Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 23: The Beginning Of Chaos

Chapter 23: The Beginning Of Chaos

Seeing the guards running from the entrance, Lie Fan releases his hold on Ying Yue and tells her to bring Wannian inside her room and okay there. Feeling the suddenly heavy aura, Ying Yue hurriedly do what Lie Fan said and take Wannian toward her room

Lie Fan: "What happened? Why are you running like there's a ghost that wants to catch you?"

Guard: "Young Lord there's an emergency! a big village 3 km from Huai'An is said to be plundered by Yellow Turbans numbering 1.000 men!"

Lie Fan: "What?! Is this information valid?"

Guard: "Yes Young Lord! We received this letter from His Excellency the Prefect ordering you to immediately head out with your Squad"

Lie Fan: "Alright then hurry and go to my Army Camp Tell my commanders to meet me in front of Huai'An with all my soldiers, use the fastest horse Lie Manor has!"

Guards: "Nuuoo!"

The guard turned around and ran toward the stable to get the fastest horse there and hurriedly rode toward Lie Fan's army camp, While Lie Fan goes back to his room and takes out his armor from his inventory and changed to it then takes out his Halberd, going out of his room he met his Mother who heard the commotion asking what happened

Lie Fan: "There's no time to explain Mother, an emergency just happened and I have to hasten to meet my army, I will explain to you later"

Yu Yan: "Okay Fan'er keep yourself safe okay!"

Lie Fan moves quickly while hearing what his mother said from behind his back, a stable boy has brought Pangu to the front of the Manor, and Lie Fan rides on towards the City Gate with his halberd in his right hand

Arriving at the city gate, Lie Fan saw that his army haven't arrived yet so he wait there while checking the movement of the Yellow Turbans using the vision map. He saw that they are still plundering and looks like they decided to encamp there as the map showed the village is not burned by the Yellow Turbans, he checked what route is the fastest to go there with 645 Men traveling together.

While checking the landscape and situation, he heard the rumbling of people alongside horses near him and when he looked up he saw Chao Bo, Chao Bai, and Zang Ba leading his army from the front with 645 soldiers following them. Lie Fan rode towards them and tells them all to follow him, Infantries and Archers will be left behind a bit as he takes the cavalry's units and his unit as they are faster. He told Chao Bo and Chao Bai what happened and told them to lead their division to follow him and Zang Ba, walk faster or jog to follow them but no need to run as to spare their energy.

Lie Fan and Zang Ba lead the Cavalry Battalion and Lie Fan's Guard Battalion, they make the horses run as fast as they could to arrive in the village on time. Arriving at the big village they saw what looks like 600 Yellow Turbans were building camp outside the big village and the rest 400 men were sacking the village and capturing women to accompany them

Lie Fan seeing that decides to shoot arrows first at the 600 Yellow Turbans who were building camp as they are vulnerable and don't have protection, Lie Fan alongside his Guard unit takes their bow and on Lie Fan's command releases them at the same time so 146 arrows where shot and falls toward the 600 unsuspecting Yellow Turbans causing casualties.

Seeing the Yellow Turbans panicking he commands for another wave of arrows and releases 2 more times causing massive casualties, The Yellow Turbans were beginning to sober from their panic and arming themselves. Seeing this he told his army to charge at them following his lead, 297 cavalry charged at the Yellow Turbans.

Lie Fan: "Zang Ba! Take your battalion and attack from the right flank while I lead my battalion to attack from the left Flank"

Zang Ba: "Yes My Lord, Cavalry battalion follow me!"

Zang Ba leads his battalion separating them from the formation and making a charging formation on the right while Lie Fan leads his battalion to the left side assuming the charging formation when the yellow turbans saw the charging cavalries they panicked because almost all of them were farmers and peasants before joining the Yellow Turbans

Lie Fan and Zang Ba lead their battalion from the front and when they reached the Yellow Turbans and the massacre begins, Lie Fan swings his Halberd wildly from left to right killing many yellow turban soldiers while his battalion follows from behind him showing their prowess from experience and training they have

Zang Ba with his spear stabbed many yellow turbans in the head or upper body area while his cavalry battalion is advancing slowly that the Lie Fan guard unit but their effectiveness is more or less the same. There are no casualties in both battalions but light injuries such as bruises, and the yellow turbans seeing their comrade being killed left and right make some of them decide to run away making them easy targets for both Lie Fan and Zang Ba battalion.

The 400 Yellow Turbans who were ransacking the village heard the fighting sound outside the village and some of them walk out to the massacre scene where Lie Fan sent decimated the yellow turbans, the yellow turban who saw this immediately ran back inside the village and report to his commander

YT Soldier: "Commander! There's an unknown army attacking our brothers outside and we are losing!"

???: "What?! Who dares to attack the army of heaven that was led by me!"

YT Soldier: "I don't know commander but please help our brothers!"

???: "Everyone follows me and let's save our brothers!"

Lie Fan and Zang Ba alongside their battalion have gone through the Yellow Turbans campsite and killed more or less 300 Yellow Turbans not counting the one injured, when they make a turn to head back towards the place when they arrive here they saw Chao Bo and Chao Bai battalion arrived bringing the 450 reinforcement

Lie Fan approach them and orders Chao Bo Battalion to line themselves behind Chao Bai Battalion and prepare to receive the regrouping Yellow Turbans, he positions his battalion alongside Zang Ba Battalion at the left side and right side of the Chao Bai and Chao Bo Battalion formation

After positioning his army, Lie Fan calls his commander to be at the front of the formations to receive the Yellow Turbans.

Lie Fan: "Haha today is a great day to kill locusts who plague the country"

Zang Ba: "What My Lord said is the truth, I still can't forget the thrill of charging at yjos Yellow Turbans Haha!'

Chao Bai: "Hey I wanted to try that My Lord! Why don't we just charge at th-" *smack*

Chao Bo: "Brother have you forgotten what My Lord teach us, use the tactics that minimize our casualties and don't be a hothead when leading your battalion okay!"

Chao Bai: "I know I know I'm sorry, I wanted to slash locust to"

Lie Fan: "Haha Chao Bai is like a child as always on the battlefield, you have great strength inside of you don't forget to use that"

While talking among themselves, they saw the Yellow Turbans finish regrouping and counting their numbers more or less it's 600 men left from the 1.000 army they have previously thanks to Lie Fan and Zang Ba's surprise attack.

???: "Who are the fools that dare to attack the army of the yellow heaven led by me Liu Pi?!"

Lie Fan hearing the name feels familiar with it for a second then remembers a Yellow Turban general who raided and controlled Runan alongside Gong Du and later joined Liu Bei but was killed when defending him, Liu Pi appearing here is a bit weird for Lie Fan as he was born in Runan but Lie Gan can't think about this as he has to fight against Liu Pi first

Lie Fan: "I'm Lie Fan, son of Lie Shang Prefect Of Huai'An, you rebels dare to pillage a village that was under the jurisdiction of Huai'An?!"

Liu Pi: "Hahaha a son of a noble is leading an army! A battlefield is not a playground boy! Come fight me if you dare!"

Chao Bai: "You?! How dare you insult My Lord?!"

Chao Bai who wants to charge Liu Pi was held back by Zang Ba and Chao Bo who was beside him while Lie Fan is laughing at what Liu Pi just Said

Lie Fan: "Whether I'm a boy or a man is not for you to decide, I accept your challenges! Come and face me hyah!"

Before Chao Bo, Chao Bai, and Zang Ba can react to what Lie Fan said they saw Lie Fan goes out to duel Liu Pi with Liu Pi riding toward Lie Fan. Both army cheers for their respective generals who will duel as this will decide their morale for the rest of the battle


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 16 Years Old

Level: 9

Next Level: 512.000

Renown: 24

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)









ATR Points:0

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