Reborn: The First Rank "Madam"

Reborn: The First Rank “Madam” – C126

C126 – Proof

Upon hearing that the punishment had been administered, the expressions of everyone grew grim. In contrast, onlookers outside the yamen became animated and even whispered, “If these feeble scholars were to endure the punishment, they might not hold out for long and might confess.”

“Lord Rong, if you wish to ascertain whether they authored the test paper, you need only have them reproduce it in silence. After they write it, you can pose a few questions.”

Zuo Shaoqing raised his gaze to Yu Cheng, noting the wisdom in the old man’s white hair and beard. The paper he had written was intricate to replicate verbatim, but the cheater likely had it memorized in reverse.

Furthermore, by merely holding the answer scroll and posing some profound questions, he could discern whether the viewpoints were his own or if they were copied in haste.

The official from the justice court on the left let out a cold snort. “In my view, we should still dispatch investigators to look into these students. Let’s see who they’ve interacted with before the exam. The emperor is not known for patience. How can he afford to wait here?”

Minister Rong, aware of the ongoing dispute between the two, intervened, saying, “Both of you raise valid points; we can proceed with both tasks concurrently. Someone, fetch them pen and paper and send a few individuals for investigation.”

Zuo Shaoqing cast a sidelong glance at the young man who had remained silent throughout. He lifted his robe and sat on the floor, commencing to write. The others followed suit, seating themselves in silence.

Two hours elapsed since everyone had completed their writing. Zuo Shaoqing stood up, adjusting his clothing. His legs felt a bit numb, but his posture remained upright.

Although his inner turmoil belied his outward composure, he harbored no fear of scrutiny. He had authored his exam paper entirely, devoid of any plagiarism.

His current concern revolved around the evidence presented by the accuser.

Following a round of questioning, Zuo Shaoqing and Hee Zhicheng successfully passed. Zhang Hao, however, hesitated for an extended period before eventually deciphering the remaining questions.

The official from the justice court was the first to speak, “Someone, take this young one into custody. We shall interrogate him after examining all the evidence.”

The Minister of Justice scanned his gaze over Zuo Shaoqing and Hee Zhicheng, exhaling deeply as he said, “Zuo Yingyuan, your name is not unfamiliar to me. You are still young, and your talent is undeniable. Even if you don’t receive another opportunity in the imperial exams, what’s the point?”

Zuo Shaoqing’s eyes burned with determination as he fixed his gaze upon the minister and asked, “May I inquire about your meaning, Sir? For a student to be upright and unafraid of scrutiny, he must be true to himself.” The knowledge from his previous life was a gift from the heavens, not a form of cheating.

“Do you dare to argue even now? The evidence is conclusive. How do you account for all of this?” The Minister of Justice waved the piece of paper in his hand, his once-pleasant countenance now marred by displeasure.

Zuo Shaoqing’s heart constricted as he humbly inquired, “May I have a look at it?”

Without awaiting a response from the Minister of Justice, an official from the justice court interjected with a strained voice, “Such a crucial piece of evidence should not be casually handed over. If I yield, wouldn’t I lose a vital piece of evidence?”

Zuo Shaoqing silently cursed the old man, pondering, “Why would a student engage in such secretive activities?”

Minister of Justice contemplated for a moment and instructed the bailiff to bring the document to Zuo Shaoqing, though he prohibited him from touching it. After Zuo Shaoqing inspected it, he inquired with a somber expression, “What else do you have to say? I’ve examined the handwriting, and it matches yours!”

Zuo Shaoqing nodded candidly and explained, “Indeed, these were penned by a student. Before every examination, students engage in betting, and I am no exception. However, I am perplexed as to why only these few papers were presented to you.”

Upon reviewing these documents, Zuo Shaoqing sensed that the situation had grown more complex. This case was either specifically targeted at him or someone intended to exploit this opportunity to frame him.

Zuo Shaoqing doubted that someone would set such an elaborate trap solely for him; he didn’t believe he held that much influence. If it was the latter, the first person who came to mind was Zuo Shaoyan.

Since his rebirth, Zuo Shaoqing had maintained utmost caution. He incinerated everything he wrote, preserving only a few items he deemed valuable in his study. Aside from the Zuo Family, he couldn’t fathom how anyone could access his study to retrieve these documents.

He continued, “I have indeed composed several theories on livelihoods, along with ideas on river management and disaster prevention. These documents were kept with other students’ work, so I’m baffled as to why this individual singled them out.”

Luckily, he had promptly disposed of his answers to Jiung Hengzhou’s test questions as soon as he completed them. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to produce matching responses like Jiung Hengzhou’s from his study.

Zuo Shaoqing scrutinized the defendant with a piercing gaze, convinced that this individual was merely a pawn manipulated by someone else. He wondered what incentives had persuaded this person to act.

The defendant’s face froze as he respectfully stated, “Well, the students happened to come across these manuscripts.”

Zuo Shaoqing scoffed, “Then how did you immediately identify me upon seeing these documents? My name isn’t mentioned on them.”

Minister of Justice examined the documents closely, confirming that there were no signatures. Without a comparison to Zuo Shaoqing’s work, it would have been impossible to attribute them to him.

If Zuo Shaoqing’s assertion was true, then it could only be concluded that he had been fortunate in selecting the correct question. In every imperial examination, numerous individuals wagered on the correct question, and this alone couldn’t serve as evidence of cheating.

“Where did you get these manuscripts?”

The individual paused momentarily, then responded with confidence, “A student discovered it. On the day the results were unveiled, this student had read a work authored by Zuo Hu-yuan. It was only upon comparing the handwriting that suspicion arose.”

It wouldn’t be unusual for this person to have observed the posting of the top three Conference Test papers on result day.

Observing the Minister of Justice’s relaxed demeanor, the scholar continued, “The students speculated that perhaps Zuo Huayuan feared exposure of the matter, so he discarded the manuscripts. As for why nothing else was lost, it could be attributed to a sense of guilt, perhaps?”

Zuo Shaoqing, unjustly accused, cast an innocent glance in his direction. He swiftly deduced that this scholar was nowhere near Zhang Hao’s caliber. No wonder he could be manipulated and used as a tool.

His statements were deliberately ambiguous and speculative, making them more persuasive. Swearing an oath would have aroused suspicion.

“Brother, your words are quite mistaken. Had we feared exposure, I would have incinerated the papers. How could they be discarded so carelessly, only to be picked up by you?”

“I cannot speak for this latecomer, but perhaps it is due to the servants’ negligence or your own anxiety. Who can say for sure?”

Zuo Shaoqing’s frustration mounted, and he ground his teeth. “Brother, you do have a knack for jesting, don’t you? Could I casually carry such papers with me?”

The student fell silent, standing there with an air of certainty that Zuo Shaoqing was lying.

Zuo Shaoqing rolled his eyes and respectfully addressed the Minister, saying, “Sir, I have evidence to demonstrate my innocence.”

“Please proceed,” the Minister of Justice grudgingly nodded.

“May I inquire, Sir, when was the Conference Test examination finalized?”

“Five days before the Conference Test, the Emperor formulates the examination questions, seals them, and passes them to the Minister of Rites. Subsequently, they are handed over to the chief examiner for safekeeping.”

Zuo Shaoqing exhaled deeply, stating, “This student corresponded with a close friend roughly two weeks prior to the Conference Test. It was evident that the subject of the Conference Test was likely related to the everyday lives of common people. Therefore, Sir, I kindly request that you spare my friend from any inconvenience in verifying this.”

“Since he’s your close friend, he’s naturally inclined to support your side. How can we rely on his words?” The official from the court of justice inquired with a skeptical expression.

“May I inquire if there is anyone in the Ministry of Justice who possesses expertise in analyzing penmanship and documents? Some of the essays penned by students have been in circulation for quite some time, likely more than five days.”

The Minister of Justice began to lean towards Zuo Shaoqing’s perspective. If Zuo Shaoqing could confidently present these arguments, it suggested his integrity.

“Then…” Zuo Shaoqing struggled to find further evidence for his case but was interrupted by a commotion from the crowd behind him.

Everyone instinctively turned to look behind them. The previously deadlock-bound crowd outside the hall spontaneously parted, creating a pathway. A figure with a commanding presence strode forward.

This individual exuded an air of authority, dressed in glistening silver armor. He did not wear a helmet, allowing everyone to immediately see his striking face.

“Master Lu?” The three ministers seated in the main hall rose simultaneously and approached Lu Zheng.

Zuo Shaoqing blinked in disbelief. It was his first time seeing Lu Zheng in armor, and the sight of that tall figure had a profound impact on him.

As Lu Zheng approached, a faint scent of blood wafted through the air, and on closer inspection, the onlookers noticed the bloodstains on Master Lu’s silver armor.

The deputy general who had accompanied him positioned a chair alongside Gao Tang and stood at attention.

A tense silence enveloped the room, broken only by the rhythmic sound of the armor plates brushing against the scabbard: “Crack, crack, crack…” It reverberated in everyone’s ears.

The Minister of Justice was the first to react, asking, “Master Lu, you’re here…?” He scanned the students, wondering if there was someone of significance among them.

Lu Zheng took his seat, his gaze fixed straight ahead as he declared in a deep voice, “Proceed!”

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