Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 44: Will You Take Responsibility?

Chapter 44: Will You Take Responsibility?

Somewhere in the Forest of Dark Illusions, under the dark sky, a ball of white light rises in the sky, two people embraced appear, a man and a woman. They begin to fall, the man realizes it and holds firmly the woman's body in his arms and turns his back to the ground and closes his eyes. Seconds later the man hears sounds of twigs and leaves are breaking, before a sound of something falling floor is heard.

"Ahh !!"

The man lets out a small cry of pain and spits some blood after falling to the ground. Looking up, the man realizes that he was lucky to fall on the trees, this diminished the power of fall. This man was Liu Yang, and the woman in his arms was Mo Qian.

After having picked up the body of Mo Qian, Liu Yang activated the Lifeguard Amulet and pointed it in a random direction. Before thinking about where he was, Liu Yang wanted to start treating the wounds of Mo Qian, using Phantom Vision, Liu Yang was able to see that his situation was quite horrible, broken bones, blood loss, damaged organs, deep cuts.

To avoid showing the body in front of the crowd, Liu Yang takes out a large cloth to cover the body of Mo Qian, before he begins to remove the torn clothes from her inside the cloth. Using the Phantom Vision, there was no difference between having the cloth or not, Liu Yang could see through the cloth, for him it was no different from being naked.

With a small wet towel, Liu Yang began to clean the wounds, before giving some an elixir to restore her body. Seeing that Mo Qian was no longer in danger, Liu Yang finally sighed with relief.

Rolling Mo Qian's body in another cloth, and carrying her in his arms, Liu Yang began to look for a place to rest.


Meanwhile outside, the crowd became frantic looking at the fight of Li Qing's group, taking out those who were companions of Li Qing's group, the rest was paying attention to the Leech Tree. Seeing that the group managed to escape successfully, the comrades felt relieved.

But the scene a few hours later left them totally stunned, it was the start of the energy gathering and the formation of the whirlpools, the younger ones could not see what was happening, but the older ones succeeded, two members of Li Qing's group was close to one of the whirlwinds, the two of them were resting, and they did not notice anything wrong, but when they realized it was already too late, their bodies and vital energy were all drained by the swirls.

Looking at this scene, everyone was afraid and thought.

(What kind of thing is it that could do something terrible like that? Sucking the life energy). That was the thought of everyone when they saw the two person die slowly.

Later, the crowd saw Liu Yang come out of his meditation, and walked toward the middle zone for a few hours. But then they saw that Liu Yang strayed out of his way to head for the whirlwinds, in the middle of the road he began to run at an extremely fast speed, the crowd did not know why.

After seeing Liu Yan running for some time, the crowd realized why he was running desperately, the images shown on the screen of Mo Qian and Liu Yang were similar, a few moments later the two screens were showing the same thing.

The crowd saw Liu Yang risking his life running desperately toward the whirlpool to rescue Mo Qian who was seriously injured.

The men were surprised by such an action, and the women had a warm heart at the sight of this scene, what woman would not like a man who risked his life for them?

The crowd thought Liu Yang would be the lover of Mo Qian's to do such a thing, but what they did not know was that Liu Yang did not even know Mo Qian, he just knew she was in that location due to Xillia Wolf and just saved her because Xillia Wolf had asked.

The scene in which Liu Yang covered his body with the cloth and began to remove Mo Qian's clothes was seen by the crowd, but there was nothing to be seen, even using the Vision of Truth, because the only thing that could be seen in place of the image of Mo Qian's body with the cloth, was a totally black mosaic screen covering from head to feet, you could not see who was the person behind the mosaic, but that the crowd saw the previous scene, they knew who the person was under that black mosaic.

The boys who had Mo Qian as the goddess in their hearts, had their eyes on fire, anger, hatred, jealousy, awe, resentment, each had a different kind of emotion when looking at the scene in which Liu Yang was touching every part of her goddess's naked body. Although they could not see anything, they knew what was happening because Mo Qian's torn clothes were on the floor.

Already the girls were just ashamed of this scene, although they could not see, they knew what was happening under that black mosaic. Having her body touched by her lover was a common thing. But the girls of the Floating Feather Sect had a strange face staring at the screen because they knew Mo Qian did not even have male friends, how could she have a lover? Although they were frustrated with this scene, at the same time they were relieved to see that Liu Yang did not take advantage of her.


Following Xillia Wolf's instructions, Liu Yang found a large tree with a huge hole in the middle. Looking at the inside of the hole, Liu Yang saw three people fit, placing Mo Qian's body in a corner, and checking her physical condition, seeing that everything was fine, Liu Yang falls asleep in another corner of the hole.

Having spent a few hours, Liu Yang opens his eyes and realizes that someone is looking at him with many complex expressions on her face. Liu Yang realized that Mo Qian had woken up and had already put on her clothes, Liu Yang could not help staring at her figure.

"Hello Miss"

Before Liu Yang could finish speaking, Mo Qian takes a mortal glance toward him. Liu Yang began to understand a little about the situation, but he could not do anything about it.

"You touch, right?"

After a few moments in silence, Mo Qian finally speaks.

"I touched what?"

Liu Yang was trying to pretend ignorant to try to talk to Mo Qian in an attempt to calm her down.

"Are you kidding me? Pretending you do not know? "

The tone that Mo Qian was wearing was full of different emotions, anger, hesitation, hatred, thankfulness, she herself did not know it.

"Pretending what? If you want me to know what you're talking about, you should tell me at least "

Hearing the words of Liu Yang, Mo Qian wanted beat to him, she can not help but think mentally.

(Do you want me to tell you what? Ask you to say that you touched my whole body? Do you think I want to hear it? To be touched by someone I do not even know).

Mo Qian knew she was being ungrateful, but ultimately she was a pure young woman who never came in contact with men directly, she was always at a distance from them, but today, a man she does not even know touched her several parts of her body, she did not know if he had seen her naked body or not. Having thought of several things, Mo Qian could not help blushing when those thoughts passed through his mind.

Liu Yang who was looking at Mo Qian, realized that his face began to have a slightly pink tone. He could not take his eyes off her, looking at that beautiful white face that had reddish tones getting even redder due to shame.

Noticing a strange look in her direction, Mo Qian looks at Liu Yang who was covering his face with a hood, despite having first woken him up, Mo Qian did not dare to approach Liu Yang because he would be rude with her savior , even though it has touched your entire body.

"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, just looking at a beautiful image"


Although she looked annoyed, Mo Qian for some reason satisfied with these words, as a woman, she was proud of her body, whenever she left the sect to train, men always looked at her with warm eyes, though not caring about any of them, it made her proud.

Mo Qian remembered some words her adopted mother had told she and her sister as children.

Liu Yang thought his words left Mo Qian angry, but the next words that came out of her mouth, caused Liu Yang to want to vomit blood.

"You will take responsibility for that, right? For having getting me pregnant..."

The last part came out in a mosquito voice, Mo Qian's face was extremely red as she said these words, she looked toward Liu Yang who was lying on the ground with a shocked look, although the voice was low Liu Yang still could hear.

"What?!?! Miss, I think there's been a mistake here, how I've pregnant you? We have not even kissed yet, how is it possible? "

Liu Yang's back was sweaty after hearing this, but then he thought there was some confusion.

"Kis ... Kis ... Kiss? You pervert, you wanted to kiss me?? Are you denying the fact that you got me pregnant after you touched my body? "

Mo Qian pointed to Liu Yang in an attempt to speak, but the voice seemed very weak, due to the shame she changed the subject.

"How can you get pregnant just by touching someone's body? Where did you hear that? "

Liu Yang realized that someone had taught the wrong things to this girl.

"It was my adoptive mother, she told me that I should avoid men as much as possible, because if I were touched by any of them, I could get pregnant"

Because of this thinking, Mo Qian and Mo Qing always avoided men whenever possible.

Hearing that it was her mother who taught such a thing, Liu Yang wanted to curse her for teaching things wrong to her daughter.

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