trying to boast because you can see what I can not?"

Hearing these words, Liu Yang could only scratch his nose.

"Wait ... There's someone in that direction !! It seems that she is one of the participants in the challenge, she is running towards us, but her powers are being absorbed by the swirls, by the aspects of her clothing, she is part of the Floating Feathers Sect"

Liu Yang could detect a slight hesitation in the last words of Xillia Wolf.

"You want me to save her?"

"Yes, but it would be extremely dangerous"

"I will do this, you must have your reasons for wanting to save this person and as your apprentice, I will try to do this. What direction? "

"Little rascal, thank you. She is in that direction, fifty kilometers away, she has entered my Divine Sense reach, I can say that she will only be able to take less than 1 hour, before her HP and MP ends. You need to run as fast as possible, activate all abilities that increase the speed of movement "

"Roger !!"

Liu Yang began to run toward which Xillia Wolf pointed at full speed.

"Steps of the Wind !!

Activating the Wind Steps and taking an elixir that increased the speed of movement for some time, the speed of Liu Yang exploded, using the suction power that increased with each step, Liu Yang was like a fish in the water, every step he dava was two meters away. Due to run speed, Liu Yang's Stamina began to fall very fast, to restore Stamina as it ran, Liu Yang began to use the elixirs he had gained before entering the challenge.

After several minutes running, Liu Yang began to feel that there was something being ripped from his body, looking at the bar of HP and MP, he saw that was falling gradually, the power of suctioning energy began to affect him. From that moment, Liu Yang began to ingest elixirs that restored HP and MP.

After losing count of how long he'd run, Liu Yang heard a cry from Xillia Wolf in his mind.

"There, in that direction, her HP is almost over, the moment you pick she up, activate the Save Guard Amulet and exit the suction radius"

Liu Yang finally saw the silhouette of a young woman lying on the floor with parts of her clothes torn and with many bloody wounds, she was inconsistent, it was Mo Qian who was trying to go to the intermediate zones to train. Using the Phantom Vision, Liu Yang was able to see the current condition of Mo Qian.

HP: 100 / 30,000

MP: 0 / 8,000

Stamina: 0

Liu Yang did not pay attention to other things, he just looked at the HP, MP and Stamina. Liu Yang realized that HP was decreasing continuously. He would not catch up in time. Liu Yang had a quick thought.

"Heal ... Heal ... Heal ... Heal ... Heal ..."

Liu Yang was three hundred yards away, realizing that he would not make it in time, he started using the Heal several times while running, he did not know whether it would succeed or not. Finally reaching the side of the body, Liu Yang activated the Life Guard Amulet, a light covers the body of the two and then disappear.

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