Reborn: The First Rank "Madam"

Reborn: The First Rank “Madam” – C127

C127 – Mind Acts Upon Mind

The surrounding crowd remained in a state of restlessness for an extended period. The Minister of Justice raised the log high into the air, but at the last moment, he gently lowered it and uttered a hushed command, “Silence!”

An increasing number of people gathered outside the courtroom, their intentions unclear – whether they were there for the case at hand or Duke Zhen himself.

Under ordinary circumstances, the Minister of Justice would not hesitate to remove a few individuals to teach them a lesson, emphasizing that the dignity of the Ministry of Justice Palace must not be undermined.

However, the current situation was different; Master Lu, radiating a palpable aura of lethality, sat nearby. The fresh bloodstains on his armor were still etched in everyone’s memory, rendering them incapable of coherent thought.

Minister of Justice cast an imploring glance at Lu Zheng. “Master Lu, please…”

“Absolute silence in the courtroom!” Master Lu’s cold gaze swept the area, instantly quelling the commotion outside.

He shifted his attention to Zuo Shaoqing. Compared to their previous encounter, Zuo Shaoqing appeared to have lost some weight, but he had regained his former robustness. However, he seemed taller.

Zuo Shaoqing wore clothing borrowed from Duke Zhen’s residence and had a Qilin Jade at his waist. His composure was evident, showing no signs of hastiness.

Lu Zheng had rushed back hastily. Initially, he had intended to surprise Zuo Shaoqing after the Hall Competition, only to receive news that Zuo Shaoqing’s Conference Test had been tampered with mid-way. Upon entering the capital, he was immediately informed that Zuo Shaoqing had been apprehended by the Ministry of Justice.

He hurriedly arrived even before entering the gates of Duke Zhen Manor. Upon seeing Zuo Shaoqing standing there unharmed, it felt as though they had been separated for an eternity.

Their gazes met briefly in the air before they naturally diverted their attention elsewhere. They neither feigned ignorance nor displayed excessive intimacy in front of the onlookers.

The Minister of Justice cleared his throat and posed the same question: “Zuo Huayuan, do you possess any additional evidence to establish your innocence?”

Zuo Shaoqing gave an indirect glance at the Supreme Court, feeling that this elderly figure was either excessively obstinate or inherently inclined to clash with him.

The Minister of Justice also sensed the challenge and inquired, “Were there any witnesses present when you discussed the examination matter with your close friend?”

Zuo Shaoqing lowered his head and responded, “I was merely making a casual guess. If I lacked confidence, would I have boldly declared it? Even with Qu Changqing, I kept some information discreet and refrained from direct disclosure.”

However, he held firm in his belief that Qu Changqing would undoubtedly support him if they were pitted against each other.

The Minister of Justice and the two lords accompanying him exchanged hushed words before addressing Zuo Shaoqing, “Could you please provide the name of your esteemed friend? We may need to make an official statement.”

Zuo Shaoqing responded candidly, “My good friend participating in the Conference Test is named Qu Changqing. He resides at the Immortal Lai Inn within the city. He is a distinguished disciple of the Yin Sect and a person of unwavering integrity. I am confident that he will speak the truth.”

A sudden, piercing gaze bore into him, causing his scalp to tingle, and he involuntarily stiffened.

He discreetly glanced in the direction of the intense stare and encountered a sullen countenance that betrayed neither joy nor sorrow. It appeared that whenever Qu Changqing’s name arose, this individual harbored some discomfort.

The Minister of Justice also noted the unusual expression on Master Lu’s face and felt uncertain about his intentions here. Consequently, he adhered to standard protocol and dispatched someone to summon Qu Changqing.

Zuo Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of his lips curled upward slightly. “In fact, I have another witness, but…” he pondered aloud, “I wonder if they are currently within this jurisdiction?”

“Oh? Please elaborate. As long as they are not your biological parents, siblings, close friends, or servants, they may serve as witnesses,” the official responded.

Zuo Shaoqing couldn’t help but think who would openly discuss such a confidential matter with a stranger unless they shared a particularly close relationship.

However, it appeared that the official had overlooked another category of individuals with an even stronger bond.

Smiling, Zuo Shaoqing raised his cupped hands toward Lu Zheng and said, “I wonder if Master Lu would be willing to testify on my behalf?”

Confusion was evident among those present, with everyone uncertain of how to react. All ears were attuned to Master Lu as he inquired, “Testify for what purpose?”

Zuo Shaoqing elucidated the reason behind his involvement in the lawsuit and winked at Lu Zheng. “I presented you with a proposal a month ago. Do you recall it?”

Most people in the room fixated their attention on Lu Zheng, holding their breath as they awaited his response. Only Yu Shi Cheng regarded Zuo Shaoqing with an odd look, leaving him with an uneasy feeling.

Lu Zheng gazed deeply at him and queried, “Are you referring to the proposal related to the welfare of the people?” He then casually recited some of the phrases, causing Zuo Shaoqing’s smile to broaden uncontrollably as he listened.

Although he hadn’t shown Lu Zheng the handful of ideas he had written down, they had extensively discussed these topics back then.

The Minister of Justice took one of the manuscripts and meticulously read it word by word, his expression gradually taking on an unusual hue.

“Lord Rong, could it be that my memory fails me?” Lu Zheng inquired coldly.

Rong MingGeng shook his head and assured, “No, Master Lu’s words are precisely as he said.” Even the most obtuse observer could discern that there was an extraordinary connection between the two. Perhaps Lu Zheng’s intrusion into the court had been prompted by Zuo Shaoqing.

A voice suddenly emerged from the onlookers, saying, “Wait a moment, isn’t the lady whom Master Lu admired named Zuo?”

The surname “Zuo” was rather uncommon, so for two individuals to appear in such a short span, it was only natural for everyone to assume a connection.

In reality, that was indeed the case. The Minister of Justice and the other two lords also came to a realization. They were privy to Zuo Shaoqing’s family background, and even the three present lords had met Tutor Zuo on several occasions.

Summoning his courage, the Minister of Justice inquired of Lu Zheng, “May I ask when Master Lu came across this theory?”

“Approximately a month ago, during my journey to the capital, I shared a boat with Zuo Huayuan. Over a hundred individuals can attest to this fact,” Lu Zheng replied.

The three lords exchanged glances. They were all beginning to believe that this case had no connection to Zuo Shaoqing. Setting aside the fact that Zuo Shaoqing had a solid alibi, the mere fact that Master Lu was willing to vouch for a student spoke volumes.

Up until this point, no official had dared to confront Lu Zheng directly. Despite his short tenure in the court, Lu Zheng’s sword had been drenched in blood.

None of the ministers and officials in the imperial court had forgotten the sight of this lord leading a contingent of soldiers, wielding a blood-soaked sword to encircle and eliminate the traitors on that fateful day.

When Qu Changqing arrived, the Minister of Justice casually questioned him and received the same account as Zuo Shaoqing’s. Consequently, the Minister of Justice promptly declared his release without any charges.

“Hold on!” Just as the Minister of Justice was about to focus on the next suspect, Lu Zheng interjected. He pointed towards the young man who had accused Zuo Shaoqing and asked, “Lord Rong, may I be granted permission to pose a few inquiries to him?”

As Lu Zheng began to speak in defense of Zuo Shaoqing, the young man grew anxious, attempting to retreat and pleading with the lord not to notice him.

Regrettably for him, his wishes were in vain. Lu Zheng rose and advanced towards him step by step, each stride feeling as if it were crushing his chest and suffocating him.

“You’re also this year’s examinee?”


“Where is the ancestral land? Who else is at home?”

The young man raised his gaze in surprise, puzzled by Master Lu’s questions. “I come from Changping, and I have parents and siblings back home.”

Lu Zheng nodded thoughtfully. “It’s good to have siblings to take care of your parents when they grow old.”

A sudden fear gripped the young man’s heart, causing his legs to tremble as he knelt down. “Master… I’m not sure I understand your meaning…”

With his arms crossed, Lu Zheng looked down at the young man with an air of superiority. “Do you comprehend the severity of falsely accusing someone during an examination?”

“Master… Everything I said was true! Please, enlighten me,” the young man pleaded, bowing his head to the ground, unable to meet Lu Zheng’s gaze.

Raising an eyebrow, Lu Zheng turned to address the three court officials. “I suspect that this individual may be a spy from Beidi, intentionally causing disruptions in our Great Yang’s imperial examinations. I intend to take him into custody for a thorough investigation.”

Naturally, objections arose among the officials. The court official responsible for justice stood up hastily, ready to argue, but when he encountered Lu Zheng’s piercing gaze, he hesitated.

Someone tugged at his wide sleeve, and out of the corner of his eye, the justice court official saw the Minister of Justice subtly shaking his head. Reluctantly, he resumed his seat.

Ultimately, he was just a scholar who had been manipulated by others. What did it matter to him whether he lived or died? Why did he bear a grudge against Master Lu Sheng?

Recognizing this, the Supreme Court officials chose not to intervene. The Minister of Justice and Yu Shi Zhong cast sympathetic glances toward the scholar.

They were almost certain that the scholar’s fate would be dire. Master Lu rarely defended anyone so resolutely, but when he did, he saw it through to the end.

The official glanced at Zuo Shaoqing, who stood nearby. His expression shifted, sensing an unspoken understanding between the two.

“This student has been falsely accused!” the scholar cried out. Just as he lifted his head to speak, a burly man approached, lifting him effortlessly as if he were handling a chick.

Before he could utter another word, a piece of cloth was forcibly stuffed into his mouth, the pungent scent of blood filling his nostrils, inducing fear.

“Let’s go,” Lu Zheng ordered, motioning for Zuo Shaoqing to follow him, and they exited the Ministry of Justice with their men.

Zuo Shaoqing couldn’t help but worry about Hee Zhicheng. Though he had only met the middle-aged scholar once, he sensed that he was different from the average scholar, exuding an air of distinction.

Hee Zhicheng gave him a cryptic smile and then stood upright in the courtroom.

As Zuo Shaoqing walked past him, he softly whispered, “Take care.” He then trailed behind Lu Zheng as they made their way out.

As they moved through the crowd, people naturally made way for them. Zuo Shaoqing carefully kept pace with Lu Zheng, not too close, not too far, but just the right distance.

A guard brought Lu Zheng’s horse forward, and Lu Zheng mounted it gracefully. He turned and extended his hand toward Zuo Shaoqing.

Zuo Shaoqing’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. He glanced around and noticed that all eyes were still on them. He shot an annoyed and embarrassed look at Lu Zheng’s outstretched hand.

Lu Zheng persisted in offering his hand, and Zuo Shaoqing finally relented. He placed his delicate hand in Lu Zheng’s palm, and their fingers intertwined.

In that moment, it felt as if Zuo Shaoqing was not merely holding someone’s hand, but cradling their entire life.

As Zuo Shaoqing was lifted onto the horse, he positioned himself comfortably, his back pressing against the cool, soft armor of Lu Zheng. It almost felt as if he could sense the rhythmic beating of Lu Zheng’s heart.

“Get settled!” Lu Zheng secured Zuo Shaoqing around the waist with one hand while gripping the reins with the other. He gently nudged the horse forward. Passersby watched in astonishment as Zuo Shaoqing rode alongside Lu Zheng on their way to Wu Steel Manor.

Zuo Shaoqing hesitated to ride in front of so many onlookers while still feeling a bit disoriented from being lifted onto the horse.

Along the journey, he didn’t pay much attention to the reactions of others. He wondered if anyone had guessed the unconventional bond between him and Lu Zheng.

Even though it might not have been the ideal moment to reveal their relationship, Zuo Shaoqing felt a mixture of joy and anxiety. The chance to openly walk alongside Lu Zheng was something he had long yearned for.

Recollecting the moment he sat atop the horse, he had an unobstructed view from above. Behind him was the sturdy figure of Lu Zheng, offering a profound sense of relaxation.

Upon entering Duke Zhen’s estate with Lu Zheng, the servants greeted them with utmost respect. Lu Zheng led them into a private chamber and closed the door with a resounding click, shielding them from prying eyes.

Before Zuo Shaoqing could react, his lips were sealed in a kiss by Lu Zheng. He instinctively wrapped his arms around Lu Zheng’s shoulders, encountering the cold, unyielding armor and the faint scent of blood.

His hand traced along Lu Zheng’s chest as he tried to locate the fastening point of the armor and remove it.

Lu Zheng cradled Zuo Shaoqing’s waist with one hand and supported the back of his head with the other. He kissed Zuo Shaoqing softly, all while observing the small hand’s explorations on his body from the corner of his eye.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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