Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 24: Capturing Liu Pi and Meeting Sun Qian

Chapter 24: Capturing Liu Pi and Meeting Sun Qian

Lie Fan and Liu Pi meet head-on with Liu Pi attacking Lie Fan first with his spear trying to stab Lie Fan's upper body, Lie Fan in return blocks it with a swing of his halberd and does a horizontal slash towards Liu Pi.

Liu Pi who managed to block it feels that Lie Fan has great raw power and decides to distance himself and rely on agility, seeing what Liu Pi does Lie Fan decides to move closer and do a thrust toward Liu Pi's abdomen where it grazes Liu Pi armor as he managed to dodge it.

Liu Pi in turn do a upward slash and managed to hit Lie Fan's armor but only grazing it, seeing that Lie Fan's armor is high quality and can't be penetrated easily Liu Pi began to feel dread as he can't fight one on one against Lie Fan and win as he is weaker than Lie Fan so he decide to retreat and send his brothers to attack him

Seeing Liu Pi's body language trying to run away, Lie Fan swings his halberd hard making Liu Pi's spear fly upward as he can't withstand Lie Fan's strength. Seeing his weapon flying away, Liu Pi began to panic and decided to turn his horse around to run away but before he can do that Lie Fan used the handle of his halberd swinging it toward Liu Pi's head and knocking him out making him fall from his horse

Lie Fan gets off his horse and checks that Liu Pi is still breathing and decides to capture him as a prisoner and maybe recruit him as he is a good selection for a middle-grade to low-grade commander.

The Yellow Turbans who saw that were stunned as their leader was defeated and don't know what to do for a while, noticing this Lie Fan orders his cavalry and guard stallion to charge towards them while his archer battalion opened fire and his infantry battalion advanced towards the yellow turban after the cavalry and guard stallion finish their charge

The Yellow Turbans were scared seeing the Lie Fans army advancing toward them, some of the commanders decide to run away with their unit but were targeted by the charging cavalry, and the rest began to put up a fight but they don't last long as they can't hold on against Lie Fan's trained army. Some decide to surrender and some put up a fight till their last breath, after 15 minutes of battle then it stops as the Yellow Turbans can't put up a fight any longer

Lie Fan: "Are there any casualties in each battalion?"

Chao Bo: "The Archer Battalion doesn't have casualties My Lord as we indirectly participated in the battle but from the rear"

Chao Bai: "The Infantry Battalion doesn't have any casualties to My Lord, but some of our men were lightly injured like slash wounds on their arms and bruises on their bodies"

Zang Ba: "The Cavalry Battalion also doesn't have any casualties My Lord, but we lost some horses in the fighting, and fortunately the soldiers riding them only receive minor injuries"

Lie Fan: "Okay Good! Round up the surrendered Yellow Turbans and search for surviving people in the village then let's go back to Huai'An"

All Three: "Yes My Lord!"

Chao Bai lead his Infantry Battalion to do a search and rescue mission in the village while Zang Ba alongside his Cavalry Battalion round up the prisoners of war and Chao Bo lead his Archer Battalion as a scout unit watching if there were any reinforcement for the Yellow Turbans heading this way

Lie Fan takes some rope and tide Liu Pi with it then tell his Guard Battalion to keep an eye on him and if he wakes up call for Him, Lie Fan joins the search and rescue mission which raises his prestige in the eyes of the people, Lie Fan promise to bring them to safety and protect them along the way.

After spending 1 hour, Lie Fan was told that they managed to rescue 30 people, 24 adults, and 6 kids with a composition of 13 Males and 17 Females. Lie Fan ordered Chao Bai to give them some food and take them to their makeshift camp to wait there, Zang Ba who was rounding up the prisoners come to Lie Fan and report that they managed to capture 115 Yellow Turbans with 10 of them being lightly injured.

Deciding that they have wasted enough time there, Lie Fan orders the battalions to organize themselves to go back to Huai'An. Lie Fan with his guard battalion surrounded the survivors and protected them from each side while the prisoners were surrounded by The Infantry and Cavalry Battalion with the archer battalion protecting the rear.

They spend 2 hours before they saw Huai'An silhouette, the survivors were cheering as they finally feels safe. Arriving at the City Gate, Lie Fan tells the city guards to call for their commander as he wants to put 115 Turbans into the dungeon, the number of people in front of the city gate attracts the attention of many people who were passing by.

While waiting for the City Commander, Lie Fan tells the survivors that they are safe now and can enter the city to go toward the refugee zone that has been designated, Lie Fan then continues asking the kids if from the surviving adults are among them their parents

The kids say none of them are their parents, Lie Fan hearing it decides to take them in and gives them a purpose in life by joining The Oriole as he sees that they are between 12-14 years old.

After talking with the survivors, the City Guard Commanders finally arrived and helps Lie Fan to put 115 Yellow Turbans into the dungeon, Lie Fan told him not to torture the prisoners as he have other uses for them while The City Guard Commanders were a bit confused but agree to what Lie Fan said.

After sending the prisoner and survivors, Lie Fan brings his army alongside the still unconscious Liu Pi and the 6 kids with him back to their Base spending 30 minutes before they arrived.

While driving at their base, Lie Fan saw a man in his later twenties and a carriage standing in front of their gates like he was waiting for them. Lie Fan orders his army to enter their base and take a rest while Chao Bo brings the kids to the Oriole tent, then Lie Fan approaches the man.

Lie Fan: "Hello sir I'm Lie Fan to whom I owe the pleasure of meeting?"

Sun Qian: "I'm Sun Qian, Sun Gong Yu from Beihai student of Zheng Xuan that Young Master Lie is looking for I presume?"

Lie Fan: "Ah it's Master Sun Qian, I have heard your name and admired your talent so I was looking forward to meeting you"

Sun Qian: "It looks like Young Master has just finished a battle, why don't Youn Master take a rest first and I will come back tomorrow?"

Lie Fan: "No need No need, I'm not tired at all! Why don't Sir Sun Qian join me in my tent and have a cup of tea?"

Sun Qian: "Okay then I follow what Young Master Lie wants"

Lie Fan who was still excited that Sun Qian come to his door out of his own free will led Sun Qian to his tent with great spirit, his soldiers seeing Lie Fan receive Sun Qian with such respect was amazed as they never saw Lie Fan treating someone with such respect before

Entering his tent, Lie Fan tells Sun Qian to take a seat and Lie Fan pours some hot water to make a tea.

Lie Fan: "What brings Sir Sun Qian here to my Army Camp?"

Sun Qian: "While I'm at Serenity Inn, I heard that the Young Master was looking for me and I was intrigued as I'm just a humble scholar searching for the true meaning of the world"

Lie Fan: "Sir Sun Qian is too humble, the student of Zheng Xuan is by no means a common man. I heard that Sir Sun Qian is a promising future diplomat and politician so that's why I wanted to meet you and invite you to join Huai'An under me serving as my advisor"

Sun Qian: "Oh? Why does Young Master want to invite me I'm just a diplomat and politician with no fame whatsoever"

Lie Fan: "Before I answer Sir Sun Qian's question, what does Sir Sun Qian think of the Empire's condition right now?"

Sun Qian: "In Chaos with bandits everywhere while Famine and plague are happening everywhere while The Emperor and the imperial court were under the iron grip of the 10 Eunuchs whose regime was despotic and Ignore the suffering of the people while enriching themselves"

Lie Fan: "Not only that, corrupt officials also were rampant across the land making the already suffering people step like ants and I wanted to free them from that suffering"

Sun Qian: "Young Master does have a noble goal, but Young Master's heart is inclined to rule and have a big ambition to be fulfilled right?"

Lie Fan: "Yes that's true! Now Sir Sun Qian know why I wanted to invite you to join me right?"


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Bandit Vanquisher

Age: 16 Years Old

Level: 9

Next Level: 512.000

Renown: 24 -> 30

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)









ATR Points:0

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